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The protective knight
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I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
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Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now umm…for once Edge had a day full of something that he himself did not expect to happen…what is it you ask? Well…umm…Edge got himself a car. Yes you heard me right, I went around looking at cars, not expecting to buy anything for a couple days, but when I got to a dealership and they showed me a Ford Mustang that was in my price range I just couldn’t pass it up, so Edge is now a proud owner of a 2004 Ford Mustang. I can’t say the color suits my taste, but I’m alright with the color white. And I guess I might as well say it’s one of the 40th Anniversary ones too…(don’t ask I have no idea either), but hey I’m just happy that I finally was able to get myself a car, now to the one downside of this car…I bought a stick shift, and I have no idea how to drive it just yet…I’m currently working on it…the guy at the dealership showed me for thirty minutes on how to drive it…but all that did was get me home, with a few mistakes, instead of the TONS I should have had. Anyways as I said yesterday the latest chapter of “The Cursed Knight” is coming along just perfectly. Some of you heard of some wars in Europe, well I have incorporated at the least one of them into this chapter. So do look and try to figure out which European war I’m talking about, well that’s all for my post. I do hope you guys enjoy the rest of it.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “Are you still going to do that other story?” Yes I am still going to write the other story, but only after I finished “The Cursed Knight” so all I can say is be patient and wait for it…geez, rushing me. The next question is from Gidra, and she asks “What is Barnes & Noble?” It’s a giant book store that is in America…and possible other countries…not sure though. It’s just a type of store that sells books, movies, CDs, and other things book related. Next question is from Morbid Twilight, and she asks “what do you want to do for a career?” Well I’ll probably become a teacher, even though someone keeps telling me I should become a voice actor because I have a very WIDE amount of voices to my name, that and I have a nice voice to begin with. But I’ll most likely become a teacher for sure.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says “I'm so happy to hear how you started with chapter 22. It sounds like it's gonna be an interesting chapter to read.” Yes chapter 22 will be a very interesting chapter to read, and it will be even more interesting if you actually enough history…if you don’t then you may find this chapter a little slow in the beginning for you, but hey I write what I write for reasons, and you all shall see why I included what I did in this chapter. The second discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Gidra is right; it is one of the best.” YAY!!! Edge writes one of the best stories on the Otaku, Edge is happy to hear this news, now TWO people think it is truly a great story.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) What’s your favorite day? (Monday, Tuesday, ect?) Wednesday is favorite day.
Today’s Question
1.) So how good do you think “The Cursed Knight” is (Scale of 1-10)(10 being great, one being horrible)
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Sunday, August 12, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now what did Edge do this weekend? Oh that’s right, on Saturday I hung out with a bunch of my friends. We didn’t do much of anything to be honest…in fact we just went to Barnes & Noble….for about two hours, and then went to the movies to watch Transformers…yes I know I’ve seen the movie once already, but hey it was a good enough movie that I was willing to watch it again. And then of course on Sunday I went to work…like always…*sigh*…when will I get a Sunday off? Oh well…but Edge does have some good news to report…or at least for a few of you that is. I’ve already started on chapter 22 of “The Cursed Knight” and man this chapter is taking a jump through time…and you’ll get to see a lot more of Edge’s true personality (story Edge not real Edge)…I know confusing. Anyways it seems this chapter will be filled with more of the historical factors that makes up “The Cursed Knight”, but don’t fear for those of you that look for the action packed bliss that is “The Cursed Knight” I shall try to work some into this chapter, like always. But yeah that seems to be the end of this post, so I shall talk with you guys later, and please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she asks “Is it really that hard to come up with questions?” yes it really is hard for me to think up questions…it would seem I have ran out of questions to ask you guys.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says “Your story is really one of the best here on MyO.” Aww…now that makes Edge feel better about his story. Knowing it has been called one of the best on the Otaku…now that is something for me to be proud of.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Sorry no question.
Today’s Question
1.) What’s your favorite day? (Monday, Tuesday, ect?)
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Saturday, August 11, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now sorry that yesterday’s post sounded more like a taped TV show (as LS put it) but hey when you know you won’t be home until three in the morning it’s always good to type the post when you can. But anyways I’m glad to hear that you guys enjoyed chapter 21. It took me awhile to think of what to do, but when it came to me boy did it ever come to me. And yes few of you actually couldn’t believe that the once childish Rire would become the monstrous Raikou, but hey what can you expect from the twisted mind that is known as Edge’s? But hey I’m glad all of you enjoyed the latest chapter of “The Cursed Knight”. I’m always happy to know that my writing is actually enjoyed, and hell as most of you know if I didn’t have you guys reading this I wouldn’t ever write it…what can I say I’m usually too lazy to want to write, but I will write if my friends want something to read…and it seems all of you do. Anyways not sure what I’ll be doing today, but hey you never know these days. Anyways I shall try to talk to you guys later today, and I do hope you guys enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Kutekittykyo, and she asks “Have you thought of being a real writer?” Well no not really, I wouldn’t mind writing real stories and then have them published…but I don’t want to do it as a job…it’s just not in me to write all the time. Besides I’d rather be a teacher and do pretty much to nothing…ah yes Edge shall be the best teacher ever.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Badass. I remember what you told me about Rire... but you didn't mention what you have here... very good.” Well I’m glad you like the change to your character, he may not be Rire completely, but he is still the same in a sense…trust me you’ll find out in later chapters what I’m talking about. The second discussion is from Gidra, and she says “I can't believe I fell for your trickery. I knew that Elemental Lord was Rire but I chose to believe you. You are just.....mean.” Edge is not mean, he is just a great writer and is able to get my readers to believe what I want them to believe. I mean I could probably convince all of anything.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So was chapter 21 of “The Cursed Knight” good? I would have to say it was, because it was well received by all of you guys.
Today’s Question
1.) Sorry no question.
