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The protective knight
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I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
Anime Fan Since
Seventh Grade
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
To live a long life
It's an odd hobby, but my hobby is protecting those I love.
I have a few, but I don't feel like listing them at this time
Friday, July 6, 2007

Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day. Can’t say I did much, to be honest I’ve been getting ready for my up coming vacation in four days…man it’s coming up fast and I can’t wait, I’ll be leaving Tuesday morning, so I hate to report there may not be a post from me on that day…you never know I just might make a small one to give you guys something to read. Anyways I was bored yesterday so I counted up how many males are actually on my friends list and I was shocked that I had seven guys…I know that’s more than I thought I had…and to make things fair I currently have thirty five girls on my friends list…man that’s a small ratio of guys to girls. For ever guy on my list I have five girls…sounds about right to me, I enjoy girls more anyways…they at least smell better…and have much softer skin…but guys don’t think just because I said for ever one of you there is five girls means you get five girls…no no no, in fact Edge keeps all the girls for himself…what can I say…I’m greedy. Oh and joyous news for all of you “Cursed Knight” fans out there, I have actually finished chapter 19…yes I know it’s been FAR over due…but hey I’m the writer I have all rights to hold off on a chapter if I can’t think of anything…right? Anyways it seems that I wasn’t able to make this chapter a full battle between Edge and Aeris, instead I had to break that battle up into two different chapters…I do hope all of you will enjoy this chapter…because I just couldn’t put up something I didn’t feel up to the standards I’ve set for my chapters…damn writer’s pride…Anyways that’s it for today’s post. I do hope all of you enjoy the rest of the post, and of course the latest installment of “The Cursed Knight”. And I shall try my damnedest to get to everyone’s sites later today…I swear I’m starting to fall behind on comments for all of you…sorry about that.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Sesslover18, and she asks “Can you speak Italian?” Actually no I can’t speak Italian…I myself never had someone to teach me, even though I did date a girl that could speak it, hell she actually lived there a good part of her life, but we broke up before she could teach me any…sorry. Anyways the next question is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she says “How often do you get hurt on a weekly scale anyway?” Well it used to be on a daily scale to be honest, but as of lately that fire work burn has been my first injury for a good time now, so Edge is doing much better at taking care of himself…too many people would get very angry with me if I got hurt really bad…*looks around* Anyways the next question is from Shireishou and she asks “Do you think my comment is worth for you to read?” Well of course, I read every single comment and I enjoy whatever anyone has to say. And besides you’ve been on my friends list a for a good while now, so of course I find your comment worth reading, so stop worrying about it, I enjoy all the comments I get…as few as that may be…The next question is from Dark Shinigami, and she asks “Did something inspire the new story, like possibly spark the idea in your mind? And if so, what was it?” Actually yes something did spark this story. In fact it was a character I designed for a game me and my friend were thinking of making, and Sonatus was an unlockable character known as “The God of War”. And funny thing is I came across the profile I had made for him, and that’s what got the idea started for me. Since the game idea fell through I thought I might as well give this character I put a lot of time into thinking up a chance at some popularity, and there you have it the beginning of my new story…which I still haven’t even thought of a name for…damn I knew I forgot something…The next question is from Kunoichi Warrior, and she asks “How do you come up with these things?” Umm…good question…I guess I just have a thing for writing stories like that…I’m not sure, I can create characters, worlds, battles, kingdoms, and things like that…but alas I fall flat on my ass when it comes to naming all those things…I need an easy way to name things…including my stories…The next question is from Alphonse13, and she asks “You know how to peek my interest don't you?” Why yes I do, what can I say I’m really good at making people wonder what I’m thinking, and it’s not my fault you’re falling for my little tricks of confusion when it comes out to Edge’s fate to come. But hey as I said you’ll get to see what happens to Edge when I post The Final Chapter…when I ever get to that chapter that is…
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says “The story seems interesting to me. I would like to read some action story and hopefully not miss chapters.” Well yes this story will be another one of Edge’s action packed stories…in fact this new one will have even more battles than “The Cursed Knight” for the simple fact the new story is based on a character who is nicknamed “The War God”…I mean come on now it has to be filled with tons of battles. Anyways the second discussion is from GothicNarutoFan, and she says “I'll go outside for a few minutes and then I can't stand it. Maybe I should wear less clothes or something.” Why must you girls tease Edge with promises of walking around with less cloths on? I mean come on…I understand if it’s in your post…but in my comments where I’m allowed to say anything. You know for a fact I’m going to talking about your comment if you make the slightest comment about doing something Edge finds interesting or just something that catches his attention…oh for example, less cloths, bra sizes, bikinis, skirts, nudity of females, and so forth…I mean come on…it’s torture for Edge…Anyways the third discussion is from Gidra, and she says “I haven't seen Grave on any site I've been lately. Gungrave is definitely one of my all time favorite anime.” Then I must say you haven’t been to my site a lot in the past, because I believe I’ve had more Gungrave themes than all other animes added together, but that’s not my fault…Edge loves Gungrave, it is the only anime that I love. I loved it so much that I actually