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The protective knight
Real Name
I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
Anime Fan Since
Seventh Grade
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
To live a long life
It's an odd hobby, but my hobby is protecting those I love.
I have a few, but I don't feel like listing them at this time
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Picture of the Day

Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was an eventful day, nothing really happened. Went to class…walked home…played on the computer…took a nap…realized my mom went to see my grandma without telling me because I was taking a nap. I can’t say I heard any good news about my grandma’s condition, but then again I haven’t heard anything bad either…so all in all everything is the same. I have to work later tonight…that should do well to set my nerves at easy about my grandma…oh well, I know we’ll get out of that store in no time at all…it’s only an Office Max…Anyways I don’t have much to say today…so I guess that’s the end of this post. I hope you guys enjoy the rest of this post, and I’ll try to visit later today.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Iruka Sensei, and she asks “Have I already read it?” I doubt it since yesterday was the first day in which I posted that chapter.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “Love the chapter. You scared me I thought Rire was dead!” Hahahaha that was great…nah I can’t kill Rire just yet. I need him for at least another five or six chapters before he is allowed to die, and yes I control if he dies and how he dies…so be prepared for the unexpected. Anyways the second discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I'm not mad! But I am happy about the story. Which was so awesome by the way!!!” Well I never did say you were still mad…I said you were mad at me for not posting it last Friday. And of course it was awesome…it is my story after all, and I’ve been working on that chapter for two weeks now…so it had better been awesome.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So…are you looking forward to reading the newest chapter of “The Cursed Knight”? Not really…since I know the whole story by heart. :P
Today’s Question
1.) Favorite video game at this time?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Fourteen
“The Journey to the Water”
After a few weeks of collecting our thoughts, and the rest of Rire’s crap we started along our way to Japan. “So why are we heading to a place that we don’t even know is actually a real place?” Asked Rire in confusing as he walked behind me. “Because Exuro said something about it, so it must be real. So we’re going there, but of course you don’t have to come if you’re too afraid.” I said mockingly to Rire. “Just shove it…it’s not my fault that unlike you I can’t run into a battle and not care what happens to me. I can die, and I don’t plan on risking my life if I don’t have to.” Said Rire with a serious tone in his voice. “Well now, seems like I hit a sensitive area with you. Fine I won’t mock you for that…since you’re only human.” I said as I walked further up the road. “I swear if I could I would beat the crap out of him…but I’m sure someone else will do it for me.” Rire said under his breath in a humored tone. “What did you say?” I asked Rire as I turned around confused. “Oh it’s nothing…I was just talking with myself.” Rire remarked as he started to walk behind me on our way to Asia.
For months we walked through a desert that just didn’t seem to end. But lucky we would come across oases from time to time to replenish our water supply. But the constant sun would drive Rire and myself insane some times. At one time Rire almost ran off a cliff just because he thought he saw a beautiful woman swimming in a large fresh water lake. But then again my own sanity was tested when I had thought I saw Aroth killing my dearest Lilis. And as I saw him stab her I ran towards him with my sword in hand slashing away at empty air. When darkness finally came around I final stop slashing like a madman and realized that I had busted out into tears as I realized that there was nothing I could have done to save the love of my life. The pain and torment that my own mind had subjugated me to. When we finally found a city a year later we took ourselves a much needed break. As we walked into the town the first thing Rire wanted to go to was one of those Arabian bathhouses where Arabian beauties would bath you. So needless to say I followed Rire to a place the locals said was the best one. After three hours of earthly delights I was hoping to go get a room, but as we were leaving a strange force had filled the room. “Hey Rire…do you feel something?” I asked the still flirting Rire. “Well…if this girl stops playing hard to get I’m hoping to catch a feel on something, if you catch my point.” He said as he raised his hand for a little grope on the girl next to him. “I’m being serious here Rire. I’m getting the weird feeling from this room and I have a feeling it might be another of those damn Elemental Lords.” I said as a surveyed the room with my eyes. “But you already killed Exuro, and I thought you knew when Aeris was around.” Rire asked in a confused tone of voice. “That’s only two of the four Elemental Lords you fool…and yes I know when Aeris is around. But I only killed the fire element; there is still water and earth, and not counting wind.” I said as I walked over to where my equipment was. “Oh come on Edge, you’re over thinking this whole thing. You just need to relax and grab yourself one of these hot women.” Said Rire as he walked over to a pale young maiden next to the giant bath. “Wait…where did she come from. She wasn’t here before.” I said as Rire wrapped his hands around her waist. “See Edge, they don’t bite. Well unless you want them to at least.” Rire said as he placed a kiss on her neck. “Well…that’s odd. Her skin is slightly cold.” Said Rire as he backed away from the pale beauty.
