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The protective knight
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I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
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Seventh Grade
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Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
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It's an odd hobby, but my hobby is protecting those I love.
I have a few, but I don't feel like listing them at this time
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was an odd day, to start things off I had to do training with all the new hires for my company. The funny part is that I was in charge of the electronic department, and I had to train three people within a certain amount of time. And after said amount of time they were switched out with another group to learn how to count in that area. The odd part is that almost NO new hire will ever work within the electronic department for the simple fact that it is one of the few areas with a lot of money, so mainly only people who have worked for the company for a while will actually be allowed to count the electronic department. And after I finished the training…I went home and went back to bed, and I pretty much slept all the way until 3:00 in the afternoon, ah…now that felt great to do. Well that’s all for my day yesterday…so I’m going to end my post here…so I shall try to talk to you guys later. So please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Twilight Samurai, and she asks “What's weird about a tree or fence?” Well they aren’t really odd places to kiss, but when you think about it…I was in a tree kissing a girl…does a stupid little song from a long time ago come to mind now? That is why I list that as an odd place to kiss.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Twilight Samurai, and she says “Those are cool places... Now the roof and her on top of the car... yeah, that's weird to imagine!” Hmm…I suppose you have a point there…but he roof was a weird place, I will admit that one, but it came with a bonus for good old Edge here. Since I was on the roof and she was wearing a low cut shirt…well I’ll let your mind take over from there. But hey, to me I can kiss a girl any place, any time and it will never seem like an odd place to me…what can I say I’m a kissing whore.
Random Questions
Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.
Last Week’s Question
1.) So where is the weirdest place you’ve kissed someone? (Location wise) Well that was easy to answer at one time, but now that question is going to be hard since I’ve thought of three in which were odd places to kiss a girl. Well the first is…well…while sitting in a tree. The second was while sitting on a brick fence. And lastly the third one was while I was on a roof and the girl was standing on a car to reach me. So there you go three of the weirdest places Edge has a kissed a girl.
This Week’s Question
1.) So what are you plans for Christmas?
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was an interesting day to say the least. To start I had Hardluckwoman stay the night at my house due to something going on at her place. And then in the morning I had to go to work, which for once did not include counting a store’s merchandise. NO for once I was actually sitting in the office calling people that filled out applications online, and to ask them if they were still interested and setting up times for them to come into the office to take the interview. Oddly enough I was doing that from 7:30 in the morning all the way to 12:00 in the afternoon, but if I had been doing it all by myself it would have taken a LOT longer. Thank goodness they wanted my mom (a team leader) to call people as well. Then after that I got to talk to Misty for a while in the afternoon…which I found a little odd due to the fact that talking to me during the day is something that would waste her minutes…which she hates doing…oh well, what do I care I got to talk with her, so all is good if you ask me. Anyways since that’s all I have to post for today, I suppose it is time for me to end my post here. So I shall talk to you guys later, and please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Metal Dragon, and he asks “What about...your plans/goals for the next year, or things you'd like to get for Christmas?” I’m sorry I can’t say what my plans for next year…if I did that then I’d end up giving up a secret that I’m keeping from a certain girl. So nice try, but I’m not going to give out such vital information so easily. The next question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “Who'd win between Kon (plush form) and Hamtaro?” Ahh…just because I have no other reason to say this…I’m going to say Hamtaro would eat the stuffing right out of Kon…since he is just a plush toy that couldn’t hurt a fly with any of his attacks.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Misty, and she says “I'm still going to kill you!” You know what FINE, kill me, but the threat of you killing me isn’t going to stop me from getting yet another mark from that girl that marked me in the first place! So how do you like that for an answer?!
Random Questions
Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.
Last Week’s Question
1.) So where is the weirdest place you’ve kissed someone? (Location wise) Well that was easy to answer at one time, but now that question is going to be hard since I’ve thought of three in which were odd places to kiss a girl. Well the first is…well…while sitting in a tree. The second was while sitting on a brick fence. And lastly the third one was while I was on a roof and the girl was standing on a car to reach me. So there you go three of the weirdest places Edge has a kissed a girl.
This Week’s Question
1.) So what are you plans for Christmas?
