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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Friday, June 29, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a horrible day, to put it in the simplest way…me and my girlfriend basically had an argument that lasted much of yesterday afternoon, and even into the evening time. It took me forever to convince her that I only wanted her and no other girl. I can’t believe how long it took me to convince her that I love her…yes you heard Edge right, he loves his girlfriend, now leave m alone or I shall bite you…and I pick where I’ll bite you, so ladies watch out. Anyways once again “The Cursed Knight” will not be posted. This is a record for me…not posting my chapter for three weeks now, and I still haven’t canceled the story. The last time I held off a chapter this long I just dropped the story altogether. But with this story I can’t do that because I have FAR too many fans this time…and I just can’t quit on Edge this time, for once he’s in the middle of the story…I just can’t cancel it on him before his big finally battle. And the shocking ending, oh and the shocking twist that will actually happen soon…oh…I’m getting ideas for my story…I can’t believe it…after two weeks of nothing I’m finally getting ideas. Yes…I might have something by next week now. Anyways that’s it for today’s post, I will try to get to everyone’s sites late today, and I do hope all of you enjoy the rest of my post.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Gidra, and she asks “You don't blink when you are on the beach?” Actually Edge hasn’t been to the beach in well over seven years now. And seven years a go bikinis didn’t really work for me, I enjoyed trying to sneak a peek in the women’s changing room…that never worked out the way I planned it would…Anyways her second question asks “Which one do you have on your desktop?” Now what would make you think I would have any of those tasteless wallpapers on my site? And if I did have one…not saying I do…it would most certainly would not be that first one with the girl getting undressed in the dark room…that one was tasteless to the end of that word…


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “Umm oh I really liked your wallpapers very good I think you should submit them.” Well I hate to say that I won’t submit those wallpapers because they just aren’t the style of wallpapers I normally make, so I won’t be submitting them for the same reason. Anyways the second discussion is from Redmoonchick, and she says “I know if I knew my boyfriend had a site that I would read it but not all girls are like that.” Well I now know my girlfriend is reading my post, but hey it’s alright…she hasn’t yelled at me yet for what I’ve said, so I’m doing good for now. But yeah…the third discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “But you'll back out on me when the angry female mob comes? Some friend you are! *thinks* On second thought, I don't blame you.” You know you have a good point…if a mob of women were to attack you I shall stand by your side and take the abuse…and besides maybe I can get a couple gropes in as I try to defend myself…we perverts have to stick together or we’ll disappear like the dinosaurs. They didn’t stick together and now look at them…I don’t want to end up and the Pervy Sage Rex…even though that does sound really cool…Anyways the fourth discussion is from Magnus Lensherr, and she says “Damn that must be a massive amount of money if people will jump you for it.” Well from what I can tell my $400 US dollars is equal to a grand total of 199.78 pounds…since you live in England…right? And for anyone that goes by Euros $400 US dollars is equal to 297.66 Euros. It’s a large sum of money in the end, no matter what country you live in. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “OMG! This is exactly what I thought it would be!! You’re so pervy!!” Yep, what can I say that is Edge for you, but hey at least I left their cloths on. Now I could have easily found images of girls no wearing anything and I could have also made them into wallpapers just as easily.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) So do you think edge is being watched by his girlfriend as we speak? I know my girlfriend is watching me…and reading ever single one of my post...she just told me so after our little fight yesterday…I knew she was…oh well I shall talk about the same things still.

Today’s Question

1.) So are you mad that I haven’t posted “The Cursed Knight” for the…second week in a row?

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