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The protective knight
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I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
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Seventh Grade
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Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
To live a long life
It's an odd hobby, but my hobby is protecting those I love.
I have a few, but I don't feel like listing them at this time
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was another day of pure horror. Why, you ask. Well to start things off…my alarm clock didn’t go off this morning…which means I missed class, but that’s ok because I should still have one more ascent left anyways. Then I find out that I will not be able to revive Knights Edge back to its former glory, because it has been completely deleted. Yep, you heard me right. If you look on your friends list there is no more Knights Edge, it now probably only has Knight Edge. In other words I’ve lost my ranking, my wallpapers, my fan art, my one quiz, and my E-Cards. It’s so great losing so much. But I suppose this is what I deserve…Edge’s life is starting to crumble around him…I suppose my life feels it needs to be more like my story characters life. His life crumbled around him, he lost all he held dear, and he lost his ranking, and finally he lost the one thing I pray to God I will never lose. But Edge is a fighter, I will make this site my new haven…like I have a choice…but this will become the newest and greatest work that Edge has ever done!!! (I hope) Well that happens to be the end of this very post. I won’t be able to post tomorrow because I will be at MomoCon.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “How can you be so good and that damned teacher will give you an F?” Well I can write my story, because I know what it’s about, I know what to put, and I know that it will work no matter what I do to it, but essays…they have to been written just right or I fail…oh well. Anyways the next question is from Shred, and he asks “Was any of this gore inspired by the movie 300?” Nope, to be honest this latest chapter was based off of my original Cursed Knight story. That one was bloody as hell, and I thought this would be the best time to through a lot of blood into a chapter. Don’t worry; the next chapter won’t have as much blood…if any. The next question is from Dark Shinigami, and she asks “Who's moving/ has already moved away?” Misty is the one that has moved away and will be moving back soon. Her second question asks “Who straightened your hair and why?” Well once again the answer is Misty, and she did that because we wanted to see how my hair would react to it. And her finally question asks “Who the flip is this "Brandon" guy?” This Brandon guy is my favorite anime character of all time, and I shall be cosplaying as this weekend. His name happens to be Brandon Heat, and he is from the anime Gungrave.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Great chapter! I knew Aeris would be the toughest. but Edge will kick everyone’s ass!” Well I’m glad you’ve been right so far, now you just have to wait for the surprises that come along later in this story. Anyways the second discussion is from Caprice, and she says “I'm not sure if you wear glasses or not, but if the eye problem means you need them, you could get some glasses like Brandon Heat.” Well actually I just got some glasses awhile back, and I even made sure they looked like Brandon Heat’s for this cosplay, and for my everyday use. But the thing that is wrong with my eyes isn’t the eyes themselves, it more like the skin…but I won’t go into details. The third discussion is from GothicNarutoFan, and she says “This week has been so stressful for me, but tomorrow is MomoCon.” Yes this weekend is MomoCon, and Edge shall be all dressed up as Brandon Heat, so do look out for a guy wearing a suit wearing glasses…because that will most likely be me. The fourth discussion is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she says “Great story...the Bishop's head exploded o_O” Yes…I must admit that was awhile in the planning. Because in the first version I just had an arrow go through his head…bu this time I have Elemental Lords…so I made sure to use their powers.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) Would you check out my first wallpaper? (Well…at least for this site.) Why check it out, when I have it already on my site?
Today’s Question
1.) Did you find Chapter Ten to be a little too bloody?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Ten
“Winds Power”
“Well now that the bishop has had his words with you, it is time for your death.” Said the guard as he grabbed my right arm at the same time another guard grabbed my left arms. “Well if you truly believe you fools can kill me, then please be my guest. Hell I’ll even make it easy for you…oh wait it’s already as easy as it can be.” I said as I moved my arms around. “I can not wait to see you hang, because I would more than gladly run my sword through you.” Spoke the guard on my right. “Well then you idiot if the hanging doesn’t work why don’t you try that?” I said in a cocky voice. “You know I like that idea. “ Replied the guard. “Good because I’ll be looking forward to using your own sword to kill you.” I said to the guard as we got closer and closer to the gallows.
