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The protective knight
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I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
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Seventh Grade
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Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
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Friday, March 30, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a good old fashion Thursday for Edge…went to class, got bored real quick, walked home, got onto computer…and finished up the latest chapter to “The Cursed Knight”. Oh and by the way, Welcome to Cursed Knight Friday, now if only I had some cheesy club music…and flashing lights…and hot girls shaking their…wait…forget that. Anyways so yeah Edge’s day was pretty damn boring…oh and be warned while writing this latest chapter I threw in a whole lot of my new self assured attitude. So…you’ll see that in the Elemental Lords part…I know I need to keep myself out of this story, but hey if I did that then this story wouldn’t have a main character. You know…I’ve realized that every time I write a story I make the main character after myself and his friends after my own, and even his love interest is placed after my own...ok maybe I should stay out of writing stories, but this story is too far ahead for me to change it in anyway. So I hate to say “The Cursed Knight” is almost a full story on Edge himself. Anyways enough about me talking about how great my story is…hell I hear that enough from you guys…anyways that happens to be the last of my post, so I hope you guys enjoy the rest of it, and I’ll try to get to your site’s later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Shred, and he asks “You have a mission in life?” Of course I do, we all have missions in life. Even if we haven’t figured out what our missions is that doesn’t mean you don’t have one. You’ll just need to search who you are to find what your mission is. Anyways the next question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “Would you really want claws as a part of the X-Men?” Yeah your right, how needs claws…other than Wolverine. Anyways the next question is from Grave, and he asks “What are your missions in life?” You know I’ll tell you my life mission when you figure yours out. And the way it looks, I won’t have to tell you ever because you’ll forgot to ask about mine when you finally figure yours out. The next question is from Alphonse13, and she asks “That makes since right?” Umm…sure it does…even the part about ghost trains…
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “You could always use one of those big swords you like so much.” Your right, having a big sword is so much cooler. And hell I love big swords, so it just fits perfectly with my mutant powers…yeah…I can picture it now…*starts daydreaming*…Anyways the second discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “That's nice what you did for Zero. You’re a really great friend Edge!” Yeah, Edge has the unnatural power of being a great friend to his friends…he can’t seem to turn against them…oh well. I’ve always enjoyed my friends, and if I lost any of them I’m not sure what I’d do…ok other than go crazier than I am.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So are you ready to read chapter 11? Yeah, hell I’m ready to start on Chapter 12 now…that’s a good idea…I should start on it now.
Today’s Question
1.) So when you finish the story answer this question: Was it worth the two week wait?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Eleven
“A Goddess”
“Good Lord…” I said in a shocked tone of voice as blood and other materials flew past me and on to me. “What in the hell was that Edge?” Rire asked in pure confusion as he ran towards me. “Stop where you are Rire! Don’t move, the one that did that is still in this building.” I yelled to the dumbfounded Rire. “So you noticed my presence here?” asked a familiar female voice. “Aeris, it’s hard not to know when you are near. The air always gets colder.” I explained to the Elemental Lord. “Ah, I see you’ve learned that much about me from just the first few encounters we’ve shared.” She said laughingly to me. “A few? I only remember one encounter, and that was when you stopped Exuro from being killed.” I asked in confusion. “You mean to tell me you’ve already forgotten about me and my necklace that you wear? And here I had hopes for you my dear knight.” Said Aeris with a pouting tone. “Wait…you mean you’re the woman from the forest who disappeared into the mist?” I asked loudly. “Oh, so you didn’t forget about me after all?” She asked as she appeared out of a cloud of mist. “Damn, she looks hot!” Shouted Rire.
”You fool! You dare say such a thing like that to me? The strongest of the Elemental Lords.” Yelled Aeris as she lifted her hand and slashed it in front of her creating a blade of air. “Oh shit.” Said Rire as the blade of air came closer and closer to him. “Now that the trash is about to be taken care of, I suggest you come with me Edge.” Aeris said to me as I ran towards Rire. “Get out of the way you damn fool!” I said as I pushed Rire out of the way of the blade, but alas I wasn’t too lucky. As the blade ripped through my body I felt the rush of cold air flow through my bones. “What? That wasn’t suppose to happen! You didn’t follow you’re usually course of action…you were suppose to let him get killed…” She said in astound voice. “Ha, you see…that’s what you get for thinking you know how I’ll act.” I said as I fell to the ground. “Edge! Why did you save me? I thought you hated me?” Asked Rire. “Well my friend…I couldn’t let a weakly like you take such a powerful attack, now could I?” I said in a joking tone of voice. “Great, you now know that my master will kill me for killing you.” Said Aeris in a pissed off tone.