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Twenty-One
“ The Truth Revealed”
“I’ve never heard of any Elemental Arch Lords before.” Question Aeris as she looked at this figure standing in there in the smoking hole. “The reason you’ve never heard of me is clear. You are far too weak to have known Master Aroth’s true reasons for dispatching you fools to fight a warrior out of your league.” Spoke this mysterious sliver haired warrior. “I’ll show you who is weak you god damn arrogant bastard.” Screamed Aeris as she launched herself at the Arch Lord of Lighting. “No Aeris!” Screamed Solum as he threw himself in front of Aeris and grabbed her in his massive arms. “Why did you stop me Solum?!” Asked Aeris in an angry tone of voice. “Because Lady Aeris…he would have killed you.” Spoke Solum before he spilt up some blood that started to run down his chin. “Solum? What’s wrong Solum?” Questioned Aeris in a saddened voice. “As I sad Lady Aeris…he would have killed you…but now instead of you dying by his hands it was me, but promise me one thing Lady Aeris.” Spoke Solum as he let Aeris out of his grasp. “Anything Solum, I’ll do anything.” Spoke Aeris as tears started to pour down her cheeks. “Live on, become stronger…help Edge defeat Master Aroth…stop him before he destroys this world that we are apart of.” Said Solum as he coughed up more blood. “I’m getting tired of this emotional shit. Time for you weaklings to die.” Said the Arch Lord of Lighting as he lifted a staff from his back.
“Sir Edge take care of Lady Aeris. She will be a major help to you along your journeys, I would have loved to join along side you two, but alas it would seem I’ll be dying here. So please leave now!” Shouted Solum as he turned around to face the Arch Lord of Lighting. “Please not only are you bleeding uncontrollably, but you are also so far below my level of strength that a simple punch left a gapping hole in your back.” Mocked the Arch Lord. “Sir Edge leave now! Before he kills me and goes after Lady Aeris!” Shouted Solum one last time before he was sliced in half by a simple swing of the Arch Lord’s staff. “Just as I said, you were far too weak for me to have even taken you seriously. Oh well time to finish off the last of the weak Elemental Lords.” Spoke the frightening Arch Lord as he started to walk towards Aeris. “Hey Edge! Get out of that daze you’re in. You heard Solum, it was his dying wish for you and me to work together and get the hell out of here alive.” Shouted Aeris as she continued to step back with each of Raikou’s steps forward. “My dear Lady Aeris, Edge won’t stand in my way, nor will he save you. And I’ll even tell you why he won’t. For one you have been his enemy for far too long for him to even care what happens to you and two the Edge that I know would never kill an old friend.” Spoke Raikou with confidence in his voice.
“But Edge is a man of honor, not only would he not let a lady get killed like this, but to have been begged by a man on his death bed…I’m sure Edge wouldn’t let you kill me.” Spoke Aeris as she came to a stop upon a giant stone that blocked her escape. “Well I do doubt he’ll do anything…and unlike what I did to your friend over there. I think I’ll try my powers out on you.” Spoke Raikou as he lifted his right hand up and placed it in front of himself. “Mico Ictus, Flash Bolt…now please do die Lady Aeris.” Said the Arch Lord of Lighting as a bolt of lighting shoot out from his palm towards Aeris. “RIRE!!!” I screamed as I jumped in front of Aeris and swung Acies at the bolt of lighting flying towards her slicing it in half. “Ah Edge, it does seem like you remember the very friend you let die.” Said Raikou in a sinister voice. “I did not let you die, you were taken away when my blade was not at my disposal…and I was also pinned to a column. I couldn’t save you…but I tired my friend, I truly did try to save you.” I said to Rire as I stood there watching the blood run down my arm. “Well I hate to say this Edge, but Rire is dead, and now Raikou is reborn in his place. I now have the power to defeat you, and not only that but just like you I shall remain on this planet until the day the ground splits open and the skies themselves rain fire.” Spoke Rire has he looked upon the sky with both hands held about his head. “What is wrong with you? You’ve become some religious fool, following in the footsteps of a false god, tell you that you shall remain forever. Nothing in this world is forever, take a look at the Elemental Lords, they were said to be gods, and yet I’ve killed them all with just my sword.” I said as I held Acies up in front of me pointing it at Raikou.
“Do you think I fear that sword Edge? I am above an Elemental Lord; for god’s sake I’m an Elemental Arch Lord. There is nothing upon this world that can even damage me.” Spoke Rire in the most arrogate tone. “Did you forget that this blade of mine will kill your lord and master Aroth, if it can kill him, don’t you think it’ll be more than easily cut through you?” I questioned Rire. “But Edge my old friend, you must have forgotten, you will never be able to kill me. After already thinking I was killed and then to have seen me again, I highly doubt you have it in you to ever kill me.” Mocked Rire as he started to laugh. “Damn you Rire.” I said under my breath. “Ah…Lady Aeris, it seems that I won’t be able to kill you this day. For my master as called me back. So upon our next meeting I shall rip that heart out that has kept you from killing our master true enemy. Until our next meeting.” Spoke Raikou has he vanished in the flash of a bolt of lighting. As I stood there still in complete shock that the one friend I had made was converted into a monster that was under Aroth’s control when Aeris all of a sudden swung and connected with my head. “What the hell was that for you damn woman?!” I shouted as I grabbed the back of my head. “That’s what you get for almost getting here too late and almost getting me killed!” She yelled back at me crossing her arms in front of her. “Well I’m so sorry, I was in shock knowing my best friend has been turned into a villain.” I said sarcastically to Aeris. “Well get over it Edge, we are now both being hunted by Aroth, so I say we should join up and try to destroy him and your old friend.” Aeris said with a serious look upon her face.