When we finally got to the gallows, the executioner positioned the noose around my neck. “Is that too tight for you lad?” he asked as if trying to be funny. “No, I think you could make it a little tighter.” I responded in a mocking voice. “Well in a few minutes it will be cutting through your neck so you can wait for it to be tightened.” he said with an annoyed sound in his voice. As I looked out into the crowd that was starting to gather I saw Rire eating some kind of meat product on a stick. “You have been convicted of heresy and with selling your soul to the devil himself. How do you plea?” a church official said to me. “Well I don’t think anything I say will help me out of this. Therefore, I have one thing to say to all of you bastards. I’ll see every single fucking one of you in hell!” I said loudly. “Hang him.” the official said. And with that the executioner pushed me over the edge of the platform.
As I hung by my neck the only thing that ran through my mind was that I couldn’t die here, I have to kill that bastard; I had to avenge my loved ones. I had to make that bastard Aroth pay for what he has done to me. And then all of a sudden a strong wind blew across the courtyard in which I was being hung in, and the very rope that held me soon let loose and dropped me to the ground. . “What in the hell was that?” the church official said in confusion. “Well looks like your God likes me today.” I said as I stood up from the ground and started to walk towards Rire. “But you shouldn’t be able to stand after being hung.” he said with a little whimper in his voice. As I walked through the now parting crowd, I heard people say. “He’s a demon form hell!” “Is this God’s wishes for that monster to live?” “Wow, he looks good!” When I finally got to where Rire was eating I noticed the two guards that had brought me to the gallows were shaking in their armor. “So who wants to be the first to fall to me?” I said loking at both of them in wonder. When I said that, the guard to my right came charging right to me. “So you want to be the first.” I said. When he swung his sword, I just ducked and slammed my fist so hard into his stomach that the armor dented to the shape of my fist. “Well that was easier than I thought it would be. So are you ready for your beating?” I said to the other guard. He just stared at me with the dumbest look on his face, and then without any words he turned around and started to run. “Where the hell do you think your going?” I said, but as I said that he ran face first into a stone wall.
”So captain, how did the execution go?” Bishop Sordesco asked. “I don’t know yet sir. The official hasn’t come back yet.” the captain said at that moment there was a loud knock at the door. “Ah, that must be him. Go open the door captain.” Said Sordesco “Yes my lord.” the captain responded as he walked to the door. “So now you’re opening doors for me?” I said as the door opened. “You, your suppose to be dead right now.” Bishop Sordesco said. “What you’re not happy to see me?” I said as I walked right past the captain. “Hey Rire, do you think you could take care of the captain?” I said in a jokingly voice. “Sure I can. I know I’m stronger than he is.” Rire said as he stood in front of the captain. “Well have fun, but don’t kill him unless you have too.” I said. “Why….fine.” Rire said in a disappointed tone. “So Bishop Sordesco I believe you have some information you want to give me.” I said as I was feet from Sordesco. “Go to hell you damn demon.” Sordesco said angrily. “Now is that anyway to speak to the person who holds your life in his hands?” I asked in a questioning voice. “God will never let one of his servants die at the hands of a demon.” he said so sure of himself. “What are you talking about? Man has no control over his destiny, nor does any higher power. Man lives, then dies, and that is that.” I said, as I got closer to him. “What you say is the words of a pagan.” he said as he looked at me getting closer to him.
“Do you remember that conversation we had before I was taken to be hung?” I asked him. “Of course I do.” he said with a bit of fear in his voice as I looked him right in his eyes. “Well I remember it too, and I think its time you tell me where Aroth is and why he destroyed my home looking for me?” I said as I grabbed his right arm and pulled it behind his back. “I don’t have to tell you damn thing.” he said as I held his arm. “You will tell me or I’ll rip your damn arm off.” I said as I made him drop to his knees. “I…..don’t …have ….too.” he said with pain in almost every word he spoke. “Well looks like its coming off then.” I said as I put my foot between his shoulder blades and started to pull. “I’ll never say anything.” he said as tears fell down his cheeks. “Well that’s fine with me then.” I said as I pulled even harder than before. The next thing I knew I felt his arm giving away as the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder snapped, and muscle and bone split and broke. “AHHHH!” was all that the Bishop could say as his arm ripped right off from his body. “Are you going to tell me now?” I asked for the last time. “Yes I’ll tell you everything, just please don’t kill me.” he begged me. “Fine I won’t kill you. Now tell me everything.” I demanded. “Ok, as far as I know Aroth has disappeared. The reason why he destroys cities like he does is too get the strongest warriors to come join him. If they refuse, they are killed, but if they join, he gives them powers beyond anything a human could ever have.” he said as he held the bleeding hole on his shoulder. “How many warriors have joined him?” I asked. “Well as far as I know only four warriors have joined him. The first to join him was a warrior named Solum, the second was a hot headed man named Exuro, third was the level headed Maritimus, and finally is the strongest named Aeris.” he explained to me. “Wait aren’t those the Elemental Lords?” I asked. “Yes, they are. I beg you I told you all I know, now please let me li…” the Bishop started to say but a small hole appeared on his forehead and then all of a sudden his head expanded to five times greater than it was and it exploded sending cool air and blood all over the room.
