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The protective knight
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I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
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Seventh Grade
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Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
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It's an odd hobby, but my hobby is protecting those I love.
I have a few, but I don't feel like listing them at this time
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Sunday, April 29, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a busy day…and right now I have a horrible headache…so I’m going to keep this post short so that I can rest before I go visit my grandma in the hospital later today. I worked last night…we started at 5:00 PM and I was let up at 12:00 AM…I must admit thought that I did a lot of the boss work…in other words my boss is really training me to become a grey shirt…he wants an assistant badly…and too bad he has his eyes set on it being me. Anyways that’s all I have to post, so I’ll talk with you guys later today, and enjoy the rest of my post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from No One.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “What do you mean you can’t kill Rire YET! I don’t want him to die!! He’s so funny and awesome!” Well he has to die sooner or later. He can’t live forever like Edge, Lordsesshomaru only made Rire to live the life of a human, and he even asked when I kill Rire off that I make it a good death…so needless to say how many of you are against me killing him…well that’s too bad, he has to die, or my story wouldn’t have the same story line. And I will NOT be changing my story line just for one character.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Favorite video game at this time? Fire Emblem : Path of Radiance
Today’s Question
1.) Too tired to think of one…so deal with it.
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Fourteen
“The Journey to the Water”
After a few weeks of collecting our thoughts, and the rest of Rire’s crap we started along our way to Japan. “So why are we heading to a place that we don’t even know is actually a real place?” Asked Rire in confusing as he walked behind me. “Because Exuro said something about it, so it must be real. So we’re going there, but of course you don’t have to come if you’re too afraid.” I said mockingly to Rire. “Just shove it…it’s not my fault that unlike you I can’t run into a battle and not care what happens to me. I can die, and I don’t plan on risking my life if I don’t have to.” Said Rire with a serious tone in his voice. “Well now, seems like I hit a sensitive area with you. Fine I won’t mock you for that…since you’re only human.” I said as I walked further up the road. “I swear if I could I would beat the crap out of him…but I’m sure someone else will do it for me.” Rire said under his breath in a humored tone. “What did you say?” I asked Rire as I turned around confused. “Oh it’s nothing…I was just talking with myself.” Rire remarked as he started to walk behind me on our way to Asia.
For months we walked through a desert that just didn’t seem to end. But lucky we would come across oases from time to time to replenish our water supply. But the constant sun would drive Rire and myself insane some times. At one time Rire almost ran off a cliff just because he thought he saw a beautiful woman swimming in a large fresh water lake. But then again my own sanity was tested when I had thought I saw Aroth killing my dearest Lilis. And as I saw him stab her I ran towards him with my sword in hand slashing away at empty air. When darkness finally came around I final stop slashing like a madman and realized that I had busted out into tears as I realized that there was nothing I could have done to save the love of my life. The pain and torment that my own mind had subjugated me to. When we finally found a city a year later we took ourselves a much needed break. As we walked into the town the first thing Rire wanted to go to was one of those Arabian bathhouses where Arabian beauties would bath you. So needless to say I followed Rire to a place the locals said was the best one. After three hours of earthly delights I was hoping to go get a room, but as we were leaving a strange force had filled the room. “Hey Rire…do you feel something?” I asked the still flirting Rire. “Well…if this girl stops playing hard to get I’m hoping to catch a feel on something, if you catch my point.” He said as he raised his hand for a little grope on the girl next to him. “I’m being serious here Rire. I’m getting the weird feeling from this room and I have a feeling it might be another of those damn Elemental Lords.” I said as a surveyed the room with my eyes. “But you already killed Exuro, and I thought you knew when Aeris was around.” Rire asked in a confused tone of voice. “That’s only two of the four Elemental Lords you fool…and yes I know when Aeris is around. But I only killed the fire element; there is still water and earth, and not counting wind.” I said as I walked over to where my equipment was. “Oh come on Edge, you’re over thinking this whole thing. You just need to relax and grab yourself one of these hot women.” Said Rire as he walked over to a pale young maiden next to the giant bath. “Wait…where did she come from. She wasn’t here before.” I said as Rire wrapped his hands around her waist. “See Edge, they don’t bite. Well unless you want them to at least.” Rire said as he placed a kiss on her neck. “Well…that’s odd. Her skin is slightly cold.” Said Rire as he backed away from the pale beauty.
“You dare touch the body of a goddess? I will more than happily take your life for degrading my perfection.” Said the pale beauty as she raised her hands over her head and had a column of water appear behind her. “Oh shit, it’s the water Elemental Lord.” I said as I grabbed Acies and ran towards Rire in hope to block the attack. “oh God, don’t tell me this is how I die…I wasn’t expecting to die in a bath house but a woman…” Said Rire has he stood there motionless and in total shock. “Aqua Orbis, Water Orb.” Was all she said before a massive ball of water wrapped itself around Rire, cutting him off from all air. “Now for the fun part, to squeeze the life out of that man for touching my glorious body with his filthy hands.” Was all she said as she put her hands in front of her and started to close them slowly. And as her hands closed the water orb grew smaller and smaller. “You will not kill my friend!” Was all I could say as I sliced off both of her hands with one swing of my mighty blade. As her hands hit the floor the orb that surrounded Rire busted apart leaving him lying in a pool of water. “How? How could you cut me? I am a goddess. My lord Aroth told me that nothing could ever hurt me…and yet you cut me and now I am in pain.” Spoke the water Elemental Lord as she looked at the nubs on the ends of her hands in confusion. “Well I suppose your lord didn’t hear about my new sword. The sword that defies the powers of the gods. The blade Acies will be the death of all of those who use their powers for evil. In other words you, your friends, and your lord will all die by my blade and my blade alone.” I said as I pointed my sword at her. “My lord needs to hear about this. For now I will run, but the next time we meet I will kill that bastard for touching me.” Is what she said as she stepped backwards into the bath and sank into the very water she controlled.
“Rire, are you ok? Are you still breathing?” I asked the motionless body of my friend. “Maybe you should give him mouth to mouth?” Said one of the women behind me. “Who do you think I am? Do I look like I’m from ancient Greece? And if anything why don’t you do it?” I asked the nude woman. “I’m not allowed to touch him if he isn’t paying.” Was all she said before walking off. “Screw that, I’ll wake him up the hard way.” I said as I grabbed him by his shoulders and started to shake him violently. “Wake your sorry ass up or I’ll kick your ass.” I shouted at him as I continued to shake him. After five minutes of shaking him he finally woke up from his watery nap. “Man…that was a horrible dream...I dreamed that we were in a bath house and some pale woman tried killing me with water.” Explained Rire as he stood up and looked around. “Well that was no dream Rire, it all happened.” I said to him as I got up off the floor. “Shit!!! You’re telling me I almost died here in a bath house…while I’m in the nude? Good lord...that would have sucked.” Shouted Rire as he pasted back and forth as I started to get about into my normal apparel. “Well maybe this will teach you to keep your damn hands to yourself. Now we just need to find out more on this water Elemental Lord, because she is a lot stronger than Exuro was. And hell she seems to be a lot more heartless.” I remarked as Rire finally started to his cloths back on .