“Oh give me a break woman. Do you really think that could kill me?” I said to Aeris as I stood up pulling the remains of my shirt off. “You shouldn’t be able to live through that, even with you powers of immortality.” She said with pure shock in her voice. “Oh please Aeris. You mistake me for one of your weak comrades. And I am upset now…I liked that shirt, now I have to find myself a new one to replace it.” I said to Aeris with anger in my voice. “Well…actually I think you should leave it off…” Aeris said under her breath. “What did you say? I can’t hear you from up there?” I questioned Aeris loudly. “Umm…nothing I was thinking. Anyways, since I didn’t kill you I guess it’s time for me to leave, but do know that I will be coming back for you. One way or another.” Aeris said as she turned around and started to walk before she vanished in a cloud of mist. “Damn Edge, she was hot, she looked like one of those old fashion Roman goddess. So how do you two know each other? Because she looks way too good to even know you.” Asked Rire in a crazed tone. “That’s none of your damn business.” I said to Rire as I grab a hold of the pendent that she gave me that day in the forest. “Oh…I get it. You have a crush on her don’t you?” Mocked Rire. “What the fuck? If you say something like that again I’ll crush you into the ground!” I shouted to Rire as he backed away from me. “Edge likes Aeris…” Rire said before he took off running. “You little shit head. I am going to kill you!” I said running after him out of the building.
“So it would seem he truly is strong enough for my master’s plans.” Said Aeris as she watched Rire running from me in the streets of Rome. “Oh Aeris, it would seem you have the hots for this Edge fellow, am I wrong?” Asked a cocky voiced male behind her. “Yes Exuro, you are once again wrong. Now just follow them, and this time I mean follow. Don’t you dare attack him, or I will kill you myself.” Proclaimed Aeris as she vanished for good. “Ah, fuck her and her rules. She’s thinking with her heart again…but I prefer my thinking method, kill or be killed.” Said Exuro as he disappeared in a column of flames, which caused a massive explosion destroying the very church the fight took place in. “Get your sorry ass back here Rire, so that I can shove your head up it!” I shouted to Rire as a massive explosion erupted behind me. “Damn…that looks cool.” Said Rire as he walked beside me looking at the fireball rising to the sky. “About time.” I say as I punch Rire into the ground.
“Man Edge, you need to stop hitting me, or at least get some way to manage your anger.” Proclaim Rire holding a raw piece of meat on his left eye. “And maybe you should learn to keep your mouth shut when I tell you to forget about something, or not to say anything else about it. And where did you get that piece of meat?” I asked Rire. I took it from the butcher back in Rome. I was planning on eating it, but no we had to get caught up in all that action at the church.” He explained to me. “If you say so. Anyways it looks like we’re almost to the place in which we’re supposed to be going.” I said to Rire. “What makes you think that?” he asked me. “Well look over there.” I said as I pointed to a smoking mountain. “Well that doesn’t mean that’s where we’re suppose go.” Proclaimed Rire. “Your right, the simple fact that I said it’s where we’re suppose to be is good enough of a reason for us to go there. Now if you have a problem with it you can just stay here and I’ll go on with my mission.” I said as I started to walk towards the mountain that bellowed smoke. “Fine…I’ll follow you, but man the next time bad happens I’m not hanging around. I’m getting tired of these Elemental Lords trying to kill me.” Said Rire as he started to walk behind me on our way to the mountain.
