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The protective knight
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I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
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Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day, I submitted two new wallpapers to the Otaku, both of which have been accepted and are currently ready for downloading, but since I have my story up for today I will not allow myself to show you guys what they look like…maybe on Monday along with that poll to see who was right, Edge or Red…we all know Edge is right on his site, but I’d like to know where all of you stand on this poll…just don’t tell me what side you vote for…or I just might show favoritism to those that vote with me. You never know…maybe a preview on something in my story…but I’m not bribing anyone to vote for me on this…Anyways I had a HORRIBLE time Friday while I was on MSN talking to a close friend of mine…all of a sudden my internet provider cuts my internet and cable out for our move to the new house…but we told them not to cut it out until Tuesday…not Friday…man I was so fucking pissed that I…sort of…smashed a fist of mine into a solid steel table…the table is perfectly fine…but my fist…looks cool now…yeah that’s it. Nothing is wrong with my hand what so ever…nothing was busted open or no bones cracked…and not even bruised…so how many of you are willing to accept that as being the truth? And yet the funny thing is I was also forced not to post for yesterday, because my internet was not given back to us until yesterday afternoon…so my friend probably thinks I’m ignoring her, or something…and this is really pissing Edge of because I wasn’t even able to say goodbye. Well since I’ve talked about all the important things from yesterday I’ll be closing my post off here…so I’ll talk with you guys later today, and I hope all of you will enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “An argument?” Yes, you now one of mine and Red’s little stupid joke arguments that have almost no meaning to them what so ever. So don’t worry about it, it’s nothing to be concerned with…even though the voting should be fun to watch…to finally know who was right Edge or Red…the ultimate battle between good and evil…and no I’m not talking about my story “The Cursed Knight”…hmm…or maybe I am…
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says “Second, don’t worry I'm not afraid of you or your imagination. Actually your imagination is very entertaining.” Well now…then I suppose it’s your fault if I scare you away when I choose to let my mind truly go free. Because I tend to keep most of my imagination to myself…and very few other people…I only know of one that as seen quite a lot of what my mind can imagine up…Anyways the second discussion is from Grave, and he says “I went ahead and read today's chapter, even though I haven't exactly caught up yet, but it was good. Too bad I was only in it for a few seconds...” Well just because you were in it for a few paragraphs doesn’t mean I won’t be using him in later chapters. Man, you need to remember I write in an odd way, leaving other characters to evolve on their own. So just shut up and sit back and watch what happens with the story. Anyways the third discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “And one of these days, you and I need to have a contest to determine who is the laziest. I'll get around to setting something up... as soon as I feel like it...” Well I believe you and I can both agree that you are far lazier than I am…but I have you beaten in another area…and that would be perversion. I’m sad to report that we’ll have to do a poll on that as well, to see who would be considered the laziest and one for to see who would be considered the most perverted. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Grifter, and he says “Edge-san and lechery go hand in hand. Then again, if I didn't have Zealot to straighten me out every other day, I'd be spending some serious face time with Ms. Lechery myself.” Hey! That was a crack at me wasn’t it? Hmm…you’re luck I have to agree with you on that…Anyways the fifth discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says “I know you're joking me, dealing with Lord Sesshy almost everyday is enough. But you’re the champ though.” Haha…there you go proof that Edge has beaten Lordsesshomaru in perversion…not sure if that’s a good thing or not…but I’ll be more than happy to accept that title.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So what do you think of today’s picture of the day? I think it’s great; it’s fast enough to keep all of you girls staring. Evil I know…
Today’s Question
1.) So…did you believe my fist excuse?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Eighteen
The journey through this mountainous region of Japan was harder than I had expected. I had a feeling that not only was I being watched, but that I was being followed. As my journey brought me to a monstrous mountain I realized that somehow I was suppose to make my through it, and sure enough I found a cave that led deep into the mountain. It was at this point I knew this is were I’m suppose to go, so as I start to walk into the darkness I continued to feel as if I was being followed. As my journey turned from minutes to hours I was wondering how far into this mountain I had walked, and then out of nowhere I came out into a large chamber filled with torches all the way around the chamber. “Ah a stranger has come into my chamber. I suppose it is time for me to have a little fun, because I was getting bored with not killing someone.” Said a voice from a dark said of the room. “Who are you…Aroth?! Were did you take Rire? Show you fucking face before I come over there and kill you.” I shouted to the unknown figure. “Who is Aroth? I am Joutei…but for an odd reason all my loyal followers call me Jason. Now let’s get the fight on the way so I can take the blessed sword Tatakai from you. That Yakumo fool should have known better than to let you have it.” Said the figure as it stepped out into the light so I could see who he was.
“You think you can beat me? You’re just a kid, what chance do you stand against me?” I said while laughing at Jason because of his childish appearance. “Stop laughing at me! I’m going to be the death of you, and yet you’re making fun of me! That just shows me how stupid to truly are.” Jason screamed at the top of his lungs at me. “Stupid huh? Alright I’ll show you how the stupid one is. Was all I said before I vanished in front of him. “Where…where in the hell did he go?” Questioned Jason as he looked around trying to find me. At that very second I appeared right behind him “So, you sure I’m the stupid one. It doesn’t even seem you know where I could show up. I suggest you give up, or you’ll die at a young age.” I said behind him before I vanished again. “Fuck you! You couldn’t kill me even if you wanted to.” He shouted trying to make himself sound powerful. “Is that so? Well how about we test that theory of yours.” I suggested as I showed up twenty feet in front of him. “Bring it on you show off. I’m immortal so I fear nothing.” He shouted. “A shame, they say the one thing immortals fear worst than anything is death. That’s the only reason they happen to be that way. But for you, facing me will be your death, for my blades are the only things that can possibly slay a being of immortality.” I spoke as I vanished in a flash. “Damn…where did he go again?…” Was all he said as my blade Tatakai made its way through his abdomen.
“You should be happy that I held back and missed all major organs. I do not feel like killing you, so I’m going to let you live and fear your end, for if you go against me once again I will not hold back.” Was all I said as I pulled my blade from him, and he fell to the ground. “Why are you stronger than me…is it because you are good and I am evil?” He questioned me as laid there in a pool of his own blood. “I am stronger for whatever you wish to believe, just remember my power will always be greater than any power you could ever hope to receive.” I said as I continued along my journey out of the mountain. As another hour passed I finally came out of the mountain near a small town. The first thing I did was find myself a ship to take me back to the main land so I could find Aroth’s place of testing. As the ship I was on sailed a huge storm started to roll in from over the horizon with lighting flashing and thunder shaking the ship. We were lucky not to have been caught up in the storm, for the ship I was on would have been sunk for sure.
As I stepped foot upon the land I felt as if I had walked into enemy territory. When I looked around I noticed that the place I was in was not the same place in which I had departed from all those years ago with Rire. As I turned around to get back on the ship in which I stepped off of I saw that it was no longer there. With the disappearance of my ship I decided that I might as walk into the trap that was set for me. With that I once again started upon my journey, as I walked through the dense forest the air pressure around me seemed to have grown stronger. “Aeris. Why do you always just follow me? Couldn’t you just show up and not stock me?” I asked the Air Elemental Lord. “Well Edge it would seem you really can sense when I’m near by. And I see you had one of those crystals placed into your sword to help you know when an Elemental Lord is near by, am I correct?” She asked me as she sat upon a branch on a near by tree. “Actually you’re wrong. Thanks to you this stone was forged into my blade, and by all means I can’t seem to remove it. So why did you come find me again Aeris?” I said to the air goddess as she sat swinging her legs around. “Well to be honest with you Edge. My master no longer as any use of you. So I was sent here to kill you. But you know I don’t feel like killing you just yet. I’d hate to destroy this beautiful forest in which you happen to be standing in. Besides, where’s the fun in killing someone when you can’t torture them?” Was all she said before she vanished into the wind. When Aeris disappeared I started to think about what she had said, knowing she didn’t want to destroy the forest shows me that she has a weakness for the good of the land. And yet knowing she wants to torture me before killing me sent shivers down my spine. For five days I wondered around that forest trying to find my way out, and then one day I found myself at the edge of a massive grassland area. It was then that I knew Aeris would attack, but when I did not know.
