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Friday, November 30, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how�s it going today? Well it would seem I have returned from yet another leave of absence�man I hope I don�t get dropped from the Otaku for too many missed days�but if anything I have a great excuse. I�ve was working on my seven page final essay for English, that had a to be checked yesterday afternoon�so I had to work the night away, and thus kept me from posting for yesterday�sorry about that guys, but I do not want to take that damn class another time. Now for the day before yesterday�s post�ahh�now that day I don�t have a good excuse, because I do believe saying I was hanging out with Misty won�t count for a good excuse�oh well it�s the best one I had. I know this is a short post, but what can I say? All I did for a while now is write a damn essay that is seriously killing my writing time for my �Cursed Knight� story�anyways I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the post, and I shall try to get to everyone later today�I hope at least�unless school stops me again�

Q & A

Well it�s time to answer your questions, and today�s first question is from NO one.


Well now it�s time for today�s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says �I already answered this... unless this is another one of your mind games, Edge. You won't fool me again!� Wait�I never knew I played mind games on guys before�I thought I only did that to girls I liked�hmm�but yes you did answer that question already, but unless you didn�t read what the question has above it then that would be why you think I�m playing a mind game, which I�m not since my question area is now for a whole week instead of a new question for each day�if that makes any sense at all.

Random Questions

Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let�s see how this works out.

Last Week�s Question

1.) Do you find this question and answer part of my post to be un-needed? Well I agreed with Misty, so now I�ll just have a weekly question instead of a daily one.

This Week�s Question

1.) So how was your holiday?

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how�s it going today? Well compared to the rest of my week last week�yesterday didn�t seem to be all that odd. Even though I was hanging out with Misty for a LARGE amount of my day yesterday�but only because she needed someone to help her study�that and I needed some help with some more of my homework, so in the end we helped each other out pretty good. Sorry today�s post is a little late, I�m currently still trying to get some things done and I�m in a small rush I suppose you can say. And I won�t be able to post tomorrow due to the fact that I�ll be working late tomorrow night�anyways I hope all of you guys enjoy the rest of the post. And I will try my hardest to visit as many of you as I can before I head off to work�

Q & A

Well it�s time to answer your questions, and today�s first question is from Yensid, and she asks �I assume you are trying to generate a discussion, right?� No actually if you are referring to the question area from yesterday, I was trying to get everyone away from that subject so as that I will not have to explain myself to anyone�due to the fragile state that discussion would lead me into if Misty found out about it�


Well now it�s time for today�s discussion area and the first discussion is from Grifter, and he says �With all that went on, you made a monument to your greatness? I'm impressed.� Well of course I built a monument to myself. After all I am the all mighty Edge, and I deserve something set in stone to show off how great I was�even though I do believe it will fall down/be pushed down by summer�kids�oh well one day I�ll build a better one to myself. Anyways the second discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says �I have to agree on the discussion, you make it sound like you and Misty are going out, being honest here.� Well�you know what�what do you know about Edge�s mind set and what he is getting at by what he says? Anyways the third discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says �The new Stark theme looks good.� Well I�m glad you agree with me. I would have hated if no one liked my Stark theme�I spent a good amount of free time cutting him out and making this wallpaper. The fourth discussion is from Caesar1280, and he says �It's nice to hear you and Misty are still talking. Last time I was here you had some sort of romantic interest there.� Ah�umm�ah�well�I wasn�t expecting for that to have been brought up again�ummm�yeah, so to the next discussion�oh crap�there isn�t anymore discussions�ah�bye then�*runs off*

Random Questions

Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let�s see how this works out.

Last Week�s Question

1.) Do you find this question and answer part of my post to be un-needed? Well I agreed with Misty, so now I�ll just have a weekly question instead of a daily one.

This Week�s Question

1.) So how was your holiday?