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Thursday, March 29, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well it seems that I have to explain further more on the whole railroad thing. The train tracks that I was running on no longer serve as a transport route, they are now nothing more than rusting tracks, and rotting wood. So even if my foot had got caught in the tracks I would have died from old age before a train would have hit me. Ok, now it’s time to tell you guys what I did all day yesterday. Well Edge being the great friend that he is he tried his hardest to make his best friend Zero feel better. So Zero and me hung out for most of the day…well after my classes had ended of course. We went to Flat Rock Park to tan our pale white flesh…but as we did that we talked about what was bother her, and hopefully Edge did his best to make her day better. And then the rest of our day was spent driving around town, until about 9:00 PM, and our fun started at four, so a good five hours with Zero was all good for me. So yea that was Edge’s whole day…wait!!! I forgot to mention I got back my History Essay I had to write (my test) the funny thing is I didn’t study for it, like always and I actually made an 83!!! That was great because I was hoping for a B, and now I got it, now I just need to get either an B or C on the final and I will pass the class easily. Ok, so before I finish this post with my normal ending I would like to report that Edge has finally finished chapter 11 of his “Cursed Knight” story. So being that tomorrow is Friday, or also known as Cursed Knight Friday, I will like always be posting the latest chapter of my story. I do hope you drop by and enjoy it, and for those of you that would like to make a MAJOR catch up on the story before you read chapter 11 then PM me about it, and we will figure a way out for you to read the first ten chapters. Alright, that is all for today’s post, and I hope to talk with you guys later today, and please do enjoy the rest of my post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Unicornrain, and she asks “Just try not to do anything permanent, okay?: Ah, you take all the fun out of doing reckless things…but I do suppose it best for me to start taking life a little more serious, but I also hope you guys know that Edge doesn’t learn his lessons very fast when it comes to injuring himself…so let’s see how many more parts of Edge get hurt before he figures out to stop. Anyways the next question is from Zero, and she asks “Remember when you hit your tail bone on that rock at Flat Rock Park?” Yeah…that hurt like hell…I don’t see why you have to list out most of my horrible injuries…even though I know that list is suppose to be a lot larger…but then again I know of 99% of my injuries while you only know about 65% of them.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “I believe that everyone's joints crack when they move in weird ways, but you have the superhuman ability to have them crack without there being a severe injury. It's like you're one of the X-Men. O_o” True, but my joints crack whenever I move them in anyway. And I would suppose it is a superhuman ability to crack my joints without suffering any true injuries, which I love because I would hate it if every time I cracked a joint I got hurt…that would be a real pain. An X-Men huh? I like the sound of that. Edge the mutant with the ability to survive severe injuries…it almost sounds like I could be Wolverine. Now if only I had those claws he has…then that would be really cool.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Does Edge really seem that careless to you when it comes to his own safety? Nah…everyone just thinks he is…he truly cares what happens to himself, because if anything too bad happened then he wouldn’t be able to accomplish his missions in life.
Today’s Question
1.) So are you ready to read chapter 11?
Comments (12) |
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well it seems I got quite a lot of attention about my ankle yesterday from you guys…and Misty. I swear that woman is not leaving me alone about that…but I think I got her to lay off of me with the yelling. So now all I have to do now is convince you guys it’s nothing to worry about…*starts to think of an excuse*…ah there we go that one should work! *Clears voice* You have nothing to worry about, because all of Edge’s joint crack when he moves in odd ways. So just the fact that my ankle cracked doesn’t mean it’s damaged…just means…umm…it’s not quite up to standards at this time. Anyways on to what I did yesterday, well to start my day off I walked to class, and I happened to get there later than usual…not sure why though *looks at ankle*…nah, it couldn’t have been that. Then after class let out I was walking with a friend, and as we talked I saw a friend of mine that I hadn’t seen in a couple of months so I stopped and talked with her for about ten minutes. And then I walked back home…man I swear I never remembered those hills being such a pain before. And well the rest of my day was spent roasting away in this nice hot, humid Georgian heat. I swear I am going to die of heat stroke just from sitting in my room…maybe I should go to the mall…nah; I’m in enough pain I don’t need to walk around a noisy mall. Oh yeah, I happened to post two of my wallpapers at the bottom of today’s post, so if you wouldn’t mind checking them out that would be great. Anyways that’s it for today’s post; I hope to talk with you guys later, so please enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Caprice, and she asks “You've never heard of Lacuna Coil before this song?” nope…I never even know what I was listing to until the end of the AMV I was watching, so it was all by accident. Anyways the next question is from Morbid Twilight, and she asks “Why Edge why are you so reckless?” Well…it isn’t like I try to be so reckless…well at least when no one is around. Now don’t get me wrong I am reckless when I have people around, but that’s only because I love attention…Edge will admit to being an attention whore…yes I just called myself a whore, but only when it comes to wanting attention. But when no one else is around I don’t try to be reckless…it just happens a lot when no one is around. Yeah I know, that didn’t really answer your question, but it’s as good as I could do. The next question is from Grifter, and he asks “Could you be a little more careful?” Well…since you did put it into that context that you did yesterday…maybe I should be careful so that Misty could stop worrying about me as much. The next question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she asks “Did Misty really yell at you for that?” Well…I can’t say she yelled at me…but she did talk to me in a very angry sounding voice, because I wasn’t be careful nor was I getting it checked on by a doctor. So I suppose I did go overboard by saying she yelled at me…but it wasn’t the nice tone I’m used to with her.