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The protective knight
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I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
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Seventh Grade
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Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
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It's an odd hobby, but my hobby is protecting those I love.
I have a few, but I don't feel like listing them at this time
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Monday, April 9, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was Easter Sunday, can’t say I did much for that joyous Christian holiday, but then again Edge doesn’t come from a practicing Christian family. Don’t get me wrong, Edge is not some kind of ungodly guy, I just don’t celebrate the holidays the way they should be. In my family Easter is a day for hiding eggs, and getting candy. That’s it, nothing too special…but enough of that I made a promise to myself a long time ago that I would never mention two things on this site. My religious standings or my political standing. I feel both could lead to people on here either no longer stopping by my site, or they just might lose all interest in Edge because of his beliefs. But enough of the things I said I wouldn’t talk about…now let’s talk about something Edge loves to talk about…women…yes Edge is fully in love with women, but can you blame me, they are the most captivating beings of this planet. I can’t honestly say what women have to do with my post today…hell I didn’t even leave the house, so I didn’t even see any. But you know for an odd reason my heart is light, and I feel as if I could be walking upon clouds, and yet I do not know why…hmm…oh well only time shall tell. Anyways with all that behind me for now, let me talk about some wallpapers that will be located at the bottom of today’s post…they are of my creation, so enjoy. I knw simple, and yet straight to the point in which I wanted to get to. So please do enjoy looking at them, for they are the fruit of some hard labor on my part…I know Edge and hard labor…doesn’t sound right, but it’s true. Anyways that’s it for my post, so please do enjoy the rest of it. And I shall talk with you guys later.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Yensid, and she asks “I hope you liked the pics I sent you. Pretty funny huh? I swear we kept seeing "edge" everywhere.” Yeah I must admit they were pretty funny. And it’s not my fault that I’m such a great guy that everyone just happens to love me. And by loving me so much they choose to name things after me…yep, Edge is just that great.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from GothicNarutoFan, and she says “I've never seen that anime, but I've heard of it and I love your theme! I should watch Berserk some time.” Well I must warn you Berserk is not an anime for the weak…not only is it a VERY dark anime, it’s also VERY bloody, and they do show quiet a bit when it comes to certain body parts…only boobs and butts, but that’s all.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So what do you think of the new theme? Yeah I really do like the new theme. It’s dark, and yet bright red at the same time…very fitting for me at this time. You do know what they say abut the color red don’t you? And if you don’t…then look it up, and then you’ll understand Edge’s current mood.
Today’s Question
1.) So which of the four wallpapers posted below do you like the most?
Wallpapers made by Edge
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was another day of nothingness, and Edge is not going to complain, because I really enjoyed it. The only thing I really did yesterday was work on more wallpapers…a lot more wallpapers. A couple Berserk ones, a few Rurouni Kenshin ones and one Samurai Champloo wallpaper. But nothing too out there, oh and I also changed my theme again, but that’s only because I’m more into my Berserk mood. So I found it fitting to change my theme with one of my new Berserk Wallpapers. My site’s song has also been changed, and it’s now Linkin Park’s newest song called “What I’ve done” I find it to be a very well fitting song for Berserk, for anyone who has seen it they know what I am talking about, but for those of you that haven’t…then you are going to be pretty lost with this part of my intro. But hey you have nothing to worry about, the song is great, and my site looks awesome like always, so there is nothing to worry about. Anyways that’s it for my post, and I hope all of you have a Happy Easter. And please do enjoy the rest of my post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Morbid Twilight, and she asks “Does that mean I'm old?” No, that just means you had better things to do…that or you haven’t been forced to do it like I was. Anyways the next question is from GothicNarutoFan, and she asks “How could you not like Kenshin?” I’m not sure, but I can believe there are a lot of people that don’t like it. I’m just glad you guys enjoy my backgrounds as much as you say you do. Anyways the next question is from Iruka Sensei, and she asks “You make great wallpapers so why do you ask?” Well it’s simple; I can’t go off my own thoughts of my wallpapers. I like to hear what others say about them, that’s one reason why I love getting comments on my wallpapers, make me think people actually like my work…and yes I do need to know if people like them, other wise I feel I failed as the maker of that piece.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Yensid, and she says “I like the BGs you make, they are usually all swirly and stuff, or just abstract and interesting. The colors always work well too.” Yeah you have a point there…they do always have some type of swirl in them, or they just happen to be abstract, but hey as long as they fit that’s all that matters to me. Anyways the second discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “You are cute! Just believe it! Girls like confidence. Well, most do. I wish we could have seen what you looked like as Brandon Heat.” OK I get it…Edge is cute…and if you guys really want to see Edge as Brandon Heat then I’m sure I can find a way to get a picture taken of me in the Brandon Heat dress up I still have…of course I still have it…what am I stupid? I bought the damn suit to worn. Anyways the third discussion is from Alphonse13, and she says “hehe I think this is one of my favorite themes you've had! Rave Master Rocks!” Oh…that’s too sad, because just today I changed it to Berserk, so sorry about that. But hey if you really liked the wallpaper you can always find it in my portfolio.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So what do you think of my latest wallpaper? Yes it was a very nice wallpaper…I could have done better, but then again that is just me.
Today’s Question
1.) So what do you think of the new theme?
A Wallpaper made by Edge
 Hosted By
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Twelve
“The Ancient One”
As we got closer to the mountain the louder the voice of Merlean had become in my head. “Edge you must convince the Ancient that lives inside that volcano to make you the blade that defies the very gods themselves. With that blade you’ll be able to kill any immortal.” Was what Merlean’s voice kept saying to me. “Would you shut up?! I heard you the first time; you don’t have to keep repeating yourself.” I yelled out loud. “Ok…talking to the voice in your head Edge?” Asked Rire. “Forget about it. We need to clime to the very top of this mountain and talk with the smith that lives inside it.” I said as I pointed to the top of the mountain. “You must be fucking kidding me. That mountain is well over a hundred feet high, and I’m not suppose to climb anything over fifty feet.” Rire stated as he walked over to a large rock in which to rest on. “And who told you that fifty feet is as high as you go?” I asked the lazy Rire. “Well…it was my doctor. He’s the one that said I was unable to climb that high.” Rire said with a large grin on his face. “Right and how could you afford to see a doctor?” I asked with a knowing smile. “Ah…well…umm…damn it, you got me there Edge. Fine, let’s get this damn hike on the way so we can rest soon.” Explained Rire as he walked up to the mountain’s face.
As we climbed the steep side of the mountain I felt a presences that I have felt before, but I couldn’t really place who it was. As we climbed higher and higher I could feel the flesh on my hands tearing and burning. “Come on Edge, can’t we stop for a couple hours? My hands are bleeding, and for an odd reason I think I’m getting burned by the rocks.” Replied Rire as we came upon a large ledge in which to take a break upon. “Alright, I suppose now is the best time to rest ourselves before we get to the top.” I said as I sat down on a flat stone. “So Edge, do you need any bandages for your hands?” Asked Rire as he started to rap his hands in cloth. As I looked at my hands I saw the very wounds that had made me stop start to heal as if nothing has been wrong with them in the first place. “Ah…no, my hands are perfectly fine Rire.” I remarked to him as I lowered my hands back to my sides. “So Edge, how much farther until we reach the top of this damn mountain?” Questioned Rire. “Well, it looks to be another hundred feet or so, but if we start climbing now we can reach the top before nightfall.” I told Rire as I stood up. “Alright, then let’s get going. I’d hate to be stuck on the side of a mountain at night time.” Remarked Rire as he walked up to the side of the mountain.
