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Friday, July 20, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now yesterday was the return of Edge’s normal daily routine before his vacation…wake up at 1:00 PM…go to bathroom, get on computer…and do almost nothing else. But around 4:00 PM I had to go get my glasses fixed…both pairs since Edge still isn’t used to having them and still happens to leave them in bad places…such as where I usually sit down…yep I’ve sat on both pairs…and I now got both fixed. I also completed a button for me and Iruka’s fan club, The Soul Society…it’s an awesome button, but what do you expect from Edge huh? I also made a few more avatars, and some other not able to talk about stuff…but off that subject, I’ve made three new wallpapers yesterday…and I have yet to see how many of them have been accepted into the Otaku…I’ll check on that later today. And once again my comment record has been broken!!! My new record is now 24! Anyways that seems to be it for today’s post, so I hope all of you enjoy the rest of the post, and I shall try my hardest to get to everyone’s sites later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Kutekittykyo, and she asks “Where is it located at?” All of those churches are located in Minnesota, but the first two are located in Minneapolis, and the third is in St. Paul. Anyways the next question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “But who am I to talk about long posts, eh?” Ahh…you are Lordsesshomaru…the second biggest perv on the Otaku and the laziest person to crawl this planet since walking probably would take too much effort on you part…The next question is from Grave, and he asks “What all did ya take pictures of?” Well I took pictures of those churches, me and Iruka, and some fossils I saw…I even have an illegal picture that Iruka took of a statue for the Pompeii exhibit…but I’ll tell that story tomorrow. The next question is from Harpie Ladies, and (gender unknown) asks “from what I can tell you probably went all the way too right?” Hell no! Edge may be a pervert but he would never do such a thing upon the first meeting…good lord what do you take me for some simple minded sex crazed idiot? (No one answer that!!!) The next question is from Morbid Twilight, and she asks “Did I just say that?!?” Yes you did just say that two perverts are better than one…but if that one pervert is Edge then all you do need is one.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “I love the necklace one really pretty and I still have it on you know!!! ^^” well I’m glad to hear you still wear the necklace, and have yet to take it off. Shows that you really care about me…or it…either way is fine by me. Anyways the second discussion is from Yensid, and she says “You are a great gift giver to the women in your life, nobody can say differently, you have great taste and will spoil any girl lucky enough to have your heart” What can I say I was blessed with a good set of eyes that knows how to pick the almost perfect gifts…now if only I hadn’t wasted my time or money on Zero’s gift…that was a failure in life I hope not to repeat. Anyways the third discussion is from Kita, and she says “Awww that was so sweet... her first kiss... that is a special thing she will remember for a very long time to come...” Oh great…thanks for telling me that AFTER I gave her the first kiss…if I had known she’d remember it for awhile I would have done better…Anyways the fourth discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Since you're just as lazy as I am, I won't hold my breath over that medal you plan on giving me.” Hey I’m not as lazy as you…I’m actually the third laziest…Grave bets me in the lazy area…and I did give you your medal of Perversion. So HA, in your face buddy!!! The fifth discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “I'm starting to get jealous of Iruka now.”…oh well…Iruka is one lucky girl…or is she unlucky for getting Edge…is it good to have Edge or bad?...hmm…I wonder…The sixth discussion is from Grifter, and he says “Grand news to hear of your visit with Miss Iruka. Even grander to see you back here safe and mostly sound. I made sure LS didn't slack in the perv category (ask him about the b-day card I sent him.)” So…I wonder now…will Edge happen to be getting one of this birthday cards? Because we all do know that Edge’s Birthday is coming up in a few days…*hint* Come on guys…I’m making this easy this year…last year I didn’t say a thing until the day of…this time I’m giving you six days to prepare. The seventh discussion is from Talim, and she says “That necklace is beautiful!!!!!!! *steals from Iruka*” You better not let Iruka know you stole that…she will get mad because she loves that necklace…
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So what do you think of my gift to Iruka? I loved that gift I gave her…cost a pretty penny, but it was worth it when I saw that sparkle in her eyes when she opened it.
Edge’s Gift

Today’s Question
1.) Alright here are the top five titles for the Title contest I was holding. You must pick one, and the one with the most votes will become the title to my newest story.
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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well back to the good old fashion posting again…man this just might get boring…nah…Anyways it was pointed out to me by Iruka that I forgot to mention a few things about my vacation…like for example…I gave Iruka her first kiss. I also received an early birthday present from her, she gave me a very nice wallet. Best part is it is waterproof and yet it is still made of leather, which I find cool as hell…even though I doubt some of you care…Anyways and also the very day we were at the drive-in Edge gave Iruka a very special present as well…I hate to admit that I didn’t get any good pictures of it with my camera, but rest assure Edge isn’t completely stupid…while I still had it in my room I scanned it onto my computer, so at the bottom of the post I shall show you what it looks like. Will also post a few pictures that I took…not all of them, because I hate to say some of them didn’t turn out good…so I shall not show them…and then there are a few I just don’t want to show at all. Anyways I can’t say I did much yesterday…going back into my boring days…*sigh*…oh well. I did do a lot of image work for me and Iruka’s fan club, The Soul Society…yes Edge is second in command of the club…and as such I have work to do with images… oh well. Oh…and for once…FINALLY you guys have helped Edge break his current record of comments…it went from 18 to now 22!!! Anyways that seems to be it for today’s post. I do hope all of you enjoy the new shorter post compared to yesterday’s book…as it was called by a certain editor of Edge’s…Anyways I shall try my hardest to visit everyone today…I do think I’m getting better at this…maybe…
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Sesslover18, and she asks “You and Iruka Sensei?!” Yep…the two of us are girlfriend and boyfriend, is it really that hard to imagine? I mean come on…I thought it was pretty clear to everyone that we were dating…oh well. Anyways the next question is from Dark Shinigami, and she asks “Any other firsts we should know about?” Well yeah, but I just revealed that one today…so oh well the kiss has been revealed. Anyways the next question is from Master Hiko, and he says “So do you have something against window seats? Or is it just planes in general?” No I just hate planes in general…and major heights…so planes I do hate…The next question is from Kendrachrissy, and she asks “Did you ride on Steel Venom?” yes I did…and I hated that ride with all my heart…I was cussing so bad I think the people of the ground could hear me…but oh well, I hate roller coasters.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “It has been revealed. *grabs Edge* He’s MINE!!!! GRRRRR!!! *growls*”…Oh…wow…now that is funny…but I hate to say I would have expected nothing less from you…knowing you like I do you would actually do that…but hey it’s all good. Anyways the second discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says “Good to have you back! I was bored of MyO because I had no one to pick on. But now I can!” yes what can I say the Otaku is a boring place without Edge…I am the greatest thing to hit the Otaku since anime. Ok…I know I’m kidding, but come on let me get that big headed feeling before any of you pop my bubble. Anyways the third discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “You can rest assured that I held down the perversion fort while you were gone, surviving attacks from hypocritical fan girls at every turn. I deserve a medal.” Ahh…yes the fan girls are the most dangerous part of being one of the Masters of Perversion. I will put much thought into rewarding you a medal for your heroic deeds…*thinking*…hmm…I shall get back to you on that.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So do you have a title you’d like to submit into the contest? Nope and the contest is now OVER, so no more entries will be allowed, and I will be picking the top five titles, and everything tomorrow.
Today’s Question
1.) So what do you think of my gift to Iruka?