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Friday, March 16, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a day full of fun…ok I’m lying my ass off. I hated yesterday…first for once this whole week I had no one to talk to when I first woke up…then I had to walk to class to meet a bus to downtown for some dumb ass concert. Then I find out I missed the damn bus, some my friend who has the same class called his mom to take me to class…man that’s just horrible in my book…then after class I had to visit the school doctor to check on something that is wrong with my eyes, because Misty and my mother told me I had to…I could resist my mom, but Misty…I just couldn’t turn down such a pretty face. I then find out that I have to set up an appointment, which is on Monday…Then I had to walk back home, which wasn’t that bad. Oh and I’ve found out that I just might fail my English Class…isn’t that just wonderful? I know…I’m not fooling anyone…I’ve just been such a horrible writer when it comes to essays and now I need six references by Tuesday…and I only have one. And the worst part is I can’t find any other because all the books have been checked out…so needless to say I’ll either fail the class with an F, or I’ll fail the class with an WF (Withdraw Fail) it’s a lose, lose situation…oh well…Anyways I was able to finish up today’s chapter…I must admit it’s a bit longer that I normally like them, but it’s still good none the less. So I hope you guys enjoy the rest of my post, and today’s chapter. I’ll be sure to talk to you guys later, and I hope today is a much better day for me…because I sure as hell can use it.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “how many conventions have you been to?” Well let me count…*Edge starts counting on his hands…then his toes…* yeah I’ve been to one anime convention so far. Anyways her second question asks “She’s coming back right?” Well of course she is…that’s at least what she keep telling me and all of her other friends. I truly hope she does move back down here. Anyways the next question is from Morbid Twilight, and she asks “Now the question is how do we get you to be happy the rest of the time?” Good luck on finding that answer…because I sure as hell can’t seem to find it. The next question is from Shred, and he asks “What is that song on your site?” Well for now it’s Rob Zombie’s “Never gonna stop” and pretty soon I’ll be changing it to another song…I just need to find the right one.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “you should post a pic of yourself being compared to Brandon.” As I said I’ll try…Edge never has been too much into taking pictures…but then again sometimes I can be talked into them, just ask Misty she got three while she was down here…I still can’t believe I gave in to that face…Anyways the second discussion is from Wensdayskitten, and she says “She flat ironed your hair? I didn't think she would need to do that. Your hair is already straight but then again you never know.” Well you see that’s the funny thing. She also thought my hair was pretty straight but she found out that my hair was a lot tougher than she thought…so needless to say she put it on the highest temperature as it could go. And it looked odd…hell she actually took a few pictures of me like that. Anyways the third discussion is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she says “She's moving!!!??? Aww...*walks over and pats Edge-san's back* its okay! You guys will keep in touch somehow!” …no, she has already moved. She moved away last summer, and at the end of this summer she’ll be moving back down here. Sorry if I confused you over that. The fourth discussion is from Durrty Sanji, and she says “She'll be back, don't worry.” I’m not worried…I’m just a little sad over the whole ordeal…it’s not my fault Edge was born with a lot of emotions that no one hardly sees…And finally the fifth discussion is from Grave, and he says “Hmmm.... When you put it like that, she could cut my hair any way she wanted. ^_~” *Edge glares at Grave*…Misty doesn’t play with anyone’s hair except mine…or maybe another guys, but as far as I know I’m the only one whose let her play with their hair.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) What anime go you into loving anime? It was Gundam Wing. I always loved that anime…I enjoy every Gundam series I’ve seen, but I love that one.
Today’s Question
1.) Would you check out my first wallpaper? (Well…at least for this site.)
 Hosted By
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Ten
“Winds Power”
“Well now that the bishop has had his words with you, it is time for your death.” Said the guard as he grabbed my right arm at the same time another guard grabbed my left arms. “Well if you truly believe you fools can kill me, then please be my guest. Hell I’ll even make it easy for you…oh wait it’s already as easy as it can be.” I said as I moved my arms around. “I can not wait to see you hang, because I would more than gladly run my sword through you.” Spoke the guard on my right. “Well then you idiot if the hanging doesn’t work why don’t you try that?” I said in a cocky voice. “You know I like that idea. “ Replied the guard. “Good because I’ll be looking forward to using your own sword to kill you.” I said to the guard as we got closer and closer to the gallows.