After an hour or two of nothing but climbing we finally made it to what seemed to be the top of the mountain. But as it turned out it was not the top, but at least it was the entrance to the Ancient one’s place of dwelling. “Edge you must find the entrance to the Ancient one’s dwelling.” Said Merlean’s voice within my mind. “Alright, come on Rire we must look for an opening or something that could lead to a place of dwelling.” I instructed Rire. “Oh come on Edge…let me take a nap or some thing.” Complained Rire as he walked hunched over. “You can rest as soon as we find the Ancient one. Until then stop you’re bitching and start looking.” I said forcefully to Rire with my back turned. “Fine…but I’m not happy about this.” Said Rire as he extended his middle finger in retaliation. After what seemed like hours of searching, we finally came upon a massive mountain face that seemed to rise to the very heavens themselves. “Oh fuck…don’t tell me we have to climb more?” Question Rire as he quickly fell to his ass.
“ No, we were no instructed to climb any further. The Ancient one’s dwelling is on this lever of the mountain. We just need to find out where it is.” I said as I quietly walked over and sat down on a large stone cylinder. “Hey Edge, doesn’t that thing you’re sitting on look like something people in the past used to build buildings with?” Asked Rire as he walked up to where I was sitting. “You’re right, and look there seems to be more craved stones that way.” I said as I pointed towards a small opening in the mountain’s face. “Well then Edge what are we waiting for?” Asked Rire as he started to walk towards the opening. As we entered the dark, dank cave like area I started to hear the sounds of a hammer pounding away at an anvil. “Yes, we are close to where we need to be Rire. Let us hurry and get what I came here for.” I said as I quickly moved faster towards to sound. When we came upon the end of the tunnel we saw a large room lit up by the very molten rock that had been known to destroy cities. “Wow, not only is it bright in here, it’s also very hot and smelly.” Complained Rire. “So you have a problem with my living arrangement, now do you?” said a husky voice from behind a massive stone column. “Are you the Ancient one that Merlean has been telling me about?” I asked the voice. “Ah, I see that you were sent here by that old coot. Well in that case, then yes I am the master smith that has made weapons and armor for the very gods of the old world.” Said the husky voice has a massive man stepped from behind the column. “Good lord!!! That guy is fucking huge!” Shouted Rire in horror. “So will you make me the sword that defies the very gods themselves?” I asked the master smith as Merlean had instructed me to do. “So what do you pan on doing with such a sword?” Questioned the smith. “I plan on killing Aroth, the man that destroyed everything I loved.” I said with a grim look on my face. “Ah, so it would seem Aries is still looking for the strongest warriors to claim this world as his own.” Responded the master smith as he turned away and walked towards a large piece of metal. “Aries? I thought his name was Aroth.” I questioned the master smith. “Aries was his old name back in the good old days before he realized that I could make a sword to kill gods with. I remember the very day he turned against the council of the gods. He killed every single one of them. He didn’t care important or not. He just knew he wanted power, and the only way to get it was to kill all of them.”
“Wait, if he killed all the gods then how did you make it out alive?” I asked the massive god. “Ha, you think a sword of my own could not be broken by my hands. When Aries attacked me I struck the sword with the very hammer that forged it and in no time it shattered like cheap iron. And with that I hide myself here in this volcano hoping that one day I would find one worthy enough to carry my finally sword. And you my child are the one destined to carry it. Now just give me a day or two to forge it and you may have it. Oh and while you are here why don’t you go pick out some armor you wish to wear, because a warrior of your caliber needs armor made by a god.” Stated the master smith. “So since you are a god of the old times, what is the name you went by?” Questioned Rire. “Ah, a good question small one. My name was Hephaestus, but I always preferred the name Vulcan. Not only is it easier to say it sounds more powerful in my eyes.” Said Vulcan.
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Saturday, April 7, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was an ok day…I didn’t do as well as hoped on the test, but hopefully I passed the bonus question, which in return will raise my grade to a passing one. Other than that I didn’t do much, went home and took a nap, I needed it. And then I got onto the computer to make a couple…three newer wallpapers. And then I helped my mom color eggs with my little cousins, who are over for the weekend, and that was fun. Edge now has a couple green, blue, and purple fingers because of the dye. And since I know not much…if anyone will comment today I’ll keep this short. And I shall talk with you guys later, so please enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Caprice, and she asks “Wait, is it just me, or does it look like he has something in his pocket?” Umm…I’m not sure I want to answer that…but I do doubt there is anything there. Anyways the next question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “Easier said than done, right?” A lot easier said than done, but Edge is getting this thing settled now. So there’s no worries about it. The next question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she asks “so what are they arguing about?” Well they are fighting over what one another say about the other one…it’s a real pain in my ass to have to listen to this from each of them…I hat pointing fingers, but as most of you said it is mainly Zero that is slinging the mud while Misty is just not saying anything back. And I truly am getting tired of this…
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Yensid, and she says “Aha, that's right, you dyed your hair dark for the cosplay. *smacks forehead* I hope you can post some pics of yourself as Brandon Heat.” I would love to post some pictures of me as Brandon Heat, but alas there were none taken at that time…Sanji only took me picture after I had gotten out of my cosplay...well most of it. I was still wearing my pants, shirt, over shirt, and hair. Anyways the second discussion is from Caprice, and she says “Hey, I think us old ladies know something "hot" when we see it, though. ;)” Well…umm…yeah, I believe so…I just feel a little awkward….trying to say something is harder than I first thought it would be. Anyways the third discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “ But I think you're right in your comment on my site that it's about fan art. it's just so hard to find pictures of which you can be absolutely sure it isn't fan art *sigh* ow well, thanks for explaining ^^” Yeah fan art is hard to spot if you don’t know what you’re looking for. But me being a seasoned veteran in the hunt for materials to make a wallpaper I can see fan art when I come across it. The fourth discussion is from GothicNarutoFan, and she sys “OMFG! I love that wallpaper! It's Gojyo! I love Gojyo!” Yeah…that’s a good thing. Heck it was you that gave me the idea to make a wallpaper using him, so I suppose that wallpaper is all thanks to you. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she says “You don't look weird. You're pretty cute. ^^” And that makes eight girls on the otaku that believe Edge has some kind of cuteness in him. Great…if I can get to ten then I’m sure I might let more pictures of me be taken.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Was I wrong to lose my temper with those two in my discussion area? No it was needed, and if I didn’t say anything then it would have become a bigger problem in no time at all.
Today’s Question
1.) So what do you think of my latest wallpaper?
A Wallpaper made by Edge
 Hosted By
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Twelve
“The Ancient One”
As we got closer to the mountain the louder the voice of Merlean had become in my head. “Edge you must convince the Ancient that lives inside that volcano to make you the blade that defies the very gods themselves. With that blade you’ll be able to kill any immortal.” Was what Merlean’s voice kept saying to me. “Would you shut up?! I heard you the first time; you don’t have to keep repeating yourself.” I yelled out loud. “Ok…talking to the voice in your head Edge?” Asked Rire. “Forget about it. We need to clime to the very top of this mountain and talk with the smith that lives inside it.” I said as I pointed to the top of the mountain. “You must be fucking kidding me. That mountain is well over a hundred feet high, and I’m not suppose to climb anything over fifty feet.” Rire stated as he walked over to a large rock in which to rest on. “And who told you that fifty feet is as high as you go?” I asked the lazy Rire. “Well…it was my doctor. He’s the one that said I was unable to climb that high.” Rire said with a large grin on his face. “Right and how could you afford to see a doctor?” I asked with a knowing smile. “Ah…well…umm…damn it, you got me there Edge. Fine, let’s get this damn hike on the way so we can rest soon.” Explained Rire as he walked up to the mountain’s face.