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I think you should get your ankle checked out. After all there was a loud CRACK! Doesn’t that mean that something could be broken? Hopefully Misty yelled some common sense into you.” Well as I stated in my intro…I believe my ankle will do just fine. And in my case a crack doesn’t mean anything, because my joints always crack with the slightest pressure change. For example if I were to squeeze on both sides of my ribs they would actually pop, and make a nice cracking sound. So I never know what is a breaking crack, or a normal crack with this body of mine. And lastly, I hate to say no one has the power to yell common sense into Edge’s head…he just happens to be a little too hard headed for that to happen. Anyways the second discussion is from Grifter, and he says “I'm sure Misty gave you a load o' the business, so I'll spare you some grief.” Yeah…she did…so I would suppose I should feel lucky that I now no longer have to worry about getting the same response from you guys. Anyways the third discussion is from Yensid, and she says “All your wallpapers are good and I've enjoyed all your themes. This one does seem more cheerful. I like the just a position of the orange and the purple. She was definitely his light!” Really? You actually think all my wallpapers are good? Wow…that’s actually a first for me…and I also agree, this wallpaper is more cheerful than my other Gungrave ones…but that’s only because Gungrave is a hard anime to make cheerful wallpapers for…it’s a sad anime, meaning it has sad wallpapers made. And I’m glad you see the positioning of the colors with the characters and how each fit the person’s personality.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) In your mind, what is the ultimate weapon? The ultimate weapon is…a girl’s cuteness…well it’s the ultimate weapon against Edge at least. ^^
2.) How do you like the newer theme? I like the new theme, it fits my current mood.
Today’s Question
1.) Does Edge really seem that careless to you when it comes to his own safety?
Edge’s Wallpapers
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now sorry about not posting yesterday…I was at work until 3:00 AM and I was dead tired, so I thought best if I not post…since I forgot to pre-type my post….yeah I know my mistake. Anyways nothing much happened yesterday…even though I did start up my injury list again…I hate going into details when I get hurt so I’ll explain it as good as I did to Misty. Good old Edge was running to class…don’t ask why, and on Edge’s way to school he has to travel over some railroad tracks, so Edge being the idiot that he is ran on them, and let’s just say my left foot got caught in one of the wooden things (old railroad tracks) and my body went one way while my foot stayed where it was. Funny thing is I was listening to my ipod and when that happened I heard a soft cracking noise (mind you I listen to my music loud, so I’ll let you guess how loud the crack was.) I’ll admit it was really painful walking back to school, and back home after class. I’m starting to think I need to be safer…or I won’t make it through life in one piece…possible five pieces, but not one. Anyways getting back to my story, I was talking with Misty after that happened (we were talking on MSN) and she all of a sudden stopped typing, and then my phone rang…let’s just say Misty was not too happy with the news I gave her about my ankle…or the fact that I didn’t get it looked at (still haven’t, and possible won’t). Believe me Misty only calls me (during the day) when something is either wrong, going bad, or she’s ready to yell at me. One of those three…and possible a few other reasons that I can’t remember at this time. Ok, now to sadder part of my post…Edge is terribly sad now….why you ask? Well…*sniff*…I finally beat Rouge Galaxy…I loved that game, and I didn’t want it to end…bad thing is I finished it at 100%, so there wasn’t anything I missed…Edge is upset over that…ok I’m over that now. Anyways as you guys can tell I got tired of my depressing theme, so I choose to brighten up my Gungrave theme, so what do you think? The title of the wallpaper is called “lost Emotions” and if you’ve seen Gungrave then you’ll understand why it has that title. Oh, and I found myself a new song, now don’t get any ideas about what my religious beliefs are by the title of this song. I just like the song, anyways the song is called “heavens a lie” and it’s by some group called Lacuna Coil, I’ve never heard of them before this song…which I just heard yesterday. Alright, so that’s it for today’s post. So I shall talk with you guys later, hopefully I’ll be able to visit…I’m hating the way things are going, I haven’t been able to visit because I’ve been too busy for my own good…and I hate it.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Forgotten-Heart, and she asks “So, what are you - good, evil or like the rest of us mortals: something in between?” Well…Edge has never admitted to being any side. I can’t say I’m good, nor can I say I’m evil…but I hate to say I can’t admit to being in between as well. As odd as this sounds it actually depends on how I’m around. For example around Misty I am good, but around some of my other friends I’m evil…and then again around most my friends I’m just good old normal in between Edge.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from GothicNarutoFan, and she says “I can't wait to see the Naruto ones!” well I have one up already, and it’s actually a newer wallpaper and not one of my resubmits. So if you want to check it out you can either tell me in today’s comment, or you can just go look at it in my portfolio. The choice is yours.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Is my sites song sad, or at least downing? Well it was for me, so I had to get rid of it, now I’m looking for a song that will keep me in this somewhat happy mood.