When we finally got to the gallows, the executioner positioned the noose around my neck. “Is that too tight for you lad?” he asked as if trying to be funny. “No, I think you could make it a little tighter.” I responded in a mocking voice. “Well in a few minutes it will be cutting through your neck so you can wait for it to be tightened.” he said with an annoyed sound in his voice. As I looked out into the crowd that was starting to gather I saw Rire eating some kind of meat product on a stick. “You have been convicted of heresy and with selling your soul to the devil himself. How do you plea?” a church official said to me. “Well I don’t think anything I say will help me out of this. Therefore, I have one thing to say to all of you bastards. I’ll see every single fucking one of you in hell!” I said loudly. “Hang him.” the official said. And with that the executioner pushed me over the edge of the platform.
As I hung by my neck the only thing that ran through my mind was that I couldn’t die here, I have to kill that bastard; I had to avenge my loved ones. I had to make that bastard Aroth pay for what he has done to me. And then all of a sudden a strong wind blew across the courtyard in which I was being hung in, and the very rope that held me soon let loose and dropped me to the ground. . “What in the hell was that?” the church official said in confusion. “Well looks like your God likes me today.” I said as I stood up from the ground and started to walk towards Rire. “But you shouldn’t be able to stand after being hung.” he said with a little whimper in his voice. As I walked through the now parting crowd, I heard people say. “He’s a demon form hell!” “Is this God’s wishes for that monster to live?” “Wow, he looks good!” When I finally got to where Rire was eating I noticed the two guards that had brought me to the gallows were shaking in their armor. “So who wants to be the first to fall to me?” I said loking at both of them in wonder. When I said that, the guard to my right came charging right to me. “So you want to be the first.” I said. When he swung his sword, I just ducked and slammed my fist so hard into his stomach that the armor dented to the shape of my fist. “Well that was easier than I thought it would be. So are you ready for your beating?” I said to the other guard. He just stared at me with the dumbest look on his face, and then without any words he turned around and started to run. “Where the hell do you think your going?” I said, but as I said that he ran face first into a stone wall.
”So captain, how did the execution go?” Bishop Sordesco asked. “I don’t know yet sir. The official hasn’t come back yet.” the captain said at that moment there was a loud knock at the door. “Ah, that must be him. Go open the door captain.” Said Sordesco “Yes my lord.” the captain responded as he walked to the door. “So now you’re opening doors for me?” I said as the door opened. “You, your suppose to be dead right now.” Bishop Sordesco said. “What you’re not happy to see me?” I said as I walked right past the captain. “Hey Rire, do you think you could take care of the captain?” I said in a jokingly voice. “Sure I can. I know I’m stronger than he is.” Rire said as he stood in front of the captain. “Well have fun, but don’t kill him unless you have too.” I said. “Why….fine.” Rire said in a disappointed tone. “So Bishop Sordesco I believe you have some information you want to give me.” I said as I was feet from Sordesco. “Go to hell you damn demon.” Sordesco said angrily. “Now is that anyway to speak to the person who holds your life in his hands?” I asked in a questioning voice. “God will never let one of his servants die at the hands of a demon.” he said so sure of himself. “What are you talking about? Man has no control over his destiny, nor does any higher power. Man lives, then dies, and that is that.” I said, as I got closer to him. “What you say is the words of a pagan.” he said as he looked at me getting closer to him.
