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The protective knight
Real Name
I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
Anime Fan Since
Seventh Grade
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
To live a long life
It's an odd hobby, but my hobby is protecting those I love.
I have a few, but I don't feel like listing them at this time
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a day full of fun, sadness, and a bit of hidden emotions. I hate to say I won’t go into much detail about most of the stuff that went on yesterday, but I will say it’s nothing you guys need to worry about. But Edge will admit that he is feeling kind of sad now that Misty has left Georgia, but lucky she’ll be back later this year…so all is good. I really hated having to take Misty to the Atlanta airport for only one reason, and one reason only. That reason happens to be that Edge hates having to say goodbye to such a close friend as Misty…I just want her back down here, because I was actually happy the whole time she was down here. It seems that I actually am slightly depressed whenever I don’t have Misty near by…as in close…as in the same city. But when she’s near by I become happy…maybe I’m just weird…ok I know I’m weird…but you know what I mean. Anyways I would also like to thank all of you for your support of me not commenting or post much while Misty was staying here with me. I am truly happy to know I have friends like you guys that will…well support me in my choices in life…I hope…nothing bad of course…I’d rather hear you yell at me if that happens. Oh and when they say 100 MPH, they really do mean you can go 100 miles in one hour…I tried that on my way home, and boy was it true. But yeah……anyways that seems to be the end of my post so I shall talk to you guys later, and I hope to hear from you guys once again.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she asks “Your hair done? You got it cut and dyed?” Yes Edge has gotten his hair cut and dyed to look like Brandon Heat’s hair, so just look at the picture, not only does it show my mood it also shows my hair style at this time. And her second question asks “A whole bottle of wine?” Well…yeah…I wanted to drink it for a long time, and since Misty was leaving the next day we thought it best to drink it now…and man was it ever great drinking that wine. I will admit I’m going to need to get a taste for it, but that shouldn’t take too long. :P Anyways the next question is from Zero and she says “How retarded are you to get drunk off of wine?!” Hmm…let me think back…oh wait, I don’t remember at all saying we were drunk for one simple reason to, because we were NOT drunk. We’re not like you Zero, we don’t drink every night, and we don’t get drunk all the time. So sorry that I’m not into liquor as much as you are, it’s just not my personality. And her second question asks “Are you going to Momo-con this year?” You know, that’s a possibility, but then again only time shall tell. Anyways the next question is from Luicifers Wife, and she asks “What guy wouldn’t love having a girl doing their hair?” Well other than a bald guy like you said, maybe a gay guy wouldn’t? I’m not too sure yet.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “You cut your hair and now you look like Brandon Heat......Quote Paris Hilton: "That's hott!" LOL.”…umm…thanks for the nice comment? Yeah that sounds about right…Anyways…the second discussion is from Zero and she says “She's moving down here? Oh good god. I'm not going to even touch that.” What is your problem with her? I mean, what in the world has she done to you? Last time I check she actually liked hangout with you, and if I remember correctly (like I always do.) you always hated her, why is that? But then again maybe its better that you two never became friends, and just like you I’m not going to say any more. Anyways the third discussion is from Grave, and he says “However, depending on the person cutting it, I suppose I could make an exception...” Well let me just say this, if you saw Misty, and then you saw what she was wearing while see cut my hair, I’m 100% positive you would have let her cut your hair as short as she wanted it. Trust me…*Edge nods his head in agreement*…I know I just agreed with myself, and that doesn’t happen very much. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Luicifers Wife, and she says “You look like Brandon heart from Gungrave? You should post a pic by pic comparison of you and him>” You know that sounds like a pretty good idea…I just might have to do that later on.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) What anime character do you look like the most? Well I have been told by…many…that I look like Holland from Eureka Seven, but I also look like Brandon Heat from Gungrave as well…and funny enough I can even look lik Sanji from One Piece when Misty flat irons my hair…and yes she did flat iron my hair. And that was a nice night because of what Misty was wearing. *Edge starts thinking back*…man that was a nice skirt…ahh…wait you didn’t read that!!!
Today’s Question
1.) What anime go you into loving anime?
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