As we left the bath house a strange wind blew across the road. “For such a hot day that was a cold wind.” Remarked Rire has he walked towards the nearest Inn. “Yeah it was.” I said with a smile across my face. “Hurry up Edge, and what are you smiling about?” Asked Rire as he waved me to follow him. “Oh it’s nothing, I just thought back to something that happened awhile back.” I said as I walked behind Rire towards the Inn. As the night went on I laid in my bed listening to Rire talk to his dreams, and I thought about all the things in my life that were just so great that I would never forget them. The friends I had back in Camalote, the love I had once had, and then my most current pleasures. Getting a friend that could make the worst of times great, and the one person I couldn’t have saving me time and time again. The one person that had showed kindness to her very own enemy, going against all she was ordered to do. It made me wonder as to why she was doing these things for me. But as the night went on I drifted into sleep having dreams that gave me all the things I wanted back to me only to have them taken away the next morning.
Comments (6) |
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was an eventful day, nothing really happened. Went to class…walked home…played on the computer…took a nap…realized my mom went to see my grandma without telling me because I was taking a nap. I can’t say I heard any good news about my grandma’s condition, but then again I haven’t heard anything bad either…so all in all everything is the same. I have to work later tonight…that should do well to set my nerves at easy about my grandma…oh well, I know we’ll get out of that store in no time at all…it’s only an Office Max…Anyways I don’t have much to say today…so I guess that’s the end of this post. I hope you guys enjoy the rest of this post, and I’ll try to visit later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Iruka Sensei, and she asks “Have I already read it?” I doubt it since yesterday was the first day in which I posted that chapter.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “Love the chapter. You scared me I thought Rire was dead!” Hahahaha that was great…nah I can’t kill Rire just yet. I need him for at least another five or six chapters before he is allowed to die, and yes I control if he dies and how he dies…so be prepared for the unexpected. Anyways the second discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I'm not mad! But I am happy about the story. Which was so awesome by the way!!!” Well I never did say you were still mad…I said you were mad at me for not posting it last Friday. And of course it was awesome…it is my story after all, and I’ve been working on that chapter for two weeks now…so it had better been awesome.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So…are you looking forward to reading the newest chapter of “The Cursed Knight”? Not really…since I know the whole story by heart. :P
Today’s Question
1.) Favorite video game at this time?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Fourteen
“The Journey to the Water”
After a few weeks of collecting our thoughts, and the rest of Rire’s crap we started along our way to Japan. “So why are we heading to a place that we don’t even know is actually a real place?” Asked Rire in confusing as he walked behind me. “Because Exuro said something about it, so it must be real. So we’re going there, but of course you don’t have to come if you’re too afraid.” I said mockingly to Rire. “Just shove it…it’s not my fault that unlike you I can’t run into a battle and not care what happens to me. I can die, and I don’t plan on risking my life if I don’t have to.” Said Rire with a serious tone in his voice. “Well now, seems like I hit a sensitive area with you. Fine I won’t mock you for that…since you’re only human.” I said as I walked further up the road. “I swear if I could I would beat the crap out of him…but I’m sure someone else will do it for me.” Rire said under his breath in a humored tone. “What did you say?” I asked Rire as I turned around confused. “Oh it’s nothing…I was just talking with myself.” Rire remarked as he started to walk behind me on our way to Asia.
For months we walked through a desert that just didn’t seem to end. But lucky we would come across oases from time to time to replenish our water supply. But the constant sun would drive Rire and myself insane some times. At one time Rire almost ran off a cliff just because he thought he saw a beautiful woman swimming in a large fresh water lake. But then again my own sanity was tested when I had thought I saw Aroth killing my dearest Lilis. And as I saw him stab her I ran towards him with my sword in hand slashing away at empty air. When darkness finally came around I final stop slashing like a madman and realized that I had busted out into tears as I realized that there was nothing I could have done to save the love of my life. The pain and torment that my own mind had subjugated me to. When we finally found a city a year later we took ourselves a much needed break. As we walked into the town the first thing Rire wanted to go to was one of those Arabian bathhouses where Arabian beauties would bath you. So needless to say I followed Rire to a place the locals said was the best one. After three hours of earthly delights I was hoping to go get a room, but as we were leaving a strange force had filled the room. “Hey Rire…do you feel something?” I asked the still flirting Rire. “Well…if this girl stops playing hard to get I’m hoping to catch a feel on something, if you catch my point.” He said as he raised his hand for a little grope on the girl next to him. “I’m being serious here Rire. I’m getting the weird feeling from this room and I have a feeling it might be another of those damn Elemental Lords.” I said as a surveyed the room with my eyes. “But you already killed Exuro, and I thought you knew when Aeris was around.” Rire asked in a confused tone of voice. “That’s only two of the four Elemental Lords you fool…and yes I know when Aeris is around. But I only killed the fire element; there is still water and earth, and not counting wind.” I said as I walked over to where my equipment was. “Oh come on Edge, you’re over thinking this whole thing. You just need to relax and grab yourself one of these hot women.” Said Rire as he walked over to a pale young maiden next to the giant bath. “Wait…where did she come from. She wasn’t here before.” I said as Rire wrapped his hands around her waist. “See Edge, they don’t bite. Well unless you want them to at least.” Rire said as he placed a kiss on her neck. “Well…that’s odd. Her skin is slightly cold.” Said Rire as he backed away from the pale beauty.
“You dare touch the body of a goddess? I will more than happily take your life for degrading my perfection.” Said the pale beauty as she raised her hands over her head and had a column of water appear behind her. “Oh shit, it’s the water Elemental Lord.” I said as I grabbed Acies and ran towards Rire in hope to block the attack. “oh God, don’t tell me this is how I die…I wasn’t expecting to die in a bath house but a woman…” Said Rire has he stood there motionless and in total shock. “Aqua Orbis, Water Orb.” Was all she said before a massive ball of water wrapped itself around Rire, cutting him off from all air. “Now for the fun part, to squeeze the life out of that man for touching my glorious body with his filthy hands.” Was all she said as she put her hands in front of her and started to close them slowly. And as her hands closed the water orb grew smaller and smaller. “You will not kill my friend!” Was all I could say as I sliced off both of her hands with one swing of my mighty blade. As her hands hit the floor the orb that surrounded Rire busted apart leaving him lying in a pool of water. “How? How could you cut me? I am a goddess. My lord Aroth told me that nothing could ever hurt me…and yet you cut me and now I am in pain.” Spoke the water Elemental Lord as she looked at the nubs on the ends of her hands in confusion. “Well I suppose your lord didn’t hear about my new sword. The sword that defies the powers of the gods. The blade Acies will be the death of all of those who use their powers for evil. In other words you, your friends, and your lord will all die by my blade and my blade alone.” I said as I pointed my sword at her. “My lord needs to hear about this. For now I will run, but the next time we meet I will kill that bastard for touching me.” Is what she said as she stepped backwards into the bath and sank into the very water she controlled.