“Do you remember that conversation we had before I was taken to be hung?” I asked him. “Of course I do.” he said with a bit of fear in his voice as I looked him right in his eyes. “Well I remember it too, and I think its time you tell me where Aroth is and why he destroyed my home looking for me?” I said as I grabbed his right arm and pulled it behind his back. “I don’t have to tell you damn thing.” he said as I held his arm. “You will tell me or I’ll rip your damn arm off.” I said as I made him drop to his knees. “I…..don’t …have ….too.” he said with pain in almost every word he spoke. “Well looks like its coming off then.” I said as I put my foot between his shoulder blades and started to pull. “I’ll never say anything.” he said as tears fell down his cheeks. “Well that’s fine with me then.” I said as I pulled even harder than before. The next thing I knew I felt his arm giving away as the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder snapped, and muscle and bone split and broke. “AHHHH!” was all that the Bishop could say as his arm ripped right off from his body. “Are you going to tell me now?” I asked for the last time. “Yes I’ll tell you everything, just please don’t kill me.” he begged me. “Fine I won’t kill you. Now tell me everything.” I demanded. “Ok, as far as I know Aroth has disappeared. The reason why he destroys cities like he does is too get the strongest warriors to come join him. If they refuse, they are killed, but if they join, he gives them powers beyond anything a human could ever have.” he said as he held the bleeding hole on his shoulder. “How many warriors have joined him?” I asked. “Well as far as I know only four warriors have joined him. The first to join him was a warrior named Solum, the second was a hot headed man named Exuro, third was the level headed Maritimus, and finally is the strongest named Aeris.” he explained to me. “Wait aren’t those the Elemental Lords?” I asked. “Yes, they are. I beg you I told you all I know, now please let me li…” the Bishop started to say but a small hole appeared on his forehead and then all of a sudden his head expanded to five times greater than it was and it exploded sending cool air and blood all over the room.
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a day full of fun, sadness, and a bit of hidden emotions. I hate to say I won’t go into much detail about most of the stuff that went on yesterday, but I will say it’s nothing you guys need to worry about. But Edge will admit that he is feeling kind of sad now that Misty has left Georgia, but lucky she’ll be back later this year…so all is good. I really hated having to take Misty to the Atlanta airport for only one reason, and one reason only. That reason happens to be that Edge hates having to say goodbye to such a close friend as Misty…I just want her back down here, because I was actually happy the whole time she was down here. It seems that I actually am slightly depressed whenever I don’t have Misty near by…as in close…as in the same city. But when she’s near by I become happy…maybe I’m just weird…ok I know I’m weird…but you know what I mean. Anyways I would also like to thank all of you for your support of me not commenting or post much while Misty was staying here with me. I am truly happy to know I have friends like you guys that will…well support me in my choices in life…I hope…nothing bad of course…I’d rather hear you yell at me if that happens. Oh and when they say 100 MPH, they really do mean you can go 100 miles in one hour…I tried that on my way home, and boy was it true. But yeah……anyways that seems to be the end of my post so I shall talk to you guys later, and I hope to hear from you guys once again.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she asks “Your hair done? You got it cut and dyed?” Yes Edge has gotten his hair cut and dyed to look like Brandon Heat’s hair, so just look at the picture, not only does it show my mood it also shows my hair style at this time. And her second question asks “A whole bottle of wine?” Well…yeah…I wanted to drink it for a long time, and since Misty was leaving the next day we thought it best to drink it now…and man was it ever great drinking that wine. I will admit I’m going to need to get a taste for it, but that shouldn’t take too long. :P Anyways the next question is from Zero and she says “How retarded are you to get drunk off of wine?!” Hmm…let me think back…oh wait, I don’t remember at all saying we were drunk for one simple reason to, because we were NOT drunk. We’re not like you Zero, we don’t drink every night, and we don’t get drunk all the time. So sorry that I’m not into liquor as much as you are, it’s just not my personality. And her second question asks “Are you going to Momo-con this year?” You know, that’s a possibility, but then again only time shall tell. Anyways the next question is from Luicifers Wife, and she asks “What guy wouldn’t love having a girl doing their hair?” Well other than a bald guy like you said, maybe a gay guy wouldn’t? I’m not too sure yet.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “You cut your hair and now you look like Brandon Heat......Quote Paris Hilton: "That's hott!" LOL.”…umm…thanks for the nice comment? Yeah that sounds about right…Anyways…the second discussion is from Zero and she says “She's moving down here? Oh good god. I'm not going to even touch that.” What is your problem with her? I mean, what in the world has she done to you? Last time I check she actually liked hangout with you, and if I remember correctly (like I always do.) you always hated her, why is that? But then again maybe its better that you two never became friends, and just like you I’m not going to say any more. Anyways the third discussion is from Grave, and he says “However, depending on the person cutting it, I suppose I could make an exception...” Well let me just say this, if you saw Misty, and then you saw what she was wearing while see cut my hair, I’m 100% positive you would have let her cut your hair as short as she wanted it. Trust me…*Edge nods his head in agreement*…I know I just agreed with myself, and that doesn’t happen very much. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Luicifers Wife, and she says “You look like Brandon heart from Gungrave? You should post a pic by pic comparison of you and him>” You know that sounds like a pretty good idea…I just might have to do that later on.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) What anime character do you look like the most? Well I have been told by…many…that I look like Holland from Eureka Seven, but I also look like Brandon Heat from Gungrave as well…and funny enough I can even look lik Sanji from One Piece when Misty flat irons my hair…and yes she did flat iron my hair. And that was a nice night because of what Misty was wearing. *Edge starts thinking back*…man that was a nice skirt…ahh…wait you didn’t read that!!!