While walking around the grassland I noticed that much of this place was full of rolling hills and yet it was a lot flatter than any place I’ve ever been. As I walked around for weeks on end I wondered when these grasslands would stop and when I’d come to familiar lands. But what I was truly trying to figure out was when was Aeris going to attack me, when was she going to kill me. Would she have the power to kill me? And if she did have the power, would she actually use it to finish me off, or would she let me go like all the other times she had a chance to kill me. Then on one day as I awoke from a deep slumber I felt Aeris’ presence near by. I choose not to sit around and wait for her, so I continued along my way. After another two days passed I finally felt the air get colder, and as I turned around there she was, Aeris the Elemental Lord of Air. “Well Edge it seems it is finally time for you to die, and finally be at peace.” Spoke Aeris as she lifted her right hand into the air and started to swirl it around crating a small funnel of air. “Well Aeris it seems you’ve learned some new moves from the last time I saw you, but I’m sad to report that I too have some new tricks to show off.” I said as I grabbed Acies in my right hand and held Tatakai in my left. “They may both be large swords, but my strength has increased by ten folds since we last saw each other.” I said as I took a new battle position with the blades in the shape of a cross. “Well then we’ll see who has become stronger, and the weakest of the two shall die a most horrible death.” Spoke Aeris as her small funnel of air wrapped itself around her wrist, she then placed her fist together creating a second funnel on her other hand. “Well then Aeris, it is time for out grand battle, I do hope you are ready to die.” I shouted as I ran towards her.
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Friday, June 8, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice boring….nothing exciting happening day in the life of Edge…but what can I say…schools out and for once this week I don’t have to work…so Edge has become bored. And with a new day comes a new picture of the day…well for today at least. I might have some new ones for the other days…but I’m not sure…I am getting pretty lazy again. And since today is Friday, we all know what’s coming up right? Yes since today is Friday then that means tomorrow is Saturday…oh yeah that also means for those for you that enjoy reading “The Cursed Knight” that means that there is the latest chapter finished and ready to be read by all of you that enjoy it…and for those of you that doesn’t enjoy it. Oh yeah I almost forgot to tell all of you about the new song I added…sorry I was sort of late with yesterday’s post so I forgot to tell you I added Papa Roach’s “Forever” to my playlist. It is the first song on my list, so if you have your speakers on you should be able to hear it…and if not, then don’t worry about it. Oh yes…another little thing that happened in Edge’s day yesterday. Me and Redmoonchick got into a small argument that I would like to resolve, so if anyone knows of a place where I can get one of those poll boxes that allows people to vote I would appreciate it, and the question of what the argument is over will be shown on Monday when I post the poll to see who was right, Edge or Red. Anyways…that seems to be it for today’s post. So I hope you’ve enjoyed it o far, and I hope you’ll continue to enjoy it. Anyways I’ll try to get to everyone’s sites later today…I really need to catch up on a few of your sites…
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Lytjuh, and she asks “When and for how long are you going?” Well it will be in July and it’ll be for a whole week…I’ll find other things to do as well…it isn’t like I’ll just be in the mall the whole week…that would get tiring. Anyways the next question us from Vigro Angel, and she asks “What do you think about making an otaku writers club?” It sounds like a good idea, but alas I’m not willing to join it. I only want my story on my site, and no other. “The Cursed Knight” and any stories afterwards will only be found on this account and no other. So sorry, but I’m not up for that club, but I still think it’ll be a good idea if you could find some other writers that are willing to join it. Anyways the next question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “Did anybody ever tell you that whenever I read you're posts and stuff, you make me laugh?” Nope, I’ve never been told that…but then again compared to LS’s post mine aren’t nearly as funny. I think it’s been awhile since my post had something funny in it…and yesterday’s only had the line "I'm am Edge, and that is my talent.", but I do suppose it was funny…what can I say being Edge really is my talent.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “Oh dear god...You DORK!!! *gently slaps you* Don't even think I feel tainted...” Hey you’re the one that asked for it…its no my fault that when you said figure skater that my mind went to thinking about how the cold effects…well you know those things…but I suppose I should have not said a thing about that…but oh well it is me we are talking about after all. Anyways the second discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “I still see that you didn't add Bleach to your favorites.” Alright I get it…I changed it now. Bleach is now listed under my favorite animes…do you feel better now that I’ve fixed the problem…so I was too lazy to change…so sue me. Anyways the third discussion is from Gidra, and she says “If you don't feel lazy U can try and make one. It’s always good to see your imagination in action.” Wow…that’s a first most girls would be fearful of what my imagination can think of…for certain reasons. But I have a new picture of the day, so no worries. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says “Yes, I believe the pervertness is getting to you and know you're hitting on your friends *pats u on the back* there, there I still love you as a friend.” Well I would believe I was hitting on my friends if it wasn’t for the simple fact that I believe every single friend I act perverted to understands that I’m just joking around with them. Now don’t get me wrong…I may have acted perverted to a few friends that haven’t caught onto my joking ness…but hopefully they’ll understand soon.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Do I need a new picture of the day? Yes I really do need a new one…that’s why I made one.
Today’s Question
1.) So what do you think of today’s picture of the day?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Eighteen
The journey through this mountainous region of Japan was harder than I had expected. I had a feeling that not only was I being watched, but that I was being followed. As my journey brought me to a monstrous mountain I realized that somehow I was suppose to make my through it, and sure enough I found a cave that led deep into the mountain. It was at this point I knew this is were I’m suppose to go, so as I start to walk into the darkness I continued to feel as if I was being followed. As my journey turned from minutes to hours I was wondering how far into this mountain I had walked, and then out of nowhere I came out into a large chamber filled with torches all the way around the chamber. “Ah a stranger has come into my chamber. I suppose it is time for me to have a little fun, because I was getting bored with not killing someone.” Said a voice from a dark said of the room. “Who are you…Aroth?! Were did you take Rire? Show you fucking face before I come over there and kill you.” I shouted to the unknown figure. “Who is Aroth? I am Joutei…but for an odd reason all my loyal followers call me Jason. Now let’s get the fight on the way so I can take the blessed sword Tatakai from you. That Yakumo fool should have known better than to let you have it.” Said the figure as it stepped out into the light so I could see who he was.
“You think you can beat me? You’re just a kid, what chance do you stand against me?” I said while laughing at Jason because of his childish appearance. “Stop laughing at me! I’m going to be the death of you, and yet you’re making fun of me! That just shows me how stupid to truly are.” Jason screamed at the top of his lungs at me. “Stupid huh? Alright I’ll show you how the stupid one is. Was all I said before I vanished in front of him. “Where…where in the hell did he go?” Questioned Jason as he looked around trying to find me. At that very second I appeared right behind him “So, you sure I’m the stupid one. It doesn’t even seem you know where I could show up. I suggest you give up, or you’ll die at a young age.” I said behind him before I vanished again. “Fuck you! You couldn’t kill me even if you wanted to.” He shouted trying to make himself sound powerful. “Is that so? Well how about we test that theory of yours.” I suggested as I showed up twenty feet in front of him. “Bring it on you show off. I’m immortal so I fear nothing.” He shouted. “A shame, they say the one thing immortals fear worst than anything is death. That’s the only reason they happen to be that way. But for you, facing me will be your death, for my blades are the only things that can possibly slay a being of immortality.” I spoke as I vanished in a flash. “Damn…where did he go again?…” Was all he said as my blade Tatakai made its way through his abdomen.