“Rire, are you ok? Are you still breathing?” I asked the motionless body of my friend. “Maybe you should give him mouth to mouth?” Said one of the women behind me. “Who do you think I am? Do I look like I’m from ancient Greece? And if anything why don’t you do it?” I asked the nude woman. “I’m not allowed to touch him if he isn’t paying.” Was all she said before walking off. “Screw that, I’ll wake him up the hard way.” I said as I grabbed him by his shoulders and started to shake him violently. “Wake your sorry ass up or I’ll kick your ass.” I shouted at him as I continued to shake him. After five minutes of shaking him he finally woke up from his watery nap. “Man…that was a horrible dream...I dreamed that we were in a bath house and some pale woman tried killing me with water.” Explained Rire as he stood up and looked around. “Well that was no dream Rire, it all happened.” I said to him as I got up off the floor. “Shit!!! You’re telling me I almost died here in a bath house…while I’m in the nude? Good lord...that would have sucked.” Shouted Rire as he pasted back and forth as I started to get about into my normal apparel. “Well maybe this will teach you to keep your damn hands to yourself. Now we just need to find out more on this water Elemental Lord, because she is a lot stronger than Exuro was. And hell she seems to be a lot more heartless.” I remarked as Rire finally started to his cloths back on .
As we left the bath house a strange wind blew across the road. “For such a hot day that was a cold wind.” Remarked Rire has he walked towards the nearest Inn. “Yeah it was.” I said with a smile across my face. “Hurry up Edge, and what are you smiling about?” Asked Rire as he waved me to follow him. “Oh it’s nothing, I just thought back to something that happened awhile back.” I said as I walked behind Rire towards the Inn. As the night went on I laid in my bed listening to Rire talk to his dreams, and I thought about all the things in my life that were just so great that I would never forget them. The friends I had back in Camalote, the love I had once had, and then my most current pleasures. Getting a friend that could make the worst of times great, and the one person I couldn’t have saving me time and time again. The one person that had showed kindness to her very own enemy, going against all she was ordered to do. It made me wonder as to why she was doing these things for me. But as the night went on I drifted into sleep having dreams that gave me all the things I wanted back to me only to have them taken away the next morning.
Comments (8) |
Friday, April 27, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was another day…nothing too big happened yesterday. Went to class, took my test (a listening test, he plays music you tell him what composer wrote it). And then after that I went and played pool with my friends…yes it’s been forever since I last played pool…I think it’s been like…*counts on fingers8…three or four months…and the sad thing is I’ve gotten better…weird…I couldn’t win while I played for days one after another, yet after three months of not playing I keep on winning…I must say that was a weird…but I’m ok with winning. And I’m happy to say chapter fourteen will be posted today…and believe me I know how much some of you have been looking forward to it…*looks at Morbid Twilight*…I think she’s still mad that I didn’t post it last Friday…anyways it is up today, so please be sure to read it…and don’t get confused with the two scrolling boxes one after the other…the top one will be the tournament votes, while the second one has “The Cursed Knight” in it. So please be cautious. Anyways…that seems to be it for today’s post…so I hope you all enjoy the story, and for an added note, the tournament will NOT be taking place over the weekend, for certain reasons…and those reasons are I just don’t feel like doing it. Now onto sadder news…currently my grandma was admitted into the hospital, and at this time they believe her to have leukemia. They aren’t sure yet, because they are waiting for her fever to break before they’ll test her…but at this time it is not looking good for my grandma. So if I don’t post at all this weekend it is because Edge might be at the hospital with his grandma. Because she was a big part of my growing up, I was raised in her house in Kansas. Anyways please enjoy the rest of my post, and I will try to visit your sites today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Gidra, and she asks “When you planned this tournament did you ever think about asking someone for help?” Well it depends on the type of help your talking about, because when it came down to the coding Zero gave those to me, Caprice helps me figure how to keep things straight, and Lordsesshomaru gave me a site that will actually help me keep the fights going in the right direction. Now if you’re talking about help as in someone doing a certain part of my tournament for me, as I do another part….then no I didn’t plan on that, nor do I want that type of help. But that’s only because I’m a stubborn fool when it comes to things I want to do…I’ll actually make sure I do all of it or it won’t happen…it’s just the way I am…I hate asking for help, unless I truly know I need the help. Anyways the next question is from Morbid Twilight, and she asks “So will there be a new chapter tomorrow?” Yes it will be up tomorrow…and it’s even up today if you wish to read it today. But if you’d rather wait until tomorrow to read it then be my guest…and just to let you know…it will be up on Sunday as well.^^
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “*grins* maybe we should chat sometimes on MSN or AIM.. should be fun ^^” Actually I think it might be for the best if we don’t do that…since if I happen to talk with a person “like” me…I just might say stuff no one should ever hear…so Edge will say tanks, but no thanks…I don’t think you need a view into the…not so clean mind of Edge. Anyways the second discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “Yup you’re a Pervy sage alright. Next thing you know you'll be challenging us girls to a game of strip poker.” Hmm…that sounds like a very good idea…hmm…now who else should I invite over for this game, Oh and Redmoonchick since it was your idea you have to come as well…now…I’ll need three other girls to join in on the strip…I mean…game. Anyways the third discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Now then, eyes! Really, well pardon me for thinking wrongly. lol. We could never be mad at Edge!!!” Yes eyes…now don’t get me wrong boobs are a pretty good second…but I love eyes much more. And it’s ok…you were just thinking that Edge is like all other men…just remember one thing…I’M NOT OTHER GUYS!!! Anyways…maybe you should join in on this strip poker game Redmoonchick has requested to play…what do you say? (j/k…or am I?) Anyways the fourth discussion is from Grifter, and he says “Of course I'm talking about the girl's friend, ya goof!” Well…I was making sure…but to be honest I’ve never seen any of her friends…which leads me to believe…they might not be as cute as she is. Oh well, I’m not really interesting in her anyways.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So have the characters you voted for making it through the tournament with ease, or have they already been knocked out? Well…I’m not sure yet…I’m just listing them and then putting lines through the losers…but other than that I have no idea at all.