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Friday, August 10, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now it would seem that I wasn’t able to post yesterday…ahh…sorry about that guys. I kind of hung out with a few friends of mine and I didn’t get back until about one in the morning, and then me and Iruka were on the phone from one to three in the morning…so yeah no time to really post my normal Edge style. But hey I’m posting today…sort of…this post is a pre-typed so it will not have any information about the store I’m doing tonight…or since you guys reading it now, last night. But yeah, just know that I was in there long enough that I knew better than to write the post when I got home, because if I had none of you would get to read chapter 21 today…so Edge did a smart move, so HAHA! Anyways for any of you that are friends with Iruka she asked me to tell you that she wouldn’t be able to get onto the computer for a while now…and that she is sorry about that, but things have come up and it will prevent her from posting and most likely visiting. But yeah I have nothing much else to talk about, but I do know one thing and that is that chapter 21 of “The Cursed Knight” is now up and ready for all of you to read, now as I’ve been getting into the habit of doing, if you haven’t read the first 20 chapters or any select chapters then just PM me about it and we shall see what we can do to get you caught up, but only if you truly want to, because if you really don’t want to read it then, I really don’t want to send it to anyone. But yeah I shall try to talk to you guys later today…hopefully. And please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Kutekittykyo, and she asks “Do you have a pet?” Yes Edge owns a himself a cat…yes Edge likes kitties…get over it.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka, and she says “And for teasing I shall never ever stop...tis what we women do best.” And here I thought that looking hot was what girls do best…but then again I suppose I’ll never know about a girl teasing being the best thing she can do, because Edge himself is not a girl…nor never wants to be one. Anyways the second discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I could never imagine you as a girl anyway.” Well good because by thinking about Edge as a girl would throw your mind into a downward spiral, because Edge is already good looking; just think if I were a girl, Edge would just be so sexy it would hurt.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) How do you relax? I relax by going to sleep and listening to music.
Today’s Question
(Friday’s Normal question)
1.) So was chapter 21 of “The Cursed Knight” good?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Twenty-One
“ The Truth Revealed”
“I’ve never heard of any Elemental Arch Lords before.” Question Aeris as she looked at this figure standing in there in the smoking hole. “The reason you’ve never heard of me is clear. You are far too weak to have known Master Aroth’s true reasons for dispatching you fools to fight a warrior out of your league.” Spoke this mysterious sliver haired warrior. “I’ll show you who is weak you god damn arrogant bastard.” Screamed Aeris as she launched herself at the Arch Lord of Lighting. “No Aeris!” Screamed Solum as he threw himself in front of Aeris and grabbed her in his massive arms. “Why did you stop me Solum?!” Asked Aeris in an angry tone of voice. “Because Lady Aeris…he would have killed you.” Spoke Solum before he spilt up some blood that started to run down his chin. “Solum? What’s wrong Solum?” Questioned Aeris in a saddened voice. “As I sad Lady Aeris…he would have killed you…but now instead of you dying by his hands it was me, but promise me one thing Lady Aeris.” Spoke Solum as he let Aeris out of his grasp. “Anything Solum, I’ll do anything.” Spoke Aeris as tears started to pour down her cheeks. “Live on, become stronger…help Edge defeat Master Aroth…stop him before he destroys this world that we are apart of.” Said Solum as he coughed up more blood. “I’m getting tired of this emotional shit. Time for you weaklings to die.” Said the Arch Lord of Lighting as he lifted a staff from his back.
“Sir Edge take care of Lady Aeris. She will be a major help to you along your journeys, I would have loved to join along side you two, but alas it would seem I’ll be dying here. So please leave now!” Shouted Solum as he turned around to face the Arch Lord of Lighting. “Please not only are you bleeding uncontrollably, but you are also so far below my level of strength that a simple punch left a gapping hole in your back.” Mocked the Arch Lord. “Sir Edge leave now! Before he kills me and goes after Lady Aeris!” Shouted Solum one last time before he was sliced in half by a simple swing of the Arch Lord’s staff. “Just as I said, you were far too weak for me to have even taken you seriously. Oh well time to finish off the last of the weak Elemental Lords.” Spoke the frightening Arch Lord as he started to walk towards Aeris. “Hey Edge! Get out of that daze you’re in. You heard Solum, it was his dying wish for you and me to work together and get the hell out of here alive.” Shouted Aeris as she continued to step back with each of Raikou’s steps forward. “My dear Lady Aeris, Edge won’t stand in my way, nor will he save you. And I’ll even tell you why he won’t. For one you have been his enemy for far too long for him to even care what happens to you and two the Edge that I know would never kill an old friend.” Spoke Raikou with confidence in his voice.
“But Edge is a man of honor, not only would he not let a lady get killed like this, but to have been begged by a man on his death bed…I’m sure Edge wouldn’t let you kill me.” Spoke Aeris as she came to a stop upon a giant stone that blocked her escape. “Well I do doubt he’ll do anything…and unlike what I did to your friend over there. I think I’ll try my powers out on you.” Spoke Raikou as he lifted his right hand up and placed it in front of himself. “Mico Ictus, Flash Bolt…now please do die Lady Aeris.” Said the Arch Lord of Lighting as a bolt of lighting shoot out from his palm towards Aeris. “RIRE!!!” I screamed as I jumped in front of Aeris and swung Acies at the bolt of lighting flying towards her slicing it in half. “Ah Edge, it does seem like you remember the very friend you let die.” Said Raikou in a sinister voice. “I did not let you die, you were taken away when my blade was not at my disposal…and I was also pinned to a column. I couldn’t save you…but I tired my friend, I truly did try to save you.” I said to Rire as I stood there watching the blood run down my arm. “Well I hate to say this Edge, but Rire is dead, and now Raikou is reborn in his place. I now have the power to defeat you, and not only that but just like you I shall remain on this planet until the day the ground splits open and the skies themselves rain fire.” Spoke Rire has he looked upon the sky with both hands held about his head. “What is wrong with you? You’ve become some religious fool, following in the footsteps of a false god, tell you that you shall remain forever. Nothing in this world is forever, take a look at the Elemental Lords, they were said to be gods, and yet I’ve killed them all with just my sword.” I said as I held Acies up in front of me pointing it at Raikou.