“You should be happy that I held back and missed all major organs. I do not feel like killing you, so I’m going to let you live and fear your end, for if you go against me once again I will not hold back.” Was all I said as I pulled my blade from him, and he fell to the ground. “Why are you stronger than me…is it because you are good and I am evil?” He questioned me as laid there in a pool of his own blood. “I am stronger for whatever you wish to believe, just remember my power will always be greater than any power you could ever hope to receive.” I said as I continued along my journey out of the mountain. As another hour passed I finally came out of the mountain near a small town. The first thing I did was find myself a ship to take me back to the main land so I could find Aroth’s place of testing. As the ship I was on sailed a huge storm started to roll in from over the horizon with lighting flashing and thunder shaking the ship. We were lucky not to have been caught up in the storm, for the ship I was on would have been sunk for sure.
As I stepped foot upon the land I felt as if I had walked into enemy territory. When I looked around I noticed that the place I was in was not the same place in which I had departed from all those years ago with Rire. As I turned around to get back on the ship in which I stepped off of I saw that it was no longer there. With the disappearance of my ship I decided that I might as walk into the trap that was set for me. With that I once again started upon my journey, as I walked through the dense forest the air pressure around me seemed to have grown stronger. “Aeris. Why do you always just follow me? Couldn’t you just show up and not stock me?” I asked the Air Elemental Lord. “Well Edge it would seem you really can sense when I’m near by. And I see you had one of those crystals placed into your sword to help you know when an Elemental Lord is near by, am I correct?” She asked me as she sat upon a branch on a near by tree. “Actually you’re wrong. Thanks to you this stone was forged into my blade, and by all means I can’t seem to remove it. So why did you come find me again Aeris?” I said to the air goddess as she sat swinging her legs around. “Well to be honest with you Edge. My master no longer as any use of you. So I was sent here to kill you. But you know I don’t feel like killing you just yet. I’d hate to destroy this beautiful forest in which you happen to be standing in. Besides, where’s the fun in killing someone when you can’t torture them?” Was all she said before she vanished into the wind. When Aeris disappeared I started to think about what she had said, knowing she didn’t want to destroy the forest shows me that she has a weakness for the good of the land. And yet knowing she wants to torture me before killing me sent shivers down my spine. For five days I wondered around that forest trying to find my way out, and then one day I found myself at the edge of a massive grassland area. It was then that I knew Aeris would attack, but when I did not know.
While walking around the grassland I noticed that much of this place was full of rolling hills and yet it was a lot flatter than any place I’ve ever been. As I walked around for weeks on end I wondered when these grasslands would stop and when I’d come to familiar lands. But what I was truly trying to figure out was when was Aeris going to attack me, when was she going to kill me. Would she have the power to kill me? And if she did have the power, would she actually use it to finish me off, or would she let me go like all the other times she had a chance to kill me. Then on one day as I awoke from a deep slumber I felt Aeris’ presence near by. I choose not to sit around and wait for her, so I continued along my way. After another two days passed I finally felt the air get colder, and as I turned around there she was, Aeris the Elemental Lord of Air. “Well Edge it seems it is finally time for you to die, and finally be at peace.” Spoke Aeris as she lifted her right hand into the air and started to swirl it around crating a small funnel of air. “Well Aeris it seems you’ve learned some new moves from the last time I saw you, but I’m sad to report that I too have some new tricks to show off.” I said as I grabbed Acies in my right hand and held Tatakai in my left. “They may both be large swords, but my strength has increased by ten folds since we last saw each other.” I said as I took a new battle position with the blades in the shape of a cross. “Well then we’ll see who has become stronger, and the weakest of the two shall die a most horrible death.” Spoke Aeris as her small funnel of air wrapped itself around her wrist, she then placed her fist together creating a second funnel on her other hand. “Well then Aeris, it is time for out grand battle, I do hope you are ready to die.” I shouted as I ran towards her.
Comments (15) |
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day. I went to work…and boy was that fun…ok so I’m full of it…anyways I did a lot of work that my boos usually does, in other words I’m learning more than I want to…bad thing is the way this is going I’m going to be able to run this store running up on Friday…god I hate these sporting good stores…yesterday I counted a grand total of 316 baseballs…and no I’m not lying. Other than that nothing much happened. Bu I did finish chapter 18 of “The Cursed Knight” and it will be posted on Friday. So no worries my friends I have all of your “Cursed Knight” fixtures coming…but of course all of you will be mad when you read it. Haha, Edge is getting evil with his writing skills. Anyways that’s all that happened yesterday, so I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the post. And I shall try my hardest to get to everyone’s sites later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “Edge knew all along where he was going and lied to us?” Well if you want to see it that way then sure I guess I did lie…but then again I did have fun hearing all of you trying to get me to visit where you live. So oh well, get over it Red. Anyways the next question is from Yensid, and she asks “You're moving?” Yeah…but just down the road. The next question is from Sesslover18, and she asks “What’s wrong with you?!” Well…I keep hearing I’m a pervert…so I suppose that could be something that is wrong with me, but hey I enjoy myself.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “Any special talents I can be a real tease but umm I am a figure skater so I guess that counts!!!^^” Believe me I know you’re a real tease…but I heard you were a figure skater…sound nice…wearing those tight suits in the cold arenas…man I bet you’re…hold on…forget that. I get enough “You Pervert” comments these days…I’m not going to say anything about what I was thinking. Anyways the second discussion is from Yensid, and she says “I'm dying to know where you are going but have my suspicions. Maybe to visit a certain someone who recently moved north?” Well I did say I’m going north, but no I’m not going to visit Misty. In fact Edge is going a different way north…I’m going to Minnesota…why you ask? Well I want to see the Mall of America. So if I have any otaku friends in Minnesota you’ll more than likely find me roaming the Mall of America. So if you wish to meet me, then go there. How you going to find me? Good question…maybe I’ll answer it tomorrow.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) What is a special talent you have? Yes I do…I am Edge, and that is my talent.
Today’s Question
1.) Do I need a new picture of the day?
Comments (11) |
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day. I learned a few thing yesterday…some of them I will not tell you guys, because at this time it’s not something I’m willing to share. But maybe sooner or later I’ll let you guys know about it. I also made two new wallpapers…neither of which I’ve submitted yet, but I do know a few of you will enjoy them…while others will wonder about why I made them…oh well get over it. I’ve also almost completed chapter 18. With all the work I’ve been doing this chapter isn’t coming along as fast as I had hopped it would. And pretty soon…I should be able to finish up this story…with the ideas I have coming as they are for this story I just might be able to finish it within the next few months…just DON’T hold me to that. You never know what might pop into my head…and that idea just might make the story another three chapters long…no one knows. Not even me…I also heard the news from my mom that we’ll be moving on Monday…man I swear I need to start listening when she tells me this stuff ahead of time…so…I’m not sure if I’ll have internet access or not…good I hope I do…I have people to talk to these days. Anyways that seems to be it for my post today…at least it’s longer than yesterday’s post…which is always good considering how short that one was. Anyways I hope to talk with you guys later, and please do enjoy the rest of the post. And I shall try my hardest to get to everyone’s sites later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Yensid, and she asks “Have you decided where you are going yet?” Of course I know where I’m going for my vacation I’ve known ever sense I announced that I was going on one…now if you wish to know where I’m going then I suppose you’ll have to wait until tomorrow when I choose to reveal where Edge will be going…Anyways the next question is from Kitabug69, and she asks “Do I look crazy?” Yes you do…in fact you are a crazy lady…and I have proof…you talk to me all the time on MSN…I have plenty f proof to prove you are crazy.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “Wow that does sound like a boring life you got there hehe very much...” Yeah, yeah, yeah…so my life tends to get boring, but then again my life also has its interesting parts. Anyways the second discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “I already tried to get Edge to visit but he doesn't want to see me.” Well…I would visit you if I hadn’t already had my plans made…sorry Red. And I never once said I didn’t want to see you. I said that I didn’t want to go to Chicago. Anyways the third discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “OMG, Edge going on a panty hunt!!! You’re so bad!! Perv!” And your point would be? So Edge is an open pervert…and here I thought everyone that comes here knew that already. So you’d think a panty hunt would sound like something I would do…so come on…
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So are you going to try and convince Edge to come to a city near you? Nah…Edge is trying to leave the city in which he is in.