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how�s it going today? Well it looks like its been awhile since I last posted. Let�s see the last day I posted was on�Tuesday�yeah it was Tuesday. Anyways I didn�t post Wednesday due to the fact that I had to take Misty to the airport so that she could go visit her family in Virginia over the Thanksgiving Break. Anyways it was a nice little drive up there, and then the possible three hours we sat around doing nothing was also very nice, we really didn�t do much, but hey it still was time to hangout for me, so it was worth it. And then when I was driving home I started to feel a little sleepy, so when I got home an hour later I went right to bed, and that was around ten at night�so no post there, and I don�t post on weekends anyways, but I didn�t post on Thanksgiving, just because I didn�t want to, and Friday�once again just didn�t feel like it. So yeah that covers my Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday�so now onto my Saturday. Ah Saturday was an interesting day�since the night before Misty told me to go out and do something on Saturday afternoon I went to a park and rolled a hundred pound rock up a hill�and the sad part is that I�m not joking�Edge made a monument to himself at a park. That is just how great I truly am. And lastly on Sunday I went to Atlanta and picked up Misty from the Airport. I then took her to the park so I could show off my monument, she didn�t believe me when I told her I did that so I had to show her. After that we went back to my house because my mom was making a Thanksgiving dinner for our family. (Me, my sister, and my mom, plus Misty of course) So yeah that basically is my long vacation of non posting. Oh and I hope all of you like my new theme, it is Stark from Bleach, one of the Espada, and in my words the NUMBER 1 ESPADA! Anyways I shall talk to you guys later, and I do hope all of you guys enjoy the rest of the post.

Q & A

Well it�s time to answer your questions, and today�s first question is from Twilight Samurai, and she asks �Did I miss something here? Like are you two now... you know... BF/GF?� WAIT�WHAT?! Where did that one came from? Umm�well the best way to say this is No me and Misty are not dating, she already has a boyfriend�I�m not going to say anything else, because it is not something I enjoy saying, so let�s end that subject here.


Well now it�s time for today�s discussion area and the first discussion is from Misty, and she says �You should only post a question section when you actually have a question to ask, otherwise, don't. Simple as that.^^� Wait a second�when did you start thinking as simple as I did? You are suppose to be a higher thinker, not a person that thinks on the level as Edge�but you have a very great point, I do think you have a great idea, so I do believe I�ll use it.

Random Questions

Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let�s see how this works out.

Last Week�s Question

1.) Do you find this question and answer part of my post to be un-needed? Well I agreed with Misty, so now I�ll just have a weekly question instead of a daily one.

This Week�s Question

1.) So how was your holiday?

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how�s it going today? Well it looks like I forgot to post yesterday�that is truly my fault�and not the truth�to be honest I wasn�t up to post yesterday, so I didn�t�Lordsesshomaru knows all about not being in the state of mind to post. Anyways let�s start Edge�s post over his weekend. Friday was actually a fun night, me and Misty went to watch a play called�ah�oh yeah it was called �The Visit� it was a pretty good play�but the ending was a little odd�but yeah after that we hung out for a couple hours and that pretty much ended my Friday night. Then on Saturday Misty wanted me to help her out with some things she had to get so basically we spent a good amount of time in the mall, and then we choose to see a movie�that both of us regret seeing now�I won�t say anything about the movie, just in case some of you still want to see it, but the movie Beowulf was not good at all�but I always say you can�t judge something until you see it yourself�but be warned. Anyways after the movie we went to a place to get some chili-cheese fries�now those were some good fries. And finally on Sunday Misty once again made Edge go to church�it wasn�t half bad�but still my butt got sore�damned benches. After that I went to work for the rest of the day�oh how much fun it was�*please note the EXTREMELY large amounts of sarcasm*. Anyways that would seem to wrap the rest of my post, so I shall talk to you guys later today, and please do enjoy the rest of the post.

Q & A

Well it�s time to answer your questions, and today�s first question is from Vash2214, and she asks �Where do you get most of your clothes?� Well that�s an easy one to answer, I get most of my clothing if not all my clothing from a store�yes they are actually pretty good places to buy clothing. I would have never thought to buy cloths from a store if it were not for my mother showing me all the things I could buy from a store.


Well now it�s time for today�s discussion area and the first discussion is from Knight Edge�wait a second I didn�t write�oh wait�that�s right Misty was using my site to comment�anyways the first discussion is from Misty, and she says �Wow, from your post looks like all of your fans are jealous of me taking all of your time . . . heck, I'd be.� Oh come on now Misty, I highly doubt anyone is jealous of me hanging out with you�pretty much every single day possible�but hey if they do, then they can get over it because real life is so much more fun�it has real girls. *evil smile*. Anyways the second discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says �Get some rest. A guy at your age doesn't need a bad back. Then again, no one at any age needs a bad back...� Well my friend it is a little too late for that�I�ve had a bad back for the past two almost three years now due to my accident when I fell off of that Xterra. Anyways the third discussion is from Vash2214, and she says �Your lucky Misty is around to cool you off after a stressful day!� Wait�Misty cool Edge off? HA! I wish�if anything Misty does the exact opposite of cooling Edge off�Anyways the fourth discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says �I'm glad Misty is there to cheer you up and everything. It's always great to have a friend...� Wait�am I depressed? *thinks to self*�ahh�nope, so why is Misty cheering me up? Oh well, anyways I agree I am glad that Misty and I are such great friends, makes a lot of things worth trying to have a friend like her.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday�s questions. So they�ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday�s Question


Today�s Question

1.) Do you find this question and answer part of my post to be un-needed?