As we climbed the steep side of the mountain I felt a presences that I have felt before, but I couldn’t really place who it was. As we climbed higher and higher I could feel the flesh on my hands tearing and burning. “Come on Edge, can’t we stop for a couple hours? My hands are bleeding, and for an odd reason I think I’m getting burned by the rocks.” Replied Rire as we came upon a large ledge in which to take a break upon. “Alright, I suppose now is the best time to rest ourselves before we get to the top.” I said as I sat down on a flat stone. “So Edge, do you need any bandages for your hands?” Asked Rire as he started to rap his hands in cloth. As I looked at my hands I saw the very wounds that had made me stop start to heal as if nothing has been wrong with them in the first place. “Ah…no, my hands are perfectly fine Rire.” I remarked to him as I lowered my hands back to my sides. “So Edge, how much farther until we reach the top of this damn mountain?” Questioned Rire. “Well, it looks to be another hundred feet or so, but if we start climbing now we can reach the top before nightfall.” I told Rire as I stood up. “Alright, then let’s get going. I’d hate to be stuck on the side of a mountain at night time.” Remarked Rire as he walked up to the side of the mountain.
After an hour or two of nothing but climbing we finally made it to what seemed to be the top of the mountain. But as it turned out it was not the top, but at least it was the entrance to the Ancient one’s place of dwelling. “Edge you must find the entrance to the Ancient one’s dwelling.” Said Merlean’s voice within my mind. “Alright, come on Rire we must look for an opening or something that could lead to a place of dwelling.” I instructed Rire. “Oh come on Edge…let me take a nap or some thing.” Complained Rire as he walked hunched over. “You can rest as soon as we find the Ancient one. Until then stop you’re bitching and start looking.” I said forcefully to Rire with my back turned. “Fine…but I’m not happy about this.” Said Rire as he extended his middle finger in retaliation. After what seemed like hours of searching, we finally came upon a massive mountain face that seemed to rise to the very heavens themselves. “Oh fuck…don’t tell me we have to climb more?” Question Rire as he quickly fell to his ass.
“ No, we were no instructed to climb any further. The Ancient one’s dwelling is on this lever of the mountain. We just need to find out where it is.” I said as I quietly walked over and sat down on a large stone cylinder. “Hey Edge, doesn’t that thing you’re sitting on look like something people in the past used to build buildings with?” Asked Rire as he walked up to where I was sitting. “You’re right, and look there seems to be more craved stones that way.” I said as I pointed towards a small opening in the mountain’s face. “Well then Edge what are we waiting for?” Asked Rire as he started to walk towards the opening. As we entered the dark, dank cave like area I started to hear the sounds of a hammer pounding away at an anvil. “Yes, we are close to where we need to be Rire. Let us hurry and get what I came here for.” I said as I quickly moved faster towards to sound. When we came upon the end of the tunnel we saw a large room lit up by the very molten rock that had been known to destroy cities. “Wow, not only is it bright in here, it’s also very hot and smelly.” Complained Rire. “So you have a problem with my living arrangement, now do you?” said a husky voice from behind a massive stone column. “Are you the Ancient one that Merlean has been telling me about?” I asked the voice. “Ah, I see that you were sent here by that old coot. Well in that case, then yes I am the master smith that has made weapons and armor for the very gods of the old world.” Said the husky voice has a massive man stepped from behind the column. “Good lord!!! That guy is fucking huge!” Shouted Rire in horror. “So will you make me the sword that defies the very gods themselves?” I asked the master smith as Merlean had instructed me to do. “So what do you pan on doing with such a sword?” Questioned the smith. “I plan on killing Aroth, the man that destroyed everything I loved.” I said with a grim look on my face. “Ah, so it would seem Aries is still looking for the strongest warriors to claim this world as his own.” Responded the master smith as he turned away and walked towards a large piece of metal. “Aries? I thought his name was Aroth.” I questioned the master smith. “Aries was his old name back in the good old days before he realized that I could make a sword to kill gods with. I remember the very day he turned against the council of the gods. He killed every single one of them. He didn’t care important or not. He just knew he wanted power, and the only way to get it was to kill all of them.”
“Wait, if he killed all the gods then how did you make it out alive?” I asked the massive god. “Ha, you think a sword of my own could not be broken by my hands. When Aries attacked me I struck the sword with the very hammer that forged it and in no time it shattered like cheap iron. And with that I hide myself here in this volcano hoping that one day I would find one worthy enough to carry my finally sword. And you my child are the one destined to carry it. Now just give me a day or two to forge it and you may have it. Oh and while you are here why don’t you go pick out some armor you wish to wear, because a warrior of your caliber needs armor made by a god.” Stated the master smith. “So since you are a god of the old times, what is the name you went by?” Questioned Rire. “Ah, a good question small one. My name was Hephaestus, but I always preferred the name Vulcan. Not only is it easier to say it sounds more powerful in my eyes.” Said Vulcan.