Today’s Question
1.) What is a special talent you have?
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day. Nothing much happened for once…since I couldn’t fall asleep until 6:00 AM…I had far too much on my mind. I can’t really say I did much…all I really did do was go to work…counting sporting goods…oh joy isn’t that fun…counting 100 baseballs, one by one. Anyways since I don’t have much to say today. So this is a short post, so please do enjoy the other parts…since they are the only good parts. And I shall try to talk to you guys later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “Which type of dragon do you think is better: the medieval type or the ancient Asian type?” Well in all facts I like both dragon types equally. They both have their good points and yet they also have their bad. For example, I like the way medieval dragons are designed, while I hate the Asian design. But I like how dragons can be both good and evil in Asian types, while all medieval dragons are evil. Anyways the next question is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I hope you have fun on your vacation. That should be relaxing right!?” Oh yes, this vacation of mine is going to be so relaxing. I should be so relaxed that my story will take a huge hit to its unleashing.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “Hehe that vacation sounds like fun...wish I could go on one!” Oh well…maybe you’ll have a fun vacation. Maybe you’ll find something to do while I’m on vacation, you never know you just may have more fun then you know. Anyways the second discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “Of course I’d like Edge to visit; you are my friend after all. Though if you visited I’d have to hide my underwear.” Man…now I really don’t want to come visit you ever. Hiding your underwear tales all the fun out of even trying to see you…then again I could always go on a panty hunt…sound like fun.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So what do you think of this new style of mine? (Of making wallpapers) I actually like them. And I plan on making more like them.
Today’s Question
1.) So are you going to try and convince Edge to come to a city near you?
Comments (11) |
Monday, June 4, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a restless day to begin with…for unknown reasons other than the fact that I just couldn’t fall asleep yesterday I went to my first store without having been to bed. And while counting that store I realized that my nerves were…a bit shorter than usually…we had one “person” who was such a fuck up that every single area “they” counted I had to redo so it would be right…and “they” kept doing simple stuff that even a feeble minded child could have counted…I mean who hard is it to count to 30? I then went home at noon…after being at that god blasted store for six hours…I was able to get two hours of a nap in before I had to go to my second store of the day…same store, different location…god I hate sporting goods right now…at least this second store went a lot smoother and with my nap my nerves were a lot more normal…I even got to train two new hires in how to do this job…it seems I know more about this job then even I had known…And then today…I’ll have to once again count that same fucking store…but in a different city…god someone please kill me…and then Wednesday I once again get to do yet another one of those stores…but this time in my city…and it happens to be the biggest one…I swear I’m hating this week…but then again I’ve also came across a lot of very good things this week…starting from last Monday…but that’s not important…just know Edge is a much happier guy knowing I have something to look forward to…yes I’m talking about my vacation. Oh yeah…I’m going to show you guys the newest wallpapers to Edge’s growing Bleach stockpile. These wallpapers took me forever to perfect, and for an odd reason I can’t help but keep making more in this style, so be sure to tell me what you think of them. Anyways that’s it for today, and I shall try to get to everyone’s sites later today…if I’m still alive…anyways please enjoy the rest of the post…and have a nice day.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Gidra, and she asks “You just might be over with chapter 19 too?” Yeah the way it’s looking chapter nineteen will be done far ahead of my original plans…damn slave drivers…make you work harder than even you thought possible. Anyways the next question is from Yensid, and she asks “Are you going alone?” Actually yes I plan on going on this little vacation of mine all by myself. Now don’t get me wrong I usually don’t stay alone for awhile…maybe if I get lucky and I pick a city near any of my Otaku friends maybe I can get them to show Edge here around. I guess that gives me a better reason to tell you guys were I’m going when I find out myself…you never know…Edge may be coming to a city near you……great now I sound like one of those advertisements for a limited edition…movie or something…well I am Edge after all.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “I would disagree with that as well since you are anything but normal hehe...” You know…if I didn’t know better I’d think you were insulting me…but for an odd reason I know you’re not. And as a matter of fact Edge here enjoys being not normal…especially when it comes to being a guy…Edge is no normal guy, and as such I take MAJOR insult to being considered as a normal guy…and no I’m not joking around. Anyways the second discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “Maybe you could come to Michigan. We have uh....the great lakes!” If I didn’t know better I would think you’d want Edge to come visit you…but I’m not interested in lakes…I’ve never been found of sitting water…moving water yes, still water no. Anyways the third discussion is from Gidra, and she says “I'll go somewhere south. To check out what's new at our Adriatic sea. I can't imagine my vacation without the sea, the sun and the sand.....That is a perfect summer vacation for me.” Well since Edge lives in the south and is sort of tired of being down here, I’ll be going north. And I don’t plan on my vacation being so full of sun, sea, and sand…who knows what I’ll do on my vacation…hmm…I truly wonder…well, all of us will find out after my vacation what I had did…or at least a good part of it.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
Today’s Question
1.) So what do you think of this new style of mine? (Of making wallpapers)
Edge’s new style
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a good day to say the least. I spelt really late…but hey it’s alright, I’m allowed to sleep as late as I want, because I am Edge…and not only that…but I have nothing better to do, so why not sleep in? Oh before I forget, I am currently half way through with chapter 18…which is really odd for me because I’ve never been this far ahead…I usually don’t get half way until the day before I have to post it…the way it’s looking I just might get chapter 19 written before it is even suppose to be posted…Oh, and I’m going to say sorry ahead of time…I’ll be working most of today…so sorry I won’t be able to comment on any of your sites…and if I do comment then you should feel lucky, because I am going to be DEAD tired today. And I’ll even be working Monday night, Wednesday night, and Friday Night…man my job is killing me now…but hey its money to go into my savings for my vacation in July…and all the extra money could come in handy when I feel like eating out wherever I’m going. And knowing Edge he’ll have fun no matter where he goes…I’ll be sure to tell you guys where I’m going when I myself figure out where I plan on going…maybe somewhere up north, sounds like a good idea right? Anyways I hope to talk with you guys tomorrow…because today won’t be looking too good. Anyways enjoy the rest of the post, and have a great day…unlike mine.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Ultimatelifeform, and she asks “How did you learn to write so good? Did you just practice to get better or did elements like language class help you?” Would you believe that my writing skills have always been like that? That I’ve never practiced writing, nor have I ever listened in any of my English classes…actually I slept during them…still passed with A’s and B’s…what can I say Edge is just good at writing…Anyways the next question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “Maybe Chicago. Meet me there?” hmm…you know I’d think about it, but I have no real desire to go to Chicago…never been interested in it…sorry Red, maybe anther time, and another city. Anyways the next question is from Iruka Sensei, and she asks “I mean do you even know what you are doing?” Yep…I’m going somewhere to have myself a nice break from my life down here, and I hope to have some fun meeting some local people I meet wherever I happen to go. Who knows, maybe I’ll find something to keep me busy for a week.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “It is good for plans...don't need you getting lost.” I am Edge…and Edge never gets lost…and if I did get lost I would be smart enough to ask for directions…Edge is no normal guy, he is willing to swallow his pride to get where he needs to be. Anyways the second discussion is from Yensid, and she says “A vacation sounds really nice, I hope you can pick a place you enjoy. I think where you live, there are plenty of interesting cities to visit even if you don't leave your state.” But you see the whole point of my vacation is TO get away from this state…I’m bored with Georgia…there isn’t much to do down here. And I’ve been to Florida, and all those other southern states that are suppose to be fun…Edge wants to go somewhere I’ve never been…but…I will not be going anywhere over the Rockys though…so California is out of the question. Anyways the third discussion is from MeikoUchiha, and she says “Edge finally gets a vacation! It's well deserved, trust me! I really wonder where you're going though.” You really think I deserve a vacation? Wow…I wonder how you thought of that. And hey I wish I knew where I was going to go as well…but as I said I’ll tell all of you when I find out myself. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “You did a good job of making Edge seem...more human like.” Hey…just because Edge is immortal doesn’t make him inhuman…and I think the next chapter will show you Edge truly does have a human side to him…just wait and see. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Alphonse13, and she says “A plague to all women huh? Haha man I'm gonna miss you when you go on that vacation!”…alright…so I admit to being a plague to all women…even though that said I have no effect to you…you know I do, or you wouldn’t keep coming back here…and I’ll only be gone for a week…so it isn’t like I’ll be gone forever…even though for those of you that are addicted to Edge it will feel like a lot longer…then I am sorry for depriving all of you from me.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Is the story become more interesting, or is it falling flat? It’s getting a lot more interesting…believe me none of you even have half an idea what is going to happen…believe me all of you are going to get mad at me for what I do in the end.