Today’s Question
1.) What anime go you into loving anime?
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well it’s been awhile since I last posted, sorry about that the other night Misty was doing my hair. Yeah you heard me right; Edge gets his hair done by really cute girls. :P Smart if you ask me. Anyways that toke us most of the night….Edge has lots of hair on his head…well Edge had a lot of hair before yesterday. But I’ll explain that later in the post. Anyways before we even touched my hair me, Misty, Legacyof, and Wensdayskitten went to watch 300. I must admit it was an awesome movie…even though it had so many wrong parts in it. But I shall not rant about that because I don’t have the time, nor do I have enough posting room to do it. (I know I have unlimited posting abilities.) Anyways then yesterday Misty played with my hair once again, yet this time it was for dying my hair black, and cutting it so that I would look more like Brandon Heat from Gungrave. And I must admit that it looks great…and I’m not just saying that because I’m not. I take great pride in my hair, and I will always speak the truth about it. Well this is funny, me and Misty opened a bottle of wine to celebrate her moving back down here later this year, and for the simple fact that last night was her last night here…so I will admit that the bottle is now empty, and we are slightly…misguided. Anyways that’s all I really have to say…sorry I wasn’t able to comment, you know I still have a guest so my time is going to her. But soon enough I will be posting, and commenting normally. So until then I shall talk to you guys later.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she asks “Why would you jump off that thing anyway?!” Well…for the attention I suppose. Other than that I have no idea why I would even think of doing such a thing as that. Anyways the next question is from Yensid, and she asks “Is she there for the week?” Yes she is here for her Spring Break, but I hate to report that she’ll be leaving later today.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I had no idea you were so daring!” Well to be honest I’m not very daring. But I’m oddly always craving attention, so I’m willing to do stupid things to get people to look at me. The second discussion is from Caprice, and she says “And don't worry about visiting. I mean you are watching Gungrave, so I totally understand.” Yeah she loves Gungrave so far. So I’m glad to say I got Misty to enjoy such a great anime.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So random question, how many of you guys miss having Misty on the Otaku? (For those who don’t know Misty, would you like to?) I would love if Misty came back to the Otaku, but it’s up o her if she comes back or not.
Today’s Question
1.) What anime character do you look like the most?
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Monday, March 12, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well it’s been awhile since I last posted a nice good old fashion Edge post…well since Friday…anyways I would have posted Saturday, but after driving to Atlanta going to the world’s busiest airport, and then having to deal with traffic…Edge was tired and mentally dead. So Friday I wasn’t able to write up my post like I always do. Then on Saturday me and Misty had lunch at Olive Garden…Edge paid because he owed it to her, so he had nothing against it. Then after that we hung out with our friends and went to bowling…Edge didn’t bowl because of what happened with his wrist last time. Then after that we went to get some ice cream, cause it is fucking hot down here. And during this time Edge got daring and he got on top of an electrical box…you know those big green things outside of buildings…anyways I jumped off of it into a couple bushes. Got a few cuts…and ten got back on top of that thing and then choose to jump over a handicap sign…Edge actually made it with hurting his nuts on the sign…well it’s an accomplishment to me at least…but I did cut up my hands horribly and I caused a lot of pain in my back because of the way I landed…and then Sunday we really didn’t do much but talk most of the day away…oh wait, never mind that. Me and Misty watched Gungrave, and so far she likes it…I think? Well we haven’t gotten far so I’ll give her time to like it. Anyways that’s my post for now, I hope to talk to you guys later, and sorry I haven’t been on to comment, but with Misty here I’m giving her my attention, so sorry you guys have to suffer for this. Anyways I’ll be sure to talk with you guys later.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “what is your favorite big sword?” Oh goodness…well where should I start? Alright I’ll start with video games; my favorite big sword off of a video game is Siegfried’s Soul Caliber from Soul Caliber Three. Then in anime I would have to say…damn there are too many. I like Zabuza’s sword from Naruto, Guts’ sword from Berserk, and Mihawk’s sword from One Piece. And lastly my favorite big sword in real life would have to be the Claymore…those are so awesome swords. Anyways the next question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she asks “Is the world ending?” Well…I’m not too sure on that one, but hey you never know these days.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I'm with LS on this one. I hate to tell you this looks exactly the same!” Well that was my point!!! I wanted my site to look like the old one. It wouldn’t be Edge without the normal looks. But it also has a lot of different changes in it. So it’s not the same and if you were to pay attention to it you’d see all the changes.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So does Edge’s new site look better, or worst than the old one? You know, I actually do like this site better. Now if only my other site would start working again I’ll copy all the codes over there and I’ll be a happy Edge once again.