Comments (3) |
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well what can I say about yesterday? Well I could say that it was yet another boring day without anything special to separate it from the rest of the days that shall come. Now do not get me wrong, I have to work today, and tomorrow, but that does not mean that I will not be bored out of my skull. Anyways as I said earlier I really didn’t do much of anything, I did do a little thinking that shall prove to be very useful to me in the up coming year, but as of now my planning is considered to be useless hopes. Oh well…sorry for the boring post. This is what I hate about not doing anything; I have almost nothing to talk about…even though since I am Edge I can actually talk about nothing just to fill my post out just a bit…hmm…it would seem I’ve already done that…oh well. I guess I’ll be ending my post here, so I hope to talk to you guys later today, so please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Yensid, and she asks “I'm wondering who the vacuum is...????...did I miss a post or something?” Well I’m not going to say who the vacuum was, for it is not a subject that I believe needs to be discussed at this very time, maybe when the day comes I just might reveal who the vacuum was.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Misty, and she says “I'm going to kill you!! You're my property! No one else's!! I don't care who it was I'm going to kick your butt in!” Well sorry…but since when was I your property? I thought I belonged to myself…but I guess I must have been wrong. Anyways the second discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “I think I know what the mark is. It rhymes with "tricky".” Well now…to be honest you just might be right, and for another thing I will say this much getting said mark was a bit tricky, so I’m not going to say anything else on that subject. Anyways the third discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “Next time, make sure something like that isn't visible to people in every day life.” Well I do hate to point out the simple fact that I had to idea I had that mark until Thursday…so it was hard to prevent something that I didn’t know was there until it was pointed out to me. The fourth discussion is from Kita, and she says “Gees I miss one little letter and you have to correct me.” Well of course I have to correct you. After all I’m a horrible speller and nobody lets me get away with it.
Random Questions
Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.
Last Week’s Question
1.) So where is the weirdest place you’ve kissed someone? (Location wise) Well that was easy to answer at one time, but now that question is going to be hard since I’ve thought of three in which were odd places to kiss a girl. Well the first is…well…while sitting in a tree. The second was while sitting on a brick fence. And lastly the third one was while I was on a roof and the girl was standing on a car to reach me. So there you go three of the weirdest places Edge has a kissed a girl.
This Week’s Question
1.) So what are you plans for Christmas?
Comments (5) |
Monday, December 17, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well I really don’t have much to post about over my weekend, due to the fact that all I really did was work, sleep, and wish for something to make my day less boring. Well on Saturday I worked at a beauty supply store…you know the one were you can buy wigs and stuff like that…man that store sucked since I had to count all the little crap. And then y boss and co-worker Richard were making fun of me due to a marking on my neck…I will not say what it was, but I will say that the joke that they first started with. “So did you get into a fight with a vacuum and lose?” man some days I hate to work. And then on Sunday I had to work at a pharmacy…my first and hopefully my last one. I hate counting pills…and the jokes didn’t stop on Sunday either, at least this time they were not verbal jokes…this time Richard walked over to me and raised my collar on my work shirt to cover the marking that was upon my neck and then walked away. Bastards the both of them…Anyways other than that there isn’t much to speak of about my weekend. Now don’t get me wrong I have talked to Misty everyday so far, but talking to a person just isn’t the same as seeing them in person. Oh well…I suppose it is time for me to end this post, so I shall talk to you guys later, and please do enjoy the rest of my post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Metal Dragon, and he asks “Wouldn't arguing about it prove that the two of you aren't the laziest? Or would the laziest be the one who lost?” You raise a good question my friend…but alas I do not have an answer to give…but I will say that just because me and Lordsesshomaru argue over something does not mean neither of us is lazy, nor does it mean the loser is the laziest. In fact arguing over the stupid things we argue over in fact does not require any energy at all, so being lazy has nothing to do with our arguments…if that makes any sense at all. The next question is from Xaos, and he asks “So Misty went to DC?” Yeah…she’s up there in Washington D.C. visiting her family during her Christmas break, and after Christmas her and her family are going down to Puerto Rico for a family wedding. But hey at least she’ll be coming back to Georgia on the…the 6th of January…man that is another 20 days from today…the joy of waiting fills me with ultimate sarcasm, as all of you should be able to see.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “I like the change in the music though.” Well I am glad to hear that. For I myself really enjoy the change in music. Do not get me wrong I want to get Masterplan out there so people would enjoy them, but as of now I just want nothing better to do but play Nickelback. I’ve always been able to connect my life with their music, I know it sounds a little weird but it is true, that is why they happen to be my favorite musical group. Anyways the second discussion is from Kita, and she says “I am sure you will find plenty to do while Missy is away... Do not get too bored while she is away...” Ah…don’t you mean Misty? But I have been finding some things to do, but man my days are going by far too slow for my own good. But hey at least it’s only 20 days that I’ll have to wait to see her again.