Today’s Question
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Seventeen
As I slept under the oak tree memories entered into my head. I thought about my life before this hell was bestowed upon me, the friends I had lost, the loved ones that were taken from me, and then thoughts of my newly made friend Rire started to bombard my mind. The fact I was not able to save him, nor was I able to find out where they had taken him. If only I had been faster, if only I had kept my sword closer to me, I could have saved him I could have killed Maritimus even before she handed Rire over to her Master. I can not say for how long I had slept, for I could careless. I just knew when I finally awoken the trees around me had become thicker. I then closed my eyes once again, only to open them to the noise of on coming foot steps. As I opened my eyes I saw that a large group of odd looking warriors had surrounded me. Their curved thin blades and oddly shaped helmets told me they were the very warriors I had seen that day on the battlefield.
As I stood up I grabbed my sword’s hilt in order to be ready if they choose to attack. As the wind blew across the landscape I stood there wondering if they would attack. After ten minutes of waiting I just started to walk towards them to leave, but the very second I started to take steps towards them they started to lunge at me with their sword ready to kill. As each blade entered my body I looked at the eyes of the closes man to me and I realized that fear had over taken them. As they released their swords leaving them protruding from my body. “I know you only attacked in defense of yourselves, but you attacked me. And I shall not let that go.” I shouted as I grabbed my sword slicing most of them in half. But as I started to pull the blades out I noticed that one had survived in fact he barely got cut. As I watched him crawl away trying not to be seen I wondered who had sent them all here. So as soon as he stood up and ran away I soon quickly followed him to see who had sent these weak warriors to kill me off. As he ran I soon noticed that the trees started to thin and buildings started to appear from time to time. I soon came to the outskirts of what looked like a town, but in the middle of that town was a massive stone building that resembled that of a European castle, but I knew it wasn’t because it looked far weirder than any castle in Europe ever did.
When I came to the gates of this massive building I knocked on the massive gates with my sword, and when no one opened it I thought I’d make my own entrance way. So I grabs my sword in both hands and smashed that wooden door into splinters as if it were nothing but a normal kitchen table. As I walked through the winding walkways I was constantly getting attack by more of these strange little warriors, and each time I cut them down like children. When I finally came upon a courtyard there was a massive army waiting for me. “I see it’ll take that many of you to make me sweat, so shall we get started?” I questioned the large group of armor clad warriors with a smirk on my face. When none of them took on my challenge I stuck my sword into the ground and waved for them to come and get me. As the minutes turned into hours I quickly got impatient and picked up my sword and flung it at the front of this army. When my sword finally hit the ground a man was caught in between it and the ground, with that the whole army surrounded me with spears drawn. “Finally, something interesting” I said as I unclasped my armor to give myself some room to fight. As my armor fell to the ground a single man walked out from the crowd. He didn’t say a thing; of course I wouldn’t have known what he said anyways. But as I walked up to him I noticed that he had an aura about him that made me wonder if it was a good idea to fight him. “What the hell. I have nothing better to do.” Was all I could say as I tried to punch him, but as soon as my fist got close to his face he suddenly moved and connected with a forceful hit to my ribs that set me stumbling. “Good lord. He has power behind his punches.” I said as I grabbed my right side.
After an hour of actually getting my ass handed to me I soon realized that nothing I could do would help me win this fight, and I wasn’t able to knock off my morals and grab Acies and slash this guy in half. “So I suppose I’ll end it with one finally punch.” I said out loud as I ran towards him ready to knock him dead in the center of his face, but once again he vanished in front of me. The next thing I knew I felt a whack on the back of my neck, and I blacked out. When I finally came to I sat on the edge of the bed I was given and realized I was locked up in chains. As I sat there with nothing to do I soon started to pick up on their language. Then one day the very guy that kicked my ass came to my so called cell and started to teach me their language properly. After two years of learning I was finally able to understand what they were talking about. “So Yakumo, when do you think I’ll be getting out of this little prison cell you guys have me locked in?” I asked the very fighter that not only kicked my ass but also was willing to teach me his language. “Well Edge, as long as you won’t run off or kill any more of our warriors you will be allowed to walk free. And train with us.” He said has he opened the cell doors as he always did. “Sounds like a good deal to me. Alright, I promise I won’t run away nor shall I kill anyone else in this complex.” I said as I stood up and held out my arms that were chained together. “Good, now let us leave to go train my friend.” He said as he unlocked the very chains that bund me to that cell. As I followed him to the courtyard I felt an odd feeling that I was being watched from above, but as I looked I saw nothing but the beautiful white clouds rolling by.
For an unknown reason I trained for years with Yakumo, for a matter of fact I trained under him for forty long years. I saw my young friend turn old…I saw countless comrades fall victim to stronger foes. One day while on a massive battlefield thunder clouds had rolled in over the mountainous region and it started to pour down rain upon the blood soaked battlefield. Yet I was not concerned with the rain, what actually installed an emotion I haven’t had in decades was when a bolt of lighting struck the ground revealing what looked Rire standing in the middle of the field…and then with another lighting strike in the very same spot he had vanished. I wasn’t sure if it was my imagination playing tricks on me, or if was actually Rire. But I knew this wasn’t the time to think of such things for I still had a battle to win. As the day came to an end me and my comrades where once again victorious…yet the loses we suffered where horrendous. It was after seeing what looked like Rire I choose to leave the Mutsu clan’s training area and go back upon my quest. For I believed I had perfected my fighting skills with and without a sword. As I left the castle my old friend Yakumo met me at the very gate I smashed to nothing. “Here Edge, I believe this blade will prove to be not only an asset to you and at least I know our grandest treasure will always be safe.” Replied Yakumo as he handed me one of this countries long thin swords. As I looked over the blade I realized it had a feeling much like that of Acies. “Why give me this blade Yakumo?” I asked holding the blade in both hands. “Simply put, no one here is even capable of using it other than myself and I am getting far too old to use this blade. So I am passing it down to you my friend. Now go, for you have a long journey ahead of you.” Was all he said as he pushed me towards the gate.