“Do you think I fear that sword Edge? I am above an Elemental Lord; for god’s sake I’m an Elemental Arch Lord. There is nothing upon this world that can even damage me.” Spoke Rire in the most arrogate tone. “Did you forget that this blade of mine will kill your lord and master Aroth, if it can kill him, don’t you think it’ll be more than easily cut through you?” I questioned Rire. “But Edge my old friend, you must have forgotten, you will never be able to kill me. After already thinking I was killed and then to have seen me again, I highly doubt you have it in you to ever kill me.” Mocked Rire as he started to laugh. “Damn you Rire.” I said under my breath. “Ah…Lady Aeris, it seems that I won’t be able to kill you this day. For my master as called me back. So upon our next meeting I shall rip that heart out that has kept you from killing our master true enemy. Until our next meeting.” Spoke Raikou has he vanished in the flash of a bolt of lighting. As I stood there still in complete shock that the one friend I had made was converted into a monster that was under Aroth’s control when Aeris all of a sudden swung and connected with my head. “What the hell was that for you damn woman?!” I shouted as I grabbed the back of my head. “That’s what you get for almost getting here too late and almost getting me killed!” She yelled back at me crossing her arms in front of her. “Well I’m so sorry, I was in shock knowing my best friend has been turned into a villain.” I said sarcastically to Aeris. “Well get over it Edge, we are now both being hunted by Aroth, so I say we should join up and try to destroy him and your old friend.” Aeris said with a serious look upon her face.
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now were to start off today’s post? Oh hell I don’t know…all I remember doing yesterday was talk to Iruka through out the day, and drawing some. I was also watching some DVDs, but yeah that’s not very important. Anyways moving on, I’ve submitted yet another fan art of a captain from Bleach, this time it’s everyone’s least favorite captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi…or that crazy captain that looks like a member from Kiss…as Lordsesshomaru’s picture of the day showed us. But yes I have submitted it, and hopefully it’ll do better than my Aizen one did, because that one didn’t do too well. But oh well it’s just a picture. Anyways “The Cursed Knight” is coming along just fine…even though I just realized that I’ll be working Thursday night, which means that the latest chapter may be posted a little late…because I’ll be counting a Petsmart that night…and as all of you know that is one big pet store…so I have no idea when I’ll be getting out of that store…but do not worry “The Cursed Knight” will be posted Friday…even if I have to post it at nine in the morning. But yes…it will be up so do not worry my friends. Anyways that seems to conclude my post for this day, I shall try to talk to you guys later today. And please do enjoy the rest of my post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Iruka, and she asks “If you were a girl what would your name be?” I don’t know…I wasn’t allowed to name myself. In fact my parents didn’t even have a female named picked out just in case I did turn out to be a girl. So in all facts Edge was expected to be born a boy and as luck has it I was. Anyways the next question is from Sesslover18, and she asks “If you were an animal, what kind would you be?” Edge as an animal…hmm…now that’s a hard one. But I’ll have to go with being a lion…what could be more Edge like than being the lazy male lion that lays around all day and eats the food the women killed? The next question is from Gidra and she asks “Nanao Ise or Iruka's sexy no jutsu?” Ah…this is a test right? As in my Iruka or the male version off of Naruto? I’m confused as to how this question was asked…now if you are saying the Iruka that I’m dating compared to Nanao, then I pick my Iruka…but if you are talking about the male Iruka using Naruto’s sexy no jutsu then I’ll take Nanao, because I know it’s a guy in a girls shape. Anyways the next question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “Bacon or ham?” Ah…the ultimate question…*sits down and starts to think hard*…hmm…I shall say ham, because at least I can eat it in many different ways and I can at least eat it for any time. The next question is from FF333, and she asks “What is your dream job?” Getting paid to do nothing…DUH! The next question is from Xaos, and he asks “What exactly are you studying for in college what do you want to be?” Edge is studying history in college and has plans to most likely become a teacher…even though I have a feeling those kids will be the end of Edge…oh well. The next question is from Morbid Twilight, and she asks “Have you ever wanted to be a girl?” Hmm…now how do I put this nicely? There is no fucking way in which Edge has ever wanted to be a girl! I enjoy being male way too much to want to be anything else…now I wouldn’t mind going into the girls locker room, that is for sure…but I’d rather stay a guy though.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka, and she says “Well I am a girl and that is what I do....TEASE EDGE!!!!” Not only are you a girl, but you are also Edge’s girlfriend so teasing me is not only what you do…it’s your job, but come on…you don’t have to tease me all the time. Anyways the second discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Iruka's right, since she is a girl she may tease she how ever and when ever she likes. It's our right, heehee.” HEY!!! You’re Edge’s friend, you’re suppose to agree with me not her…woman are truly evil…but whatever.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Got a question for me? Nope not a single question for you.
Today’s Question
1.) How do you relax?
Soul Society Contest

Well it is time to announce that there will now be a Bleach contest that will be hosted for the new Soul Society Fan Club.
Anyway the contest has 3 Catergories:
1. Drawing your charater of the Soul Society in uniform or whatever they wear. Creative backgrounds are suggested. Shading/coloring is fine.
2. Draw any Bleach character you desite but be creative with backgrounds. Shading/coloring is fine.
3. Basically you can use any Bleach memeber for a wallpaper (but preferably Captains and Co Captains)
Well myself and Iruka Sensei will be the judges and there will be 3 winners of each category. A contestant can enter in all 3 if desired and may post more then one picture as well. The artworks will be judged on quality, effort, and creativeness. They will not be judged on votes or downloads. So if you aren't featured and get 3 votes you still may be a winner because you worked hard at what you did.