Edge’s Gift

Vacation Pictures

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well I do think it is time for Edge to come clean as to why he really went to Minnesota…and no it wasn’t just for some stupid mall…ever though it was the Mall of America. Anyways…as some of you may have come to the conclusion of…Edge and his girlfriend really don’t live near each other…which explains all the phone conversations…to be honest my girlfriend lives in Minnesota…as to why I choose up there to take my vacation. And now to reveal my girlfriends identity…her Otaku name might be known with some of you…or it may not be known to some of you…either way she is Iruka Sensei…yes Edge has finally admitted that his girlfriend is Iruka Sensei…and I know that Lordsesshomaru will be saying “I knew it!!!” come on…he wants to bet me on that? Anyways as you can tell my layout has finally changed…YEA!!! Something with more personality to it…and I’ve changed my theme to Trinity Blood…come on I had to go with my favorite character Tres on this one…I mean he is awesome. Oh…and you’ll never guess, but the layout was made by my girlfriend Iruka, so it’s even better than any other layout I’ve had. Anyways please be ready for a long post, because I am going to be telling all of you about my vacation as it happened…in other words it’ll be broken up into days…so if you find a certain day boring you can skip it. Well have fun with the reading…because I sure as hell had fun writing it…(sarcasm)
Well Tuesday started with me getting on that devil vehicle…yes Edge is referring to the plane he took up to Minnesota…those bastards put me on a window seat when I requested NOT to get a window seat! >_< Anyways as I got to my seat a family and one of those ladies that work for the airline asked me and the guy next to me to switch seats with them so that the parents could be near their three kids, so we agreed…and the funny part is we got moved up to First Class, yes you heard me right First Class baby. Sad part is I still got a damn window seat…>_<…Anyways when we landed I started to walk to baggage claim…so I could pick up my bag of course, and that’s where Iruka met me…and man is she cuter in person than in pictures. I mean my jaw almost hit the floor when I saw her…ok so maybe I’m making a big deal out of it…but oh well. Anyways as soon as we got my bag we went to the Mall of America…which by the way is HUGE! Anyways since we got there before any of the stores opened we just choose to walk around and such...and funny thing is while we were walking by one of the stores I saw the very company I work for in a store…it was funny because they should have been done before the mall opened up…lazy bums. Anyways as soon as the mall opened the first thing we did was got to “Build a Bear Workshop”…can’t say it was my idea…but I did go along with it. Anyways she had me pick what kind of animal it would be…so Edge choose a monkey…I mean come on Edge is considered a monkey…I love bananas, I used to love climbing trees, I can pick things up with my toes, and I’m Italian…so I have some hair…anyways after we finished making it I paid for it, you know a gift to remember Edge by. And then we went on all the rides they had there…yes you heard me right RIDES in a mall, and that was fun. We also took an old fashion photo…but she has that because she wanted to take the picture in the first place. And then when we got to near where she lived we went to go see the movie Shrek the Third.
Ah now Wednesday got off to a slow start…kind of took me forever to wake up since I was a awake for thirty something hours on Tuesday…not my fault my body wouldn’t let me sleep. Anyways when I finally woke up…after Iruka called me and woke me up…and after I finished my shower, we went to Minneapolis and went to their Science Museum. And man was that cool…I mean come on we saw a Omni Theater movie on ancient Greece, which by the way was SO cool. We then went and saw the Pompeii Exhibit they were showing that week, now that is luck if you ask me. And man was the ever cool seeing all those artifacts from that city, and the coolest part was when we saw the body cast of the people that were killed by the volcano…now that was awesome. And after we left that we saw something that just made Edge’s day…we saw DINOSAURS!!! Edge has NEVER seen fossilized dinosaurs in his whole life, and as a child I loved dinosaurs…so yeah Edge was like a little kid when he saw those. I also bought a camera that day…so no pictures of the mall of America but plenty of the rest of the week, and I’ll get those up as soon as I get them made.
Now Thursday was a cool day, we went to the Cathedral of St.Paul…located in the city of St.Paul…would you believe it? Anyways…that was awesome…since Edge has never taken a step into a church in his WHOLE life…I mean I wish I had taken some picture of the inside of the building, but I thought I would have been rude to do so…but now that I know better the next time I go up there I’m going to get some pictures. Anyways after that we went to a Twins Game…another first for Edge…his first Major League Baseball game. And it was so cool…I mean we had good seats and for a very good price. We were in section 100, row 22, seats 21 and 22. And all that just for $13 a person. Can’t say we got anything during that game…well until she came back from getting some snacks, she then handed me a Twins shirt…which I wear without caring that the Twins beat the Braves…oh well if someone says something about the shirt then I’ll have some smartass comment for them…though none come to me at this time. :P
Now Friday we went to Valley Fair…which is a theme park which also has some water park rides…who knew? Anyways we did what you do at theme parks…we rode tons of rides…even though Edge is completely against riding roller coasters…he was talked into riding them…which I can’t say I minded because they were alright, none of which caused me to feel sick, which is always a good thing. Now the sad part about the water park part was…the water was SO FUCKING COLD!!! That was not cool at all man…I swear and the wind was blowing at the same time too…I swear I think I got frost bite…nah…I doubt that. Well that’s basically my Friday…
Well Saturday was an alright day, can’t say we did much in the beginning. We went to one of her brothers hockey games, which was pretty cool…even though they didn’t win…oh well maybe next time…anyways after that me and her went to a pizza place she liked, and they have won a lot of awards and stuff, I will admit they have some pretty good pizza…but then again they don’t have to compete against Edge’s pizza so it was expected that they would fall a little short compared to my pizza. Now I know Iruka us going to say something about that remark…anyways after that we went to a Drive-In…once again a first for Edge. Anyways we went to see Transformers and Live Free or Die Hard. Man was Transformers ever an awesome movie…I mean that movie was full of action, and it rocked HARD! And Live Free or Die Hard was another good movie, of course what else could you expect from Bruce Willis? Now that movie was not only really cool, but it also had loads of funny parts, I say if any of you get the time to see any movies to go see those two, because they were just that good…well at least to me and Iruka they were.
Ah, now Sunday was a nice relaxing day. We really didn’t do much…that was until later in the afternoon when we went back to Minneapolis and went to the Basilica of St.Mary. Now that church was very beautiful…it had a lot more details than the St.Paul Cathedral, it was a lot smaller, but had a lot more details to it, and it was just beautiful. We also went to another church…which I can’t remember the name of…but oh well, I’ll be showing pictures that I took, so all of you can see some of the things that Edge himself saw. Anyways after that me and Iruka went to see another movie, this time we saw 300. Once again I will say it was an awesome movie…but Iruka didn’t really like it because of all the CG blood…she said it looked too fake…oh well it’s just a movie if you ask me. Then after that we went to Oliver Garden for dinner, Edge’s little treat for his girlfriend.
Now Edge hated Monday…except for the fact that I got to know her family a lot better, man I like her family, they are really funny, and I’m going to have to go back up there again for another visit. Oh…and I forgot to mention this earlier, but I didn’t have to get a hotel because her family let me stay with them, since they had a spare room…yes, saved me a couple hundred dollars…which I gladly spent on Iruka and myself. But the main reason I hated Monday was because I had to go home…and well that’s all of my vacation…now I’m back…so get used to seeing my normal post again, because I expect comments today…PLEASE GIVE ME COMMENTS!!! Anyways that’s all for this post of Edge’s…tomorrow the post shall return to its normal length of short…anyways I hope you all enjoy reading the rest of my post, and I shall try my hardest to get to everyone’s site’s later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Sesslover18, and she asks “Be safe and don't get in trouble okay?” Well I was safe…but staying out of trouble…umm…is that even possible for Edge to do? I mean come on now…but yes I didn’t get into…much trouble…but that’s another story. Anyways the next question is from Alphose13, and she says “How can you really enjoy life if you've never jumped in a pool naked?” Yes, thank you!!! That’s what I’ve been trying to say…but it would seem no one other than you and me agree on that…oh well. Maybe one day I’ll get to see that happen in real life…Anyways the next question is from Twilight samurai, and she says “Do you have motion sickness?” Not really…I get massive headaches…and I feel horrible, but nothing to the level of me throwing up.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “I bet you are having a blast I bet you are!!!” Well now that I have revealed my secret no reason to hide it anymore. Yes I did have a blast with you, it was a really great vacation…I just might have to take another really soon. :P Anyways the second discussion is from A girl you know, and she says “I just hope you don't forget anything.” Well…I did forget one thing…but I usually forget it though…I forgot to take my mind along with me…some days I hate it when I leave my mind behind…but oh well. Anyways the third discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Take care, my friend and Partner in Perversion.” Yes it was a very fun vacation…but hey at least you with me gone you where the biggest perv on the otaku, right? Because we can’t let anyone else out do either of us…we are the Masters of Perversion. Anyways the fourth discussion is from GothicNarutoFan, and she says “Except for the plane part, that usually is never fun. I hate when my ears pop.” Well oddly enough my ears never once popped while I was on the plane, and no I wasn’t chewing gum, eating anything, or any other tings you’d think would cause them not to pop…all I was doing was listening to my ipod. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she says “Redmoonchick...a pupil of the pervy sage. 0_0 I will not fall to your perverted ways...I don't even know how to be perverted...” You know the funny thing is that’s what she said…and now look at her, she’s my pupil…Hahahaha…Edge can turn those who doubt my powers into students of the Pervy ways. The sixth discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I like the new story idea, very cool. Edge loves to play dirty!” Yes it should be a very good story, but with due time everyone will get to read it. So sit back, and relax because “The Cursed Knight” still has a ways to go before I’ll start on Sonatus’ story. And hey its not my fault I enjoy playing dirty…Anyways the seventh discussion is from Twilight Samurai, and she says “I am finally convinced you're a Miroku!! I think I'd slap you if I could somehow reach you.” I suppose being a Miroku is alright…even though I myself would have to say I’m a Jiraiya…but a Miroku is fine by me…at least he gets to do a lo of booty rubbing. XD
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
Today’s Question
1.) So do you have a title you’d like to submit into the contest? (If so then read the summary below, and follow the ONE rule.)