Comments (7) |
Friday, April 6, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was an day of nothing much going on. It would seem as if I have slipped back into my overly relaxed mood…which I can’t let happen…I need to work hard, I need to pass my classes, and I need to stop being lazy…well with school at least. Today I have a test in my math class, and I do need to pass it with a good grade so that I don’t have to retake this class…I can’t retake this class…I’m sick and tired of math…as soon as I get out of this math I’ll only have to take one other math class in my whole college career…thank goodness. Anyways as you can see the latest chapter of “The Cursed Knight” is up and ready to be read…now please do worry about the chapter, because as I said it’s more of a filler chapter, but the next one…now that one will have some great fighting…hell we see the return of a certain Elemental Lord, I won’t say which one, but that’s only to keep from ruining the surprise of it…well unless I’ve already told you, or your just smart enough to figure it out…either way. And it would seem in today’s discussion area a new record has been set…I have gone over my old discussion record of only five discussion, but in today’s there is a grand total of seven, yes you heard me right seven discussions. Oh, and please be warned I kind of lost my temper in the first discussion, so if you wish you can skip that one…unless you are one the two people I am addressing in it. Anyways that seems to be the end of my post, so I shall try my hardest to get to all of your site’s later today, and please do enjoy the rest of my post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Shred, and he asks “You need to count your fingers for that?” No, but it did add a bit of humor to it all, wouldn’t you agree? Anyways the next question is from Forgotten-Heart, and she asks “how can you say you look weird?” Well…it’s easy; watch…I look weird in those pictures. See it was easy, that’s how I can do it, now if I believe it is another story…but I hate all pictures of me because they don’t catch my natural beauty…ok…that just sounded odd. Anyways the next question is from Yensid, and she asks “when did I become senior otaku and what does that mean?” Well you became a senior otaku about a week or so ago, and it actually has some perks…believe me I used to be one. But you now no longer have to worry about your wallpapers getting approved in a day or two, because as a senior they get accepted in thirty minutes…and that’s about all I know of…but that rule doesn’t just apply to just wallpapers, no in fact it goes for all things you submit…except quizzes.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Misty, and she says “I was about to comment, but then I noticed Zero's comment and read it. I'm just not going to comment today.” Ok…this bullshit has gone on far enough here…I am going to take care of this once and for all. I am truly getting tired of you two arguing through my site, I know it’s mainly Zero that is doing all the mudslinging, but I hate to say I can’t leave Misty out of it either because it takes two do argue, so either you two will either stop reading each others comments and stop talking about the other in your comment, or I will just delete your comment from now on. I am truly tired of taking a backseat to this crap. Anyways…sorry about that…anyways the second discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I told you that you don’t so stop asking! Or we will tell Misty on you! LOL. Like I said, you’re handsome!” Alright, alright I’ll stop with it…and that is just mean to use Misty as a threat…it’s a good threat, but it’s a mean one if you ask me. Anyways the third discussion is from Caprice, and she says “Yep, I'm sure you didn't look weird. Add another to that handsome list. I think you are quite handsome.” Great…now that makes a grand total of seven girls from the Otaku that think Edge is at least cute…and/or good looking. Oh well…the more the better for my self esteem issues. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Yensid, and she says “You didn't look weird at all, just not what I expected. For some reason I had thought your hair was longer and that you had lighter coloring.” Well to be honest Edge’s hair was a nice golden blonde before he dyed it black for his cosplay, and that picture does my eyes no justice what so ever. Edge’s eyes are either a clear blue green, or a very dark blue. And even on some occasions my color has been recorded at being aquamarine…yes they do change colors with my moods…Edge has mood eyes. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “You look kinda cute, but different from what I had imagined…damn it, now my image of you will never be the same *laughs*” Wait a second…what did your image of Edge look like? I want…no…I need to know!!! The sixth discussion is from NarutoBlackmail, and she says “Misty sounds so nice. She must care about you a lot to always be there for you.” Yeah, she does…or at least that’s what she’s been telling me when we talk. So I believe she does, because she has no reasons to lie to me…yet at least. Anyways the seventh discussion is from Yensid’s second comment, and she says “I just wanted to add that not only did you not look weird, I thought you looked adorable! You are a very attractive guy. Great eyes, sexy smile. Jeez now I sound like an old perv lady or something.” Adorable? I swear…that is the first time since Edge has been a baby that someone has called him that word…and I wouldn’t say you sound like an old perv, please I had women (your age) grab my ass and tell me…well actually I’m not going to say what they tell me…because I’m getting th e chills just thinking about it. So don’t worry about sounding like a perv, because I doubt you are…that’s my title anyways.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Are you sure Edge didn’t look weird? (Because I thought I did) Well as I stated I think I look weird in those pictures…but only because the camera couldn’t catch the ultimate edge…of well Edge. ^_^
Today’s Question
1.) Was I wrong to lose my temper with those two in my discussion area?
A Wallpaper made by Edge
 Hosted By
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Twelve
“The Ancient One”
As we got closer to the mountain the louder the voice of Merlean had become in my head. “Edge you must convince the Ancient that lives inside that volcano to make you the blade that defies the very gods themselves. With that blade you’ll be able to kill any immortal.” Was what Merlean’s voice kept saying to me. “Would you shut up?! I heard you the first time; you don’t have to keep repeating yourself.” I yelled out loud. “Ok…talking to the voice in your head Edge?” Asked Rire. “Forget about it. We need to clime to the very top of this mountain and talk with the smith that lives inside it.” I said as I pointed to the top of the mountain. “You must be fucking kidding me. That mountain is well over a hundred feet high, and I’m not suppose to climb anything over fifty feet.” Rire stated as he walked over to a large rock in which to rest on. “And who told you that fifty feet is as high as you go?” I asked the lazy Rire. “Well…it was my doctor. He’s the one that said I was unable to climb that high.” Rire said with a large grin on his face. “Right and how could you afford to see a doctor?” I asked with a knowing smile. “Ah…well…umm…damn it, you got me there Edge. Fine, let’s get this damn hike on the way so we can rest soon.” Explained Rire as he walked up to the mountain’s face.
As we climbed the steep side of the mountain I felt a presences that I have felt before, but I couldn’t really place who it was. As we climbed higher and higher I could feel the flesh on my hands tearing and burning. “Come on Edge, can’t we stop for a couple hours? My hands are bleeding, and for an odd reason I think I’m getting burned by the rocks.” Replied Rire as we came upon a large ledge in which to take a break upon. “Alright, I suppose now is the best time to rest ourselves before we get to the top.” I said as I sat down on a flat stone. “So Edge, do you need any bandages for your hands?” Asked Rire as he started to rap his hands in cloth. As I looked at my hands I saw the very wounds that had made me stop start to heal as if nothing has been wrong with them in the first place. “Ah…no, my hands are perfectly fine Rire.” I remarked to him as I lowered my hands back to my sides. “So Edge, how much farther until we reach the top of this damn mountain?” Questioned Rire. “Well, it looks to be another hundred feet or so, but if we start climbing now we can reach the top before nightfall.” I told Rire as I stood up. “Alright, then let’s get going. I’d hate to be stuck on the side of a mountain at night time.” Remarked Rire as he walked up to the side of the mountain.
After an hour or two of nothing but climbing we finally made it to what seemed to be the top of the mountain. But as it turned out it was not the top, but at least it was the entrance to the Ancient one’s place of dwelling. “Edge you must find the entrance to the Ancient one’s dwelling.” Said Merlean’s voice within my mind. “Alright, come on Rire we must look for an opening or something that could lead to a place of dwelling.” I instructed Rire. “Oh come on Edge…let me take a nap or some thing.” Complained Rire as he walked hunched over. “You can rest as soon as we find the Ancient one. Until then stop you’re bitching and start looking.” I said forcefully to Rire with my back turned. “Fine…but I’m not happy about this.” Said Rire as he extended his middle finger in retaliation. After what seemed like hours of searching, we finally came upon a massive mountain face that seemed to rise to the very heavens themselves. “Oh fuck…don’t tell me we have to climb more?” Question Rire as he quickly fell to his ass.
“ No, we were no instructed to climb any further. The Ancient one’s dwelling is on this lever of the mountain. We just need to find out where it is.” I said as I quietly walked over and sat down on a large stone cylinder. “Hey Edge, doesn’t that thing you’re sitting on look like something people in the past used to build buildings with?” Asked Rire as he walked up to where I was sitting. “You’re right, and look there seems to be more craved stones that way.” I said as I pointed towards a small opening in the mountain’s face. “Well then Edge what are we waiting for?” Asked Rire as he started to walk towards the opening. As we entered the dark, dank cave like area I started to hear the sounds of a hammer pounding away at an anvil. “Yes, we are close to where we need to be Rire. Let us hurry and get what I came here for.” I said as I quickly moved faster towards to sound. When we came upon the end of the tunnel we saw a large room lit up by the very molten rock that had been known to destroy cities. “Wow, not only is it bright in here, it’s also very hot and smelly.” Complained Rire. “So you have a problem with my living arrangement, now do you?” said a husky voice from behind a massive stone column. “Are you the Ancient one that Merlean has been telling me about?” I asked the voice. “Ah, I see that you were sent here by that old coot. Well in that case, then yes I am the master smith that has made weapons and armor for the very gods of the old world.” Said the husky voice has a massive man stepped from behind the column. “Good lord!!! That guy is fucking huge!” Shouted Rire in horror. “So will you make me the sword that defies the very gods themselves?” I asked the master smith as Merlean had instructed me to do. “So what do you pan on doing with such a sword?” Questioned the smith. “I plan on killing Aroth, the man that destroyed everything I loved.” I said with a grim look on my face. “Ah, so it would seem Aries is still looking for the strongest warriors to claim this world as his own.” Responded the master smith as he turned away and walked towards a large piece of metal. “Aries? I thought his name was Aroth.” I questioned the master smith. “Aries was his old name back in the good old days before he realized that I could make a sword to kill gods with. I remember the very day he turned against the council of the gods. He killed every single one of them. He didn’t care important or not. He just knew he wanted power, and the only way to get it was to kill all of them.”
