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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a good day. I finally cleaned my room as to where I can actually walk around my room without hitting any boxes…yeah I know I’m a lazy good for nothing bum, but hey what else is new? Anyways I also talked to a friend of mine that I haven’t seen it a long time, and I made plans to hang with him today and shot off some fireworks, should be a lot of fun, and hell I just might have something to post tomorrow instead of me having nothing to talk about like I’ve been doing…yeah I know Edge’s days have been getting pretty boring…but hey in a week it changes I’ll have a blast and won’t have to post…on the day I get back with be hell…I’ll have to post a WHOLE week just so you guys can know what I did…yeah I’ll be typing the whole day…and all of you will be reading for a whole day. XD oh and I have sad news for all of you…it would seem this chapter…the grand battle between Aeris and Edge is taking a WHOLE lot longer than I expected…but the really sad part is…I’m starting to get an idea for another story…and I don’t want to start another one until I finish off “The Cursed Knight”…man that just sounded like I wanted to kill Edge…hmm…gives me an idea. But let me know what you guys think because I truly love to know what you guys think when it comes to my ideas for stories. Anyways that’s it for my post today, I hope all of you enjoy the rest of the post for today. Anyways I shall try talking to all of you guys later today, so until then have a good day.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “Did you ever tell us where you're vacationing?” Yes I already told everyone where I was going or vacation, Edge is heading up to Minnesota for his vacation…don’t ask why, because I just am. It’s just that plain and simple. Anyways the next question is from Lytjuh, and she asks “So just write when you know something and enjoy your own writing kk?” Well I’m glad you agree with me…forcing myself to write this new chapter isn’t something I should do…it might ruin the chapter…and I can’t have that happening…I’d lose all my fandom for “The Cursed Knight”…and I’d hate for that to happen. The next question is from Alphonse13, and she asks “where do you go and what do you do on Vacation??” Hell if I know…this is Edge’s first vacation on his own…but hey I’ll find out what you do on vacation in less than a week…I just might tell you everything you do on vacation…or maybe not.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “Anyway sounds like you didn't do too much but hey we all need our breaks.” Yeah but having as many breaks as I have just might lead to a life of boringness…and may bring on the desire to actually work so that I could have something to do…god forbid Edge ever wanting to work…Anyways the second discussion is from Kita, and she says “Do I need to get a lynch mob together and come looking for you... I mean I would ride you’re ass about it more, if I could ever talked to you, but it seems like you are never on anymore... I think you are avoiding me…so I cannot ride your ass.” Yes before you can tell me otherwise I did uncensored your comment, because Edge is a guy that loves things uncensored. Anyways I’m not avoiding you, you’re just never on when I’m on the computer, so HA…it’s your fault you can’t ride my ass. And besides I’m working as hard as I can on this chapter…it just doesn’t feel right every time I get it written, so I have to delete it and start over…but who knows, maybe I’ll have something good soon. Anyways the third discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “The new theme looks nice, though I still need to get used to seeing a girl-avi from you.” Yeah you’re telling me…I’m still trying to get used to having a girl for my avatar…it’s so odd for me…but I’ll either end up changing it or hopefully get used to it…we’ll see which one it ends up being. The fourth discussion is from Alphonse13, and she says “Oh I forgot to say yesterday that I like your picture of the day!” Well I’m glad you liked it…it happens to be one of my older picture of the days, but hey you know if you can get the right two people together it could just mean sparks. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Gidra, and she says “Just please don't give up on the story.” I could never give up on “The Cursed Knight” It’s the only form of art work that I actually take pride in…all my other pieces of art I have no problem with throwing away like trash…but this story…I don’t know why but I can’t just get rid of it…it’s a labor of love I guess you could say.
Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) Any favorite foods? Yes…Edge loves his Cheese Burgers and French Fries…mmm…

Today’s Question

1.) So…do you want to hear my new story idea?

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