Rule Number ONE: ALL submissions of title will be done by PM ONLY!
Today is the LAST day for title entries
Anyways the story is set in an alternate universe and is about a being known as Sonatus. Sonatus is a man that is almost god like, in fact the people of that world call him “The War God” because he searches out battles and fights everyone, not a battle has happened that he was never apart of since his coming to that land. Tales tell the story of how a man fell from the very sky and crashed into the ground creating the very hole that Sonatus climbed out of. Legends also tell of a race of people that live in a grand city that floats about the world, and that maybe this god fell from the heavens. Over the hundreds of years that Sonatus has roamed this world he can’t happen to remember a thing of his past before that day he walked out of the hole the fall created, he can only remember his name, and the one thing that gives him joy. Alright, well as you read Sonatus fell to the land. And the place he fell was actually a huge city of one of the three kingdoms of that land. And as such his falling from the heavens started a massive war that has been going on from the day he fell for well over three hundred years, where our story starts. And with him loving battle so much he actually searches for fights to join in, he has no side, he kills anyone who battles him, and he'll even search for the strongest fighters in ever battle just to test his strength
Comments (19) |
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day of packing…yes I know Edge is a late packer…but hey I got everything into my one bag, so it’s all good. Six to seven shirts, multiple pairs of jeans, swimming trunks, my sleeping pants (pants I sleep in), plenty of socks and under garments, a notebook to write “The Cursed Knight” chapters in, if I write any…or at least something to write what I did on what days, my Ipod speaker so I can have music, a pen, all my bathroom needed stuff; shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothbrush, cologne, comb, razor, shaving cream, and that’s about it. I do believe I got everything I needed packed…so it’s all good. And as all of you can see this will be Edge’s last post for well over one whole week, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop PMing me, so please keep the PM’s coming, and remember I’ll be taking request for title suggestions until the day after I come back, so next Wednesday is the dead line to get me those titles for the contest. So remember if you want a chance at the prize then you’ll have to submit a title you think has a chance to win. And I’ll be revealing the prize ONLY after I end submissions…yeah I know I’m playing dirty now…but Edge likes playing dirty…Anyways I’m leaving up yesterdays question of the day for today as well, because it has the rule and everything you need to follow. Well by the time any of you read this I’ll either be on my way up to Atlanta, on the plane (my hell), or having a blast on my vacation. So I hope all of you have fun this week without good old Edge to keep you entertained. But I hope you also enjoy the rest of the post, and I’m sorry to say I won’t be able to visit anyone’s sites today…unless you updated by 3:00 AM Eastern…once again sorry, and hope to talk to all of you later.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from GothicNarutoFan and she asks “Jumping in a pool naked?” Yes now that has got to be the sexiest thing a girl could ever do…I mean I would love it if a girl did that while I was in the pool…Edge would die from over bleeding through the nose like they do in animes…0_0…
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “Well have a safe trip hopefully you will have fun at the Mall of America!!!^_^” Yeah I do hope my trip will be safe…god I hate planes…and believe me I will have a blast at the Mall of America…that is for sure. Anyways the second discussion is from GothicNarutoFan, and she says “Eww! Gay guys making out! I don't even want to think about it. It reminds me too much of yaoi...” You must remember Gay guys making out is the real version of yaoi…but yes I agree with you, it isn’t the best thing to look at. And I will say this here and now. Edge has NOTHING against gay’s or in anything they do, so guess what if ANYONE and I mean ANYONE dares yell at me about my views on things then they shall no longer be on my friends list, nor will I even mention the comment, because it will be deleted for sure. Anyways the third discussion is from Yensid, and she says “It is a very free feeling and yes it's fun to do that with a partner. I am sure you will someday.” Damn right Edge will be swimming in the nude with his partner…believe me I will fairly enjoy trying that when I get a pool and get a partner…but hey one day I will be doing that, and that is a promise. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says “Aww cute. Talking to each other for a long time.” Yeah…it is cute…WAIT A second…Edge agreeing to have done something cute?! What is happening to me??? Anyways the fifth discussion is from Kita, and she says “Well now a title for your story I will have to think on that one or am I excluded because I edit your stories...” no one is excluded from submitting a title into this contest. I will accept all title until the day after I come back from vacation. So come up with as many as you want, but just know only five title will make it to the top five, and only one per person, so there will not be any unfairness. And as of now (the time in which I’m typing this post) there are only there different people, so if two more turn in titles and then that’s all I get then all five of them have a chance to get their title picked by all of you. Anyways the sixth discussion is from Dark Shinigami, and she says “See, you’re perverted AND you have a dirty mind. I just have a dirty mind! Which for some reason refuses to reveal itself on TheO” I never said I wasn’t perverted, nor did I ever say I didn’t have a dirty mind…hell Edge actually claims the title Pervy Sage just because of my mind…and just give yourself some time…that or keep coming to my site, sooner or later your dirty mind will come out of hiding…trust me I corrupted Redmoonchick…she now claims being Edge’s pupil of the pervy ways…she still has a LONG way to go…
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
Today’s Question
1.) So do you have a title you’d like to submit into the contest? (If so then read the summary below, and follow the ONE rule.)
Rule Number ONE: ALL submissions of title will be done by PM ONLY!