“Wait, if he killed all the gods then how did you make it out alive?” I asked the massive god. “Ha, you think a sword of my own could not be broken by my hands. When Aries attacked me I struck the sword with the very hammer that forged it and in no time it shattered like cheap iron. And with that I hide myself here in this volcano hoping that one day I would find one worthy enough to carry my finally sword. And you my child are the one destined to carry it. Now just give me a day or two to forge it and you may have it. Oh and while you are here why don’t you go pick out some armor you wish to wear, because a warrior of your caliber needs armor made by a god.” Stated the master smith. “So since you are a god of the old times, what is the name you went by?” Questioned Rire. “Ah, a good question small one. My name was Hephaestus, but I always preferred the name Vulcan. Not only is it easier to say it sounds more powerful in my eyes.” Said Vulcan.
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a good day. I can’t say anything too exciting happened to me. I started work on a few new wallpapers, still writing the latest chapter of “The Cursed Knight” which should be done by tomorrow, since I have most of the chapter already written. I hate to say it would seem this latest chapter is nothing but a filler chapter…no fighting, no real arguments between Rire and Edge…even though I could easily make one…or two…hell I could make a lot, but we’ll see what I can do. And…because all of you…Edge is now starting to think he doesn’t look that odd…which is really going against my mentality against myself, but then again that is one of the MANY things Misty is working on with me…I must admit that woman has helped tear down many of the walls, barriers, and couple bottomless pits of Edge’s mind. And I’m shocked that she is still working on me…most people gave up after they hit the first wall… Anyways enough of Edge’s self discovery…it’s something that doesn’t fit well into my post, so we shall be leaving that out from now on. But do know Edge is working on a revolution within himself. And this is for those of you that weren’t here yesterday to see my post…HAHAHAHA, you missed out on seeing Edge’s pictures…Anyways that’s it for my post, so I hope to talk with you guy later. And please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from GothicNarutoFan, and she asks “Why would I?” Well…I don’t know…maybe because I’ve always set myself up to be knocked down, and I always expect someone to take their shot at me…but I’m starting to see that thinking that way is pretty stupid, and is one of the MANY things I have to change about myself. Anyways the next question is from Alphonse13, and she asks “So does that mean you've figured out what your suppose to do in life?” Actually I’ve known what I’m suppose to do with my life for a long time now, but I do now know what I need to change about myself to make my life a lot better. The next question is from Shred, and he asks “Wait…what tattoos?” The ones me and Misty planned on getting, no not the same tattoo or anything like that. We just planned on getting our tattoos at the same time that’s all. But I’ve already talked about this tattoo so much I’m sure you guys are sick of hearing about it.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I won’t make fun of you. But I will say that you are well....Handsome! heehee, got a little girls there.” Well now…I wasn’t expecting that kind of response…but…umm…I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy it. But I must ask what do you mean by “got a little girls there”? That kind of threw me off…and I’m still trying to figure that one out. Anyways the second discussion is from Alphonse13, and she says “Well as long as your smartassness hasn't gone away, nah I'd still find you amusing no matter what! Nope not at all, you’re not bad looking at all so why would I make fun!” Yep, that is one of the many things that will never change about Edge…he will always be a major smartass. And I’m glad that I would be amusing to you no matter what…not sure if that was an insult or not, but hey what the fuck? Sounded good to me…and you make…*recounts comments*…three girls on here that find me…well some what good looking…well that’s not counting the girls I know on the Otaku that know me off the otaku…which is…*counts on fingers*…three as far as I know.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So are you going to make fun of my looks? Nah, I can make fun of my own looks…Misty would kick my ass so hard I would feel it a few years after she kicked it. And I’m not a big fan of making Misty mad…done that once and not going to try that again.
Today’s Question
1.) Are you sure Edge didn’t look weird? (because I thought I did)
Comments (13) |
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was an ok day…funny thing is after I post last night I actually went through a self discovery path with Misty, we were talking and she has “enlightened” me to my downsides. In other words she has told me the things that actually makes Edge a not so good person to be with. But now Edge is a somewhat changed man, I’m still the kind heart, fun loving, smartass Edge you’ve all have come to love or enjoy your pick. But I’m a different person in my own eyes now, so I’m actually feeling a lot better about myself and what I’m suppose to do in life. Anyways on to what I did yesterday, well to start it off I went to class…boring…I then came home and started to work on my oil painting again, I then hung out with my oldest friend Stephen for a couple of hours, and then I walked around down town Columbus…and man do a lot of weirdos live downtown. Remind me not to let any of my female friends go downtown without me…I need to protect them from such weirdos…Anyways before I head of into a rant about me being a knight in shining armor…that reminds me shin armor…another reminder…buy armor first. Oh and for an added bit of horror Edge has finally received a couple photos of himself, I hate to say though that none of them are me in cosplay, but that’s only because my friends never took any photos of me in it, but she did get me after it. So please be kind with your humor on Edge’s looks…Anyways that’s it for my post. So I shall talk with you guys later, and I do hope I’ll be able to comment today, sorry if I didn’t yesterday. Anyways enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Misty, and she asks “Who sings it and what's the title?” Well the song is called “Into the ocean” and it is by a group called Blue October. I hope that answers your question, because that’s all the info you asked for…and that’s all I got. Anyways the next question is from Caprice, and she asks “I guess that would depend on Edge's mood now, wouldn't it?” Well…not really when I made them I was in a good mood, so they all represent the same mood to me. Anyways her second question asks “what program do you use to make your wallpapers?” Well for the longest time I used a trial version of Photoshop, but when time ran out I just downloaded a program called Gimpshop. And that’s were yesterday’s wallpapers came from…it takes awhile to get used to…believe me it took me a month to get used to it.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Misty, and she says “One day we'll go out and get those tattoo’s we've wanted!” Yeah, I like the sound of that. I think we’ll have a lot of fun on that day we choose to do that. Anyways the second discussion is from Caprice, and she says “Ok, I get a little twisted at times. So, I could make a comment about the whole Yin and Yang thing. But I decided to hold my tongue... or should I say my typing. ^_^”……you do know I am going to PM you about this and get that information from you…I want to know what you were thinking when you said that, because Edge truly does hate it when someone starts talking about something and then cuts it short…I hate cliff hangers…Anyways the third discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “You were lazy *shakes head* but the theme looks great! Its way more Edge I think ^^ I just love the background hehe ^^” What do you mean lazy? I haven’t been too lazy of lately…and I would have to agree, the darker colors do suit me well…they make me feel more at peace then any other colors.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Which wallpaper do you think is the most popular? Well as a few of you guessed (and one cheated) the most popular wallpaper is the Elie one (the hot girl in a bathing suit.)