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day. I really didn’t do much…I started on chapter 18, so that those of you that believe I should have it done on Friday’s should be happy. I also made a wallpaper yesterday that took m forever just to get right. I’ll most likely show it to all of you on Monday. That wallpaper seriously took me two hours just to do, but once you see it you’ll probably see why. And I’ll be sure to point out why for those of you that don’t see how it could take me so long. Other than that I had a pretty normal day. And I’ve also come to the idea that sometime in July Edge here will be taking himself a vacation…so for about a week…or so you won’t be hearing from Edge. Why am I taking a vacation? Well for the simple fact that I want to…I’m of an age where I should be able to go where I want…that and Edge just wants to get out and see the world…or at least a few cities in America…now don’t ask where I’m going, because as of now I have no idea. But maybe somewhere I can find something to do…you know one of those cities that’ll give me a nice time…not like that you perverts…but as in fun. And not that kind of fun…boy and here I’m the one being called a pervert and yet all of you are the one’s thinking dirty…you all should be ashamed. Anyways that’s it for my post, and I do hope you guys will enjoy the rest of my post, and I will try my hardest to get to everyone’s sites later today. Until then talk to you guys later.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Gidra, and she asks “Haven't you ever thought maybe people like your story because of you and not vice versa, and if they really come to your site just because of your story, wouldn’t they come only at Fridays?” Ok I get it…you can stop rubbing that in my face. I under stand that everyone does like me…and they enjoy my story…and you have a good point with if they only liked my story they would only come on Fridays…alright I’ll stop with the whole “You guys don’t love Edge” thing. Happy?
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “Hehe you lucky boy and not so lucky Kita lol!!!” Hey…I thought I was the unlucky one here? I’m the one being forced to write my best now…and to get out a chapter ever week…but oh well. I suppose I needed to get kicked into gear…if she didn’t do it then I know that this story would most likely never end…and then that means that the second story in my head wouldn’t get put out…oh well. Anyways the second discussion is from Gidra, and she says “You know I like Edge, but you created a very interesting female character and that is something you don't see very often.” Yes…what can I say…I’m a talented writer that knows how to exploit a good character when I find one. And Aeris just happens to be a character everyone will see grow. I must admit I’m going to do a lot with Aeris in coming up chapters. So I say wait and see what I do with this story, because you never truly know what I’ll do next…not even I know what I’m going to do. Anyways the third discussion is from Alphose13, and she says “Darn your charming pervyness!” What can I say…Edge is charming…and then there is his perversion…and then you have to throw in that whole pretty boy factor…or so I keep being told by my female friends…what can I say…Edge is a plague to all women. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “I asked about Ichigo and you give me Kenpachi... oh well.”…crap…I knew there was something different that I was doing…oh well. Kenpachi is a lot cooler than Ichigo anyways. And then there is Shunsui, how is a lot cooler than both of them, since he is just like Edge. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “It was nice getting to know Edge a little more. I really liked it!” Well getting to know Edge isn’t that hard all you have to do is PM him…oh wait…you meant Edge from “The Cursed Knight”…oh…don’t worry the next god knows how many chapters will help all of you understand Edge a lot better.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) How do you like Chapter Seventeen?
Today’s Question
1.) Is the story become more interesting, or is it falling flat?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Seventeen
As I slept under the oak tree memories entered into my head. I thought about my life before this hell was bestowed upon me, the friends I had lost, the loved ones that were taken from me, and then thoughts of my newly made friend Rire started to bombard my mind. The fact I was not able to save him, nor was I able to find out where they had taken him. If only I had been faster, if only I had kept my sword closer to me, I could have saved him I could have killed Maritimus even before she handed Rire over to her Master. I can not say for how long I had slept, for I could careless. I just knew when I finally awoken the trees around me had become thicker. I then closed my eyes once again, only to open them to the noise of on coming foot steps. As I opened my eyes I saw that a large group of odd looking warriors had surrounded me. Their curved thin blades and oddly shaped helmets told me they were the very warriors I had seen that day on the battlefield.
As I stood up I grabbed my sword’s hilt in order to be ready if they choose to attack. As the wind blew across the landscape I stood there wondering if they would attack. After ten minutes of waiting I just started to walk towards them to leave, but the very second I started to take steps towards them they started to lunge at me with their sword ready to kill. As each blade entered my body I looked at the eyes of the closes man to me and I realized that fear had over taken them. As they released their swords leaving them protruding from my body. “I know you only attacked in defense of yourselves, but you attacked me. And I shall not let that go.” I shouted as I grabbed my sword slicing most of them in half. But as I started to pull the blades out I noticed that one had survived in fact he barely got cut. As I watched him crawl away trying not to be seen I wondered who had sent them all here. So as soon as he stood up and ran away I soon quickly followed him to see who had sent these weak warriors to kill me off. As he ran I soon noticed that the trees started to thin and buildings started to appear from time to time. I soon came to the outskirts of what looked like a town, but in the middle of that town was a massive stone building that resembled that of a European castle, but I knew it wasn’t because it looked far weirder than any castle in Europe ever did.
When I came to the gates of this massive building I knocked on the massive gates with my sword, and when no one opened it I thought I’d make my own entrance way. So I grabs my sword in both hands and smashed that wooden door into splinters as if it were nothing but a normal kitchen table. As I walked through the winding walkways I was constantly getting attack by more of these strange little warriors, and each time I cut them down like children. When I finally came upon a courtyard there was a massive army waiting for me. “I see it’ll take that many of you to make me sweat, so shall we get started?” I questioned the large group of armor clad warriors with a smirk on my face. When none of them took on my challenge I stuck my sword into the ground and waved for them to come and get me. As the minutes turned into hours I quickly got impatient and picked up my sword and flung it at the front of this army. When my sword finally hit the ground a man was caught in between it and the ground, with that the whole army surrounded me with spears drawn. “Finally, something interesting” I said as I unclasped my armor to give myself some room to fight. As my armor fell to the ground a single man walked out from the crowd. He didn’t say a thing; of course I wouldn’t have known what he said anyways. But as I walked up to him I noticed that he had an aura about him that made me wonder if it was a good idea to fight him. “What the hell. I have nothing better to do.” Was all I could say as I tried to punch him, but as soon as my fist got close to his face he suddenly moved and connected with a forceful hit to my ribs that set me stumbling. “Good lord. He has power behind his punches.” I said as I grabbed my right side.
After an hour of actually getting my ass handed to me I soon realized that nothing I could do would help me win this fight, and I wasn’t able to knock off my morals and grab Acies and slash this guy in half. “So I suppose I’ll end it with one finally punch.” I said out loud as I ran towards him ready to knock him dead in the center of his face, but once again he vanished in front of me. The next thing I knew I felt a whack on the back of my neck, and I blacked out. When I finally came to I sat on the edge of the bed I was given and realized I was locked up in chains. As I sat there with nothing to do I soon started to pick up on their language. Then one day the very guy that kicked my ass came to my so called cell and started to teach me their language properly. After two years of learning I was finally able to understand what they were talking about. “So Yakumo, when do you think I’ll be getting out of this little prison cell you guys have me locked in?” I asked the very fighter that not only kicked my ass but also was willing to teach me his language. “Well Edge, as long as you won’t run off or kill any more of our warriors you will be allowed to walk free. And train with us.” He said has he opened the cell doors as he always did. “Sounds like a good deal to me. Alright, I promise I won’t run away nor shall I kill anyone else in this complex.” I said as I stood up and held out my arms that were chained together. “Good, now let us leave to go train my friend.” He said as he unlocked the very chains that bund me to that cell. As I followed him to the courtyard I felt an odd feeling that I was being watched from above, but as I looked I saw nothing but the beautiful white clouds rolling by.