All the same for all categories
~ 1st place
Layout of choice, Button of choice, icon of choice, wallpaper of choice, fanart of choice
~2nd place
button, fanart, icon, wallpaper
~3rd place
Icon, button, and a wallpaper
We need Shinigami to enter and this contest will be about a mouth in a long and maybe a bit longer. We will say from August 9th - September 15th so it is a long contest and gives you time to enter. Yes we realize school will be starting but we would appreciate as many people joining as possible. If you wish to enter contact me or Iruka Sensei and we will put you on the list.
Comments (17) |
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now yesterday was a nice day to work…yeah two days in a row Edge had to work…ok I know a few of you work everyday, but come on this is Edge we’re talking about here. My job normally doesn’t give me two days in a row, more like two a week. But yeah enjoy about Edge complaining about working. But the funny thing is the store we did yesterday was a hardware store, boy do I hate those, but oddly enough Edge finally didn’t get stuck in nuts and bolts. So the store was fine by me, besides I was actually put into easy areas. Anyways even before I went to work I had a nice day, I woke up to my girlfriend calling me, which I do always love. And then I had to loan my mom $100 to get a new batter for the car…because earlier it had died and she got someone to jump start the car, so yeah Edge is a giver…but only when he sees fit. The latest chapter of “The Cursed Knight” is coming along great; this chapter is a lot easier for me to write. I really should be able to get it out by Friday. Oh and I’m not submitting a new fan art today…yesterday’s didn’t do too well so I’m going to hold this one back until tomorrow…so yeah, anyways that’s all for today people. I hope you enjoy the rest of the post, and I shall talk to you guys later.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “Maybe you should send me the chapters I missed?” And maybe you should tell which chapter you left off with. And then maybe you should PM me with you e-mail address, and then we’ll talk about me sending you the chapters you’ve missed. The next question is from Morbid Twilight, and she asks “how do you write in the second person?” Hell if Edge knows…he doesn’t know how to write in second person anyways…that or I just can’t seem to remember how to…either way I don’t write in it very often. Anyways the net question is from Yensid, and she asks “When does school start for you and what classes are you taking?” Ahh…I think classes start on the 16th, but I’m not sure and I’ll be checking on that later this week…and I’ll tell you my classes tomorrow…if I remember…so you may need to ask me again. The final question is from Metal Dragon, and he asks “Could you possibly PM me the chapters since the beginning?” Sure, but I honestly believe it to be easier to send my story over E-mail simply because of its size…but PM me about that and we’ll talk more upon that subject.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says “Its good are working on newest chapter. Bravo Edge! You are not lazy as you think.” You’re right, I’m not as lazy as I think…I’m far lazier than I could ever think I was, because I find it too much work to think, so in other words I’m too lazy to even think how lazy I am.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Who’d win; Lord Sesshomaru (Inuyasha) or Zabuza (Naruto)? Well I don’t like Sesshomaru that much, and since everyone else voted for him I’m going to go with my favorite of the two and say Zabuza, but only because he is WAY cooler than Sesshomaru.
Today’s Question
1.) Got a question for me?
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Monday, August 6, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now yesterday was a nice day to work…as always it seems. I swear why is it that I always seem to work on Sundays? But hey that also was a factor into why I no longer post on Sundays…work always seems to get in the way. Anyways I was also able to get some work done on my latest chapter of “The Cursed Knight” and it’s looking pretty good if I do say so myself…and of course I say so…This newest chapter should reveal most of the questions all of you were wondering at the end of the last chapter. Who is this mysterious warrior, why is Edge shocked, what happens to Aeris and Solum, and the ultimate question…why does this warrior stop Edge’s and Aeris’ battle? Most of those question will be answered, and so much more…Also I have submitted yet again another fan art piece. This time it happens to be Aizen of the Goten 13. So yeah if you want go check it out, but if you don’t want to then don’t worry about it, it’s just a drawing after all. Anyways I shall try to get to everyone’s sites today…*hoping too many people don’t update*…Also please enjoy the rest of the post, and I shall talk with you guys later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she asks “Is it hard typing in third person?” Actually I don’t know if it’s hard or not…I’m just so used to it that every now and then I just start talking in it…even if I don’t mean to. Hell as all of you that read my story knows I write it in first person, which I’ve been told is not only unusual but also pretty difficult to do. And yet I can’t seem to write in any other fashion…so yeah…first person stories and third person post, now to start talking in second person…what…how do I do that again?
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says “Only you know how ready I am. I just hope that laziness attack will spare you. And that 21st chapter will see the light of day next Friday.” Ah yes I know what you mean, but so far laziness has spared me his/her wrath (I’m not sure if laziness is a boy or a girl)…anyways to be honest I have a good portion of chapter 1 written at this moment…I just need to finish it up and it’ll be ready to be post this Friday.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So are you ready for Chapter 21? Yeah I’m looking forward to it, as a matter of fact that I’ve actually started
Today’s Question
(one of Lordsesshomaru’s old style questions)
1.) Who’d win; Lord Sesshomaru (Inuyasha) or Zabuza (Naruto)?