Random Questions
Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.
Last Week’s Question
1.) So where is the weirdest place you’ve kissed someone? (Location wise) Well that was easy to answer at one time, but now that question is going to be hard since I’ve thought of three in which were odd places to kiss a girl. Well the first is…well…while sitting in a tree. The second was while sitting on a brick fence. And lastly the third one was while I was on a roof and the girl was standing on a car to reach me. So there you go three of the weirdest places Edge has a kissed a girl.
This Week’s Question
1.) So what are you plans for Christmas?
Comments (7) |
Friday, December 14, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well I’m sorry to say that I wasn’t around for…ah…two days was it? But hey you know me I have my reasons for not posting…ah…so what is my excuse for Wednesday again? Well…ok I can’t really remember what I was doing…wait, drop that I was studying for my finally that was on Wednesday, but on a brighter note I’m finally out of my stupid math class, and now I can move up to normal math, yeah for Edge! Now for my excuse for not posting on Thursday, well now that one I know. The reason I didn’t post, was because I had to get to bed early due to me having to wake up early the next morning to take Misty to the airport. And yet the odd thing is we didn’t really get to sleep early either…in fact we stayed awake and talked about a lot of things. Anyways when we finally woke up, we ended up hitting some traffic that actually set us back at least thirty minutes, which ended up in Misty missing her baggage check time, so she has to change her flight, so we got to hangout for a another thirty minutes at least. But man…these next three weeks are going to be as boring as hell now that Misty is up in Washington D.C., but hey I can still talk to her on the phone, so all is good. Oh and as an added bonus to all of you next Friday I’ll be able to post a NEW chapter of “The Cursed Knight” so if you are a fan then look forward to it…since I have nothing better to do. And to finish this post off, I’d like to point out that I have completely changed my sites musical theme from Masterplan to Nickelback. For the past few weeks I’ve been in the type of mood to play Nickelback, and as of some certain things have happened I’ve finally decided to change the songs, so here is a collection of just a few of my favorite Nickelback songs, so please do enjoy, and if you hate Nickelback then please mute it and don’t tell me that. Anyways that’s it for today’s post, I’ll try to come by later today, so please do enjoy the rest of the post, and I shall talk to you guys later.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Metal Dragon, and he asks “You two are fighting over whoever is the laziest and most perverted??” Yeah, hey what can I say? Me and Lordsesshomaru are two odd guys that like to argue over stupid things that doesn’t have any meaning at all, and yet we can make it seem important enough to argue over, so my question to you is are we just two stupid guys arguing over nothing, or are we two geniuses arguing over nothing yet making it a grand case to wonder about? *starts to think*…ah…you know what drop that last bit, the more I think about it the more the first part sounds right.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “A lot of guys compete over dumb things, like lawns and grills and stuff like that. Women aren't any better. Showing off the fancy new purses and shoes and crap like that. At least when we argue, we get beef jerky afterward.” Wait a second…I never got any beef jerky!!! This is a crime that I shall not let go…OH pretty girl…wait…what was I talking about again? Anyways the second discussion is from Xaos, and he says “Oh snap I hope I get to read one more chapter of your story before summer. I also think your title of "laziest” isn’t very Edge like” No worries dude, next Friday there will be a new chapter posted, so you’ll get to read it then. And I agree the title of laziest just doesn’t sound as much of an Edge title as holding the Perverted Title, after all Lordsesshomaru has the laziness thing down to an exact skill.
Random Questions
Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.
Last Week’s Question
1.) What is something you do to relieve stress? Well that’s an easy one to answer…I lay around doing nothing, and I listen to music to clear my head…works almost every single time.