2.) Which do you think is Edge’s favorite? Well if you really couldn’t guess, then I’ll tell you it the one I actually turned into my theme, so if that doesn’t answer any questions then it was the last wallpaper.
Today’s Question
1.) So are you going to make fun of my looks? And if so they better be good jokes…without being hurtful…
Edge and his weird looks

Comments (9) |
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a good day considering that I only had to go to one class the whole day. So in turn Edge scored big time with that. I’ve also changed my theme, why you ask? Well it’s simple, Edge just doesn’t work well with bright colors…I need my neutral or dark colors in life, and last time I checked light blue isn’t neither neutral nor dark…as if I had to tell you guys that. Anyways, the theme has also changed from Gungrave, to Rave Master, one reason if I asked you guys if you remembered it, and if you’ve never seen the show, then this theme doesn’t tell you a damn thing, sorry. Anyways I paid my bill yesterday…resulting in Edge’s wallet going completely flat…poor Mr. Wallet…I knew him when he was fat…but now that he is thin, he is nothing but a piece of leather. Oh well…anyways back to my theme, the song that is now playing on my site is called “Heroes” by Masterplan. I felt this song fit Rave Master perfectly, just because they were heroes…yeah…that’s about it for my reasons, other than the fact I like this song a lot. So that’s about it for my day, so I hope you guys enjoy the rest of my post, and I shall try my hardest to visit your site’s as soon as I can.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Caprice, and she asks “Don't you hate that when work slows down, and you realize that paycheck is going to be one that you need more money for?” Of course I hate that…since I’ve been wasting money on things I really don’t need…I forgot all about this crap I needed to pay off first…I know it’s my own fault, but it doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it. Anyways the next question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “You and Misty are like yin & yang?” Yep. Edge happens to be Yin, the darker side, while Misty happens to be Yang the lighter/brighter side of things. But don’t get me wrong; just like the symbol of Yin and Yang we both have our slight spots of the other in us.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “I remember that the dubbed version had one of the worst openings I've ever had the misfortune of hearing.” I have to agree with you on that, but the odd thing is I still enjoyed listening to that theme song just because it was so damn stupid actually made it funny for me to listen to…ok I know, Edge has a weird taste in music, but then again I have weird taste in almost everything. Just look at the women I like…*praying that Misty isn’t reading this post*…Anyways on to the second discussion which is from GothicNarutoFan and she say “And in the Q & A, you remind me of Gojyo from Saiyuki. And I find that funny.” I have no idea what you mean by that…even though I have a very good understanding of that character I do not see how I remind you of him…ok…it’s not my fault that women love me. Edge is a gift from heaven!!! Yeah…right, like even I can believe something like that…please I could never be that self conceded. Anyways the third discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “I'm still working on your story I have read the first 4 chapters!!^^ Damn Lilis is really lucky I wish I were her!!!” You’ve read the first four chapters…and yet you wish to be Lilis? That is quite odd, since Lilis dies in chapter three. So why would you want to be her if she is dead? I just would like to know that.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So, do you guys remember Rave Master? (The Anime) Yep, I sure do remember it. That’s mainly why I changed my site’s theme to a Rave Master theme. I just wanted something new, and heck I haven’t seen a Rave Master theme yet, so heck I’m the first that I know of.
Today’s Question
1.) Which wallpaper do you think is the most popular?
2.) Which do you think is Edge’s favorite?
Edge’s Wallpapers
 Hosted By
 Hosted By
 Hosted By
Comments (13) |
Monday, April 2, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a fun day of nothingness once again. Ah, I missed all these relaxed days…but then again I also enjoyed the sight of money, but heck I don’t have to worry about work at all…well at least for another week or two. The reason, you ask? Well it’s simple, there are no stores going on during this time, so Edge’s wallet will be taking the major impact of this…crap, and I just remembered that I have a bill to pay, and then I still have to pay off that damn ticket…oh lord…I’m going crazy with these damn things. I need a new job that can at least give me some hours a week. Anyways I’ve also started on chapter twelve of “The Cursed Knight” so hopefully it will be done by Friday. And if not then I’ll just hold it off until next Friday…but since I know I should have the time that isn’t an excuse so I should have it done by Friday. I know this is going to sound sad, but I’m actually already tired of this theme…I feel it wasn’t any good because to me…it’s just lame, but that’s probably because it’s a little too bright for me…I hate bright colors, which I find funny because Misty only likes colors bright…I swear me and that girl are like Yin and Yang. I’ll give you one guess to which one I am. Anyways that seems to be the end of my post, so I hope you guys enjoy the rest of my post, and I shall talk with you guys later.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “*ahem* hot? Okay, maybe you are like Jiraiya…” Well umm…I have no idea what you’re talking about. Me and Jiraiya have almost nothing in common…for example I haven’t peeked into a girls bath house…yet…I mean…ahh…Anyways my next example is that I have never hit on a women to the extent of her slapping me. That one I know for a fact has not happened, but then again I know it won’t happen because Edge happens to have a way with the ladies…well I would hope I do.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she says “I love the new chapter! It's so cool! Then again, every chapter you write in this story is cool!” Why thank you for your nice comment on my story’s latest chapter, but then again I’m starting to get used to everyone saying that my chapters are good…I know they are short, but I say what I want in them, so they fit my length requirements.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Do you like the new theme? Well I did like it, but now I’m really bored with it…I’ll probably have it changed by Tuesday.
Today’s Question
1.) So, do you guys remember Rave Master? (The Anime)
Comments (12) |
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day of almost nothingness. I started my day off by sleeping until noon, and man did that ever feel good. I really needed that sleep. Then I went to go get my neck measured. Why you ask? Well I want a hangman’s rope made so that the day my life is about to be over I’ll just end it myself…ok I’m lying, so don’t worry about it. Actually I got my neck measured so I could buy myself some more dress shirts, and I didn’t know I needed to know what my necks measurements were, but hey I do now. Anyways I then bought myself a new deep blue dress shirt, and nice crimson tie, I thought I could use a different color of a tie…now just to learn how to tie a tie. And to end my day off I went to work, nothing much to say about that…actually nothing really…except I’m really wanting to kick that one guy’s ass even more now. But I won’t get into details over him. So I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the post, and I shall try my hardest to comment today. Well talk with you guys later.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Yensid, and she asks “What character did Casey play in Midsummer Nights Dream?” Casey played Cobweb, one of the fairies in the play, and I must admit she did an awesome job at it…and man was her outfit ever so hot…I mean…nicely done. Anyways Yensid’s second question asks “Was it a good performance?” Actually it was a very good performance. I was actually amassed that college students could do such a good job. And here I thought college students to be a bunch of worthless bums…now I know that’s just me.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Yensid, and she says “O yeah, you are more than welcome to stop by if you ever get out my way, keep in mind it's a big state though, we might not live where you want to visit. I think Grifter's neck of the woods is probably more appealing to tourists.” Well if I were to go to California…doubt it…I’m sure I’d find my way to where you lived, even if there’s nothing there I’d want to see, but in an odd way there is something there I’d like to see. I wouldn’t mind meeting Yensid, heck that’s enough of a tourist attraction in my book, and then of course Grifter would be on the tour guide as well.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Who is your favorite character (so far) in “The Cursed Knight”? Edge is my favorite, hands down, and then in a close second place is Aeris. I love that Elemental Lord. I made her almost perfectly.