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how�s it going today? Well once again I am sorry for not dropping by any of your sites�school and other things are causing too much mental thought and at the times in which I used to visit I now have a habit of lying down and doing nothing. Or I am spending time with Misty�either way my mind isn�t on the Otaku�or as a matter of fact my hands aren�t even on my keyboard. Anyways I spent most of yesterday afternoon working�and boy was it a stressful day�I swear if anyone was in the car with me when I lost my temper they would be crying due to all the curse words I was shouting. But when I finally came home at 7:00 PM Misty wanted to hangout, so at least I got some time to clear my head of everything that was bugging me from that day. Anyways I need to get to bed due to my boding screaming at me for working a little too hard today�my lower back is killing me. Anyways I will try to get to your guys sites later today, so please enjoy the rest of the post.

Q & A

Well it�s time to answer your questions, and today�s first question is from Vash2214, and she asks �What is your least favorite place to shop?� well that�s an easy one, the stores known as Abercrombie and Finch�I hate stores like that�they are the worst. The next question is from Gidra, and she asks �Are you threatening me?� Of course not�I would never do such a thing�in fact I am warning you�so take my advice! *glares at you*


Well now it�s time for today�s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says �How to explain it. Edge and Aries or Edge and Misty....see.
Please don't be mad at me sensei...� Well to put it simply�there is no way to put it, so there. The answers to the hardest questions are always the easiest answers. Anyways the second discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says �Misty is in the story. Hmm. That's not fair! I want to be in the story too!... Oh yeah. Never mind.� Hey you should be complaining! Hell in a sense you got two characters in my story! Remember Rire is no longer in the story, but he is now Raikou so if anything that is a completely different character, so you ended up with two characters, while Misty only gets one. So you tell me what isn�t fair? Anyways the third discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says �Poor Edgy can't concentrate but part of me thinks that if that keeps Misty around then Edgy will continue to be unfocused.� Hey it is not my fault that whenever a beautiful girl is around my mind tends not to stay focused on my work I need to do�and as a matter of fact Misty is actually pretty good at keeping me on track despite her being a beautiful girl. The fourth discussion is from Twilight Samurai, and she says �You know, speaking of The Cursed Knight, I wouldn't be surprised if Misty were Element Lord of Air.� Why does everyone keep thinking that Misty is Aeris? I mean come on give me more credit than that guys. Mist is a gas like form of water, so how do you know if Misty wasn�t The Elemental Lord of Water?

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how�s it going today? Well sorry about yesterday, it would seem school work got into the way of my post�that and Misty constantly yelling at me to finish my essay�ok maybe it wasn�t quite yelling, but it was sure enough a loud toned voice with a bit of anger. But yeah Thanks to my lack of caring about my essays and the fact that I am extremely lazy now Misty spent the night last night to make sure I caught up on my school work. So yeah that lead to the not posting by me, so I do apologize that my laziness has come in the way of my posting. Oh and I suppose I should say that Misty has finally gotten herself a copy (printed) of �The Cursed Knight�, which took her long enough seeing that she is actually included in the story. But I won�t say whether or not if she is a major character of a minor character�or know me like I do I just might have already killed her off in my story�but I�ll never tell. *evil smile*�Anyways that�s all I have to say for today, so I shall talk to you guys later. And please do enjoy the rest of the post.

Q & A

Well it�s time to answer your questions, and today�s first question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks �But now the question is... which one of us will bring the snacks?� Ah�you want to play Paper-Rock-Scissors to see who brings the snacks?


Well now it�s time for today�s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says �This really started to remind me on those days when I first came here....Misty in almost every post and "When love comes close" playing in the background.� Wait�what are you getting at? Don�t make me used the power of �The Cursed Knight� against you�because honestly me and Misty hanging out has nothing to do with the song �When Love Comes Close��alright�I just like the song, and I just always seem to put it on my site when me and Misty hang out�so there isn�t anything to think about, got it? Good! The second discussion is from Sesslover, and she says �We girls like to try things out...yeah, no wonder guys don't really like shopping with girls but some deals with it.� Well I will say I am one of those guys that don�t mind sitting around while a girl tries on different cloths, mainly because she�ll end up showing me so I end up getting a free show. What can I say I have great taste in cloths.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday�s questions. So they�ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday�s Question

1.) Is there a certain song you hear in your head when you read �The Cursed Knight�? Well of course anything Masterplan. Their music just adds to the excitement that is my story.