Today’s Question
1.) So…are you looking forward to reading the newest chapter of “The Cursed Knight”?
The Un-Named Tournament
The Rules
1.) Votes will be taken on only the characters fighting that day. I will not accept any late votes.
2.) Votes can be entered in only three ways; Comments, PMs, or by E-mail. My E-mail address is so if you have to vote that way then please do so.
3.) You can only vote for one character each match up. If you say I can’t pick one, or I vote for both, then I have the power to pick for you. And I will not make any exceptions to this rule.
4.) You do not have to vote on ever match, nor do you have to even take place, but if you’re favorite character doesn’t win the match then that is your fault and not mine.
5.) And lastly, do not argue with me on anything that has to do with the votes, voting, match ups, winners, losers, or anything in general that has to do with my tournament, because I will cancel all of your votes from that day until the end of the tournament.
6.) If any match up results in a tie I will flip a coin to see which character moves onto the next round, and the coin flip will not be questioned because that will result with you breaking Rule #5.
The Fourth Day Fights
“Round 1”
1.) Dark (5) verses Naruto (6)
2.) Jin (6) verses Miroku (5)
3.) Sanzo (3) verses Orihime (8)
4.) Maes Hughes (10) verses Gennosuke Kouga (1)
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Fourteen
“The Journey to the Water”
After a few weeks of collecting our thoughts, and the rest of Rire’s crap we started along our way to Japan. “So why are we heading to a place that we don’t even know is actually a real place?” Asked Rire in confusing as he walked behind me. “Because Exuro said something about it, so it must be real. So we’re going there, but of course you don’t have to come if you’re too afraid.” I said mockingly to Rire. “Just shove it…it’s not my fault that unlike you I can’t run into a battle and not care what happens to me. I can die, and I don’t plan on risking my life if I don’t have to.” Said Rire with a serious tone in his voice. “Well now, seems like I hit a sensitive area with you. Fine I won’t mock you for that…since you’re only human.” I said as I walked further up the road. “I swear if I could I would beat the crap out of him…but I’m sure someone else will do it for me.” Rire said under his breath in a humored tone. “What did you say?” I asked Rire as I turned around confused. “Oh it’s nothing…I was just talking with myself.” Rire remarked as he started to walk behind me on our way to Asia.
For months we walked through a desert that just didn’t seem to end. But lucky we would come across oases from time to time to replenish our water supply. But the constant sun would drive Rire and myself insane some times. At one time Rire almost ran off a cliff just because he thought he saw a beautiful woman swimming in a large fresh water lake. But then again my own sanity was tested when I had thought I saw Aroth killing my dearest Lilis. And as I saw him stab her I ran towards him with my sword in hand slashing away at empty air. When darkness finally came around I final stop slashing like a madman and realized that I had busted out into tears as I realized that there was nothing I could have done to save the love of my life. The pain and torment that my own mind had subjugated me to. When we finally found a city a year later we took ourselves a much needed break. As we walked into the town the first thing Rire wanted to go to was one of those Arabian bathhouses where Arabian beauties would bath you. So needless to say I followed Rire to a place the locals said was the best one. After three hours of earthly delights I was hoping to go get a room, but as we were leaving a strange force had filled the room. “Hey Rire…do you feel something?” I asked the still flirting Rire. “Well…if this girl stops playing hard to get I’m hoping to catch a feel on something, if you catch my point.” He said as he raised his hand for a little grope on the girl next to him. “I’m being serious here Rire. I’m getting the weird feeling from this room and I have a feeling it might be another of those damn Elemental Lords.” I said as a surveyed the room with my eyes. “But you already killed Exuro, and I thought you knew when Aeris was around.” Rire asked in a confused tone of voice. “That’s only two of the four Elemental Lords you fool…and yes I know when Aeris is around. But I only killed the fire element; there is still water and earth, and not counting wind.” I said as I walked over to where my equipment was. “Oh come on Edge, you’re over thinking this whole thing. You just need to relax and grab yourself one of these hot women.” Said Rire as he walked over to a pale young maiden next to the giant bath. “Wait…where did she come from. She wasn’t here before.” I said as Rire wrapped his hands around her waist. “See Edge, they don’t bite. Well unless you want them to at least.” Rire said as he placed a kiss on her neck. “Well…that’s odd. Her skin is slightly cold.” Said Rire as he backed away from the pale beauty.
“You dare touch the body of a goddess? I will more than happily take your life for degrading my perfection.” Said the pale beauty as she raised her hands over her head and had a column of water appear behind her. “Oh shit, it’s the water Elemental Lord.” I said as I grabbed Acies and ran towards Rire in hope to block the attack. “oh God, don’t tell me this is how I die…I wasn’t expecting to die in a bath house but a woman…” Said Rire has he stood there motionless and in total shock. “Aqua Orbis, Water Orb.” Was all she said before a massive ball of water wrapped itself around Rire, cutting him off from all air. “Now for the fun part, to squeeze the life out of that man for touching my glorious body with his filthy hands.” Was all she said as she put her hands in front of her and started to close them slowly. And as her hands closed the water orb grew smaller and smaller. “You will not kill my friend!” Was all I could say as I sliced off both of her hands with one swing of my mighty blade. As her hands hit the floor the orb that surrounded Rire busted apart leaving him lying in a pool of water. “How? How could you cut me? I am a goddess. My lord Aroth told me that nothing could ever hurt me…and yet you cut me and now I am in pain.” Spoke the water Elemental Lord as she looked at the nubs on the ends of her hands in confusion. “Well I suppose your lord didn’t hear about my new sword. The sword that defies the powers of the gods. The blade Acies will be the death of all of those who use their powers for evil. In other words you, your friends, and your lord will all die by my blade and my blade alone.” I said as I pointed my sword at her. “My lord needs to hear about this. For now I will run, but the next time we meet I will kill that bastard for touching me.” Is what she said as she stepped backwards into the bath and sank into the very water she controlled.