Today’s Question
1.) So random question, how many of you guys miss having Misty on the Otaku? (For those who don’t know Misty, would you like to?)
Comments (11) |
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Sorry guys. I want to do a real post, but Misty has me running all over the world...and now I'm tired. Oh wait Misty's coming...*Misty hits Edge in the head for being stupid.*...ok I deserved that. Anyways I'll try to make a real post tomorrow...sorry once again. Edge has left his site untamed and soon it will become a jungle...oh crap.
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Friday, March 9, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well this is Edge’s first “real” post on his new site. I do hope those of you that have come by have added me to their friends list, and signed my guestbook. I know it sounds dumb…but I enjoy having all of sign my guestbook. And hopefully this site won’t be Edge’s new home for too long, because he loves his old home a lot more. Well once again I have nothing much to post about yesterday…I once again just played my video game Rouge Galaxy…most of the day, then I cleaned up my room so that Misty wouldn’t see how big of pig I’ve become…not that big of one I might add. And then I started to paint with oil paint…it’s odd I never thought I’d want to paint, but it seems to be fun…for now that is. Now I just need to know how to get the damn paint of my brushes…water doesn’t work…I know I should have figured that one out when I started painting…some days I’m a slow learner. Well that’s about it for my post…so I do hope all of you found your way to this site ok…and if not then that’s your fault for not clicking the button I put on my other site. Anyways enough the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Legacyof, and he asks “You have Rogue Galaxy?” No…I was playing it all day at Wal-Mart…come on dude, use that thing you call a brain. Of course I have it, if I didn’t would I have said I played it for a couple of hours? Of course not. Anyways the next question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she asks “Cool rain without an umbrella. Did you get sick doing that? Was it warm outside or something?” Nope…I just got really wet cloths. Let’s say when it rain I had to walk anyways, so if it was cold then I walked in the cold rain, and if it was warm then I walked in the warm rain. That’s as simple as I can put it. Anyways the next question is from GothicNarutoFan. And she asks “She's coming already?” I said she was coming down in March…isn’t it March? Hold on let me double check…yep it’s March, and I know it’s today in which I have to pick her up.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Oh god, that's like the hardest question ever. Ok, I'm going to say Saiyuki, because there are all kinds of hot guys there.” Women…all they care about is how hot a guy is. No wonder Edge can’t get himself a girlfriend. *Starts shaking head in disappointment.* OH well, what am I to do? Anyways the second discussion is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she says “BIG SWORDS RULE!”” Yes they damn right do. Any character with a big sword is automatically my favorite no matter what show, game, or what else. If they have a big sword they are my favorite…I want a big sword now…T_T
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) If you had to pick ONE anime to live the rest of eternity in which would it be, and why? Well…I think I would have to pick the world of Gungrave to be my home for eternity…but since a few of you picked a world that only had “hot” girls or guys then I’m going to do the same. I’d pick the anime Girls Bravo…a nice anime with a nice story line…just TONS of hot anime girls…and I will admit a slight amount of nudity…
Today’s Question
1.) So does Edge’s new site look better, or worst than the old one?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Eight
“A Roman Redcoat”
“Well now, aren’t we lucky Edge?” Rire said as he stepped from behind the melted rock in which he hid behind. “Yeah we were lucky Rire, but you still have something to worry about.” I said as I turned around to face Rire. “What are you talking about Edge?” asked the confused Rire. “Don’t you remember that remark you made about Exuro having the hots for me? Well it’s time to suffer the punishment for what you said.” I said as I stepped closer to Rire cranking my fingers. “Oh come on Edge, can’t we put this behind us? I mean it was just a joke. I didn’t mean anything about it.” Rire said as he backed up as I got closer and closer to him. “You do know if you stand still this will go a lot faster, and wouldn’t hurt as much? Because if I have to chase you down then I’ll be sure to make it hurt a lot more.” I told Rire as I inched towards him. “I’m sure it would hurt less, but if I can avoid getting hurt at all then I’ll be sure to take that path.” Rire said as his back was close to a rocky wall. “Well, it looks like you hit a dead-end and it looks like I’ll be hitting you in a few seconds.” I said as I readied myself for a punch.