Anyways the story is set in an alternate universe and is about a being known as Sonatus. Sonatus is a man that is almost god like, in fact the people of that world call him “The War God” because he searches out battles and fights everyone, not a battle has happened that he was never apart of since his coming to that land. Tales tell the story of how a man fell from the very sky and crashed into the ground creating the very hole that Sonatus climbed out of. Legends also tell of a race of people that live in a grand city that floats about the world, and that maybe this god fell from the heavens. Over the hundreds of years that Sonatus has roamed this world he can’t happen to remember a thing of his past before that day he walked out of the hole the fall created, he can only remember his name, and the one thing that gives him joy. Alright, well as you read Sonatus fell to the land. And the place he fell was actually a huge city of one of the three kingdoms of that land. And as such his falling from the heavens started a massive war that has been going on from the day he fell for well over three hundred years, where our story starts. And with him loving battle so much he actually searches for fights to join in, he has no side, he kills anyone who battles him, and he'll even search for the strongest fighters in ever battle just to test his strength
Comments (12) |
Monday, July 9, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a work filled day…and I wish I was joking…we did Books-a-million yesterday morning, and we were there until 2:00 PM…I mean come on I took for fucking forever. And the worst part is I got suck counting magazines…and that isn’t even the worst part of it…I ended up counting the gay magazines…guys that is…(I’m not judging anyone, just say I don’t like looking at two guys making out on the front of a magazine) but then the boss of the store (the grey shirt running the store) asked me to go count the magazines up front, and let’s just say it was a make up for those other magazines because I got to count all the Playboys and other magazines they had behind the counter. Anyways after that I came home and started to text back and forth with my girlfriend and then I just passed out from being tired…little did I know at the time she called and I missed it…yeah that was my mistake for not turning the volume up on it again after work…But after I called her back me and her were talking for a good amount of time…I swear if it weren’t for the fact we have the same phone provider she’d be killing my minutes…but it’s all good. And I just realized something, today is the day in which I give all of you the summary of my new story…you know the one that hasn’t been given a name yet…you know the one that I’m holding a contest for today. Anyways I’ll have the summary of the story posted at the bottom of the post, and when I come back from my week long vacation I will tell you what the winner can win, and then with all the entries in I’ll then pick the top five, and then finally I’ll have you the viewers vote for the one you like the best…so a three step plan to pick the title of my newest story, so please just follow the ONE simple rule at the beginning of the summery, thank you. Well that’s it, because the rest of today will involve me packing my bag getting ready for my EARLY flight to Minnesota…so hopefully I’ll be able to post tomorrow, but if I don’t then I hope to talk with you guys later…unless the plane kills me…man I hate planes. >_< Anyways I hope all of you enjoy the rest of the post, and I shall try and visit all of you later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Master Hiko, and he asks “Where do you get your perverted-ness?” I get it from my inner self. I am the Pervy Sage after all, so it’s not just a title I have it’s a lifestyle I live by, you must give in to your inner pervert before you can finally be comfortable with yourself…but then again some people just need to keep their inner perverts inside…they don’t know how to control them yet.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from GothicNarutoFan, and she says “If I had a pool, I'd jump in with my clothes on. I love doing that! I rarely go swimming anyways, but when I do go swimming, I wear a bikini.” Edge doesn’t care if you’d jump into your own pool with cloths on…I’m talking about jumping into a pool completely naked…now that’s gotta be the most fun way to go swimming if you ask me…oh how I’d love to go swimming like that with a girl…it would be so sexy…ahh…no one heard that…right? Anyways the second discussion is from Master Hiko, and he says “Well I would disagree with you on that one something that is sexier would be either leather or nothing.” Well nothing isn’t consider clothing, and I was talking about clothing wise what is sexier than a bikini, and I can’t agree with you on the leather thing…I don’t think a girl in leather is very sexy…honestly two pieces of elastic cloth that might fall off when they pull themselves out of the water is a lot sexier than something that is skin tight.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Did you get many comments yesterday? Well Saturday only gave me six, while Sunday produced seven…so yeah I went up one…
Today’s Question
1.) So do you have a title you’d like to submit into the contest? (If so then read the summary below, and follow the ONE rule.)
Rule Number ONE: ALL submissions of title will be done by PM ONLY!
Alright, well as you read Sonatus fell to the land. And the place he fell was actually a huge city of one of the three kingdoms of that land. And as such his falling from the heavens started a massive war that has been going on from the day he fell for well over three hundred years, where our story starts. And with him loving battle so much he actually searches for fights to join in, he has no side, he kills anyone who battles him, and he'll even search for the strongest fighters in ever battle just to test his strength.
Comments (9) |
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was yet another uneventful day…but hey today should be more interesting…I have work this glorious morning…why the hell am I talking about? Working in the mornings suck ass…oh well it’s the last day I have to work until the Tuesday after my vacation, so it’s all good. And seriously what’s easier than counting a book store? Ok don’t get me wrong it’s a Books-a-Million, but it’s still just books, so it won’t be that hard. But yeah I can’t say I did much yesterday I will admit to writing a bit more of the next chapter of “The Cursed Knight”. I also talked with my girlfriend again, me and her were talking a lot…heck she woke me up that…afternoon, and then she called me back because I was pretty much still asleep while talking with her, so she told me to call her back when I woke up. So yeah at least I did something…right? So yeah I got nothing else to post about so I’m just going to end my post here…even though I didn’t get many comments yesterday…*cough*five*cough*…so yeah I’m going to end my post here. So yeah enjoy what little I have left in this post, and I shall try to get to everyone’s sites later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from no one…what can I expect from five comments?
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “Bikini will always be nicer since it gives you a nice tan!!!” Alright I’ll take your word for it. I can’t say I would know if a bikini is good for a tan…hell as far as I know it’s only good for giving me something to look at…I mean…ahh…ah fuck it, bikinis are great because they are slightly revealing…yep there I said it. And the second discussion is from Yensid, and she says “Actually I prefer NO bathing suit, you are getting wet, it seems silly but in public I definitely wear a swimsuit.” YES!!! Finally a female agrees with Edge! Swim suits are stupid if you have your own pool! Now…I just need to get a pool…and invite a lot of girls over and have them know my one rule…a shame it wont work for three reasons…one I don’t have a pool, two I’m pretty sure no girl would agree with that rule, and three….my girlfriend would kill me over that…
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Bikini or One Piece, which is better? A bikini of course!!! I mean come on…two pieces of fabric that barely cover the female body…what’s sexier than that?
Today’s Question
1.) Did you get many comments yesterday?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Nineteen
“The Grand Battle”
As Aeris and my attacks clashed the very ground we stood upon shook and crumbled under the immense force that was created. As my blades met her wind funnels the wind itself started to slice my face, and with each slash my face would heal itself. “Edge it would seem you have gotten stronger than you used to be. Maybe I will get a great battle out of you after all.” Aeris said boastfully as she pulled back from our stalemate. “What did you expect me to sit around on my ass and let you surpass me in strength?” I asked the beautiful goddess of wind. “Are you saying that because I happen to be a woman?” She asked in an angry tone of voice. “Well of course, that and you are my enemy, and if I let you become stronger than I am then I will surly die. And I can’t let that happen.” I said has I charged at her with my blades in their cross shaped positions. “Ha, you may have gotten stronger, but your attack style is still the same.” Aeris said as she stepped to the side as I ran past her. “Ventus Palmula! Wind Blade!” Was all she said as a blade of ice cold air sliced across my back cutting my armor as if it were plain sheet metal.
As my armor feel from my body I looked at Aeris and saw a grim smile on her face. At that time I knew there was something wrong, and that she was fighting me against her will, but I couldn’t care. My life was on the line, and it was either me or her and I haven’t killed Aroth yet, so I knew I couldn’t die just yet. I quickly put Acies on my right side and Tatakai on my left, I once again charged at Aeris, but this time I had a plan. “Ah Edge once again you try the same maneuver.” Said Aeris as she stepped to the side to her right, but this time I swung Acies and caught the Elemental lord. “Actually Aeris this time I knew what you’d do, that’s why I had a blade on each side.” I said as I slid to a stop and turned to face Aeris as her top feel down from where I cut her. “Damn it Edge. You’re lucky I have something under this outfit!” Aeris screamed at me as she placed a hand over her almost bare breast. “This is a battle woman, forget your damn embarrassment and fight me with all your heart or you will die here today.” I said to Aeris as I once again placed my blades it a new battle position. “Oh I bet you’d like for me to drop my hands so you could catch a look at my chest.” Shouted the Elemental Lord as she pulled an under garment over her breast. “Forget this.” I said has I charged at her with both blades in a position to kill, but as I drew near a large wall of earth grew in front of Aeris blocking my attack as if it were nothing.
“What in the hell is that?” I shouted as the wall of earth grew and grew until I was completely in its shadow. “So Solum it would seem you’ve shown up. Even after I told you I would take care of Edge on my own.” Said Aeris in a clearly angry tone of voice. “I’m sorry lady Aeris, but Master Aroth told me that Edge needs to be killed now so he told me to join you and to end our Master’s nemesis’s life.” Said a rough a deep voice from behind the wall of earth. “Alright I hate being left out of conversations!” I shouted as I took a quick step back and then ran towards the wall with my fist in front of me. As my fist made contact with the earthen wall you could just feel the vibrations in the very ground you stood upon. And after a second the wall shattered like that of frozen steel. “Ah so this is the very man that not only killed Exuro but also Maritimus? I must admit he is much smaller than I thought, and now he’s able to match strength with you Aeris, hmm maybe I’ve already misjudged him.” Said this giant of a man. “Good lord…you’re a fucking giant!” I said in wonder to this guy that stood well over seven feet tall and was built like a stone wall. “I don’t care, it’s time for you to die small man.” Said the giant as he grabbed a huge axe that was located on his back. “oh so now I get to fight two Elemental Lords…sounds good to me. Saves me the hassle of searching for the last of you cowards.” I said as I grabbed Acies and swung up towards Solum’s axe.