“Rire, are you ok? Are you still breathing?” I asked the motionless body of my friend. “Maybe you should give him mouth to mouth?” Said one of the women behind me. “Who do you think I am? Do I look like I’m from ancient Greece? And if anything why don’t you do it?” I asked the nude woman. “I’m not allowed to touch him if he isn’t paying.” Was all she said before walking off. “Screw that, I’ll wake him up the hard way.” I said as I grabbed him by his shoulders and started to shake him violently. “Wake your sorry ass up or I’ll kick your ass.” I shouted at him as I continued to shake him. After five minutes of shaking him he finally woke up from his watery nap. “Man…that was a horrible dream...I dreamed that we were in a bath house and some pale woman tried killing me with water.” Explained Rire as he stood up and looked around. “Well that was no dream Rire, it all happened.” I said to him as I got up off the floor. “Shit!!! You’re telling me I almost died here in a bath house…while I’m in the nude? Good lord...that would have sucked.” Shouted Rire as he pasted back and forth as I started to get about into my normal apparel. “Well maybe this will teach you to keep your damn hands to yourself. Now we just need to find out more on this water Elemental Lord, because she is a lot stronger than Exuro was. And hell she seems to be a lot more heartless.” I remarked as Rire finally started to his cloths back on .
As we left the bath house a strange wind blew across the road. “For such a hot day that was a cold wind.” Remarked Rire has he walked towards the nearest Inn. “Yeah it was.” I said with a smile across my face. “Hurry up Edge, and what are you smiling about?” Asked Rire as he waved me to follow him. “Oh it’s nothing, I just thought back to something that happened awhile back.” I said as I walked behind Rire towards the Inn. As the night went on I laid in my bed listening to Rire talk to his dreams, and I thought about all the things in my life that were just so great that I would never forget them. The friends I had back in Camalote, the love I had once had, and then my most current pleasures. Getting a friend that could make the worst of times great, and the one person I couldn’t have saving me time and time again. The one person that had showed kindness to her very own enemy, going against all she was ordered to do. It made me wonder as to why she was doing these things for me. But as the night went on I drifted into sleep having dreams that gave me all the things I wanted back to me only to have them taken away the next morning.
Comments (13) |
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day. Went to my two classes…played on my computer…got mad at my internet for not working…again…then fixing my internet. So yeah that was a good part of my whole day. And I was glad to hear that none of you were too mad at me for not being able to do the Battle Results, and a few of you were actually understanding enough to tell me that I might be able to fix this up before the next tournament I do…so it would seem you guys wouldn’t mind seeing Edge’s little tournament next year either…I’ll keep that in mind, and I’ll make sure I perfect my Battle Results before I even attempt anything like that. Anyways I remembered when Lordsesshomaru told me “Sometime during this tournament you will get your record high of comments.” Well…I must admit…the first day did bring in 15 comments…which is slightly more than usual…but the other two days…votes dropped but a lot…like four votes. So I guess I’m saying…I wonder when my record breaking amount of comments will come in. Because my high amount is 18…so I’ll be waiting to see if it will happen. And I would also like add that I am amazed that my site is getting more hits faster than my old site did. I may only be at 435 hits, but considering this site has only be around since February I must be doing something right…I may not have my old ranking, or all those guestbook signings that I had earned…man I lost well over 400 guestbook signings…oh well. Time will help me in getting my old statues back. Anyways that’s it for my post. So please do enjoy the rest of my post, and I will try my hardest to visit your sites later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “Going down eh? Must you make every thing dirty Edge?” Oh…that’s not even fair…I wasn’t trying to be dirty…but if you keep it up I will start playing dirty, they don’t call me the Pervy Sage for nothing. And I will more than gladly play dirty…it’s one of my special traits. Anyways the next question is from Grifter, and he says “Catch my drift, bub?” Yeah I caught your drift. But I’m hoping you’re talking about the cute girl having cute friends…because the guy that the cute girl is friends wit…is well a guy, and Edge does not rate guys on their looks…he finds that to be odd…but the girl…well she’s like a 8…maybe an 8.5. Anyways the next question is from Morbid Twilight, and she asks “I wonder what those two things are. Hmmmmmm?” Well…they can be big, or small…usually soft…and they are always nice to look at when you have nothing better to do. And they always seem to catch my attention when I talk with the girl. And I’m of course talking about her….eyes. Yes, Edge loves the ways a girls eyes can look…they are the one part of the female body that Edge really pays attention when he talks with a girl. And I bet you all were thinking I was talking about boobs…you people need to get your minds out of the gutter. And the final question is from Grave, and he asks “How the hell could Itachi Uchiha beat Grave!?” Well…the people voted for him to beat Grave, so he beat Grave. Get over it…and besides in a week or two Itachi will go against Brandon Heat and Brandon got just as many votes as Itachi did…so it might be a close race to see who wins that match.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “I would love it if the tournament still goes on, cause even without battle results, I love it.” Well…I was hoping you guys would say to keep the tournament going because I did put a lot of work into this little bit that I’m doing, and hopefully next years will be better…MUCH better. Anyways the second discussion is from Grifter, and he says “Ah yes, Edge-san. Ever the consummate gentleman when it comes to the fairer sex and the feelings of your friends.” Well…at first I didn’t know what consummate meant…but I looked it up…and I must agree. I am that kind of a gentleman with woman…and possibly my few female friends. Anyways the third discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Real men wear dresses! lol. Ok, that's out of my system.” Hmm…I like that thought process…but only the brave ones will admit to wearing a dress.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So should we continue the tournament, even though the results will no longer be part of it? Well of course we should keep it going, I only asked you guys if I should stop it because of the…Battle Results not being able to be made, due to my lack of writing skills…but I shall figure out something to make this better next time, I swear to it.
Today’s Question
1.) So have the characters you voted for making it through the tournament with ease, or have they already been knocked out?
The Un-Named Tournament
The Rules
1.) Votes will be taken on only the characters fighting that day. I will not accept any late votes.
2.) Votes can be entered in only three ways; Comments, PMs, or by E-mail. My E-mail address is so if you have to vote that way then please do so.
3.) You can only vote for one character each match up. If you say I can’t pick one, or I vote for both, then I have the power to pick for you. And I will not make any exceptions to this rule.
4.) You do not have to vote on ever match, nor do you have to even take place, but if you’re favorite character doesn’t win the match then that is your fault and not mine.
5.) And lastly, do not argue with me on anything that has to do with the votes, voting, match ups, winners, losers, or anything in general that has to do with my tournament, because I will cancel all of your votes from that day until the end of the tournament.
6.) If any match up results in a tie I will flip a coin to see which character moves onto the next round, and the coin flip will not be questioned because that will result with you breaking Rule #5.
The Third Day Fights
“Round 1”
1.) Gojyo (Default Win) (6) verses Deidara (6)
2.) Kurama (6) verses Sanosuke (Default Win) (6)
3.) Ichigo (8) verses L (4)
4.) Kiba (Wolf Rain) (7) verses Chad (5)
Two coin flips. Heads for Gojyo and Kurama, and tails for Deidara and Sanosuke.
*flips a coin for the first match*
Heads, Gojyo moves onto the next round.