Today’s Question
1.) Do you like the new theme?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Eleven
“A Goddess”
“Good Lord…” I said in a shocked tone of voice as blood and other materials flew past me and on to me. “What in the hell was that Edge?” Rire asked in pure confusion as he ran towards me. “Stop where you are Rire! Don’t move, the one that did that is still in this building.” I yelled to the dumbfounded Rire. “So you noticed my presence here?” asked a familiar female voice. “Aeris, it’s hard not to know when you are near. The air always gets colder.” I explained to the Elemental Lord. “Ah, I see you’ve learned that much about me from just the first few encounters we’ve shared.” She said laughingly to me. “A few? I only remember one encounter, and that was when you stopped Exuro from being killed.” I asked in confusion. “You mean to tell me you’ve already forgotten about me and my necklace that you wear? And here I had hopes for you my dear knight.” Said Aeris with a pouting tone. “Wait…you mean you’re the woman from the forest who disappeared into the mist?” I asked loudly. “Oh, so you didn’t forget about me after all?” She asked as she appeared out of a cloud of mist. “Damn, she looks hot!” Shouted Rire.
”You fool! You dare say such a thing like that to me? The strongest of the Elemental Lords.” Yelled Aeris as she lifted her hand and slashed it in front of her creating a blade of air. “Oh shit.” Said Rire as the blade of air came closer and closer to him. “Now that the trash is about to be taken care of, I suggest you come with me Edge.” Aeris said to me as I ran towards Rire. “Get out of the way you damn fool!” I said as I pushed Rire out of the way of the blade, but alas I wasn’t too lucky. As the blade ripped through my body I felt the rush of cold air flow through my bones. “What? That wasn’t suppose to happen! You didn’t follow you’re usually course of action…you were suppose to let him get killed…” She said in astound voice. “Ha, you see…that’s what you get for thinking you know how I’ll act.” I said as I fell to the ground. “Edge! Why did you save me? I thought you hated me?” Asked Rire. “Well my friend…I couldn’t let a weakly like you take such a powerful attack, now could I?” I said in a joking tone of voice. “Great, you now know that my master will kill me for killing you.” Said Aeris in a pissed off tone.
“Oh give me a break woman. Do you really think that could kill me?” I said to Aeris as I stood up pulling the remains of my shirt off. “You shouldn’t be able to live through that, even with you powers of immortality.” She said with pure shock in her voice. “Oh please Aeris. You mistake me for one of your weak comrades. And I am upset now…I liked that shirt, now I have to find myself a new one to replace it.” I said to Aeris with anger in my voice. “Well…actually I think you should leave it off…” Aeris said under her breath. “What did you say? I can’t hear you from up there?” I questioned Aeris loudly. “Umm…nothing I was thinking. Anyways, since I didn’t kill you I guess it’s time for me to leave, but do know that I will be coming back for you. One way or another.” Aeris said as she turned around and started to walk before she vanished in a cloud of mist. “Damn Edge, she was hot, she looked like one of those old fashion Roman goddess. So how do you two know each other? Because she looks way too good to even know you.” Asked Rire in a crazed tone. “That’s none of your damn business.” I said to Rire as I grab a hold of the pendent that she gave me that day in the forest. “Oh…I get it. You have a crush on her don’t you?” Mocked Rire. “What the fuck? If you say something like that again I’ll crush you into the ground!” I shouted to Rire as he backed away from me. “Edge likes Aeris…” Rire said before he took off running. “You little shit head. I am going to kill you!” I said running after him out of the building.
“So it would seem he truly is strong enough for my master’s plans.” Said Aeris as she watched Rire running from me in the streets of Rome. “Oh Aeris, it would seem you have the hots for this Edge fellow, am I wrong?” Asked a cocky voiced male behind her. “Yes Exuro, you are once again wrong. Now just follow them, and this time I mean follow. Don’t you dare attack him, or I will kill you myself.” Proclaimed Aeris as she vanished for good. “Ah, fuck her and her rules. She’s thinking with her heart again…but I prefer my thinking method, kill or be killed.” Said Exuro as he disappeared in a column of flames, which caused a massive explosion destroying the very church the fight took place in. “Get your sorry ass back here Rire, so that I can shove your head up it!” I shouted to Rire as a massive explosion erupted behind me. “Damn…that looks cool.” Said Rire as he walked beside me looking at the fireball rising to the sky. “About time.” I say as I punch Rire into the ground.
“Man Edge, you need to stop hitting me, or at least get some way to manage your anger.” Proclaim Rire holding a raw piece of meat on his left eye. “And maybe you should learn to keep your mouth shut when I tell you to forget about something, or not to say anything else about it. And where did you get that piece of meat?” I asked Rire. I took it from the butcher back in Rome. I was planning on eating it, but no we had to get caught up in all that action at the church.” He explained to me. “If you say so. Anyways it looks like we’re almost to the place in which we’re supposed to be going.” I said to Rire. “What makes you think that?” he asked me. “Well look over there.” I said as I pointed to a smoking mountain. “Well that doesn’t mean that’s where we’re suppose go.” Proclaimed Rire. “Your right, the simple fact that I said it’s where we’re suppose to be is good enough of a reason for us to go there. Now if you have a problem with it you can just stay here and I’ll go on with my mission.” I said as I started to walk towards the mountain that bellowed smoke. “Fine…I’ll follow you, but man the next time bad happens I’m not hanging around. I’m getting tired of these Elemental Lords trying to kill me.” Said Rire as he started to walk behind me on our way to the mountain.
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a fun day for me. I submitted four new wallpapers, and I mean new as in just made this week. I would show them to you, but since this is the weekend and I have my story up it would be better to show them off to you guys on Monday. Anyways most of my day was the same old stuff, school, home, laziness taking place, but I actually did something new for once. Edge actually went to see a play. Since it was a school play, by my school, I was able to get in or free…the best price in town if you ask me. But oddly enough Edge only went because a certain girl, Casey, asked me if I’d come watch her in it. Yes you heard me right she was in the play. Now I know what you’re thinking, it’s probably one of two things, so I’ll answer both right here and right now. First question - The play was “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. And the second question – Yes Edge is a classy guy, he enjoys musicals, plays, and even Symphonies. I love those last ones…I love listening to Beethoven, Mozart, and all the other masters of classical music. Ok…I know that wasn’t the second question in mind…so I’ll answer the real second question – and the answer to that is, no I don’ like Casey like I used to. She has a boyfriend, I was asked by a friend to come to her show, so like the good friend Edge is he showed up to support his newest female friend…for this semester. Who knows how long me and her will talk…but honestly I don’t care, I make female friends like you wouldn’t believe…I swear they pop out of nowhere these days…it might because they think I’m hot or something…but I’m not too sure yet. Also I would like to add that I have changed my site’s theme once again, it’s still Gungrave, but now it’s more of an oceanic theme. Anyways that happens to be the end of my post, so I do hope to talk with you guys later, and please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Misty, and she asks “You are an incredible friend. I wouldn't trade the world for you... did that come out right?” Well no it didn’t come out right, but since I know you like I do, I do know what you were trying to say so there’s nothing to worry about, alright? But what you should have said (what I hope you were trying to say) “I wouldn’t trade you for the world!” but then again that’s what I’m hoping you were trying to say. Anyways the next question is from Vash2214, and she asks “Can’t you send the story to me by chapter please?” Yeah sure I can. That’s what I try to do, I hate it when someone who wants to read the story gets behind, so like a good writer I will more than happy to send it to those who need it. I just truly hope none of you will abuse my kindness by using my work as your own…not saying any of you would, because I trust you guys…hell if I didn’t then I wouldn’t be sending it out now would I?