Comments (14) |
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now it seems that I once again was not able to get to everyone’s sites…damn it all…and the really sad thing is that I have a small friends list…I’d hate to have one like Lordsesshomaru or my girlfriend Iruka…I truly feel for you two. It would also seem that my story was enjoyed even due to it’s unusual length, but do not fear my faithful fans I shall reveal main of the questions you are asking about that last battle, and yes I will try to make this up coming chapter either the normal length or maybe even longer…who knows…not even myself. Oh and for those of you that have not read any other chapters if you truly wish to read the other chapters then all you must do is PM me and ask for the other chapters, I have no problem with sending you guys a copy so that you may catch up on the story, but if you don’t want to read the rest, then don’t worry because I honestly could careless if you want to or don’t want to read it, doesn’t hurt my feelings any. Also I won’t be submitting any fan arts until Monday, just to give myself a small break. So yeah there shall be nothing new from Edge until Monday…well other than this post of course…but then again I won’t be posting again until Monday…but you get my point anyways. So yeah…please enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Metal, and he asks “Am I right? Or do you think that I'm thinking to hard?” Well I suppose if you believe you are truly thinking too hard then you must be, but in Edge’s mind set you never think too hard…that is until your head explodes…then you thought too much…and now I’ll have to clean my site…
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she says “Grr...I want to know who he is. He interrupted the fight.” Well I hate to say you’ll just have to wait until next Friday to find out who this mystery warrior from the sky is. So tune in next week for a new installment of DBZ…wait…I mean “The Cursed Knight.”…geez I need to stop watching TV some days. Anyways the second discussion is from Grave, and he says “I wish I could find a girl I get along that good with.” Well then start looking dude, you’ll never find a girl sitting on your ass in front of the computer…ok I take that back…but yeah in order to find a girl you need to look for a girl. Anyways the third discussion is from Metal Dragon, and he says “Oh, and don't worry about commenting on my posts. You've never do so nothing's changed.” Oh…sorry about that dude…I swear the next time you post I shall be there to comment, just to make up for not getting to you sooner. The fourth discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Referring to yourself in third person is a bit unique seeing as not too many people do it. I think it's a good way to add a bit of personality/character to your typing.” HAHA! If Lordsesshomaru says it then it must be true. That or he was just saying something random like always…but yes referring to myself as Edge I have given myself a distinct characteristic that no other…or as far as I know…has done to this day. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Gidra, and she says “It will be interesting. Because Edge is never in shock over anything.” Yes this up coming chapter should be great…or so I hope at least. The unveiling of the newest villain, the double crossing that happens, and the ultimate defeat for one of the strongest. But I won’t say any more…I’d hate to ruin the next chapter for anyone. Anyways the sixth discussion is from Xaos, and he says “I just want to say first it is my first time reading your story and I love it because of the action a lot of the stories I've been reading either aren't about action or skimp on it.” Yes this is very true, but as I mentioned earlier in the post, if you wish to read more of the story all you have to do is PM me about the other 19 chapters and I’ll be more than happy to send you all the other action packed chapters. Anyways the seventh discussion is from Kita, and she says “I feel as you do with the fight between Edge and Aeris. This is not a fight that is to take place. After all Aeris is in love with Edge... and I believe he is starting to return the feeling for her...” Ah yes…the theory that Aeris as feelings for Edge…I have no idea what could have given such a belief off, but who knows…it just may be true. But as I said yesterday I felt that the battle between Aeris and Edge shouldn’t have happened…for some odd reason I didn’t feel comfortable with having those two fight, but oh well the fight is over and a new enemy has shown up.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Are you mad that this story is too short? No I’m not mad…but I am upset that it was this short.
Today’s Question
1.) So are you ready for Chapter 21?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Twenty
“The Secret War”
“I was hoping you would have realized that my lord’s offer was in your best wishes.” Spoke Aeris as she actually pulled what looked like a swords hilt from behind her back. “Oh so now you’re trying to reason with me? And yet you pull a weapon from behind you. Well as you probably already figured out I will never accept your master’s request, but I shall accept your invite to battle with you to the death.” I said as I positioned both of my blades at my sides. “Don’t tell me you’re going to use the same attack as before Edge? You do know like you the same move won’t work on me twice.” Questioned Aeris as she held the sword hilt with both hands as a column of air started to form. “Well now Aeris I must say I’m impressed. You’ve created a blade from pure air, I’m sure that will hurt no matter how little of it will touch my flesh. But I’m sad to report that I’m not using the same move against you, in fact I just thought of this one, so let’s hope it does well.” I joked as I soon vanished.
“Edge you really think I can not feel your movements? You forget I am the Elemental Lord of Air after all.” Aeris said with a boastful attitude. “Well Aeris I was hoping you’d think you could figure out where I was, but alas my dear you truly have no idea.” I said as I appeared right behind her with both blades at my side. “What in the hell?!” She screamed as she flung her blade of air towards me. As the blade cut through me I said “Aw Aeris, I thought you knew where I was.” As her blade continued she finally figure out that she was not cutting me, but just a mere image. “Damn you Edge. Where in the hell did you gain such powers?” Aeris questioned me. “Now Aeris if I were to reveal all my little secrets how would I defeat you?” I told her mockingly as I showed up right next to her. “What in the world?!” She screamed as she launched another counter attack only to be met with yet another mere image of me. “Stop playing games with me Edge! You’re death should not be such a joking matter!” She yelled out into the air. “But Aeris if one does not make life fun then one is bound to live or die a lonely and uneventful time.” I said jokingly behind her.
“Damn you Edge. I wish you’d face me so we can finally just end this retched life of ours. It is finally time that you get to sleep in peace with those you had stolen away from you. And I’m hoping I’m the one that puts you at peace, so that my heart will finally be at peace.” Aeris start to say softly as I appeared in front of her a couple hundred feet away. “What did you say Aeris? You were talking a little to softly in the end and I didn’t catch the last of that speech of yours.” I said in a loud note of voice. “Um…forget it, it’s no longer important. Just be ready to die!” She said as her face started to turn a bright red. “Alright Aeris, as you wish we shall finally end this battle of ours. Besides it’s time for me to move on and get more training.” I said as I positioned my two blades in their cross form with Acies on the bottom. “Ah so you’re using that move that you used to beat Solum with?” Aeris questioned me. “Actually no, Solum I hate to say got the weaker version of that attack, this attacks true potential can only be used when one is moving at extreme speeds. So my dear Aeris you’ll be seeing the true Cross Blade.” I said as I readied myself for the amount of speed needed to perform the ultimate version of the Cross Blade. “Well then Edge it is only fair that I too use my ultimate attack upon you.” Aeris spoke as she dropped her blade of air and started to chant words as she positioned her hands in front of her, and then moved them above her head. “Ventus Erumpo Telum! Wind burst Spear!” was all she said as a massive ball of wind started to rotate above her head. With that I charged at her with all my speed. As I got closer to her I felt an odd presents but thought nothing of it as I readied for the end. “Cross Blade!” Was all I yelled as I sliced at Aeris, but at that very same time she had thrusted her attack upon my blades.
