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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Pink Aelita (07/08/07)

Thanks for signing my gb it was really nice I luv ur site. Its very interesting well hope we can become friends and heres my randomness of the day
Well bye

~Pink Aelita

Seto Grl (07/08/07)

Hey don't mention it. I want to be your friend so I am adding you. Hey pm me anytime..kk? Well bye.


XKitsukoX (07/02/07)

Hey this is Ultimatelifeform. I hope you re-add me if you want. I shall be doing all my updates and such here. So sayonara till now.

tama 14 (07/02/07)

hi i pm you so you know bye

ps- nicesite1

The shadows fall (06/27/07)

Hey dude sweet site, ozzy is the man.

animefanatic (06/27/07)

hello.... i have invaded your site muahahahaha.....anyway like the site~~hannah

Rukia Gurl (06/26/07)

hey wat up luv yur site is kewl

if u dont mind dat i added u

Rukia Gurl

EMo BuNnY (06/26/07)

hello there! i absolutly love yoru site, the BG is very kewl :3 feel free to PM me any time you like, hope i hear from you soon!

♥ Jenni

HIATAI (06/22/07)

nice site!!!

euses1 (06/22/07)

Hi there! Ur site's kewl... I hope we'll bccum great friendz... kk, see u! ^^

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