Today’s Question
1.) In your mind, what is the ultimate weapon?
2.) How do you like the newer theme?
Comments (10) |
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now yesterday was a very relaxed day for Edge. I was able to re-submit six wallpapers, and I even made a new one and it also was accepted…now if only I can get my Naruto one’s to be uploaded, but I’ll wait on those for awhile…first things first, my Gungrave wallpapers will all be re-submitted before I start on Naruto. And that’s final!!! I also went to work yesterday; funny thing is in that store there were only three counters. Me, Richard (the old guy), and Derrick (my boss and other old guy) and we counted that store in two hours…funny with just the three of us we did more work than when we have ten people…sad if you ask me. Well other than those two things my day was funny of laying back on my couch (yes I have a couch in my room) and playing video games. What game you ask? Well the same one I’ve been playing for a long time now, Rouge Galaxy. But yeah that was about it…oh and has anyone else realized that it seems like no one is on the Otaku any more? Because in the past few days I only get about to seven comments, when I’m used to getting at least fourteen. Ok, anyways I shall talk with you guys later, so please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Forgotten-Heart, and she asks “Will you show us that oil painting sometime?” Well…I suppose I could show you guys…but I doubt it will be any good…it is my first after all. But sure, I suppose when I finish it I will scan it to the computer and show all of you what has been keeping Edge busy…other than thinking on a certain subject…but I shall not go into that.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Sorry I've been gone. Seems like a lot as happened. Well, at least with Misty.”…I have no idea what you are talking about…nothing has happened with Misty…*starts walking away slowly while whistling.* Did that look convincing? Yeah I doubted it did…but Edge is a brick wall…so my mind, mouth, and red beating box will all stay closed. Anyways the second discussion is from Forgotten-Heart, and she says “Never fear! Edge-sama will be back upon the highest parts of the charts once again! Quake in fear, the one who greedily took away his pride and joy - ye shall fear for thy life soon enough!” Well now…I like how you put that. Makes me sound evil…even though I never did say I wasn’t…but yet again I never did say I was. But I suppose you can tell my personality through my story, because I put more of myself in that character than I’ll ever say in my life on the Otaku.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) How have you ever explained your feelings towards someone special? Well…Edge has never been good at that, but I suppose if I truly like the person I would be more than happy to just explain to them what makes me like them the way that I do, but only if I had a chance with that person. Edge will NEVER throw himself into a brick wall…a door maybe, but not a wall. At least a door has a chance of opening.
Today’s Question
1.) Is my sites song sad, or at least downing?