“Ha, if you think your weak blade can match my mighty axe then you are mistaken.” Spoke Solum as he swung his axe downwards. As our two blades met a shower of sparks rain down upon my face, but I could have cared less because I knew as the sparks were flying my blade was cutting through his axe. And sure enough after twenty minutes of being locked in the pushing match of blades Solum gave me a swift kick to the abdomen sending me flying backwards. He then gave a quick look to his axes blade and saw the deep cut that Acies had left. “My I have underestimated yours and your blades strength.” Bellowed Solum as he dropped his useless axe to the ground and reached behind his back to reveal two smaller axes that were still far larger than a man. “So I take it you’re not ready to give up just yet are you big guy? Well that’s fine by me, but I’m tired of fighting you. So I’m just going to end this fight here and now.” I remarked as I once again placed my two blades in the cross shaped position I started my battle against Aeris with. “Watch out Solum, this position of his has an unusual power behind it, for an odd reason it’s far stronger than you’d think.” Shouted Aeris from behind Solum. “Lady Aeris I can handle this. Now back away or you too may get hurt in my ultimate move.” Spoke Solum as he started to mumble to himself. “Well as you said it’s time to finish this pointless battle of ours.” I mentioned as I ran towards Solum with my two blades still in the cross formation. As soon as I was in front of Solum he shouted his last words “Mucro Humus! Sharpened Ground!” and at that moment spikes of earth came right from the ground impaling me as I did my attack “Cross Slash!” and with that a massive blade in the shape of a cross tore through Solum as if he were nothing but a piece of parchment.
As I pulled myself from the earthen spike that went through me I saw that Solum was still standing in the very spot in which I had attacked him in. “How can that be possible? That move should have killed you?” I asked in wonder as Solum stood there holding a bleeding nub that used to be his right arm. “Well Edge your attack was strong, that is for sure. But you failed to notice your attack was also slowed down by one of my spikes that actually appeared in front of me. But as you can see I still got most of your attack embedded into my flesh.” Said Solum as he revealed a cross shaped cut that went completely across his hulking chest. “So Solum, do I expect you to keep fighting me or will you actually back down?” I questioned the wounded Elemental Lord as I myself held the hole in my stomach that was slowly healing itself. “Well Edge unlike all the other Elemental Lords I was a born warrior, and I know when to back down from a battle, and this is that time. If it were not for the fact that we are enemies I would have asked you if I could join you in your journeys. But I fear my life grows close to the end.” Said Solum as he turned his back and walked over to a high raise rock and took a seat upon it. “So it would look like its back to just you and me Edge.” Spoke a soft female voice from behind me. “It would seem so Aeris, this time no stopping. This will either be the end of me or the end of you.” I said to the Elemental Lord Aeris as I turned around and released my stomach as my wound had healed.
Comments (7) |
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a fun day. Can’t say I did much…but hey what else is new with Edge huh? After yesterday’s long post I’m actually trying to make this one slightly smaller…so a shorter intro would help in making the post short in my book…do you agree? Of course you agree with me, I’m Edge after all. To disagree with Edge is uncool, and know all of you that come to my site are cool people, so don’t disagree with me…Anyways can’t say I did much…I just started to pack my stuff up for my grand vacation…a week of pure fun…now what I’m going to be doing…that’s a mystery even for me, but hey it’ll still be fun. I was also talking to my girlfriend a good amount of time yesterday; I mean we were on the phone off and on again like you wouldn’t believe. And the night before, I had talked to her for almost two hours…man, not many people can keep me on a phone…and fewer can keep me on the phone that long. Anyways that’s it for today’s intro, I do hope all of you will enjoy the rest of the post, and I shall try my hardest to come around to everyone’s sites…if I can…I really need to start getting better at getting to all of your sites…
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Sesslover18, and she asks “So when is the new story coming out?” Well…it will be a week after the final chapter of “The Cursed Knight” so…other than that I have no idea.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “I don't have time to read the rest way to much...” Hey I gave a warning at the beginning of my post, it was in flashing yellow letters “Warning Long post ahead.” Anyways the second discussion is from Gidra, and she says “I like Solum. He seems like reasonable person. And I got some new ideas for my drawing!” Well I’m glad Solum came off as a good character…even though he is one of the strongest Elemental Lords, and yet he knows when he needs to stop. He also has respect for anyone that can beat him, because of his strength not many can, and when someone does he shows respect. And I honestly can’t wait to see your picture when you finish drawing it…it’s the first ever fan art for my story…I’m so ready to see it. Anyways the third discussion is from Kita, and she says “Looking forward to the next chapter... Ummm say like the end of this month...” Hmm…to be honest that sounds about right…I’ll be coming back on the 16th which will give me a few days to type what I’ve written down, and then on that Friday get it posted and edited. So possibly near the end of the month. The fourth discussion is from Alphonse13, and she says “I wanna know what happens to Edge!!!” Well if you can figure out something to trade for that information then PM me about what you’re willing to trade, and I’ll see if it is worthy enough for me to give away Edge’s fate to you.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So…if I were to hold a contest to see what the title for my new story would be, would you be willing to take part? Well it looks like we’re going to have a contest now to see what the name of my new story is going to be. So all you have to do is wait until Monday and I’ll tell you want the contest is and what the prize will be for the winner.
Today’s Question
1.) Bikini or One Piece, which is better?
Me got tagged by GothicNarutoFan...damn I have to post seven of my favorite songs, so enjoy.
1.) When Love comes close - Masterplan
2.) Until it Sleeps - Metallica
3.) Someday - Nickelback
4.) Metalingus - Alter Bridge
5.) In the End - Linkin Park
6.) Broken like an Angel - Dollybraid
7.) With You - Linkin Park
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Nineteen
“The Grand Battle”
As Aeris and my attacks clashed the very ground we stood upon shook and crumbled under the immense force that was created. As my blades met her wind funnels the wind itself started to slice my face, and with each slash my face would heal itself. “Edge it would seem you have gotten stronger than you used to be. Maybe I will get a great battle out of you after all.” Aeris said boastfully as she pulled back from our stalemate. “What did you expect me to sit around on my ass and let you surpass me in strength?” I asked the beautiful goddess of wind. “Are you saying that because I happen to be a woman?” She asked in an angry tone of voice. “Well of course, that and you are my enemy, and if I let you become stronger than I am then I will surly die. And I can’t let that happen.” I said has I charged at her with my blades in their cross shaped positions. “Ha, you may have gotten stronger, but your attack style is still the same.” Aeris said as she stepped to the side as I ran past her. “Ventus Palmula! Wind Blade!” Was all she said as a blade of ice cold air sliced across my back cutting my armor as if it were plain sheet metal.
As my armor feel from my body I looked at Aeris and saw a grim smile on her face. At that time I knew there was something wrong, and that she was fighting me against her will, but I couldn’t care. My life was on the line, and it was either me or her and I haven’t killed Aroth yet, so I knew I couldn’t die just yet. I quickly put Acies on my right side and Tatakai on my left, I once again charged at Aeris, but this time I had a plan. “Ah Edge once again you try the same maneuver.” Said Aeris as she stepped to the side to her right, but this time I swung Acies and caught the Elemental lord. “Actually Aeris this time I knew what you’d do, that’s why I had a blade on each side.” I said as I slid to a stop and turned to face Aeris as her top feel down from where I cut her. “Damn it Edge. You’re lucky I have something under this outfit!” Aeris screamed at me as she placed a hand over her almost bare breast. “This is a battle woman, forget your damn embarrassment and fight me with all your heart or you will die here today.” I said to Aeris as I once again placed my blades it a new battle position. “Oh I bet you’d like for me to drop my hands so you could catch a look at my chest.” Shouted the Elemental Lord as she pulled an under garment over her breast. “Forget this.” I said has I charged at her with both blades in a position to kill, but as I drew near a large wall of earth grew in front of Aeris blocking my attack as if it were nothing.