Today�s Question


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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how�s it going today? Well yesterday was yet another interesting day, I swear ever time I get to hang out with Misty my days turn out interesting�even though we didn�t do much yesterday, hell we just went to Wal-mart so that she could buy herself some new jeans�I know it shouldn�t have taken more than an hour, but knowing me and Misty we made an hour thing last for about three hours�Ah the good times. Anyways other than that I didn�t do much�I will admit my alarm clock didn�t go off yesterday morning resulting in me not being able to make it to my first class. But I did make it to my second class, so it wasn�t a complete lost. Oh yeah and as some of you noticed yesterday, I changed my background�only because I was getting tired of looking at the color purple, and I was tired of Aizen and his group, so now I have my favorite captain up on my site. Anyways that seems to have been my day, I do hope I can get around to visiting you guys today�but man school is becoming more and more over bearing that I could have expected. But I will try tomorrow to visit you guys, anyways I shall talk to you guys later, and please do enjoy the rest of the post.

Q & A

Well it�s time to answer your questions, and today�s first question is from Twilight Samurai, and she asks �Who'd win in a fight - Aizen or Vegeta?� Ah the classic Lordsesshomaru question�hmm�now that is a match up if I�ve ever seen one. Let�s see�Aizen does have the ability to make others do his biddings and he has the power of hypnotizes and uses that to his fullest extent. But Vegeta is a brut and thinks with nothing but his power. Now don�t get me wrong Aizen is a very powerful person, but compared to Vegeta he does not stand a chance mainly due to Vegeta not being able to take his mind off battle, and Aizen�s main power is using the enemies mind against them�a small mind doesn�t make for a good target, so Vegeta wins that match hands down. The next question is from Mysterioushanyou, and she asks �Is the soul society running anymore?� Good question, but the shame of that question is that I have no idea, and honestly I could really careless now and days. The password was changed on me, so I no longer have any say in that club, so yeah if you want the answer you�ll have to go to the leader of that club then.


Well now it�s time for today�s discussion area and the first discussion is from Misty, and she says �It was a good weekend... just a confusing one just like you said. Oh well, I'm really happy that we did get to hang out. With all that time that we hang out, I guess I should let you relax from me just a bit.� Yes it was a confusing weekend, but I will honestly never change a thing about it either. And don�t you dare give me a break from hanging out with you! I will hunt your sorry ass down if you dare try to give me a break from you! I will never allow it!!! Anyways�the second discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says �Now I'm confused... thinking of Sam mud wrestling is one thing, but I hope you weren't thinking of me mud wrestling too.� OF course not�EW! I�m sorry my friend I do believe I mislead you on that one. But no you and I shall be watching the mud wrestling contest, while a number of girls shall be the main event in which I was talking about yesterday. Anyways the third discussion is from Gidra, and she says �You know that song was on your site when I first came here, and I connect this song with The Cursed Knight.� Yeah, what can I say this is my favorite song of all the songs that Masterplan and Jorn Lande have made. To me this song has far greater meanings than anyone could ever hope to understand�and some of you I truly hope will never figure out why I like this song so much�And that actually is a great thing that you�ve connected that song with �The Cursed Knight� mainly because I always listen to Masterplan while I write my story. And during certain moments in my story I have to listen to �When Love Comes Close� just to get me into a certain mindset.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday�s questions. So they�ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday�s Question


Today�s Question

1.) Is there a certain song you hear in your head when you read �The Cursed Knight�?

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how�s it going today? Well now this weekend was a pretty eventful weekend for good old Edge�even though I�m no where near old. Anyways to start it off Friday was a pretty slack day, and oddly enough there was a �con� at my college, it wasn�t really for anime only, but close enough and Misty was a volunteer there so when they opened up I went there to keep Misty company. We then went to a birthday party for a friend of ours later that night. And then on Saturday me and her were driving all over Columbus, which I of course didn�t mind one bit because I enjoy the time I spend with my good friend Misty. After driving around I had to take her back to the �con� at school and after ten minutes I had to rush off to work�man work kills good times for me. That basically ends all the excitement of Saturday. So on Sunday Misty asked me to go to church with her, so needless to say I agreed�so I woke up early just to go to church�mind you my first time in a real church sermon thingy. After that ended we drove around again for a good while, and then went to a park and talked for a good amount of time. I must say this weekend of mine has been considered by me as one of the most interesting thus far. And honestly even with all the confusing things wondering around my little mind I would never change a thing that went on this past weekend. Anyways I shall talk to you guys later, and please do enjoy the rest of the post.