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Misty, and she says “I also like that Aeris girl always vanishing in the "mist". Keep it up^^” Yeah, I like that Aeris girl as well…wait…that didn’t sound right…scratch that…none of you heard that!!! Umm…yeah Aeris is my favorite of my Elemental Lords. There must be a reason to why I made her the way I did, but I haven’t figured out who she’s designed off of yet…I know everyone in this story is based on someone. But hey, maybe if you guys figure it out before then I might give you a prize, but only if you figure it out before me. Anyways the second discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I think all great story writers put a little bit of themselves and people they know into their stories. Yes, I'm saying you’re a great writer! Don’t let it go to your head. Man I love Rire! So entertaining that one.” Well…thanks…I swear you guys keep telling me I’m good at writing, but it’s still a little hard for me to swallow. But then again it took two years for my friends to even remotely get the idea that I’m cute into my head, and I’m still not 100% behind that idea. But hey, if you say I’m a good writer than I thank all of you for your kind words, because without those words this story would have been dead before I started it. And why in the hell is Rire the favorite character? Man…I just might have to kill him off to get the attention back on Edge…I’m starting to like that idea.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So when you finish the story answer this question: Was it worth the two week wait? I suppose it was…but I wasn’t waiting to read it.
Today’s Question
1.) Who is your favorite character (so far) in “The Cursed Knight”?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Eleven
“A Goddess”
“Good Lord…” I said in a shocked tone of voice as blood and other materials flew past me and on to me. “What in the hell was that Edge?” Rire asked in pure confusion as he ran towards me. “Stop where you are Rire! Don’t move, the one that did that is still in this building.” I yelled to the dumbfounded Rire. “So you noticed my presence here?” asked a familiar female voice. “Aeris, it’s hard not to know when you are near. The air always gets colder.” I explained to the Elemental Lord. “Ah, I see you’ve learned that much about me from just the first few encounters we’ve shared.” She said laughingly to me. “A few? I only remember one encounter, and that was when you stopped Exuro from being killed.” I asked in confusion. “You mean to tell me you’ve already forgotten about me and my necklace that you wear? And here I had hopes for you my dear knight.” Said Aeris with a pouting tone. “Wait…you mean you’re the woman from the forest who disappeared into the mist?” I asked loudly. “Oh, so you didn’t forget about me after all?” She asked as she appeared out of a cloud of mist. “Damn, she looks hot!” Shouted Rire.
”You fool! You dare say such a thing like that to me? The strongest of the Elemental Lords.” Yelled Aeris as she lifted her hand and slashed it in front of her creating a blade of air. “Oh shit.” Said Rire as the blade of air came closer and closer to him. “Now that the trash is about to be taken care of, I suggest you come with me Edge.” Aeris said to me as I ran towards Rire. “Get out of the way you damn fool!” I said as I pushed Rire out of the way of the blade, but alas I wasn’t too lucky. As the blade ripped through my body I felt the rush of cold air flow through my bones. “What? That wasn’t suppose to happen! You didn’t follow you’re usually course of action…you were suppose to let him get killed…” She said in astound voice. “Ha, you see…that’s what you get for thinking you know how I’ll act.” I said as I fell to the ground. “Edge! Why did you save me? I thought you hated me?” Asked Rire. “Well my friend…I couldn’t let a weakly like you take such a powerful attack, now could I?” I said in a joking tone of voice. “Great, you now know that my master will kill me for killing you.” Said Aeris in a pissed off tone.
“Oh give me a break woman. Do you really think that could kill me?” I said to Aeris as I stood up pulling the remains of my shirt off. “You shouldn’t be able to live through that, even with you powers of immortality.” She said with pure shock in her voice. “Oh please Aeris. You mistake me for one of your weak comrades. And I am upset now…I liked that shirt, now I have to find myself a new one to replace it.” I said to Aeris with anger in my voice. “Well…actually I think you should leave it off…” Aeris said under her breath. “What did you say? I can’t hear you from up there?” I questioned Aeris loudly. “Umm…nothing I was thinking. Anyways, since I didn’t kill you I guess it’s time for me to leave, but do know that I will be coming back for you. One way or another.” Aeris said as she turned around and started to walk before she vanished in a cloud of mist. “Damn Edge, she was hot, she looked like one of those old fashion Roman goddess. So how do you two know each other? Because she looks way too good to even know you.” Asked Rire in a crazed tone. “That’s none of your damn business.” I said to Rire as I grab a hold of the pendent that she gave me that day in the forest. “Oh…I get it. You have a crush on her don’t you?” Mocked Rire. “What the fuck? If you say something like that again I’ll crush you into the ground!” I shouted to Rire as he backed away from me. “Edge likes Aeris…” Rire said before he took off running. “You little shit head. I am going to kill you!” I said running after him out of the building.
“So it would seem he truly is strong enough for my master’s plans.” Said Aeris as she watched Rire running from me in the streets of Rome. “Oh Aeris, it would seem you have the hots for this Edge fellow, am I wrong?” Asked a cocky voiced male behind her. “Yes Exuro, you are once again wrong. Now just follow them, and this time I mean follow. Don’t you dare attack him, or I will kill you myself.” Proclaimed Aeris as she vanished for good. “Ah, fuck her and her rules. She’s thinking with her heart again…but I prefer my thinking method, kill or be killed.” Said Exuro as he disappeared in a column of flames, which caused a massive explosion destroying the very church the fight took place in. “Get your sorry ass back here Rire, so that I can shove your head up it!” I shouted to Rire as a massive explosion erupted behind me. “Damn…that looks cool.” Said Rire as he walked beside me looking at the fireball rising to the sky. “About time.” I say as I punch Rire into the ground.
“Man Edge, you need to stop hitting me, or at least get some way to manage your anger.” Proclaim Rire holding a raw piece of meat on his left eye. “And maybe you should learn to keep your mouth shut when I tell you to forget about something, or not to say anything else about it. And where did you get that piece of meat?” I asked Rire. I took it from the butcher back in Rome. I was planning on eating it, but no we had to get caught up in all that action at the church.” He explained to me. “If you say so. Anyways it looks like we’re almost to the place in which we’re supposed to be going.” I said to Rire. “What makes you think that?” he asked me. “Well look over there.” I said as I pointed to a smoking mountain. “Well that doesn’t mean that’s where we’re suppose go.” Proclaimed Rire. “Your right, the simple fact that I said it’s where we’re suppose to be is good enough of a reason for us to go there. Now if you have a problem with it you can just stay here and I’ll go on with my mission.” I said as I started to walk towards the mountain that bellowed smoke. “Fine…I’ll follow you, but man the next time bad happens I’m not hanging around. I’m getting tired of these Elemental Lords trying to kill me.” Said Rire as he started to walk behind me on our way to the mountain.
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