For an unknown reason I trained for years with Yakumo, for a matter of fact I trained under him for forty long years. I saw my young friend turn old…I saw countless comrades fall victim to stronger foes. One day while on a massive battlefield thunder clouds had rolled in over the mountainous region and it started to pour down rain upon the blood soaked battlefield. Yet I was not concerned with the rain, what actually installed an emotion I haven’t had in decades was when a bolt of lighting struck the ground revealing what looked Rire standing in the middle of the field…and then with another lighting strike in the very same spot he had vanished. I wasn’t sure if it was my imagination playing tricks on me, or if was actually Rire. But I knew this wasn’t the time to think of such things for I still had a battle to win. As the day came to an end me and my comrades where once again victorious…yet the loses we suffered where horrendous. It was after seeing what looked like Rire I choose to leave the Mutsu clan’s training area and go back upon my quest. For I believed I had perfected my fighting skills with and without a sword. As I left the castle my old friend Yakumo met me at the very gate I smashed to nothing. “Here Edge, I believe this blade will prove to be not only an asset to you and at least I know our grandest treasure will always be safe.” Replied Yakumo as he handed me one of this countries long thin swords. As I looked over the blade I realized it had a feeling much like that of Acies. “Why give me this blade Yakumo?” I asked holding the blade in both hands. “Simply put, no one here is even capable of using it other than myself and I am getting far too old to use this blade. So I am passing it down to you my friend. Now go, for you have a long journey ahead of you.” Was all he said as he pushed me towards the gate.
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Friday, June 1, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day…I can’t say I really did much yesterday. Well I suppose I did finish Chapter Seventeen a lot faster than I normally would have…thanks to that slave driver of mine…anyways I hope you all enjoy this weeks installment to “The Cursed Knight”…damn I really do need to stop acting like I’m trying to sell a TV show on late prime time…Anyways even you Rire fans will get yourselves a little view into what Edge is thinking…just a little view, because I’d hate to blind all of you with the full details of my mind…Now don’t think too much about this chapter just because of certain things, that doesn’t mean I’ve made any changes to my story…Rire is still going to get what I had planning for him…Edge still does what I plan…and god knows what Aeris is up to these days…but what does that matter she’s a villain after all. We still have one unknown Elemental Lord to introduce into this story and we still have the battle between Edge and Aeris. And then…there is the final twist…the ultimate battle between good and evil. The Knight verses The God…who shall win, will evil ultimately win, or does good actually stand a chance in this hectic time? Find out when “The Cursed Knight” continues…next time! *smacks forehead*…damn it I did it again!
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “Who'd win between Inuyasha and Ichigo Kurosaki?” OH!!! I haven’t gotten one of this in a long time from you…I’ve been wondering when you’d ask another who’d win question…anyways time to stack the two foes against one another. Kenpachi is the Captain of the 11th Squad…or better known as the fighting Squad…or something close to that, while Inuyasha just happens to be a half demon dog…so powerful Captain version a Half Breed dog demon…hmmm…*thinking*…yeah Kenpachi Zaraki wins this one, he may not know the name of his Zanpakuto…be hey he is seriously stronger than Inuyasha…hell Kenpachi weakens himself just for a good fight, while Inuyasha is only concerned with getting stronger…so come on it’s an easy choice. Anyways the next question is from Alphonse13, and she asks “Okay Your perverted charm attracted me to your site and your pervyness keeps me coming back, does that make sense?” Yes that makes perfect sense, and at least you are willing to admit it finally. Edge is the reason you keep coming back…that does make Edge’s day better since now it seems more people come for the story than they do for Edge…oh well. Anyways the next question is from Forgotten-Heart, and she asks “And what do you mean that we don't love you?” Well…it seems more people come for Edge’s story “The Cursed Knight” and not for Edge…so I have come up with the conclusion that no one loves Edge…but that they just love his story…but what they don’t get is without Edge there is no story…think about that now why don’t you.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “I really prefer the Kenny one hehe I just like Kenny!!!” Yeah that Kenpachi one is pretty good…and you’re right Kenpachi does get called Kenny a lot by his Lieutenant Yachiru…she sure does call him that lot in the American version. Anyways…the second discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “You show me yours I’ll show you mine.” Alright it’s a deal then. I have nothing to hide, or to be ashamed of…so well have to communicate more on this in private so as to not give away too much information. Anyways I’m most likely to get yelled at for this later anyways…and no Red it isn’t going to be from you. Anyways the third discussion is from Kitabug69, and she says “Well I would not say they do not love you Edge they just love your story more which they should it is awesome. So in turn means you have more writing talent then me...” This isn’t fair…we agreed the contest would only take part on your site not on mine as well. Because I know people that only come to my site would vote for me…so you’re not allowed to use my site against me, that’s my weapon against anyone else…not to be used against me! Anyways the fourth discussion is from Yensid, and she says “I'm so pleased to see that your story has so many loyal fans. That must make you very proud and happy.” Well…it would if they didn’t’ love my story more then they loved me…sorry it’s sad to say I’m jealous of my story because it seems…no it is true, more people love my story than they do Edge himself…all I am is the writer to them not the story…Anyways the fifth discussion is from Gidra, and she says “I have figured it out. I know how I will get it. But first that book must be in the stores. When that happens we'll talk.” Alright, since you’re sure you have it figured out as to how you’d get my autograph then I suppose I shall have to wait and see. So I guess now the only thing left to do is finish writing this story, get Kitabug to finish editing, and then…find a way to get it published…oh joy this shall be fun…Anyways the sixth discussion is from Redmoonchick…again, and she says “Edge I’ve just realized that you make me be a pervert too.” Hey don’t blame me because you’re true inner you is starting to come and she happens to be a pervert…just do what I do…have fun with it, If you deny being a pervert you’ll only hurt yourself from getting what you want. Believe me I feel better knowing that people understand this about me…I am not afraid to say it. And for a record time, the seventh discussion is from Forgotten-Heart, and she says “It's all right. I like you for more than your story.” Yeah that’s on…I mean two people that like Edge for more than his story. No actually I was right the first time, one likes me for more, and the other…well I know it but you guys don’t need to know it. :P
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Alright…last time, which one do you like, and why? I honestly liked the Ichigo one more, because of the look that his outfit gets within that purple maelstrom of swirls.
Today’s Question
1.) How do you like Chapter Seventeen?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Seventeen
As I slept under the oak tree memories entered into my head. I thought about my life before this hell was bestowed upon me, the friends I had lost, the loved ones that were taken from me, and then thoughts of my newly made friend Rire started to bombard my mind. The fact I was not able to save him, nor was I able to find out where they had taken him. If only I had been faster, if only I had kept my sword closer to me, I could have saved him I could have killed Maritimus even before she handed Rire over to her Master. I can not say for how long I had slept, for I could careless. I just knew when I finally awoken the trees around me had become thicker. I then closed my eyes once again, only to open them to the noise of on coming foot steps. As I opened my eyes I saw that a large group of odd looking warriors had surrounded me. Their curved thin blades and oddly shaped helmets told me they were the very warriors I had seen that day on the battlefield.