“What in the hell is that?” I shouted as the wall of earth grew and grew until I was completely in its shadow. “So Solum it would seem you’ve shown up. Even after I told you I would take care of Edge on my own.” Said Aeris in a clearly angry tone of voice. “I’m sorry lady Aeris, but Master Aroth told me that Edge needs to be killed now so he told me to join you and to end our Master’s nemesis’s life.” Said a rough a deep voice from behind the wall of earth. “Alright I hate being left out of conversations!” I shouted as I took a quick step back and then ran towards the wall with my fist in front of me. As my fist made contact with the earthen wall you could just feel the vibrations in the very ground you stood upon. And after a second the wall shattered like that of frozen steel. “Ah so this is the very man that not only killed Exuro but also Maritimus? I must admit he is much smaller than I thought, and now he’s able to match strength with you Aeris, hmm maybe I’ve already misjudged him.” Said this giant of a man. “Good lord…you’re a fucking giant!” I said in wonder to this guy that stood well over seven feet tall and was built like a stone wall. “I don’t care, it’s time for you to die small man.” Said the giant as he grabbed a huge axe that was located on his back. “oh so now I get to fight two Elemental Lords…sounds good to me. Saves me the hassle of searching for the last of you cowards.” I said as I grabbed Acies and swung up towards Solum’s axe.
“Ha, if you think your weak blade can match my mighty axe then you are mistaken.” Spoke Solum as he swung his axe downwards. As our two blades met a shower of sparks rain down upon my face, but I could have cared less because I knew as the sparks were flying my blade was cutting through his axe. And sure enough after twenty minutes of being locked in the pushing match of blades Solum gave me a swift kick to the abdomen sending me flying backwards. He then gave a quick look to his axes blade and saw the deep cut that Acies had left. “My I have underestimated yours and your blades strength.” Bellowed Solum as he dropped his useless axe to the ground and reached behind his back to reveal two smaller axes that were still far larger than a man. “So I take it you’re not ready to give up just yet are you big guy? Well that’s fine by me, but I’m tired of fighting you. So I’m just going to end this fight here and now.” I remarked as I once again placed my two blades in the cross shaped position I started my battle against Aeris with. “Watch out Solum, this position of his has an unusual power behind it, for an odd reason it’s far stronger than you’d think.” Shouted Aeris from behind Solum. “Lady Aeris I can handle this. Now back away or you too may get hurt in my ultimate move.” Spoke Solum as he started to mumble to himself. “Well as you said it’s time to finish this pointless battle of ours.” I mentioned as I ran towards Solum with my two blades still in the cross formation. As soon as I was in front of Solum he shouted his last words “Mucro Humus! Sharpened Ground!” and at that moment spikes of earth came right from the ground impaling me as I did my attack “Cross Slash!” and with that a massive blade in the shape of a cross tore through Solum as if he were nothing but a piece of parchment.
As I pulled myself from the earthen spike that went through me I saw that Solum was still standing in the very spot in which I had attacked him in. “How can that be possible? That move should have killed you?” I asked in wonder as Solum stood there holding a bleeding nub that used to be his right arm. “Well Edge your attack was strong, that is for sure. But you failed to notice your attack was also slowed down by one of my spikes that actually appeared in front of me. But as you can see I still got most of your attack embedded into my flesh.” Said Solum as he revealed a cross shaped cut that went completely across his hulking chest. “So Solum, do I expect you to keep fighting me or will you actually back down?” I questioned the wounded Elemental Lord as I myself held the hole in my stomach that was slowly healing itself. “Well Edge unlike all the other Elemental Lords I was a born warrior, and I know when to back down from a battle, and this is that time. If it were not for the fact that we are enemies I would have asked you if I could join you in your journeys. But I fear my life grows close to the end.” Said Solum as he turned his back and walked over to a high raise rock and took a seat upon it. “So it would look like its back to just you and me Edge.” Spoke a soft female voice from behind me. “It would seem so Aeris, this time no stopping. This will either be the end of me or the end of you.” I said to the Elemental Lord Aeris as I turned around and released my stomach as my wound had healed.
Comments (6) |
Friday, July 6, 2007

Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day. Can’t say I did much, to be honest I’ve been getting ready for my up coming vacation in four days…man it’s coming up fast and I can’t wait, I’ll be leaving Tuesday morning, so I hate to report there may not be a post from me on that day…you never know I just might make a small one to give you guys something to read. Anyways I was bored yesterday so I counted up how many males are actually on my friends list and I was shocked that I had seven guys…I know that’s more than I thought I had…and to make things fair I currently have thirty five girls on my friends list…man that’s a small ratio of guys to girls. For ever guy on my list I have five girls…sounds about right to me, I enjoy girls more anyways…they at least smell better…and have much softer skin…but guys don’t think just because I said for ever one of you there is five girls means you get five girls…no no no, in fact Edge keeps all the girls for himself…what can I say…I’m greedy. Oh and joyous news for all of you “Cursed Knight” fans out there, I have actually finished chapter 19…yes I know it’s been FAR over due…but hey I’m the writer I have all rights to hold off on a chapter if I can’t think of anything…right? Anyways it seems that I wasn’t able to make this chapter a full battle between Edge and Aeris, instead I had to break that battle up into two different chapters…I do hope all of you will enjoy this chapter…because I just couldn’t put up something I didn’t feel up to the standards I’ve set for my chapters…damn writer’s pride…Anyways that’s it for today’s post. I do hope all of you enjoy the rest of the post, and of course the latest installment of “The Cursed Knight”. And I shall try my damnedest to get to everyone’s sites later today…I swear I’m starting to fall behind on comments for all of you…sorry about that.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Sesslover18, and she asks “Can you speak Italian?” Actually no I can’t speak Italian…I myself never had someone to teach me, even though I did date a girl that could speak it, hell she actually lived there a good part of her life, but we broke up before she could teach me any…sorry. Anyways the next question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she says “How often do you get hurt on a weekly scale anyway?” Well it used to be on a daily scale to be honest, but as of lately that fire work burn has been my first injury for a good time now, so Edge is doing much better at taking care of himself…too many people would get very angry with me if I got hurt really bad…*looks around* Anyways the next question is from Shireishou and she asks “Do you think my comment is worth for you to read?” Well of course, I read every single comment and I enjoy whatever anyone has to say. And besides you’ve been on my friends list a for a good while now, so of course I find your comment worth reading, so stop worrying about it, I enjoy all the comments I get…as few as that may be…The next question is from Dark Shinigami, and she asks “Did something inspire the new story, like possibly spark the idea in your mind? And if so, what was it?” Actually yes something did spark this story. In fact it was a character I designed for a game me and my friend were thinking of making, and Sonatus was an unlockable character known as “The God of War”. And funny thing is I came across the profile I had made for him, and that’s what got the idea started for me. Since the game idea fell through I thought I might as well give this character I put a lot of time into thinking up a chance at some popularity, and there you have it the beginning of my new story…which I still haven’t even thought of a name for…damn I knew I forgot something…The next question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “How do you come up with these things?” Umm…good question…I guess I just have a thing for writing stories like that…I’m not sure, I can create characters, worlds, battles, kingdoms, and things like that…but alas I fall flat on my ass when it comes to naming all those things…I need an easy way to name things…including my stories…The next question is from Alphonse13, and she asks “You know how to peek my interest don't you?” Why yes I do, what can I say I’m really good at making people wonder what I’m thinking, and it’s not my fault you’re falling for my little tricks of confusion when it comes out to Edge’s fate to come. But hey as I said you’ll get to see what happens to Edge when I post The Final Chapter…when I ever get to that chapter that is…