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now yesterday was a much better day for Edge. Nothing even remotely was close to going wrong, or just sucking altogether. I went to class as always…well…now. And I admit I did has bad as I thought on the test…I once again failed it…but at least on the next test I should be able to make a higher grade…god I hope so, because I need as good of a grade as I can get. Anyways after that I went to the bank to withdraw some money to play around with…or spend in other words, but funny thing is both ATMs I went to yesterday were out of order…that wasn’t cool, but hey it saved me from spending my money, so I’m not angry or even upset over it. I also started to finish up my oil painting that I started before Misty came down here…I must admit it looks better than I expected from me and paints, but then again I know within a few weeks I’ll get bored with this type of art form like I always do. And I suppose the last thing I’m going to post is that I have now submitted 20 of my old Gungrave wallpapers. And I shall keep doing so until I get my status back to Senior Otaku…no matter how long it takes. And hey funny thing, thanks to all of you my total visits is up to 140. Isn’t that just great, considering my last site only had 3300 visits…ok I know I’m not fooling any of you with my sarcasm…but it was worth a try. Anyways O shall try to talk with you guys later tomorrow, because I’ll have plenty of time to comment on your sites. So I shall see you then.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from well…no one. It would seem that no one had any questions yesterday. Well I suppose that’s fine…just means I have an almost blank spot in my post.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon. You're bound to get back on your feet sooner or later.” Well actually I’m starting to feel a lot better, but I think it mainly might be from all things starting to return to normal in my life. And things now not trying as hard to kill me…and I believe that can always make a person’s life a lot better, you know what I mean? Anyways the second discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “As for the discussion, it's funny really…you mention the exact thing that made me worry in the next discussion *Laughs* just read that again and if you still don't know, I'll tell you *sticks out tongue*” Oh…you meant those three days…sorry about that…yesterday wasn’t my brightest of all days…well as you could tell. And I didn’t mean for that to be taken as you did…even though there weren’t many other ways to take it…either way I’m still sorry for saying that, and I’ll try my hardest not to say something like that again.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Are you mad that I wasn’t able to write the next chapter because of my little “emotional” problem? Actually I am mad at myself for letting my emotions come in the way of my story. But I suppose there is nothing I can do about that, now is there?
Today’s Question
1.) How have you ever explained your feelings towards someone special?
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Friday, March 23, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well my friend’s it would seem Edge’s horrible week as actually gotten the better of him. How so, you ask. Well I’ll say this much, I forgot to write the next chapter of “The Cursed Knight” because my week was that bad. Sorry about that…I know how much a few of you actually like that story…it’s still odd having people tell me that, but then again I do love the feeling that people enjoy my work. Now to report on what happened to Edge yesterday…well to be honest nothing much happened, and I’m quite happy to admit that. Because if I had a choice of having something bad happen or nothing happen at all I’ll take the nothing at all any day. Went to class, took a test…I hope I did well on it because I know I didn’t do good on the midterm. Anyways I forgot to mention in yesterday’s post that I changed my sites song…even though I bet you could notice that if you have your speakers on. Anyways the song is called “Rain” by Breaking Benjamin. I must admit it’s a sad song, but at the very same time it has an uplifting sound to it. This does make me feel better, so I’ll be keeping this song until I get out of this slump of mine. Anyways that’s the end of today’s post, and once again I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make the next chapter…I feel as if I let you guys down.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Caprice, and she asks “Did you catch my comment from yesterday's post?” Well I’m sure I did, since you were in yesterday’s discussion area, and there is only one way into my post, and that’s if I catch your comment. Anyways the next question is from
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Caprice, and she says “I think I know what you are going through. I think you are feeling some pretty strong feelings for a certain someone. The only problem I have is that perhaps this certain person (whether share the same feelings or not) caused you to neglect your education. And a truly good friend would not allow such a thing. Not to say this person is not a truly great friend, perhaps this "friend" did not know he/she was causing such an effect.” No that’s not it at all. I’ve been neglecting my education on my own…I just haven’t been into school this semester, but I hate to say I think it’s because my job is draining me…so school and a certain person for which I feelings for are not connected. So let’s change the topic…the second discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “just know that if you need to vent, you can just drop a PM and I"m there to listen ^^ it's the least and probably best I can do.. though you don't seem very open, so I guess I don't have to expect anything..
please take good care of yourself and don't do anything stupid!! I mean, that comment about the three days and all, really makes me worry!! I don't know what to think about this…” Thanks, but as you pointed out I’m not very open with my feelings…so I’ll just keep them to myself for now. And what comment about three days are you talking about? That actually has me confused…and Edge won’t do anything too stupid for him…I promise…man that’s the second person I’ve promised the same thing to…People just need to stop worrying about me…Anyways the third discussion is from Inuyshafan4-ever, and she says “Sorry you've been a little depressed but, YOU BETTER NOT LEAVE THIS PLACE!!!” Umm…when I said “if you don’t hear from me in three days” I meant I may not be of this word any more…because it seems everything wants to kill me lately…vehicle in mainly…
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So how is you day going? Well yesterday went good, so I have no problem with yesterday at all…now to see about today.
Today’s Question
1.) Are you mad that I wasn’t able to write the next chapter because of my little “emotional” problem?