This Week’s Question
1.) So where is the weirdest place you’ve kissed someone? (Location wise)
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice little day to say the least. I actually went to a class that was studying for a test that if I pass I can finally start doing real math instead of the stupid level math I am currently on. So yeah that actually went well for me, I actually understood what the teacher was talking about, and now later today I will be taking said test…I hope that I pass…I need to get out of bone-head math now! Anyways other than that me and Misty went to Callaway Gardens again, only because at this time of year they leave the front gate unattended which means free to enter, when it usually cost a good amount of money. So when we got there I took Misty to the Horticultural Garden, and the Butterfly House, both very big attractions during the warmer months. And…that would seem to be the end of my day…wait…let me think…yep, sounds just about right. Oh well…anyways I hope to talk to you guys later, and please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Twilight Samurai, and she asks “Is your family that bad or something?” Well bad isn’t really the word for it…let’s just say my uncle Jay and cousin Daniel would put both me and Lordsesshomaru to shame when it comes to being perverted…trust me when I say this…neither me nor Lordsesshomaru has what it takes to defeat those two in perversion. Anyways the next question is from Metal Dragon, and he asks “Did I miss any chapters?” Nope…sorry to say that I haven’t posted any chapters for some time now…due to the overloaded work load of school and my job. But hey you never know maybe pretty soon I’ll be able to get a chapter out…one can hope right?
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Fine, you can be the laziest then, especially since that Benedict Arnold SESSLOVER18 has forsaken me in her comment today. But I am the most perverted.” Hmm…giving up the perverted title just to hold the lazy title…umm…you know I’m not too sure about that one. I’ll have to think about that one, because I’ve had the perverted title for too long now, but then again the lazy title isn’t that…well you know…Edge like. Oh well…I’ll have to think about it. Anyways the second discussion is from Yensid, and she says “Hope Misty wasn't hurt.” Nah, Misty is just fine. All she has is a nice sized bruise on her as…not saying I saw it, but I do know about it because she told me all about it. The third discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Anyway, I can’t believe you and LS. Why must you argue and compete over who is more pervy or lazy!” Oh come on, even you should know we argue because we are guys, and we have nothing better to do, so we end up going against the other to see who is the better man…or…at least I think that’s why we do it…or it could just be that we enjoy making you guys laugh at our stupid remarks to each other.
Random Questions
Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.
Last Week’s Question
1.) What is something you do to relieve stress? Well that’s an easy one to answer…I lay around doing nothing, and I listen to music to clear my head…works almost every single time.
This Week’s Question
1.) So where is the weirdest place you’ve kissed someone? (Location wise)

Comments (6) |
Monday, December 10, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now it looks like I’ve finally got back to my old posting self…well…at least for a little while now. So where should I start my post? Oh I got it, let’s start on my Friday…ok first I went to school, then I came home, and then me and Misty headed out to a place called Callaway Gardens. It is this huge natural park or something close to that. Anyways ever year around November to December they have this event called “Fantasy and Lights” and it basically is a lot of Christmas things put into lights, and you get to see them and everything. Anyways we got there before it got dark, due to the lower ticket prices. Anyways we walked around the place…well for a little at least since it is a huge park, something like 17 square miles or something like that, anyways as we were walking around Misty found a tree she wanted to climb, and when she finally climbed up it and was on her way down she fell on her ass…it was funny…but not funny at the same time because she landed on a small train track. Now my Saturday was simple, but hey simple isn’t always a bad thing. Me, Misty, my mom, and my little cousin went to a parade to watch my sister marching in it, and then after that me and Misty made two pies, and then went to a friend’s house and played Rock Band for the rest of the day. And finally Sunday, Misty came over to my families Sunday Dinner, and was actually well liked…which I feared since my family is far worst at being good people…but hey they actually behavior themselves which shocked the hell out of me. Anyways that’s basically all for my post, so I shall talk to you guys later, and please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “Since we're the co-founders, do we get special privileges and titles?” Hmm…I think we our titles should reflect our skill level at being perverted…so I suppose that would make you and I Master Perverts, and as for our privileges…ah….maybe we should think of that later…
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Ha! I'm still more lazy than you. You see, I also didn't post yesterday... but I didn't go through the trouble of having someone else do it for me. I just left everything as it was. So, your winner and still champion.... LORDSESSHOMARU.” Well you do know that I didn’t have Misty post for me, she did it of her own free will, so if anything you did not beat me on that, so you are not the champ! And if anything you may win being lazy, but at least I had a HOT girl in my room posting for me, so HA!!! I WIN THAT BATTLE!!!