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says “The story seems interesting to me. I would like to read some action story and hopefully not miss chapters.” Well yes this story will be another one of Edge’s action packed stories…in fact this new one will have even more battles than “The Cursed Knight” for the simple fact the new story is based on a character who is nicknamed “The War God”…I mean come on now it has to be filled with tons of battles. Anyways the second discussion is from GothicNarutoFan, and she says “I'll go outside for a few minutes and then I can't stand it. Maybe I should wear less clothes or something.” Why must you girls tease Edge with promises of walking around with less cloths on? I mean come on…I understand if it’s in your post…but in my comments where I’m allowed to say anything. You know for a fact I’m going to talking about your comment if you make the slightest comment about doing something Edge finds interesting or just something that catches his attention…oh for example, less cloths, bra sizes, bikinis, skirts, nudity of females, and so forth…I mean come on…it’s torture for Edge…Anyways the third discussion is from Gidra, and she says “I haven't seen Grave on any site I've been lately. Gungrave is definitely one of my all time favorite anime.” Then I must say you haven’t been to my site a lot in the past, because I believe I’ve had more Gungrave themes than all other animes added together, but that’s not my fault…Edge loves Gungrave, it is the only anime that I love. I loved it so much that I actually bought the whole series, just so I could watch it over and over again. And I think right now I’ve seen the anime well over ten times…Anyways the fourth discussion is from Kita, and she says “If it is just part of the story I think it is great and you should move on with it... if it is for the chap you are working on now... I am lost and I am wondering how you are going to get it to fit right...” No Kita…I don’t think you read the whole thing…because I already said it was a COMPLETELY different story. This new story will have NOTHING to do with “The Cursed Knight” the only thing the two stories will have in common are; I wrote them both, the story is told through the eyes of the main character, main character is male, character is immortal, both characters enjoy battle, they both have swords, and they both are considered to be good guys…loosely…but still a good guy in the end. And the differences are WAY too many to name them all, but when I finish “The Cursed Knight” then you’ll get to read it and you’ll see the differences in the two stories. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Forgotten-Heart, and she says “That bites... getting a sunburn... a lot of my friends get burned easily, so I feel kind of bad.” No…I didn’t get sunburned…I got burned as in my flesh got roasted by the flame of a bottle rocket as it launched…damn short fuse…Anyways the sixth discussion is from Yensid, and she says “Your GF sounds like a riot. I loved it when she hijacked your site. You really do like spirited women.” My girlfriend is a riot…and believe me I remember the day she hijacked my site…I don’t think I’ll ever forget the day Edge’s dark site turned pink…>_< And yes I will admit I do love myself a spirited girl, what can I say I need a little fire to get me going. Anyways the seventh discussion is from Alphonse13, and she says “Yeah I like the idea! Sounds interesting to me! And I'm Willing to read whatever you write esp. after you impressed me with "The Cursed Knight" story! Good job my friend! It’s hard to get me hooked on stories!” Well I’m glad you like the idea for my new story, but it’ll be awhile until I post the first chapter of that story…seeing as I still haven’t wrote it yet…And I can’t believe I’ve impressed someone with “The Cursed Knight”…that’s a shocker to me…but hey I’m all for people being impressed by one of m stories.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So does it sound like a good story…or should I scrape it? Well it seems all of you are looking forward to this new idea of Edge’s…but as I said yesterday I will not be posting that story until I final “The Cursed Knight” I hate leaving stories unfinished before I start a new one. So the Tale of Sonatus will be held off until Edge’s adventures are finished.
Today’s Question
1.) So…if I were to hold a contest to see what the title for my new story would be, would you be willing to take part?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Nineteen
“The Grand Battle”
As Aeris and my attacks clashed the very ground we stood upon shook and crumbled under the immense force that was created. As my blades met her wind funnels the wind itself started to slice my face, and with each slash my face would heal itself. “Edge it would seem you have gotten stronger than you used to be. Maybe I will get a great battle out of you after all.” Aeris said boastfully as she pulled back from our stalemate. “What did you expect me to sit around on my ass and let you surpass me in strength?” I asked the beautiful goddess of wind. “Are you saying that because I happen to be a woman?” She asked in an angry tone of voice. “Well of course, that and you are my enemy, and if I let you become stronger than I am then I will surly die. And I can’t let that happen.” I said has I charged at her with my blades in their cross shaped positions. “Ha, you may have gotten stronger, but your attack style is still the same.” Aeris said as she stepped to the side as I ran past her. “Ventus Palmula! Wind Blade!” Was all she said as a blade of ice cold air sliced across my back cutting my armor as if it were plain sheet metal.
As my armor feel from my body I looked at Aeris and saw a grim smile on her face. At that time I knew there was something wrong, and that she was fighting me against her will, but I couldn’t care. My life was on the line, and it was either me or her and I haven’t killed Aroth yet, so I knew I couldn’t die just yet. I quickly put Acies on my right side and Tatakai on my left, I once again charged at Aeris, but this time I had a plan. “Ah Edge once again you try the same maneuver.” Said Aeris as she stepped to the side to her right, but this time I swung Acies and caught the Elemental lord. “Actually Aeris this time I knew what you’d do, that’s why I had a blade on each side.” I said as I slid to a stop and turned to face Aeris as her top feel down from where I cut her. “Damn it Edge. You’re lucky I have something under this outfit!” Aeris screamed at me as she placed a hand over her almost bare breast. “This is a battle woman, forget your damn embarrassment and fight me with all your heart or you will die here today.” I said to Aeris as I once again placed my blades it a new battle position. “Oh I bet you’d like for me to drop my hands so you could catch a look at my chest.” Shouted the Elemental Lord as she pulled an under garment over her breast. “Forget this.” I said has I charged at her with both blades in a position to kill, but as I drew near a large wall of earth grew in front of Aeris blocking my attack as if it were nothing.
“What in the hell is that?” I shouted as the wall of earth grew and grew until I was completely in its shadow. “So Solum it would seem you’ve shown up. Even after I told you I would take care of Edge on my own.” Said Aeris in a clearly angry tone of voice. “I’m sorry lady Aeris, but Master Aroth told me that Edge needs to be killed now so he told me to join you and to end our Master’s nemesis’s life.” Said a rough a deep voice from behind the wall of earth. “Alright I hate being left out of conversations!” I shouted as I took a quick step back and then ran towards the wall with my fist in front of me. As my fist made contact with the earthen wall you could just feel the vibrations in the very ground you stood upon. And after a second the wall shattered like that of frozen steel. “Ah so this is the very man that not only killed Exuro but also Maritimus? I must admit he is much smaller than I thought, and now he’s able to match strength with you Aeris, hmm maybe I’ve already misjudged him.” Said this giant of a man. “Good lord…you’re a fucking giant!” I said in wonder to this guy that stood well over seven feet tall and was built like a stone wall. “I don’t care, it’s time for you to die small man.” Said the giant as he grabbed a huge axe that was located on his back. “oh so now I get to fight two Elemental Lords…sounds good to me. Saves me the hassle of searching for the last of you cowards.” I said as I grabbed Acies and swung up towards Solum’s axe.
“Ha, if you think your weak blade can match my mighty axe then you are mistaken.” Spoke Solum as he swung his axe downwards. As our two blades met a shower of sparks rain down upon my face, but I could have cared less because I knew as the sparks were flying my blade was cutting through his axe. And sure enough after twenty minutes of being locked in the pushing match of blades Solum gave me a swift kick to the abdomen sending me flying backwards. He then gave a quick look to his axes blade and saw the deep cut that Acies had left. “My I have underestimated yours and your blades strength.” Bellowed Solum as he dropped his useless axe to the ground and reached behind his back to reveal two smaller axes that were still far larger than a man. “So I take it you’re not ready to give up just yet are you big guy? Well that’s fine by me, but I’m tired of fighting you. So I’m just going to end this fight here and now.” I remarked as I once again placed my two blades in the cross shaped position I started my battle against Aeris with. “Watch out Solum, this position of his has an unusual power behind it, for an odd reason it’s far stronger than you’d think.” Shouted Aeris from behind Solum. “Lady Aeris I can handle this. Now back away or you too may get hurt in my ultimate move.” Spoke Solum as he started to mumble to himself. “Well as you said it’s time to finish this pointless battle of ours.” I mentioned as I ran towards Solum with my two blades still in the cross formation. As soon as I was in front of Solum he shouted his last words “Mucro Humus! Sharpened Ground!” and at that moment spikes of earth came right from the ground impaling me as I did my attack “Cross Slash!” and with that a massive blade in the shape of a cross tore through Solum as if he were nothing but a piece of parchment.