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was yet another day in hell for Edge, not only was it pretty warm outside, but Edge had to take two test that he didn’t even study for…but that was my fault, because I choose not to go to class while Misty was here, and now it has come back to bite me hard on the ass. I know for a fact that I failed my math test…for some odd reason Edge just can’t seem to read math right…all I see are dumb numbers and letters…since when did the ABC become part of math? And then there was my history test, which was an essay test…I know I didn’t do too well, but I hope I did good enough to get at least a C. It would also seem that I have become slightly depressed, I’m not sure why or how. I just know that lately I haven’t been the same. It feels like I’ve just given up on myself…like I’m no longer with my own time…and last time I checked that wasn’t a good thing. I’ve only noticed it, because I have become a bit more reckless than I ever been…and it also seems that I no longer care about anything that has to do with me. I’m sure I’ll get out of this slump of mine sooner or later, and the sooner the better. But yeah, so don’t worry about good old Edge here, he’ll be just fine…but if you don’t see any comments, post, or PMs from me in three days…you might want to stop coming to my site. Anyways I shall talk to you guys later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “How do I check out Gungrave?” Well you can do one of a few things. One you can go to Youtube and type in Gungrave, and watch is; two you can request for me to put it on my site for a few days, or three you can go out and buy it yourselves…like I did. The next question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “How long is the series (episode-wise)?” Well Gungrave is 26 episodes long, and each one runs about 24 minutes. Anyways the next question is from Grave, and he asks “Was it that thing with the car?” Yeah, it was thing this to do with the Xterra. Man was it ever fun writing about that day…that was the closes Edge has ever gotten to death…and Misty, if you catch my drift. ^^
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Caprice, and she says “Nah! I understand ya perfectly. ^_^” Well now that’s a first. I didn’t think anyone understood me perfectly. Hmm…maybe you should explain Edge to Edge so that Edge himself can learn more about Edge, because I have no idea about myself, and I would love to know more, so please do explain this to me.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So is Edge truly a hard case to understand? Well I honestly thought he was…but then again I’m thinking from an Edge point of view…now if we were trying to figure that man behind Edge (The writer, not some weirdo standing behind me) then I’m sure none of you would have a clue, because I truly do not through my own thought processes into Edge.
Today’s Question
1.) So how is you day going?
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day. I will admit my mind was thinking about something most of the day, but it’s not important, so I won’t talk about it. Anyways I had to take a some BIG test to see if my skills are up to college level. Reading and writing. Funny thing is the topics I got to choose from for the writing section were a little funny, because the one I wrote on was one me and Misty had talked about the night before. And the topic was “What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done, and why?” Well if you’ve know Edge since last April then you should know what I’m talking about and if you haven’t…then let’s just saw Edge’s dumbest moment almost killed him, and Misty was there to…well…support me…and ever since we’ve gotten a lot closer has friends. So I suppose my dumbest moment lead me to great things. Well other than that I have nothing else to post. So I shall try my hardest to comment on your sites later today. So I shall talk to you guys later.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Yensid, and she asks “could someone with your password have deleted your site on purpose?” Well I doubt that, last time I checked no one had my password, but Zero and I agree that someone could have hacked my site and deleted it…I wouldn’t know why though. I thought Edge was a nice guy and didn’t make any enemies…well…not many at least. Anyways the next question is from Inuyashafan3-ever, and she asks “Do you get hurt everywhere you go?” Well…yeah I suppose I do get hurt everywhere I go, but then again if Edge learned to take things easy he wouldn’t get hurt as much. And her second question asks “where is it again?” MomoCon is in Atlanta, Georgia. I believe that might be a bit too far for some of you to travel, am I right or what? Anyways the next question is from Caprice, and she asks “WHAT?!!!... *swallows gum*... didn't know about Gungrave? Are these people from Mars?” I don’t know why no one has ever heard of it…I believe it to be a great anime, and I believe everyone should see it…but then again that’s just me…and Caprice…and Yensid…and Grave…and now even Misty thinks so. I still love the fact that I got Misty to love Gungrave…it makes me happy to know I did my favorite anime some good by doing so. Anyways the next question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “so are you gonna put them on your site?” Well when I get them yes I will put them up on my site, so hold on until then. The last question is from Basketball Babe, and she asks “Why did you even let that guy hit you with a sword? I thought you an excellent swordsman.” I am an excellent swordsman…just not with Japanese blades, I’m much better with English swords.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Yensid, and she says “I happen to think Gungrave is one of the best animes out there. It's complex, well written, has good subtext and IT MAKES SENSE. Everything that happens and every character is integral to the story.” Agree with you 100% of the way. Gungrave is one of the best animes ever, and if more people were to get into it I’m sure they would love it as much as they do some of these stupider animes.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) What is a good idea for my next chapter? I have many ideas, I just wanted to see if you guys had any good ones.