“Damn Edge, did you have to hit me so fucking hard?” Asked Rire as we were walking down the road. “Yes Rire, yes I did have to hit you that hard. Maybe next time you’ll think before opening your mouth to say something as stupid as that again.” I said mockingly to Rire. “I doubt it.” Remarked Rire under his breath. “What did you say?” I asked Rire. “Oh…nothing. I was just saying something to myself. So how long until we finally get to where we need to be?” Asked Rire. “How should I know? I only know to follow this road to get to some large city and then to head south from there.” I said defensively. “And how do you know that this is the right way?” Asked Rire in a questioning tone. “Well, unlike you I read that sign over there, and all the ones before it.” I said as I pointed to a wooden sign that said Rome 200 KM. “Oh…well I suppose that’s the best way to find your way around.” Remarked Rire as he continued to follow me along the path to Italy.
After five days of walking, and Rire complaining about how his legs were getting tired. We finally made it to the legendary walls of Rome. “Wow how could anyone build a wall that huge?” asked Rire. “Who cares, we have no business in this city. All we need to do is go through it and then head south.” I said as we walked up to the gates and was stopped by the gatekeepers. “Halt state your business in this Holy city.” said the one to my left. “Well we’re just going to pass through your Holy city.” I said rudely. “How dare you defile the name of our Holy city.” the gatekeepers said as they grabbed my arms and dragged me away. “Hey get your god damn hands off me before I kill your sorry asses.” I screamed as I was being dragged off. “Wow, now I wasn’t expecting that. Edge being dragged off because he disrespected a holy place…wait…no I should have seen that coming.” Remarked Rire as he walked through the unguarded gates of Rome.
After spending four weeks lock in a dark, moldy, disgusting rat hole called a cell two guards came to my cell and wanted me to cooperate with them. “Alright you filth, put you hands through the bars to be shackled.” Demanded the first guard. “And no fucking funny business.” Spoke the second one. For once I chose to go along with what they said, so I placed both my arms outside of the bars and had them shackled together. “Now step away from the door, and keep your back to us.” Demanded the first guard. Once again I listened and stepped away from the doorway and kept my back towards them. As the two guards grabbed my arms and forced me to lead the way out of that so called prison they had me locked in. I noticed that each guard had on a symbol that I have seen somewhere once before, but at the time I couldn’t place it. But as they marched me through the streets of Rome I notice that they were taking me towards a very large building with many statues of men in robes. “You should be lucky. The Pope usually doesn’t speak to common filth like you before they’re hung.” Said the guard to my right. “The Pope? So that’s the Vatican?” I asked the guards. “Of course you fucking fool. Can’t you tell by that buildings shear glory that it has to be a holy site?” Asked the one guard. “I’m not here for religious bullshit. Let’s just speak to the Pope, before you fools try to kill me.” I said as I kept on walking without the guards.
“Bishop Sordesco. The prisoner that you requested has shown up.” Said the guard to a man wearing a red robe. “Bishop? I thought you said I was to speak with the Pope.” I said in confusion. “Yes Edge I’m a Bishop of the Catholic Church, but you my son are not worth enough to speak with the Pope. And besides I wanted to talk with you before I had these guards hang you in town square. You guards may now leave us.” The Bishop said to the guards behind me. As both guards exited through the door in which they entered the Bishop showed his true colors. “Now Edge. I have knowledge that you have met my lord before. And I know he wishes to kept you alive. But I have a theory that if you stay alive then you will more than likely kill my great lord Aroth, and I can’t have that happen. So I have set your hanging for noon. And I’ll be sure to pray for you as you burn in hell.” Said Bishop Sordesco. “Well now. I’ll be sure to come and kill your cocky ass when I’m through with your guards. And I hope you pray for yourself, because I’ll make sure your in hell before I am.” I said as I turned around and walked out the door in which I entered.
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Monday, March 5, 2007
Alright, this is just a test....*Sounds sirin*...ok that was dumb, but funny. Anyways this little posy that you "might" be reading is just a slight test to see if the coding that Caprice has done is willing to work for me. So let's take a look. Anyways if you came to read this bit of information than I thank you, and I shall try to post a real post later in the week...hopefully tomorrow.
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