Random Questions
Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.
Last Week’s Question
1.) What is something you do to relieve stress? Well that’s an easy one to answer…I lay around doing nothing, and I listen to music to clear my head…works almost every single time.
This Week’s Question
1.) So where is the weirdest place you’ve kissed someone? (Location wise)

Comments (6) |
Friday, December 7, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well it would seem I have hit my all-time low. Yes for once Edge was able to post without even being able to type a thing. And I am grateful that almost no one came by my site yesterday, or you guys might have seen that Misty had posted for me. Thank goodness…some of you might have wondered about Edge’s laziness…which now seems to even out class Lordsesshomaru’s…only because Misty posted for me, while I sat back and did nothing as she typed up her little version of what has become the norm for Edge’s post. I will say this much…DO NOT LISTEN TO WHAT MISTY SAID YESTERDAY!!! Ok…that is all. Anyways my yesterday was a little boring to say the least, but hey since I had no class to attend and I got to sleep later than expected. Which is always a good thing if you ask me. Oh and since I wasn’t here to reveal a club that me and Lordsesshomaru have been talking about for a while now, I guess now is actually a great time to reveal it. So yes…now it is time to reveal the “Perverted League” a group that was made for us perverts. So if you wish to join then just ask either me or Lordsesshomaru…so yeah. Anyways that is all I have to post, so I shall talk to you guys later today, so please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Gidra, and she asks “Can you remind me what level are you...?” Well we’ve already discussed what level I was. So I see no reason to explain that again.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says “ really gets me wondering, you and him in the same room and what does he do...he sleeps.” Hey I was not able to sleep, in fact that was something she made up, so HA! Trust me if it were not for a few factors Edge might have done something, but there are a few things that have kept me from doing anything…so leave me alone. Anyways the second discussion is from Alphonse13, and she says “O h no he's using his laziness powers to control you! Fight it Misty! He has mind controlling Powers that I don't understand!” Wait a second…how did you know that I had some sort of mind controlling power…hmm…I truly wonder how a person like you was able to find out something like that, which only a few girls have ever found out…too late of course! Nah, I’m joking…
Random Questions
Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.
Last Week’s Question
1.) So how was your holiday? It was good.
This Week’s Question
1.) What is something you do to relieve stress?

Comments (2) |
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey everyone this is Misty posting for Edge. Yep, you heard right, Edge is too damn lazy to post and I believe that you guys deserve more than just being ignored like that so I'm doing it for everyone^_^ Anyway, yea Edge and I were hanging out for like . . . okay, the whole day but hey if you don't have anything else to do, why not? But we didn't get to do much because I was finishing my portfolio for my Creative Writing class and Edge checked over my stuff for me. After a long while at my place reading over things, I had to get ready for a public reading my Creative Writing class was doing as the last day of class in the on campus library. I got all dressed up and so did Edge. You girls out there have GOT to see Edge all dressed up! YES! YOU WOULD LOVE HIM! He's such a pretty boy. I got some complements myself^_~ That was about all for the day really . . . sadly . . . wow, Edge and I really don't have much of what many would call a life . . . hmm, oh well. I'll make sure that he posts tomorrow.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions and I, Mystic~Angle (a.k.a. Misty), will answer them for you! Today’s first question is from GIDRA and she asked, “And if U wouldn't go to school or work...what would U be writhing about in U'r posts?Right?” That’s true, I’ve also notice that Edge has been shortening his posts and I’m constantly wondering where the other part of the day went to?! But it’s true, all he does is sleep and lazy around, why do you think I’m posting for him today? But it gets you wondering, if a sexy girl like me ^_~ is in the same room with a guy like Edge and all he does is sleep… well must I go further? GIDRA’s second question is, “Stress...? What is that?” OMG!! Is Edge’s laziness rubbing off on you too?! I must admit that I’m getting really lazy too now that I’m hanging out with Edge all of the time. I love sleeping though^_^ The next question is from mysterioushanyou and she asks, “X3” my answer XD. Next question is from alphonse13 asking, “an enjoy the season an stuff right? xD” Yep! But for those getting to the age of 18 and higher, have you noticed that as each year goes by that Christmas and other such days of getting presents aren’t as exciting as they used to be? Well, at least Christmas is a time to be with the ones you love. Next question is asked by SessLover18, “I hate essays...who doesn't?” Actually, I don’t but that’s because I’m an English major, that’s why I’ve been getting on Edge’s case about writing his essays.