*flips coin again*
Tails, Sanosuke moves onto the next round.
The Fourth Day Fights
“Round 1”
1.) Dark verses Naruto
2.) Jin verses Miroku
3.) Sanzo verses Orihime
4.) Maes Hughes verses Gennosuke Kouga
Comments (14) |
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a great day. I really didn’t do much in my class today…all we did was watch a video on something…I can’t remember on what though. Anyways after that I was talking to a friend of mine as he waited for his next class to start, and while we were talking one of his HOT females friends came up to us and started to talk with us as well…and man when I say hot I mean…she was cute. Man I would date her in a heart beat…if it weren’t for a couple factors. One…my friend sort of likes her…two I don’t think she likes me, and three…she’s too cute. Anyways I’m glad to report that Edge has finally gotten his internet back up and running, but I hate to say…I think I bit off more than I could chew when I said I’d do battle results…it’s a little harder than I expected…I just can’t seem to get it to read right…so I’m going to cancel that part of my tournament…and if you guys agree then I might just stop the tournament since it doesn’t have that certain flare about it like other tournaments…not naming names of course. Anyways that’s it for my post. So please do enjoy the rest of my post, and I shall try my hardest to stop by your sites later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Lytjuh, and she asks “what are you worrying about? It’s out of your hands isn't it?” Well yesterday it was out of my hands…today…I just can’t seem to get it right…it doesn’t seem to flow as I was hoping it would so I had to cancel it for now on. I am so sorry. Anyways the next question is from Grave, and he asks “You wore a dress!?” Yes Edge has worn a dress, and I must admit it was quiet breezy in it…I will also admit the wind between my knees felt great.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “Well obviously your not gay...your just a cross dresser.” I swear if I ever see you in person…you’re going down girly!!! Anyways the second discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I don’t think you could ever be gay. Yes, Edge loves the ladies to much.” I agree with you on that. Edge does love the ladies far too much to even think about going gay. There’s just something about women that draws me to them…ok make that two things. ^^
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Are you mad about me not having the battle results for you to read? Yes I’m mad at myself…and I’m even more angry that I can’t seem to make It work like I wanted to.
Today’s Question
1.) So should we continue the tournament, even though the results will no longer be part of it?
The Un-Named Tournament
The Rules
1.) Votes will be taken on only the characters fighting that day. I will not accept any late votes.
2.) Votes can be entered in only three ways; Comments, PMs, or by E-mail. My E-mail address is so if you have to vote that way then please do so.
3.) You can only vote for one character each match up. If you say I can’t pick one, or I vote for both, then I have the power to pick for you. And I will not make any exceptions to this rule.
4.) You do not have to vote on ever match, nor do you have to even take place, but if you’re favorite character doesn’t win the match then that is your fault and not mine.
5.) And lastly, do not argue with me on anything that has to do with the votes, voting, match ups, winners, losers, or anything in general that has to do with my tournament, because I will cancel all of your votes from that day until the end of the tournament.
The Second Day Fights
“Round 1”
1.) Haru Glory (2) verses Kenshin (8)
2.) Mugen (8) verses Griffith (2)
3.) Duo Maxwell (4) verses Abel Nightroad (7)
4.) Sai (2) verses Rukia (8)
The Third Day Fights
“Round 1”
1.) Gojyo verses Deidara
2.) Kurama verses Sanosuke
3.) Ichigo verses L
4.) Kiba (Wolf Rain) verses Chad
Comments (11) |
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a busy day for Edge. The day started the same as all Mondays…went to math, got back my failed test…like I said. But he was surprised I got one question right that everyone else got wrong. Se I told you guys if he would just give me test on what we learned that week I would have passed his class. Anyways I’m typing this post from the other computer in my house…so in other words I don’t have my computer to work on…in other words…I will not be able to type up the battle results like I was hoping to. But tomorrow I shall have the battle results for today’s and yesterday’s matches I swear to it, and please forgive me for this. But it is because we switch our internet provider and the other company came in and gave me wireless internet…which my computer doesn’t seem to like…in other words my computer if fighting back, and it has left me without internet. So…I can’t really do anything…hell I’m actually using the code from yesterdays post to write this now. But do not worry; the tournament shall go on…there just aren’t any results to read. Anyways that’s it for my post, so I shall try to talk with you guys later. And please do enjoy the rest of my post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “I'll think about the wallpaper later, k?” Well don’t think for too long. I need a certain amount of time in which to get the images of the characters you want. And the sooner I get that the better.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “wow you admitting you wore make up and a dress is not helping your yaoi star reputation.” I am not gay!!! Edge likes the ladies WAY too much to even consider that. I just like taking people up on their dares…and that dress part got me a prize…so I was glad to put it on…and I’d do it again if I could get what I got again. Anyways the second discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “Edge wearing a dress and nail polish and makeup…very metrosexual, you scare me now >_<” HAHAHA, finally I have scared a few people with my random acts of fun with the ladies. Anyways the third discussion is from Caprice, and she says “That is just so unfair that Grave has to go up against a Naruto character. He could so totally obliterate any of them.” This is true…but I can’t change anything, and I have no voice in who wins or loses…but believe me I wanted Grave to win as well. It would have been cool to see Brandon Heat fight Grave.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) What is your favorite time of day? (Night time is included) Well of course it’s night time.
Today’s Question
1.) Are you mad about me not having the battle results for you to read?
The Un-Named Tournament
The Rules
1.) Votes will be taken on only the characters fighting that day. I will not accept any late votes.
2.) Votes can be entered in only three ways; Comments, PMs, or by E-mail. My E-mail address is so if you have to vote that way then please do so.
3.) You can only vote for one character each match up. If you say I can’t pick one, or I vote for both, then I have the power to pick for you. And I will not make any exceptions to this rule.
4.) You do not have to vote on ever match, nor do you have to even take place, but if you’re favorite character doesn’t win the match then that is your fault and not mine.
5.) And lastly, do not argue with me on anything that has to do with the votes, voting, match ups, winners, losers, or anything in general that has to do with my tournament, because I will cancel all of your votes from that day until the end of the tournament.
