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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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silverdragongirl (03/10/07)

hey^_^ a new site! thats cool=D
i like the background a lot...not much else to say since we already know each other, sooo...
ttyl, byebye!

Magnus Lensherr (03/10/07)


Best of luck with your new site ~ Laughs ~ Really does look so much liek your old one i wouldnt have noticed had you not emnrtioned the changein your post!

Well yea a home away from home!

Only Darkness Will Live On For Eternity

HardLuckWoman (03/09/07)

Hello there Edgie-san (don't ask, I just felt like saying that.) Signing your new guestbook. I'll be sure to add your name again. Later.

Zero Tolerance
The Eternal Vash Obsessie

Wensdayskitten (03/09/07)

The new site looks nice. Just signing the guestbook agian. It seems some peoples sites are breaking down on them. I say to your old site give it a quick kick to the bum. That show fix it.

Later Cat ^_^

morbid twilight (03/09/07)

HELLO! I'm signing just like I promised! Anyway, I have forfilled my promise and now I will be going.
See Ya.

-morbid twilight

sora kairi 4ever (03/09/07)

love the new site^^

see you around....

~sora kairi 4ever~

Grifter99 (03/09/07)

Well, now that you're all settled in, you can get back to posting your usual brand o' entertainment.

Brought you a house warming gift *hands you a bottle o' whiskey* I expect you to wait until you can fully (and legally) enjoy this, bub.

Take care,


Vigro angel (03/09/07)

Hey Edge!
This site looks just like your old one!so,I guess that I have to add you again.
See you soon

Kunoichi Warrior (03/09/07)

Yup! It's me again! Miss me? Funny, you signed your own GB! Ha! That's weird.

In anycase i love the new site! It's sooooo cool, especially the background.

See ya around, Edge!

~Kunoichi Warrior

GothicNarutoFan (03/09/07)

Hey! I came to sign your gb and add you as a friend. You're lucky I'm signing your gb. I don't usually sign a lot. XD Everyone signs mine though. Awesome site by the way!

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