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The protective knight
Real Name
I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
Anime Fan Since
Seventh Grade
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
To live a long life
It's an odd hobby, but my hobby is protecting those I love.
I have a few, but I don't feel like listing them at this time
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a bad day for Edge…why you ask? Well instead of falling asleep in class like I thought I would do, I actually never even made it to class…why’s that you ask? Well it’s simple…either my alarm clock didn’t go off or Edge was so tired he didn’t hear his alarm clock…either way I missed my only class for yesterday…and that makes me mad because now I have no more skip days left in that class. Anyways on to the tournament, you know how I’ve been saying I haven’t named my tournament yet? Well funny thing is I was thinking to myself (yes I do think) and I thought, “I keep calling this tournament the Un-Named Tournament…why not just name it the Un-Named Tournament?” So needless to say I named my tournament “The Un-Named Tournament” I though it fit the way Edge does things…I also have all the first round matches made out, and ever match was randomly placed together. I must admit I did it in an odd way…I picked 64 songs off of my ipod and I placed them into a separate playlist and set the setting for playing the songs to randomize. And each anime character had their own song, so when a certain song played a certain character was given the number in which the song played (listing from 1-64) I know it is Wednesday, so my tournament shall start this coming up Monday. I do hope you guys are ready for this tournament, because it is coming and it will last awhile…and I will bet some of you will be sick of this tournament…and will probably have me shorten it down for next year…but we’ll see about it. And yes the rules to my tournament are posted below the post…in the same spot as yesterday’s fighters listing. So please do check on those because I will NOT be changing any of them. They are the rules, so deal with them. Anyways, that’s all for my post. I do hope you guys enjoy the rest of it, and I shall try my hardest to get to everyone’s sites today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Misty, and she asks “So who's this other girl you're waiting for?” It’s no one to be concerned over. She likes another guy, so Edge’s chances with this girl are slim to not happening. And I know your going to yell at me for not looking at the bright side of this, but there are actually some battles in life that not even the brightest moods can break through. I will admit at one time I actually thought I might have a chance, but then the fates turned against me. So Edge accepts this defeat…but I will admit that I have never given up on something I want, and I don’t plan on anytime soon. Anyways the next question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “So you DIDN'T get her phone number?” No I didn’t, and even if I had there wouldn’t have been anything between us. Because she happens to live 50 something miles from me…and I don’t feel like driving that far just to see some girl I’m not interested in.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says “Well, I didn't think anything about U and Misty, I just said that it's sweet. So...I'm sorry if I offend U.” Oh…no you were in the right…I’m the one that needs to say sorry…I’m just used to people trying to say me and Misty are dating, so I try now and days to correct anyone who is new to my site abut that…So I am very sorry that I said that. The second discussion is also from Gidra, and she says “I wanted to suggest Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin, but I knew he would get in.” Well actually he only got in because I voted for him. If I didn’t get to pick any characters he would have been left out, thank goodness I like him and when he used it his big sword. Anyways the second discussion is from Grifter, and he says “I always pegged you diggin' on the Southern Belle types. I've been wrong before...just can't remember when.” Edge has no true pre-picked set of girls in which he likes or think is hot…I will admit though I’m not very found of Southern Belles…they actually annoy me with that accent…yes Edge may live in the South, but he is lucky enough to have been raised in different cities around the US that he has no accent…I have taught myself to keep a normal sounding voice wherever I happen to be.” Anyways the fourth discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “Russian girls eh? Yet you remained faithful, you get a deduction in perv points.” That’s not fair…my Perv points shouldn’t be effected by my moral standing when it comes to being faithful to a losing battle…I find that unfair. Edge may be the Pervy Sage, but he still has his knightly morals. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “Holy crap! 64!!!! Dear god that's a lot! WOW, this should be fun! Edge everyone knows you have your heart set on someone.” Yeah I will agree…and just think I’ll have to write a battle description to each fight explaining how each character won their match…so round one will have a grand total of 32 fights descriptions…this should be a lot of fun. And I suppose all of you do know who Edge has his heart set on, but as I explained to Misty, I don’t see me winning that battle anytime soon…if even ever. Oh well…life goes on. The sixth discussion is from Misty, and she says “I didn't get to choose! I want Chun Lee: Street Fighter, Millinear: Rebirth, Major Motoko: Ghost in the Shell.” Sorry Misty your votes are invalid for two reasons; one – This is a tournament only for ANIME characters, one of your picks is from a video game and another is from a manga, so they would have been thrown out if not for the second reason to why I can’t let you vote, and that would be. Two – You’re vote is a day late, sorry but I have to be strict with this tournament. If I let you get away with this little vote then I’ll have to let someone else get away with it, and I will not have that happen. So once again I’m sorry but your votes have been classified as invalid and shall not be recognized.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So do you like the listing of the fighters? (in other words, do you like the fighters?) Of course I do…I must admit there are a few I’ve never heard of…but I’m sure I’ll get to know of them soon. And I have to like a lot of them since I voted for 20 of them myself. And countless others were also the ones I would have voted in myself.
Today’s Question
1.) Do you think my rules are too strict? Or are they just right?
The Un-Named Tournament
The Rules
“Round ?”
1.) Votes will be taken on only the characters fighting that day. I will not accept any late votes.
2.) Votes can be entered in only three ways; Comments, PMs, or by E-mail. My E-mail address is so if you have to vote that way then please do so.
3.) You can only vote for one character each match up. If you say I can’t pick one, or I vote for both, then I have the power to pick for you. And I will not make any exceptions to this rule.
4.) You do not have to vote on ever match, nor do you have to even take place, but if you’re favorite character doesn’t win the match then that is your fault and not mine.
5.) And lastly, do not argue with me on anything that has to do with the votes, voting, match ups, winners, losers, or anything in general that has to do with my tournament, because I will cancel all of your votes from that day until the end of the tournament.
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