The First Day Fights
“Round 1”
1.) Jiraiya (10) verses Ban Mido (5)
2.) Guts (10) verses Yukimaru (4)
3.) Beyond the Grave (4) verses Itachi (11)
4.) Sanji (5) verses Brandon Heat (11)
The Second Day Fights
“Round 1”
1.) Haru Glory verses Kenshin
2.) Mugen verses Griffith
3.) Duo Maxwell verses Abel Nightroad
4.) Sai verses Rukia
Comments (12) |
Monday, April 23, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day to work…yeah…Edge did two stores yesterday…but that’s a good thing, means Edge is getting paid. The first store was as easy as hell, and the second store…once again it was easy…but what can you expect from Edge, huh? He makes everything easy. On yeah…today is Monday which means the first four fights of Round One are taking place today…awesome…just remember to vote for your favorites, and by doing so you can help they win their match and possible make it to the finals where thy can be awarded…some kind of prize that I haven’t thought up yet…but give me time…I have at least a month or so to think of one. And if you haven’t heard of any of the characters in any match up…just pick the one you like the look of…makes it easier for me to count the votes that way. But anyways…guess what? I changed my site’s song AGAIN…well not really. More like I moved it around. So if you like a certain song all you have to do is go click on it, but I would suggest you listen to this one song, because it songs pretty cool. But hey I don’t care what you guys do with the songs on my site. Anyways that’s it for my post. I do hope to talk with you guys later. And have fun voting today, and please enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “Hey, if my new theme ends up Akatsuki, can I use you're wallpapers?” Of course you can use my wallpapers for that. Hell I’ll even be willing to make one just for your site. So if you’d like just PM me about that and we can talk it over to see what we can do about that. Anyways the next question is from Alphonse13, and she asks “why are you one of the only people that can trick me like that!? I was beginning to think you wear nail polish!” Because Edge is good like that…and to be honest Edge has worn nail polish before…it was a bright blue…the funny thing is Zero painted my nails in our gym class…and I wore the nail polish through the next day at school…man that was funny.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Misty, and she says “Thanks so much for that post that said that you were worried about me on that day of VaTech and thanks for the song.” No problem, I’d be willing to do anything for you…but what else is new these days. Anyways the second discussion is from Shred, and he says “Edge and nail polish..........this does not compute.” Then you’re circuits will really be in a twist when I say I’ve worn make-up…and I’ve even worn a dress…and man do I ever look good in make-up, and I look even better when I’m in a dress…you should see these legs of mine…they are just to die for. Anyways the third discussion is from
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) (Stealing this from Unicornrain) Do you have a favorite to win the tournament? Ah…that’s a hard one for me, because my favorite for the tournament is a toss up between Jiraiya and Kakashi.
Today’s Question
1.) What is your favorite time of day? (Night time is inculded)
The Un-Named Tournament
The Rules
1.) Votes will be taken on only the characters fighting that day. I will not accept any late votes.
2.) Votes can be entered in only three ways; Comments, PMs, or by E-mail. My E-mail address is so if you have to vote that way then please do so.
3.) You can only vote for one character each match up. If you say I can’t pick one, or I vote for both, then I have the power to pick for you. And I will not make any exceptions to this rule.
4.) You do not have to vote on ever match, nor do you have to even take place, but if you’re favorite character doesn’t win the match then that is your fault and not mine.
5.) And lastly, do not argue with me on anything that has to do with the votes, voting, match ups, winners, losers, or anything in general that has to do with my tournament, because I will cancel all of your votes from that day until the end of the tournament.
The First Day Fights
“Round 1”
1.) Jiraiya verses Ban Mito
2.) Guts verses Yukimaru
3.) Beyond the Grave verses Itachi
4.) Sanji verses Brandon Heat
Comments (15) |
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a pretty nice day…I started my day off by going to work…oh joy. We actually did a college books store, which wasn’t that bad because they usually don’t have much in them anyways. But the worst part/best part was when the boss of the store asked me if I’d do the print out areas (important areas) so I said sure, and when he showed them to me I wanted to take back what I had said. Because all I counted in the three hours we were there was scantrons and spiral ring notebooks. In all I counted 830 scantrons and three hundred notebooks…it would have been great if I didn’t have to scan EVERYTHING!!! Then after work I went and grabbed myself some lunch. Man that was a tasty sub…anyways after a three hour nap I got on the computer and started to create some more wallpapers…I made three Itachi ones and one Deidara one…I have no idea why I’m in my Akatsuki mood of lately…but I’m ok with it. I did always like the way the dress. I know I look good with nail polish…but I never did try dark purple. I’m kidding you…well somewhat. Anyways that’s it for my day, so I shall talk with you guys later. And I do hope you enjoy the rest of my post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Unicornrain, and she asks “Do you have any favorites for the tournament?” Ah…that’s a hard one for me, because my favorite for the tournament is a toss up between Jiraiya and Kakashi…I want them both to make it through the tournament…but I’ve already checked what would happen if certain characters won…and the bad part is that both of my choices will go against a powerfully popular character…and I don’t see either of them winning, but hey I can hope right? The next question is from Redmoonchick, and she says “So Rire is going to become immortal maybe?” I can’t make him immortal…but I know a lot of you like him too much for me just to kill him off…I swear I was not expecting him to become so popular…this outs me in a real bind…
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Unicornrain, and she says “I like the first song ^_^ I had to turn it down though so my mom wouldn't make me turn it off ^^'” I’m surprised someone actually likes the songs on my site…since they aren’t very popular songs in general…since the group is from Germany. Well I do plan on adding more of their songs to the playlist, so if you want check them out, Masterplan is a really kick ass group. The second discussion is from MeikoUchiha, and she says “Your wallpapers are awesome! I love the Akatsuki ones.” Yeah I must agree. The Akatsuki ones are some of my favorites as well. And to think these are just a few of the ones I have made. I’ll be sure to submit the rest later as time goes on. Anyways the third discussion is from Alphonse13, and she says “Hell yeah I'll be here! I have to see how my characters fair!” Funny thing is on Monday only one of the characters you picked will be fighting…the other two are further down in the days…to be correct one is six days away while the other is seven days away.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So will you be sure to come here Monday? (The start of the Tournament) Of course I really have no choice but to come, because without me the tournament can’t start.
Today’s Question
1.) (Stealing this from Unicornrain) Do you have a favorite to win the tournament?