Q & A

Well it�s time to answer your questions, and today�s first question is from Sesslover18, and she asks �Me and him? Wrestle? Exactly what are you thinking about Edgy?� Well that is what I meant it as�I may be a pervert, but not even I took the aspects of wrestling as something sexually�*shacks head*�you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking such a horrible thing�*scratches mud wrestling off list*�


Well now it�s time for today�s discussion area and the first discussion is from Misty, and she says �Fun times! Yea like that one time when I had to hold your head up while your mom drove like crazy to the hospital and that other time when you wouldn't let the doctors cut your t-shirt. HAHA! Yep, good old time^_^ Freeken Weirdo.� You know you may say that those memories are some of the worst you�ve even probably gotten involving the two of us, but you know what I would love to know all the details that you actually know, that is why I want to know more about those times, but yes I do understand your thoughts behind that day, so that is why I try not to bring it up�even though that little day brought you and me closer together as friends. Anyways the second discussion is from Gidra, and she says �So that means I'm the biggest fan?...I wonder which question I answered wrong.� Well I would suppose you are one of the biggest fans, but even you as one of the biggest fans don�t know as much as a certain few people�ok mainly one that knows far more of the story mainly because I�ve used a lot of that person�s characteristics and built a major character from it, but other than them yeah you do know a lot. Oh and as far as the questions you answered wrong�well I trashed the answers�so ah I can�t tell you the answers anymore�sorry.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday�s questions. So they�ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday�s Question


Today�s Question


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Friday, November 9, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how�s it going today? Well now it would seem as if I�m rather late in my posting�no not by the fact I�ve posted late today, more of the fact that I was far too busy with school work and pretty girls that I was unable to post. You�re probably wondering �What in the hell is Edge talking about?� Well to put it simply yesterday was the day in which my blasted poem was due, and me and Misty (who helped majorly with it) were writing it the night before, and we finished around one or so. And after that I had to help her with some of her homework, and we didn�t finish that until around 2:30 AM. So needless to say I choose not to post due to the fact it was way past my self allowed post period. So yeah posting was no where near my mental thought process. I may post the poem later next week; we�ll see how things go. And then later today me and Misty were once again hanging out talking about a lot of the old days in which we relived the way in which we meant and everything, and even about my almost death accident. Ah what great times. Anyways I do believe I�ve talked enough for today, so I do hope you guys enjoy the rest of the post. And I do hope to talk to you guys later on today.

Q & A

Well it�s time to answer your questions, and today�s first question is from Twilight Samurai, and she asks �Sesshy versus Lordsesshomaru: who do you think would win in a verbal battle, Edge?� Well now�that has to be a very hard choice�mainly due to the fact that I�ve got to go with my buddy Lordsesshomaru on this one�but Sesslover has a better way with words some days�but you know I�ll stick with my buddy and Co-leader of �The League of Perverts�. Anyways the next question is from Lytjuh, and she asks �Am I aloud to couple myself with a girl? Or is that also against the no-same-sex-couples rule?� I do not know right now�let me talking with Lordsesshomaru on that topic, and we shall make a judgment within the allotted time period in which we�ve granted for a judgment to be reached. In other words�we�ll get to it when we can.


Well now it�s time for today�s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says �Oh, so now I'm a "cheese butt?" All right then, Sam. Well you're a biscuit head. How do you like them apples? Eh?� Ow�dude�lets watch the language being used here�this is an anime fan site after all, not a WWE wrestling match�hmm�*starts to think of LS and Sesslover wrestling*�oh�I better stop before my mind wonders into dangerous grounds. Anyways the second discussion is from Twilight Samurai, and she says �I should've studied more. I don't really care what I got: it was fun though. ^^ Is there going to be a accumulative final exam?� Well actually yes there will be a final exam, but only after the whole story has been completed, but until then no there are no other test you need to worry about. And yes the final test will involve the WHOLE story, so be prepared for it. Anyways the third discussion is from Yensid, and she says �For me poetry would be easier than writing a story. It just comes naturally...� Yeah rub it in why don�t you? I get it poetry is easy for you while it is one of the hardest things for me to write. Hell I can write three short stories before I�ll be able to think of a poem by myself.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday�s questions. So they�ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday�s Question