As I stood up I grabbed my sword’s hilt in order to be ready if they choose to attack. As the wind blew across the landscape I stood there wondering if they would attack. After ten minutes of waiting I just started to walk towards them to leave, but the very second I started to take steps towards them they started to lunge at me with their sword ready to kill. As each blade entered my body I looked at the eyes of the closes man to me and I realized that fear had over taken them. As they released their swords leaving them protruding from my body. “I know you only attacked in defense of yourselves, but you attacked me. And I shall not let that go.” I shouted as I grabbed my sword slicing most of them in half. But as I started to pull the blades out I noticed that one had survived in fact he barely got cut. As I watched him crawl away trying not to be seen I wondered who had sent them all here. So as soon as he stood up and ran away I soon quickly followed him to see who had sent these weak warriors to kill me off. As he ran I soon noticed that the trees started to thin and buildings started to appear from time to time. I soon came to the outskirts of what looked like a town, but in the middle of that town was a massive stone building that resembled that of a European castle, but I knew it wasn’t because it looked far weirder than any castle in Europe ever did.
When I came to the gates of this massive building I knocked on the massive gates with my sword, and when no one opened it I thought I’d make my own entrance way. So I grabs my sword in both hands and smashed that wooden door into splinters as if it were nothing but a normal kitchen table. As I walked through the winding walkways I was constantly getting attack by more of these strange little warriors, and each time I cut them down like children. When I finally came upon a courtyard there was a massive army waiting for me. “I see it’ll take that many of you to make me sweat, so shall we get started?” I questioned the large group of armor clad warriors with a smirk on my face. When none of them took on my challenge I stuck my sword into the ground and waved for them to come and get me. As the minutes turned into hours I quickly got impatient and picked up my sword and flung it at the front of this army. When my sword finally hit the ground a man was caught in between it and the ground, with that the whole army surrounded me with spears drawn. “Finally, something interesting” I said as I unclasped my armor to give myself some room to fight. As my armor fell to the ground a single man walked out from the crowd. He didn’t say a thing; of course I wouldn’t have known what he said anyways. But as I walked up to him I noticed that he had an aura about him that made me wonder if it was a good idea to fight him. “What the hell. I have nothing better to do.” Was all I could say as I tried to punch him, but as soon as my fist got close to his face he suddenly moved and connected with a forceful hit to my ribs that set me stumbling. “Good lord. He has power behind his punches.” I said as I grabbed my right side.
After an hour of actually getting my ass handed to me I soon realized that nothing I could do would help me win this fight, and I wasn’t able to knock off my morals and grab Acies and slash this guy in half. “So I suppose I’ll end it with one finally punch.” I said out loud as I ran towards him ready to knock him dead in the center of his face, but once again he vanished in front of me. The next thing I knew I felt a whack on the back of my neck, and I blacked out. When I finally came to I sat on the edge of the bed I was given and realized I was locked up in chains. As I sat there with nothing to do I soon started to pick up on their language. Then one day the very guy that kicked my ass came to my so called cell and started to teach me their language properly. After two years of learning I was finally able to understand what they were talking about. “So Yakumo, when do you think I’ll be getting out of this little prison cell you guys have me locked in?” I asked the very fighter that not only kicked my ass but also was willing to teach me his language. “Well Edge, as long as you won’t run off or kill any more of our warriors you will be allowed to walk free. And train with us.” He said has he opened the cell doors as he always did. “Sounds like a good deal to me. Alright, I promise I won’t run away nor shall I kill anyone else in this complex.” I said as I stood up and held out my arms that were chained together. “Good, now let us leave to go train my friend.” He said as he unlocked the very chains that bund me to that cell. As I followed him to the courtyard I felt an odd feeling that I was being watched from above, but as I looked I saw nothing but the beautiful white clouds rolling by.
For an unknown reason I trained for years with Yakumo, for a matter of fact I trained under him for forty long years. I saw my young friend turn old…I saw countless comrades fall victim to stronger foes. One day while on a massive battlefield thunder clouds had rolled in over the mountainous region and it started to pour down rain upon the blood soaked battlefield. Yet I was not concerned with the rain, what actually installed an emotion I haven’t had in decades was when a bolt of lighting struck the ground revealing what looked Rire standing in the middle of the field…and then with another lighting strike in the very same spot he had vanished. I wasn’t sure if it was my imagination playing tricks on me, or if was actually Rire. But I knew this wasn’t the time to think of such things for I still had a battle to win. As the day came to an end me and my comrades where once again victorious…yet the loses we suffered where horrendous. It was after seeing what looked like Rire I choose to leave the Mutsu clan’s training area and go back upon my quest. For I believed I had perfected my fighting skills with and without a sword. As I left the castle my old friend Yakumo met me at the very gate I smashed to nothing. “Here Edge, I believe this blade will prove to be not only an asset to you and at least I know our grandest treasure will always be safe.” Replied Yakumo as he handed me one of this countries long thin swords. As I looked over the blade I realized it had a feeling much like that of Acies. “Why give me this blade Yakumo?” I asked holding the blade in both hands. “Simply put, no one here is even capable of using it other than myself and I am getting far too old to use this blade. So I am passing it down to you my friend. Now go, for you have a long journey ahead of you.” Was all he said as he pushed me towards the gate.
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day…I actually got to hang out with some of my friends for once. The first friend I hung with I sort of helped get a job working with me do inventory…not sure if he got the job yet…but I’ll know by Friday…anyways I then went to the movies with a couple of my other friends. We went to see Fracture…I have never heard of the movie…but man was it ever good. Seriously you’re thinking through this whole movie…which is a good thing for me because that means I did get bored with it. And you know I was reading all your guys comments on my site…and Kitabug69’s…and I’ve come to realize….none of you love me…you’re behind her all the way with this slave diver thing…I can’t believe you all want me to work hard and get this story done with…why don’t you guys love me? What did I ever do to you…*runs off crying*…anyways *sniff*…I have finished most of this weeks chapter…just one more paragraph to go and it’ll be ready to post so you EVIL people can read it. Anyways that’s all for my post today…I shall try to get to everyone’s sites later today…and I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Morbid Twilight, and she asks “Now, your the one who said Rire would die, remember?” No I never once said Rire is dead, or would die. I said I should kill him off, but then again knowing me like I do I just might have to kill him off so you’d leave me alone about him.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “I gotta start calling her that myself lol!!! YAY For slaves *gets whip out*” …well now…when did you get a whip? I think…I might be in trouble if you do own a whip…Anyways the second discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “I’m gonna ignore that insult. You know you want to see me naked. Don’t lie to yourself.” Well I suppose I truly could careless to see you naked…but hey if it makes you feel any better you can go ahead and sent me some nude pictures of yourself and I see if I was lying to myself…god I hope I don’t get killed over this later…*looks over shoulder*...heehee…I think I am going to hear about this later. Anyways the third discussion is from Alphonse13, and she says “Haha your "site is close to a haven for the perversely minded" huh? Hm...maybe that’s what attracted me to your site!” Yeah, yeah, yeah…say it was the site’s perversion that brought you here…but then you have to remember the site wouldn’t be that way if it were not for me…so in all facts you came here because of ME. So ha, I have had the last laugh in this whole ordeal. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Gidra, and she says “When your story hit the shelves; I’ll be the fr...No the second, behind Morbid Twilight to buy it. And I want autograph. I hope that is not too much to ask.” Well…I suppose if my story ever does become a book I guess I have no reason not to give you an autograph…but now the real question is who do you intend to get it? Since you live on the other side of the ocean? Figure that one out and I’ll be more than happy to sign your copy…if any copies get made and sold.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Alright….once one is the best this time? I must say I liked the hollow Ichigo one this time. Or as all of you might remember the last one of the five.
Today’s Question
1.) Alright…last time, which one do you like, and why?
Edge’s Wallpapers
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