As I pulled myself from the earthen spike that went through me I saw that Solum was still standing in the very spot in which I had attacked him in. “How can that be possible? That move should have killed you?” I asked in wonder as Solum stood there holding a bleeding nub that used to be his right arm. “Well Edge your attack was strong, that is for sure. But you failed to notice your attack was also slowed down by one of my spikes that actually appeared in front of me. But as you can see I still got most of your attack embedded into my flesh.” Said Solum as he revealed a cross shaped cut that went completely across his hulking chest. “So Solum, do I expect you to keep fighting me or will you actually back down?” I questioned the wounded Elemental Lord as I myself held the hole in my stomach that was slowly healing itself. “Well Edge unlike all the other Elemental Lords I was a born warrior, and I know when to back down from a battle, and this is that time. If it were not for the fact that we are enemies I would have asked you if I could join you in your journeys. But I fear my life grows close to the end.” Said Solum as he turned his back and walked over to a high raise rock and took a seat upon it. “So it would look like its back to just you and me Edge.” Spoke a soft female voice from behind me. “It would seem so Aeris, this time no stopping. This will either be the end of me or the end of you.” I said to the Elemental Lord Aeris as I turned around and released my stomach as my wound had healed.
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day to say the least…and at the most…it was a fucking hot day…I mean god damn I was in hell or as close to it as earth can be. It was one fucking hot day, I mean I was wearing light colors and I still was roasting alive. Anyways onto the fire cracker fun…me and my friend launched tons of bottle rockets and many other types of fire crackers, and oddly enough my first bottle rocket burned me. But after that I knew what not to do…it’s been a year since I played with these things. So one burn is a good trade off for two hours worth of fun…yeah…now I get to hear all of you yell at me for getting hurt…oh well shit happens these days. Anyways as I said yesterday I ended up getting a new idea for my story, so I’m going to tell all of you about it now. So I do want to know what you guys think of it, so please answer today’s question.
Anyways the story is set in an alternate universe and is about a being known as Sonatus. Sonatus is a man that is almost god like, in fact the people of that world call him “The War God” because he searches out battles and fights everyone, not a battle has happened that he was never apart of since his coming to that planet. Tales tell the story of how a man fell from the very sky and crashed into the ground creating the very hole that Sonatus climbed out of. Legends also tell of a race of people that live in a grand city that floats about the world, and that maybe this god fell from the heavens. Over the hundreds of years that Sonatus has roamed this world he can’t happen to remember a thing of his past before that day he walked out of the hole the fall created, he can only remember his name, and the one thing that gives him joy.
Also I would like to add that I changed my theme again…for an odd reason I can’t help having a woman on my avatar…it’s a little too odd for me…so I’m going back to Gungrave for now, so either deal with it, or live with it…the choice is yours. Anyways that’s it for my post, I do hope you all enjoyed it, and I shall try my hardest to get to everyone’s sites later today, but I can’t make any promises.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Alphonse13, and she asks “You’re not gonna Kill Edge off are you!?!?” Well you’ll have to keep reading “The Cursed Knight” in order to find out if I kill of Edge. Hey you never know, evil just may beat good in my story, Edge just might lose his life to Aroth in their finally battle. Then again Edge just might kill Aroth and be freed from his curse and allowed to live a normal life. But hey, we’ll all get to see what happens…well other than me that is since I know what happens. Anyways the next question is from Twilight Samurai, and she asks “Do you think this reinforces the idea that Edge is a bit of a perv?” Well of course it reinforces the idea that I’m a perv, but then again I could also do a many other things to prove that I’m a perv…so should I do them now that I changed my theme once again?
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says “I'm back Edgy!!! You're favorite person to be joking around with is back and uh...yeah I don't think you care now.” Hey you’re back; yea it’s good to see your comment back. I was wondering when I’d get to tease you again…I mean joke a round with you…I mean…ah forget it, you know what I mean. The second discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “I like “The Cursed Knight” so I hope it gets completed. You could just have two stories run on your site like I do.” Well I’m going to finish off “The Cursed Knight” so don’t worry about that, but I will NOT have two stories running on my site…it would be far to much for me to do. So I will be writing the second story as I think of it, but I will not be posting it until I finish writing “The Cursed Knight” my mind is just a little too simple for having two stories running at once…Anyways the third discussion is from Unicornrain, and she says “In my opinion, there is no use in reading a story if the main character dies in the end.” Why do you say that? If anything in “The Cursed Knight” if Edge dies it would be something he welcomes because of the life he has lived, you must remember Edge’s life was full of war and battle, if he were to die any other way it would mean I ruined his character in the end, so if I kill of Edge it will be in one of the grandest ways possible for him, in battle at the end of his enemies blade.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So…do you want to hear my new story idea? Nah I know the story, but I do hope all of you enjoyed my idea.
Today’s Question
1.) So does it sound like a good story…or should I scrape it?
Comments (12) |
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a good day. I finally cleaned my room as to where I can actually walk around my room without hitting any boxes…yeah I know I’m a lazy good for nothing bum, but hey what else is new? Anyways I also talked to a friend of mine that I haven’t seen it a long time, and I made plans to hang with him today and shot off some fireworks, should be a lot of fun, and hell I just might have something to post tomorrow instead of me having nothing to talk about like I’ve been doing…yeah I know Edge’s days have been getting pretty boring…but hey in a week it changes I’ll have a blast and won’t have to post…on the day I get back with be hell…I’ll have to post a WHOLE week just so you guys can know what I did…yeah I’ll be typing the whole day…and all of you will be reading for a whole day. XD oh and I have sad news for all of you…it would seem this chapter…the grand battle between Aeris and Edge is taking a WHOLE lot longer than I expected…but the really sad part is…I’m starting to get an idea for another story…and I don’t want to start another one until I finish off “The Cursed Knight”…man that just sounded like I wanted to kill Edge…hmm…gives me an idea. But let me know what you guys think because I truly love to know what you guys think when it comes to my ideas for stories. Anyways that’s it for my post today, I hope all of you enjoy the rest of the post for today. Anyways I shall try talking to all of you guys later today, so until then have a good day.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “Did you ever tell us where you're vacationing?” Yes I already told everyone where I was going or vacation, Edge is heading up to Minnesota for his vacation…don’t ask why, because I just am. It’s just that plain and simple. Anyways the next question is from Lytjuh, and she asks “So just write when you know something and enjoy your own writing kk?” Well I’m glad you agree with me…forcing myself to write this new chapter isn’t something I should do…it might ruin the chapter…and I can’t have that happening…I’d lose all my fandom for “The Cursed Knight”…and I’d hate for that to happen. The next question is from Alphonse13, and she asks “where do you go and what do you do on Vacation??” Hell if I know…this is Edge’s first vacation on his own…but hey I’ll find out what you do on vacation in less than a week…I just might tell you everything you do on vacation…or maybe not.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “Anyway sounds like you didn't do too much but hey we all need our breaks.” Yeah but having as many breaks as I have just might lead to a life of boringness…and may bring on the desire to actually work so that I could have something to do…god forbid Edge ever wanting to work…Anyways the second discussion is from Kita, and she says “Do I need to get a lynch mob together and come looking for you... I mean I would ride you’re ass about it more, if I could ever talked to you, but it seems like you are never on anymore... I think you are avoiding me…so I cannot ride your ass.” Yes before you can tell me otherwise I did uncensored your comment, because Edge is a guy that loves things uncensored. Anyways I’m not avoiding you, you’re just never on when I’m on the computer, so HA…it’s your fault you can’t ride my ass. And besides I’m working as hard as I can on this chapter…it just doesn’t feel right every time I get it written, so I have to delete it and start over…but who knows, maybe I’ll have something good soon. Anyways the third discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “The new theme looks nice, though I still need to get used to seeing a girl-avi from you.” Yeah you’re telling me…I’m still trying to get used to having a girl for my avatar…it’s so odd for me…but I’ll either end up changing it or hopefully get used to it…we’ll see which one it ends up being. The fourth discussion is from Alphonse13, and she says “Oh I forgot to say yesterday that I like your picture of the day!” Well I’m glad you liked it…it happens to be one of my older picture of the days, but hey you know if you can get the right two people together it could just mean sparks. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Gidra, and she says “Just please don't give up on the story.” I could never give up on “The Cursed Knight” It’s the only form of art work that I actually take pride in…all my other pieces of art I have no problem with throwing away like trash…but this story…I don’t know why but I can’t just get rid of it…it’s a labor of love I guess you could say.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Any favorite foods? Yes…Edge loves his Cheese Burgers and French Fries…mmm…
Today’s Question
1.) So…do you want to hear my new story idea?
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