“You dare touch the body of a goddess? I will more than happily take your life for degrading my perfection.” Said the pale beauty as she raised her hands over her head and had a column of water appear behind her. “Oh shit, it’s the water Elemental Lord.” I said as I grabbed Acies and ran towards Rire in hope to block the attack. “oh God, don’t tell me this is how I die…I wasn’t expecting to die in a bath house but a woman…” Said Rire has he stood there motionless and in total shock. “Aqua Orbis, Water Orb.” Was all she said before a massive ball of water wrapped itself around Rire, cutting him off from all air. “Now for the fun part, to squeeze the life out of that man for touching my glorious body with his filthy hands.” Was all she said as she put her hands in front of her and started to close them slowly. And as her hands closed the water orb grew smaller and smaller. “You will not kill my friend!” Was all I could say as I sliced off both of her hands with one swing of my mighty blade. As her hands hit the floor the orb that surrounded Rire busted apart leaving him lying in a pool of water. “How? How could you cut me? I am a goddess. My lord Aroth told me that nothing could ever hurt me…and yet you cut me and now I am in pain.” Spoke the water Elemental Lord as she looked at the nubs on the ends of her hands in confusion. “Well I suppose your lord didn’t hear about my new sword. The sword that defies the powers of the gods. The blade Acies will be the death of all of those who use their powers for evil. In other words you, your friends, and your lord will all die by my blade and my blade alone.” I said as I pointed my sword at her. “My lord needs to hear about this. For now I will run, but the next time we meet I will kill that bastard for touching me.” Is what she said as she stepped backwards into the bath and sank into the very water she controlled.
“Rire, are you ok? Are you still breathing?” I asked the motionless body of my friend. “Maybe you should give him mouth to mouth?” Said one of the women behind me. “Who do you think I am? Do I look like I’m from ancient Greece? And if anything why don’t you do it?” I asked the nude woman. “I’m not allowed to touch him if he isn’t paying.” Was all she said before walking off. “Screw that, I’ll wake him up the hard way.” I said as I grabbed him by his shoulders and started to shake him violently. “Wake your sorry ass up or I’ll kick your ass.” I shouted at him as I continued to shake him. After five minutes of shaking him he finally woke up from his watery nap. “Man…that was a horrible dream...I dreamed that we were in a bath house and some pale woman tried killing me with water.” Explained Rire as he stood up and looked around. “Well that was no dream Rire, it all happened.” I said to him as I got up off the floor. “Shit!!! You’re telling me I almost died here in a bath house…while I’m in the nude? Good lord...that would have sucked.” Shouted Rire as he pasted back and forth as I started to get about into my normal apparel. “Well maybe this will teach you to keep your damn hands to yourself. Now we just need to find out more on this water Elemental Lord, because she is a lot stronger than Exuro was. And hell she seems to be a lot more heartless.” I remarked as Rire finally started to his cloths back on .
As we left the bath house a strange wind blew across the road. “For such a hot day that was a cold wind.” Remarked Rire has he walked towards the nearest Inn. “Yeah it was.” I said with a smile across my face. “Hurry up Edge, and what are you smiling about?” Asked Rire as he waved me to follow him. “Oh it’s nothing, I just thought back to something that happened awhile back.” I said as I walked behind Rire towards the Inn. As the night went on I laid in my bed listening to Rire talk to his dreams, and I thought about all the things in my life that were just so great that I would never forget them. The friends I had back in Camalote, the love I had once had, and then my most current pleasures. Getting a friend that could make the worst of times great, and the one person I couldn’t have saving me time and time again. The one person that had showed kindness to her very own enemy, going against all she was ordered to do. It made me wonder as to why she was doing these things for me. But as the night went on I drifted into sleep having dreams that gave me all the things I wanted back to me only to have them taken away the next morning.
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