Today’s Question
1.) So is Edge truly a hard case to understand?
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well Edge is actually still alive…if barely. I swear I had high hopes for MomoCon, but alas Edge was disappointed in it. I really don’t want to go into details, but I will say this much…there was too much fucking drama with the group of people I went with. I swear next year I’m keeping away from all of them…anyways I’ll have Misty with me next year, so I’ll be happy either way. But anyways Edge did dress up as Brandon Heat as promised. And I must admit I did a pretty good job of being him…too bad that NO ONE knew abut Gungrave…it makes me sad that I looked perfect, and no one cared because they saw a HORRIBLE version of Naruto…if only I had a real gun like Brandon…I would have…wait, forget I said that. Anyways later on in the day I ended up buying myself a $140 dollar air pistol that looked just like Brandon Heat’s…it is so AWESOME!!! Anyways I then went outside to stand around with my friends (the drama group in my head right now) and I saw two of them fighting with wooden swords, so I of course want to have winner. So needless to say I get a sword and me and this guy start sword fighting. After two minutes I “kill” the guy (cut him in the abdomen) but at the same time he sliced down onto my hand crushing my left index finger, and man did that ever hurt. It swelled up pretty fast, and bruised ever faster…it still hurts now, but I’ll be over it soon. And on Sunday, on my trip back to Atlanta ( I couldn’t stay the night so I had to drive home, which is a two hour drive.) I happened to be going…oh…26 miles over the speed limit when a sheriff shows up out of nowhere and I get a speeding ticket…Edge’s great speeding record is now broken…and now Edge has to pay a grand total of $142 dollars for a stupid ticket. But the good thing is that the cop actually dropped my speed by 15 miles, so that I wouldn’t lose my license. And I must admit that my whole week after Misty left has gone straight to hell and seems to be sitting there…god I wish she was back down here…not that I’m saying anything…because I’m not saying anything, so I think you should stop thinking that I’m thinking something……Anyways that’s the end of my post, and I hope to talk with you guys later.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Inuyashafan3-ever, and she asks “Do you like blood?” Well, not in the sense of seeing it in person. But I do enjoy bloody games, movies, stories, ect. So in a sense yes I do enjoy it. Anyways the next question is from Forgotten-Heart, and she asks “Why did Knights Edge get deleted? Was it because you got two sites?” Honestly I have no idea why it was deleted, but I do know it wasn’t for the fact that I have two sites…actually at this very moment Edge has a grand total of five sites under his control. I hate to say I don’t use them very much, but I do own them, and this is without counting Knights Edge. Anyways the next question is from Vigro Angel, and she asks “Is there any chance that you can pm me it or something?” Yeah I suppose I could, but I think it would be easier if you give me your E-Mail address and I send it to you over that.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Grave, and he says “And I will be at MomoCon next year, and you better be there too!” Well then…if it weren’t for the fact that Misty wants to go next year I’d say “Well in that case. Fuck you I’m staying home to sleep!!!” but since she is going to go I will to…so I suppose I’ll see you then. The second discussion is from Caprice, and she says “I hope you can get some pics and post them.” Well I didn’t take any photos, but I did have a lot taken by a friend of mine…she took full advantage of the free pictures she could finally get of me. (In case you don’t know, Edge is a rare beast to capture on film.) Anyways the third discussion is from GothicNarutoFan, and she says “I went to MomoCon on Saturday, so I was not able to see you.” Well maybe next year me, you, Grave, and Misty can all meet up at a certain spot and have ourselves some fun at MomoCon, and maybe next year will be fun for Edge.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Did you find Chapter Ten to be a little too bloody? Nah, if you ask me that chapter was a little drop of blood in the story that is known has “The Cursed Knight” believe me there will be bloodier chapters than that one.
Today’s Question
1.) What is a good idea for my next chapter?
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