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The protective knight
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I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
Anime Fan Since
Seventh Grade
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
To live a long life
It's an odd hobby, but my hobby is protecting those I love.
I have a few, but I don't feel like listing them at this time
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was yet another day in hell for Edge, not only was it pretty warm outside, but Edge had to take two test that he didn’t even study for…but that was my fault, because I choose not to go to class while Misty was here, and now it has come back to bite me hard on the ass. I know for a fact that I failed my math test…for some odd reason Edge just can’t seem to read math right…all I see are dumb numbers and letters…since when did the ABC become part of math? And then there was my history test, which was an essay test…I know I didn’t do too well, but I hope I did good enough to get at least a C. It would also seem that I have become slightly depressed, I’m not sure why or how. I just know that lately I haven’t been the same. It feels like I’ve just given up on myself…like I’m no longer with my own time…and last time I checked that wasn’t a good thing. I’ve only noticed it, because I have become a bit more reckless than I ever been…and it also seems that I no longer care about anything that has to do with me. I’m sure I’ll get out of this slump of mine sooner or later, and the sooner the better. But yeah, so don’t worry about good old Edge here, he’ll be just fine…but if you don’t see any comments, post, or PMs from me in three days…you might want to stop coming to my site. Anyways I shall talk to you guys later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “How do I check out Gungrave?” Well you can do one of a few things. One you can go to Youtube and type in Gungrave, and watch is; two you can request for me to put it on my site for a few days, or three you can go out and buy it yourselves…like I did. The next question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “How long is the series (episode-wise)?” Well Gungrave is 26 episodes long, and each one runs about 24 minutes. Anyways the next question is from Grave, and he asks “Was it that thing with the car?” Yeah, it was thing this to do with the Xterra. Man was it ever fun writing about that day…that was the closes Edge has ever gotten to death…and Misty, if you catch my drift. ^^
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Caprice, and she says “Nah! I understand ya perfectly. ^_^” Well now that’s a first. I didn’t think anyone understood me perfectly. Hmm…maybe you should explain Edge to Edge so that Edge himself can learn more about Edge, because I have no idea about myself, and I would love to know more, so please do explain this to me.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So is Edge truly a hard case to understand? Well I honestly thought he was…but then again I’m thinking from an Edge point of view…now if we were trying to figure that man behind Edge (The writer, not some weirdo standing behind me) then I’m sure none of you would have a clue, because I truly do not through my own thought processes into Edge.
Today’s Question
1.) So how is you day going?
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