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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Friday, March 9, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well this is Edge’s first “real” post on his new site. I do hope those of you that have come by have added me to their friends list, and signed my guestbook. I know it sounds dumb…but I enjoy having all of sign my guestbook. And hopefully this site won’t be Edge’s new home for too long, because he loves his old home a lot more. Well once again I have nothing much to post about yesterday…I once again just played my video game Rouge Galaxy…most of the day, then I cleaned up my room so that Misty wouldn’t see how big of pig I’ve become…not that big of one I might add. And then I started to paint with oil paint…it’s odd I never thought I’d want to paint, but it seems to be fun…for now that is. Now I just need to know how to get the damn paint of my brushes…water doesn’t work…I know I should have figured that one out when I started painting…some days I’m a slow learner. Well that’s about it for my post…so I do hope all of you found your way to this site ok…and if not then that’s your fault for not clicking the button I put on my other site. Anyways enough the rest of the post.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Legacyof, and he asks “You have Rogue Galaxy?” No…I was playing it all day at Wal-Mart…come on dude, use that thing you call a brain. Of course I have it, if I didn’t would I have said I played it for a couple of hours? Of course not. Anyways the next question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she asks “Cool rain without an umbrella. Did you get sick doing that? Was it warm outside or something?” Nope…I just got really wet cloths. Let’s say when it rain I had to walk anyways, so if it was cold then I walked in the cold rain, and if it was warm then I walked in the warm rain. That’s as simple as I can put it. Anyways the next question is from GothicNarutoFan. And she asks “She's coming already?” I said she was coming down in March…isn’t it March? Hold on let me double check…yep it’s March, and I know it’s today in which I have to pick her up.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Oh god, that's like the hardest question ever. Ok, I'm going to say Saiyuki, because there are all kinds of hot guys there.” Women…all they care about is how hot a guy is. No wonder Edge can’t get himself a girlfriend. *Starts shaking head in disappointment.* OH well, what am I to do? Anyways the second discussion is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she says “BIG SWORDS RULE!”” Yes they damn right do. Any character with a big sword is automatically my favorite no matter what show, game, or what else. If they have a big sword they are my favorite…I want a big sword now…T_T

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) If you had to pick ONE anime to live the rest of eternity in which would it be, and why? Well…I think I would have to pick the world of Gungrave to be my home for eternity…but since a few of you picked a world that only had “hot” girls or guys then I’m going to do the same. I’d pick the anime Girls Bravo…a nice anime with a nice story line…just TONS of hot anime girls…and I will admit a slight amount of nudity…

Today’s Question

1.) So does Edge’s new site look better, or worst than the old one?

The Original Cursed Knight

Chapter Eight

“A Roman Redcoat”

“Well now, aren’t we lucky Edge?” Rire said as he stepped from behind the melted rock in which he hid behind. “Yeah we were lucky Rire, but you still have something to worry about.” I said as I turned around to face Rire. “What are you talking about Edge?” asked the confused Rire. “Don’t you remember that remark you made about Exuro having the hots for me? Well it’s time to suffer the punishment for what you said.” I said as I stepped closer to Rire cranking my fingers. “Oh come on Edge, can’t we put this behind us? I mean it was just a joke. I didn’t mean anything about it.” Rire said as he backed up as I got closer and closer to him. “You do know if you stand still this will go a lot faster, and wouldn’t hurt as much? Because if I have to chase you down then I’ll be sure to make it hurt a lot more.” I told Rire as I inched towards him. “I’m sure it would hurt less, but if I can avoid getting hurt at all then I’ll be sure to take that path.” Rire said as his back was close to a rocky wall. “Well, it looks like you hit a dead-end and it looks like I’ll be hitting you in a few seconds.” I said as I readied myself for a punch.

“Damn Edge, did you have to hit me so fucking hard?” Asked Rire as we were walking down the road. “Yes Rire, yes I did have to hit you that hard. Maybe next time you’ll think before opening your mouth to say something as stupid as that again.” I said mockingly to Rire. “I doubt it.” Remarked Rire under his breath. “What did you say?” I asked Rire. “Oh…nothing. I was just saying something to myself. So how long until we finally get to where we need to be?” Asked Rire. “How should I know? I only know to follow this road to get to some large city and then to head south from there.” I said defensively. “And how do you know that this is the right way?” Asked Rire in a questioning tone. “Well, unlike you I read that sign over there, and all the ones before it.” I said as I pointed to a wooden sign that said Rome 200 KM. “Oh…well I suppose that’s the best way to find your way around.” Remarked Rire as he continued to follow me along the path to Italy.

After five days of walking, and Rire complaining about how his legs were getting tired. We finally made it to the legendary walls of Rome. “Wow how could anyone build a wall that huge?” asked Rire. “Who cares, we have no business in this city. All we need to do is go through it and then head south.” I said as we walked up to the gates and was stopped by the gatekeepers. “Halt state your business in this Holy city.” said the one to my left. “Well we’re just going to pass through your Holy city.” I said rudely. “How dare you defile the name of our Holy city.” the gatekeepers said as they grabbed my arms and dragged me away. “Hey get your god damn hands off me before I kill your sorry asses.” I screamed as I was being dragged off. “Wow, now I wasn’t expecting that. Edge being dragged off because he disrespected a holy place…wait…no I should have seen that coming.” Remarked Rire as he walked through the unguarded gates of Rome.

After spending four weeks lock in a dark, moldy, disgusting rat hole called a cell two guards came to my cell and wanted me to cooperate with them. “Alright you filth, put you hands through the bars to be shackled.” Demanded the first guard. “And no fucking funny business.” Spoke the second one. For once I chose to go along with what they said, so I placed both my arms outside of the bars and had them shackled together. “Now step away from the door, and keep your back to us.” Demanded the first guard. Once again I listened and stepped away from the doorway and kept my back towards them. As the two guards grabbed my arms and forced me to lead the way out of that so called prison they had me locked in. I noticed that each guard had on a symbol that I have seen somewhere once before, but at the time I couldn’t place it. But as they marched me through the streets of Rome I notice that they were taking me towards a very large building with many statues of men in robes. “You should be lucky. The Pope usually doesn’t speak to common filth like you before they’re hung.” Said the guard to my right. “The Pope? So that’s the Vatican?” I asked the guards. “Of course you fucking fool. Can’t you tell by that buildings shear glory that it has to be a holy site?” Asked the one guard. “I’m not here for religious bullshit. Let’s just speak to the Pope, before you fools try to kill me.” I said as I kept on walking without the guards.

“Bishop Sordesco. The prisoner that you requested has shown up.” Said the guard to a man wearing a red robe. “Bishop? I thought you said I was to speak with the Pope.” I said in confusion. “Yes Edge I’m a Bishop of the Catholic Church, but you my son are not worth enough to speak with the Pope. And besides I wanted to talk with you before I had these guards hang you in town square. You guards may now leave us.” The Bishop said to the guards behind me. As both guards exited through the door in which they entered the Bishop showed his true colors. “Now Edge. I have knowledge that you have met my lord before. And I know he wishes to kept you alive. But I have a theory that if you stay alive then you will more than likely kill my great lord Aroth, and I can’t have that happen. So I have set your hanging for noon. And I’ll be sure to pray for you as you burn in hell.” Said Bishop Sordesco. “Well now. I’ll be sure to come and kill your cocky ass when I’m through with your guards. And I hope you pray for yourself, because I’ll make sure your in hell before I am.” I said as I turned around and walked out the door in which I entered.

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