Cursed Knight Ultimate Fan Quiz

1.) Gidra � 80%
2.) Alphonse13 � 75%
3.) Sora Kairi � 75%
4.) Lordsesshomaru � 75% (late)
5.) Vash2214 � 65%
6.) Metal Dragon � 65%
7.) Kita � 60%
8.) Twilight Samurai � 65% (late)

Today�s Question


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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how�s it going today? Well yesterday was yet another day of school, but the best part about yesterday�s classes were the simple fact that those classes were actually just A class. Now to the bad part of said class�English sucks when your teacher requires you to write�poetry�I am sorry but Edge is not poetic�and yet I have to write a poem and then read it in front of the class on Thursday�oh how the dark and gloomy days of November are pressing upon my artistic soul. By making me write something I hate to write he in turn is killing all mental thoughts of hurrying the next chapter of �The Cursed Knight�. Yes you heard me right, it is due to this very class that my story has not been going as perfectly as it used to, now I�m down to maybe posting a chapter ever month instead of my old habit of doing it once a week. Anyways enough of my ranking over poetry�ah�I suppose that ranting was all I had to post about�geez�that really sucks�oh wait I got something else. I�d like to apologize once again for not being able to visit anyone as of lately, I really would love to read your posts and such, but having all this class work and then adding onto that that blasted promotion is also taking up time I almost have no time at all to visit anyone, and I am sorry about that. Anyways I will really try to get to everyone�s sties later today�I hope at least, and please do enjoy the rest of my post.

Q & A

Well it�s time to answer your questions, and today�s first question is from Sesslover18, and she asks �Have you checked Bleachexile.com?� Actually yes I have checked there, because I am currently a member and not once have I found any news/images of Stark, or any of the other Espada who have not been revealed to the public yet. Anyways the next question is from Vash2214, and she asks �Does Misty ever update MyO anymore?� Well to be honest no she hasn�t really had the time to update, recently she as been over booked with all her classes, and having tons of reading assessments and essays to write. But she has informed me that she will update when she gets the time, so who knows when she might update. The next question is from Xaos, and he asks �Do you even have to post if it's a normal day?� Actually I post ever weekday, and if I don�t post on the weekdays it is mainly due to the fact that I was working really late, and that is mainly why the weekend post had to be stopped�well other than almost no one comes to the Otaku on the weekends anymore.


Well now it�s time for today�s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says �*looks at Sam's comment* It's STARK! Not SHARK! Bimbo.� Oh wow�now this argument is getting good�*takes a seat* now words are being thrown around�I can�t wait to see what Sesslover has to say to that comment. *Sits back and relaxes and watches the fight continue*�anyways the second discussion is also from Lordsesshomaru, and he says �Stark hasn't made many appearances yet. I feel that he's the 1st Espada, due to his laid-back attitude. I see him as thinking "I'm the best, so why should I care about people weaker than myself?" You know with you saying that you have just further the idea that you and I are a lot alike. Because I myself believe in the same thing, he is so laid back that he must be the strongest of all the Espada, there is no one else that seems to fit the bill to me. Anyways the third discussion is from Sesslover, and she says �Oh come on Lord Sesshy....there�s ONLY one thing you can shut me up. But no matter what....I still can't believe the lazy part....*cracks up* you cheese butt! JUST watch when you come onto Yahoo!� Man I knew this fight was going to be good�come on you two keep it going, I want to see what happens next! This is already becoming a reason to keep reading my comments. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says �Well, I'll remain a fangirl after all and I guess I'll just have to couple myself with one of the members instead of my first plan.� Oh so who are you going to couple yourself up with??? Edge must know this! Come on tell me who in which you shall be coupling yourself with?!

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday�s questions. So they�ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday�s Question

1.) So are any of you wanting to know who won the �Cursed Knight Ultimate Fan Quiz�? Well since you guys wanted to see the results they will be in the place of today�s question so have fun looking at the �grades�.

Today�s Question


Cursed Knight Ultimate Fan Quiz

1.) Gidra � 80%
2.) Alphonse13 � 75%
3.) Sora Kairi � 75%
4.) Lordsesshomaru � 75% (late)
5.) Vash2214 � 65%
6.) Metal Dragon � 65%
7.) Kita � 60%
8.) Twilight Samurai � 60% (late)

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