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area by Misty and the first discussion is from alphonse13, and she says “but at least Misty’s keeping you in line an making you do it!” That’s Right that stupid lazy bum!! Well I can only do so much to get him to work but then I noticed that I’m lazing around too and Edge is now the one telling me to write my essays. Oh well, at least I get a pretty boy to tell me what to do ^_~. The second part of the discussion is from Lordsesshomaru and he says, “I expected to see you on Monday to launch that thing we discussed... and here you are, days late, and it still isn't launched.” What the hell are you guys talking about? … freaking bum’s sleeping and I can’t get anything out of him! Okay, he said that he’ll do it tomorrow or something like that… *sigh* Third discussion is from Lordsesshomaru again and he says again, “The things that I do to relieve stress are classified by the United States government as "illegal", so it is in my best interest not to say anything more. So says my attorney, Jackie Chiles.” LOL!!! Oh man that’s awesome! We must be friends! I’ll visit your site once I get back on the Otaku… not sure when that’ll happen but Edge tells me a lot about you so YES, must be friends!
Random Questions
Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.
Last Week’s Question
1.) So how was your holiday?
This Week’s Question
1.) What is something you do to relieve stress?
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well it would seem I haven’t posted in awhile again…man writing essays can really kill one’s posting time. Well I would like to apologize for not posting these past few days…two to be correct, but as you guessed it I didn’t post due to on Monday me working late, and Tuesday I was writing a seven page essay that was due yesterday…so yeah, I’ve been keeping buy with school work…but just think in a few days I’ll be freed from the binding grasp of college for a few weeks. But none the less even with all the school work I have to do, I still seem to find time in my schedule to hang out with Misty…hell she had to make sure I actually finished my seven page essay, because she knows me far too well…if she wasn’t here to make me write it then I would not have done it at all. So yeah thank goodness from Misty being strict when it comes to writing…Anyways…ahh…well…I guess I’m out of ideas to talk about now…geez…my days are getting boring…well…at least the parts of my life that I post about are starting to sound boring. Anyways I think I’ll end my post here, well I do hope I’ll be able to comment on your guys post later today, but I’m not sure…I will try none the less. Anyways I do hope you guys enjoy the rest of my post, and I hope to talk to you guys later.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from well…ah…no one…oh well.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Misty, and she says “I can't find my cell charger and my cell batteries died!!! I think I might have forgotten it at your house. DAMN ME AND MY MIND!! MY MEMORY STINKS!!” Yeah, well I gave it back to you already, so all is well now…and it is ok for you to have a bad memory…after all you are cute, so you are allowed to forget things. Anyways the second discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Oh, I didn't know that the question was a week-long thing now. Now your laziness is extending to the questions.” Well…what can I say my laziness has always had it’s own ways of finding newer ways to exploit itself in my post. So why should my question area be any different from the rest of the post…after all isn’t that discrimination? Anyways the third discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says “Your site can't be deleted unless you want it to be deleted or banned.” Ah…I wasn’t talking about it in that fashion…in fact it was more of the way in which the friends I have made on here would stop coming by due to my overloaded schedule keeping me away from my computer…but yeah, I know the Otaku will not get rid of me…well…they did that one time though…Anyways the fourth discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Please your to popular to be dropped.” Wait…I’m popular now? Wow…that’s almost as shocking as when Misty and a few other of my female friends told me that I was a pretty boy…I still find that one hard to believe…The fifth discussion is from Yensid, and she says “Sounds like you and Misty are enjoying hanging out. Nice to hear you two are tight again.” Yeah it is a lot more fun to know I can hang out with Misty, she is really a great friend…and I like how you said how me and Misty were “tight”…well that is one good way of putting mine and Misty’s friendship as of lately.
Random Questions
Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.
Last Week’s Question
1.) So how was your holiday?
This Week’s Question
1.) What is something you do to relieve stress?
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