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a pretty uneventful day I went to my only class…and took a test…most likely fail it like I always do. But oh well…I’ll just retake the class in the fall. All I really did yesterday was work on a few new wallpapers, and I even started writing the latest chapter of “The Cursed Knight” so it will be done by next Friday, so don’t worry about me holding out of you guys. Also I will be posting a few of my “newer” wallpapers at the bottom of today’s post. So if you don’t mind I’ve always enjoyed hearing what you guys think of my work. So I hate to say that’s it for my post today…so I shall try to get around to your sites later today, so please do enjoy the rest of my post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Caprice, and she asks “What?! No Godsmack songs?” You can’t judge me on the ten songs I showed. I like Godsmack, hell I have a couple of their songs on my ipod, I just didn’t put up the anime character that had their song because they didn’t go with each other…so don’t even start getting attitude with about not having a certain song listed…
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “*sigh* No story oh well. but I'm still sad! (damn k-mart)” Sorry…I really did try to get it out…but I didn’t have enough time to get enough…believe me a paragraph isn’t enough to post…it might have actually mad some of you mad that I cut out on you…so it was for the best that I didn’t do anything. Anyways the second discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “Edge don't kill Rire he be my favorite!” I didn’t say I was going to kill him…I said I was going to change his fate, because in the beginning when Lordsesshomaru gave me that character he made him a moral…but since everyone has grown to love him I need to find away to make him last longer than I first wanted him to…funny thing is he was suppose to die during that last fight with Exuro…the death of Exuro was suppose to be the death of Rire…but I changed my mind at the last minute…and now he lives on. Anyways the third discussion is from Sizic-aka-sakura, and she says “It's a cool idea ^^ but the songs r kinda funky for the characters.....I take that back... they're funny!!” Well when it comes to the finals the songs will actually match up the characters as good as I can get it, but those were just songs that I gave each character to see where they would place and who they would end up fighting, nothing more nothing less. The songs were picked at random to each character.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So do you guys think it to be a good idea to give the quarter finalist intro music? Yeah I like the idea. So that’s what I’ll do when the quarter finalist have been chosen…or better yet when the quarter finalist have earned it.
Today’s Question
1.) So will you be sure to come here Monday? (The start of the Tournament)
Edge’s Wallpapers
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Friday, April 20, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a normal day until my mom told me that the BIG boss for the company I worked for told me I had to come and help them out at the K-Mart after my class let out…so in other words Edge got out of class went home took his hot shower, and then went to work…man I hate counting K-Marts…they are full of crap. But a couple good things happened as a result of working yesterday. For one I got to work with a couple people I enjoyed talking with, and my mom…yeah Edge was working with his mommy yesterday…but man it’s hard to keep up with that old woman. Then the second good thing to happen to me is one of the guys I was working with asked if I’d like to do some kind of job with him that’ll pay good money, and my mom is completely behind me doing it because she likes this guy as much as I do and she likes the idea of me getting some money…and then lastly I got paid for working yesterday so that just made it all worth wild. And as you can tell I didn’t keep that Nickelback song up for long…but my reason is simple…I really don’t want my site o be one of those sites that says I’m in mourning for other peoples deaths…now get me wrong I am not a cold heartless asshole…I just see no reason to look at the past and feel bad, I think we should move on and try to make this world of ours better, not to cry over what’s already done. I know this sounds mean to a lot of you, and I hate to say…deal with it. That’s just the way Edge is. Alright…sorry about that…now on to a more important matter in my post…I was not able to write chapter fourteen of “The Cursed Knight”…yeah I know…sorry, but K-Mart kept me away from my computer most of the day…and when I did get home I died in my bed…so I was not able to write enough to post today, so in other words you guys will have to wait until next Friday to read the next chapter. But a good thing is that on Tuesday you’ll get to read some of Edge’s writing because Monday starts the voting on my tournament and on Tuesday the battle results from Monday’s fights will be ready to be read. And just to show you some of the good music to fighter combinations I got when I gave each character a song I will post the bet ones at the bottom of today’s post, so do check them out and have a good laugh. Anyways…that’s it for my post today…once again I’m sorry I wasn’t able to write the new chapter…Anyways I do hope to talk with you guys later today, and I’ll try t get to everyone’s site’s today…since I won’t be working.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Lytjuh, and she asks “So the matches won't solely go on votes, but you'll think up finishing moves and such?” No the match results will be determined through votes, but the battle results will show if one character pulled off a come from behind victory or if it was a total ass kicking…and I’m hoping that I won’t have to make up any finishing moves because I’m hoping to use the moves these characters already use. But if I have to then I’ll be more than happy to make some up…hell I’ve heard of many of these characters before, so it shouldn’t be too hard for me. Anyways the next question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “What more can I do?” You do know you should never ask a Pervy Sage that…and it’s even worst when you happen to be near the age of this sage…but don’t worry this Sage has morals…well some at least. Anyways the next question is from Gidra, and she asks “You were talking about are Kakashi and Zabuza, right?” Yes I was…and I’m glad someone actually thought to look for the very match I was talking about. Shows someone was paying some attention to that part of my post…anyways. This next question is a touching subject…and it’s from Gidra, and she asks “Those sort a things happen a lot in the US?” Well…I hate to admit it, but yes shootings at schools happen a lot more than they should here in the United States…I must admit it is a true shame to think that we have some of the most shootings than any other countries around the world…but I suppose that’s what we get for not having a very strict gun code. I say we get the rules for owning a gun in the US to become even harder…then maybe, just maybe we can save some lives.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “THERE MAY NOT BE A STORY!!! I think I'm hyperventilating! *takes deep breath* I'm ok, I’m ok. I think I'll live. Maybe.” Sorry…I really wanted to write this up coming chapter. This would have been the one in which Edge and Rire would have started on their journey to Japan. I must admit this story isn’t moving along as I had planned…I’ve killed off one Elemental Lord within two years of Edge’s cursed life…and I need his life to run a full one thousand years…oh well I’ll think of something to do…even if it means I’ll have to change Rire’s fate…Anyways the second discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “May your tournament be a huge success and I feel that it will be... although I was really looking forward to pro-wrestling style theme music, Lol. *snaps fingers*” Well I agree it would be awesome to get each character their own intro song…but who about I make a deal with you…I will give the quarter finalist their own intro songs, but only those characters, because I don’t want to have 64 songs once again…so do we have a deal there?
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Well there’s the link, so would you agree that those matches look random? Of course the matches are random…it’s best that way, because I could have easily made it easy for my favorite characters to make it to the finals…but since one of my favorites is fighting Itachi in the fist round…I don’t think he’ll win…which is sad to me.
Today’s Question
1.) So do you guys think it to be a good idea to give the quarter finalist intro music?
The Un-Named Tournament
The Songs
“Round ?”
1.) Kiba – Wolf Rain – This is how a heartbreaks
2.) Maes Hughes – Fullmetal Alchemist – Far Away
3.) Sesshomaru – Inuyasha – Animal I’ve Become
4.) Deidara – Naruto – This ain’t a scene, it’s an arms race
5.) Luffy – One Piece – It’s not over
6.) Dark – DNAngel – When Love Comes Close
7.) Sasuke – Naruto – Goodbye
8.) Guts – Berserk – Get Out Alive
9.) Miroku – Inuyasha – She is Beautiful
10.) Alex Louis Armstrong – Fullmetal Alchemist – Ten Thousand Fists
11.) Orihime – Bleach – Lips of an Angel
12.) Abel Nightroad – Trinity Blood – Breaking the habit
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