But at the very second our two attacks collided a bolt of lighting struck the two of us, sending each in our own directions. Aeris was lucky enough to be caught by the injured Solum, but I slammed into the hard ground as my body flew like a child’s play toy. When I finally came to a complete stop I laid on the ground looking up at the bright and sunny day wondering where the hell a bolt of lighting could have came from. After thinking for a few minutes I rose from the ground covered in cuts and bruises and a very much broken arm. As I walked towards the still smoldering hole where the bolt had struck I once again started to fell that presence that I had felt before. As I watched the smoke blow away from the very breeze I had once thought an enemy my heart dropped, as I saw the face of a man I once thought no longer existed in this realm of man. As I stared into this crater silently, Aeris and Solum both walked up on the other side and too stared into this pit to see the hell that awaited us all. “Who the hell do you think you are bursting into my battle like that?! My lord and Master Aroth shall hear of this, but only after I destroy you.” Shouted Aeris to this man that stood in the center of the molten pit. “I am the Elemental Arch lord Raikou, the lord of lightning.” Spoke this man that was obviously stronger than any other Elemental Lord that had come before him, he was even far more powerful than Aeris herself. But I still could not speak a word, for I was still in complete shock.
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Friday, August 3, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now it seems everyone remember that today was Friday….and that I kind of didn’t mention “The Cursed Knight” well I did have a reason for not mentioning it…and that was for the simple fact that I forgot to write it, but don’t fear my fans of “The Cursed Knight” I was able to type up a chapter anyways…now please don’t expect much out of it…it is small, and short…but it was the best I could do…oddly enough I feel this battle between Edge and Aeris wasn’t meant to be written…but I will say I leave a huge cliff hanger at the end of this one, so I do hope you guys enjoy this short chapter…the next chapter should be longer…I truly hope so. Anyways It seems that my Toushiro fan art did pretty good, which I’m happy about and now today I will be submitting the captain of squad one Yamamoto. So if you have time or if you actually remember go take a look, but if you don’t then oh well it is just art after all. Anyways nothing much else to talk about really about my day. Even though me and Iruka did talk on the phone for a pretty long amount of time. I truly love ever minute I get to talk with her, and I can’t wait to go back up there and be with her again. I just need to keep telling myself that I’ll be back up there in just a few months. I’d also like to say that I’m really sorry for not getting to any of your site’s yesterday…I’m really getting bad at this…I really hate when my days become too busy for me to comment on all of your post…but I shall start getting better at this…but I am sorry for it. Anyways I do hope all of you guys enjoy the rest of this post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Iruka, and she asks “Anyway when you gonna tell me the rest of the cursed knight and the new title of the story???” Well I have posted the newest chapter of “The Cursed Knight.” But as for the title goes I’ll be holding off on telling everyone what it is until I feel it is the right time to mention it. The next question is from Gidra, and she says “You must be proud of yourself?” Well I suppose so…but it’s just a drawing. But if all of you say it’s good then I suppose I’ll just have to go along with you guys. The next question is from Metal Dragon, and she asks “Why do you always refer to yourself in the third person?” Well to be honest I only do it to keep this interesting, it also makes my post a little funnier…or so I think at least.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka, and she says “Well I think sometimes you get a huge head for fan art if you do that then you might lose the votes all together and may not ever be featured again so don't be like that.” Yes I understand, I’ll try harder not to get too cocky over my drawings…besides they don’t look as good as I first thought…but yeah. The second discussion is from Yensid, and she says “Yeah, paying for college is rough, good incentive for passing your classes.” Yeah I get it, I get it…I need to do MUCH better this coming up year in college, no more sleeping, no more slacking, and no more skipping classes unless I truly have to.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Favorite dollar bill? I like the one dollar bill, can’t go wrong with the only bill to have not been changed.
Today’s Question
1.) Are you mad that this story is too short?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Twenty
“The Secret War”
“I was hoping you would have realized that my lord’s offer was in your best wishes.” Spoke Aeris as she actually pulled what looked like a swords hilt from behind her back. “Oh so now you’re trying to reason with me? And yet you pull a weapon from behind you. Well as you probably already figured out I will never accept your master’s request, but I shall accept your invite to battle with you to the death.” I said as I positioned both of my blades at my sides. “Don’t tell me you’re going to use the same attack as before Edge? You do know like you the same move won’t work on me twice.” Questioned Aeris as she held the sword hilt with both hands as a column of air started to form. “Well now Aeris I must say I’m impressed. You’ve created a blade from pure air, I’m sure that will hurt no matter how little of it will touch my flesh. But I’m sad to report that I’m not using the same move against you, in fact I just thought of this one, so let’s hope it does well.” I joked as I soon vanished.
“Edge you really think I can not feel your movements? You forget I am the Elemental Lord of Air after all.” Aeris said with a boastful attitude. “Well Aeris I was hoping you’d think you could figure out where I was, but alas my dear you truly have no idea.” I said as I appeared right behind her with both blades at my side. “What in the hell?!” She screamed as she flung her blade of air towards me. As the blade cut through me I said “Aw Aeris, I thought you knew where I was.” As her blade continued she finally figure out that she was not cutting me, but just a mere image. “Damn you Edge. Where in the hell did you gain such powers?” Aeris questioned me. “Now Aeris if I were to reveal all my little secrets how would I defeat you?” I told her mockingly as I showed up right next to her. “What in the world?!” She screamed as she launched another counter attack only to be met with yet another mere image of me. “Stop playing games with me Edge! You’re death should not be such a joking matter!” She yelled out into the air. “But Aeris if one does not make life fun then one is bound to live or die a lonely and uneventful time.” I said jokingly behind her.
“Damn you Edge. I wish you’d face me so we can finally just end this retched life of ours. It is finally time that you get to sleep in peace with those you had stolen away from you. And I’m hoping I’m the one that puts you at peace, so that my heart will finally be at peace.” Aeris start to say softly as I appeared in front of her a couple hundred feet away. “What did you say Aeris? You were talking a little to softly in the end and I didn’t catch the last of that speech of yours.” I said in a loud note of voice. “Um…forget it, it’s no longer important. Just be ready to die!” She said as her face started to turn a bright red. “Alright Aeris, as you wish we shall finally end this battle of ours. Besides it’s time for me to move on and get more training.” I said as I positioned my two blades in their cross form with Acies on the bottom. “Ah so you’re using that move that you used to beat Solum with?” Aeris questioned me. “Actually no, Solum I hate to say got the weaker version of that attack, this attacks true potential can only be used when one is moving at extreme speeds. So my dear Aeris you’ll be seeing the true Cross Blade.” I said as I readied myself for the amount of speed needed to perform the ultimate version of the Cross Blade. “Well then Edge it is only fair that I too use my ultimate attack upon you.” Aeris spoke as she dropped her blade of air and started to chant words as she positioned her hands in front of her, and then moved them above her head. “Ventus Erumpo Telum! Wind burst Spear!” was all she said as a massive ball of wind started to rotate above her head. With that I charged at her with all my speed. As I got closer to her I felt an odd presents but thought nothing of it as I readied for the end. “Cross Blade!” Was all I yelled as I sliced at Aeris, but at that very same time she had thrusted her attack upon my blades.
But at the very second our two attacks collided a bolt of lighting struck the two of us, sending each in our own directions. Aeris was lucky enough to be caught by the injured Solum, but I slammed into the hard ground as my body flew like a child’s play toy. When I finally came to a complete stop I laid on the ground looking up at the bright and sunny day wondering where the hell a bolt of lighting could have came from. After thinking for a few minutes I rose from the ground covered in cuts and bruises and a very much broken arm. As I walked towards the still smoldering hole where the bolt had struck I once again started to fell that presence that I had felt before. As I watched the smoke blow away from the very breeze I had once thought an enemy my heart dropped, as I saw the face of a man I once thought no longer existed in this realm of man. As I stared into this crater silently, Aeris and Solum both walked up on the other side and too stared into this pit to see the hell that awaited us all. “Who the hell do you think you are bursting into my battle like that?! My lord and Master Aroth shall hear of this, but only after I destroy you.” Shouted Aeris to this man that stood in the center of the molten pit. “I am the Elemental Arch lord Raikou, the lord of lightning.” Spoke this man that was obviously stronger than any other Elemental Lord that had come before him, he was even far more powerful than Aeris herself. But I still could not speak a word, for I was still in complete shock.
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Thursday, August 2, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now it looks like Edge’s post is back to normal…YEAH!!! Anyways not much to talk about with would seem for once that Edge’s fan art of a member of the Goten 13 didn’t make it to the featured list…*sigh*…oh well it’s just a drawing of Kenpachi anyways…nothing too special I suppose. Anyways a little fact for you…Kenpachi has a much harder face to draw than any other member of the Goten 13…because of all the facial expressions he uses. Anyways since I submitted Kenpachi yesterday it would seem that Toushiro will be submitted today…so hopefully it’ll do better than Kenpachi did…I can only hope. Anyways I did do one thing yesterday; I went and played some pool with my good friend Stephen. I think we played pool for at least two hours, and then we went back to his house and played some video games for another two hours. All in all it was a fun day, I got to hang with my buddy, talk to my girlfriend…got a birthday card from my grandma…it only came late because of the move. But it’s all good…anyway today is the day in which I’ll have to get up early to go and pay for my classes…man it sucks having $2000 leave your wallet all at once…it truly is a sad sight, but since it is for my education it is alright…*sigh*…I’ll get over it soon…I hope. Also ever discussion and question in today’s post is actually from the day before…and would have in yesterdays post if it were not for my posting problem. Anyways I’ll talk to you guys later, and I do hope you all enjoy the rest of my post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Sesslover18, and she asks “Want to buy me something?” Wait…when did Edge ever offer to buy someone other than his girlfriend something? I truly do not remember even talking about buying you anything…hmmm...maybe you should convince another guy to give into that offer, because Edge does not have the money to waste. Anyways the next question is from Gidra, and she says “Why do you answer question with question?” Because that’s the way Edge does things…do you have a problem with Edge’s questioning abilities???
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says “I would like that job. For some reason when I'm bored, I would count.” Well if you want the job they are located in ever state and in almost every city…so you may want to look into it if you really like to count that much. And just think the better you are the more money you’ll earn. Anyways the second discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Maybe most of the people in the Gotei 13 have dark hair because most of them are Japanese and most Japanese people have dark hair.” HEY!!! When were you allowed to be a smartass on Edge’s site? In fact when did you become a smartass like Edge…hmm…this makes me wonder more upon the thought that you and I have too much in common…I would look more into this…if it were not due to the fact I’m too lazy to…Anyways the third discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Edge no one wants to kiss your ass!” Yeah your right…no one wants to kiss my ass…they much rather kiss my lips. Since Edge is just so sexy and lovable. And besides you’ve read what Iruka has said about me…even though I wish she wouldn’t have said that…
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So which fan art should I submit tomorrow? Toushiro Hitsugaya or Kenpachi Zaraki? Well Kenpachi won yesterday and was submitted, but now today Toushiro is up and ready to be downloaded.
Today’s Question
1.) Favorite dollar bill?
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