bought the whole series, just so I could watch it over and over again. And I think right now I’ve seen the anime well over ten times…Anyways the fourth discussion is from Kita, and she says “If it is just part of the story I think it is great and you should move on with it... if it is for the chap you are working on now... I am lost and I am wondering how you are going to get it to fit right...” No Kita…I don’t think you read the whole thing…because I already said it was a COMPLETELY different story. This new story will have NOTHING to do with “The Cursed Knight” the only thing the two stories will have in common are; I wrote them both, the story is told through the eyes of the main character, main character is male, character is immortal, both characters enjoy battle, they both have swords, and they both are considered to be good guys…loosely…but still a good guy in the end. And the differences are WAY too many to name them all, but when I finish “The Cursed Knight” then you’ll get to read it and you’ll see the differences in the two stories. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Forgotten-Heart, and she says “That bites... getting a sunburn... a lot of my friends get burned easily, so I feel kind of bad.” No…I didn’t get sunburned…I got burned as in my flesh got roasted by the flame of a bottle rocket as it launched…damn short fuse…Anyways the sixth discussion is from Yensid, and she says “Your GF sounds like a riot. I loved it when she hijacked your site. You really do like spirited women.” My girlfriend is a riot…and believe me I remember the day she hijacked my site…I don’t think I’ll ever forget the day Edge’s dark site turned pink…>_< And yes I will admit I do love myself a spirited girl, what can I say I need a little fire to get me going. Anyways the seventh discussion is from Alphonse13, and she says “Yeah I like the idea! Sounds interesting to me! And I'm Willing to read whatever you write esp. after you impressed me with "The Cursed Knight" story! Good job my friend! It’s hard to get me hooked on stories!” Well I’m glad you like the idea for my new story, but it’ll be awhile until I post the first chapter of that story…seeing as I still haven’t wrote it yet…And I can’t believe I’ve impressed someone with “The Cursed Knight”…that’s a shocker to me…but hey I’m all for people being impressed by one of m stories.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So does it sound like a good story…or should I scrape it? Well it seems all of you are looking forward to this new idea of Edge’s…but as I said yesterday I will not be posting that story until I final “The Cursed Knight” I hate leaving stories unfinished before I start a new one. So the Tale of Sonatus will be held off until Edge’s adventures are finished.
Today’s Question
1.) So…if I were to hold a contest to see what the title for my new story would be, would you be willing to take part?
The Original Cursed Knight
Chapter Nineteen
“The Grand Battle”
As Aeris and my attacks clashed the very ground we stood upon shook and crumbled under the immense force that was created. As my blades met her wind funnels the wind itself started to slice my face, and with each slash my face would heal itself. “Edge it would seem you have gotten stronger than you used to be. Maybe I will get a great battle out of you after all.” Aeris said boastfully as she pulled back from our stalemate. “What did you expect me to sit around on my ass and let you surpass me in strength?” I asked the beautiful goddess of wind. “Are you saying that because I happen to be a woman?” She asked in an angry tone of voice. “Well of course, that and you are my enemy, and if I let you become stronger than I am then I will surly die. And I can’t let that happen.” I said has I charged at her with my blades in their cross shaped positions. “Ha, you may have gotten stronger, but your attack style is still the same.” Aeris said as she stepped to the side as I ran past her. “Ventus Palmula! Wind Blade!” Was all she said as a blade of ice cold air sliced across my back cutting my armor as if it were plain sheet metal.
As my armor feel from my body I looked at Aeris and saw a grim smile on her face. At that time I knew there was something wrong, and that she was fighting me against her will, but I couldn’t care. My life was on the line, and it was either me or her and I haven’t killed Aroth yet, so I knew I couldn’t die just yet. I quickly put Acies on my right side and Tatakai on my left, I once again charged at Aeris, but this time I had a plan. “Ah Edge once again you try the same maneuver.” Said Aeris as she stepped to the side to her right, but this time I swung Acies and caught the Elemental lord. “Actually Aeris this time I knew what you’d do, that’s why I had a blade on each side.” I said as I slid to a stop and turned to face Aeris as her top feel down from where I cut her. “Damn it Edge. You’re lucky I have something under this outfit!” Aeris screamed at me as she placed a hand over her almost bare breast. “This is a battle woman, forget your damn embarrassment and fight me with all your heart or you will die here today.” I said to Aeris as I once again placed my blades it a new battle position. “Oh I bet you’d like for me to drop my hands so you could catch a look at my chest.” Shouted the Elemental Lord as she pulled an under garment over her breast. “Forget this.” I said has I charged at her with both blades in a position to kill, but as I drew near a large wall of earth grew in front of Aeris blocking my attack as if it were nothing.
“What in the hell is that?” I shouted as the wall of earth grew and grew until I was completely in its shadow. “So Solum it would seem you’ve shown up. Even after I told you I would take care of Edge on my own.” Said Aeris in a clearly angry tone of voice. “I’m sorry lady Aeris, but Master Aroth told me that Edge needs to be killed now so he told me to join you and to end our Master’s nemesis’s life.” Said a rough a deep voice from behind the wall of earth. “Alright I hate being left out of conversations!” I shouted as I took a quick step back and then ran towards the wall with my fist in front of me. As my fist made contact with the earthen wall you could just feel the vibrations in the very ground you stood upon. And after a second the wall shattered like that of frozen steel. “Ah so this is the very man that not only killed Exuro but also Maritimus? I must admit he is much smaller than I thought, and now he’s able to match strength with you Aeris, hmm maybe I’ve already misjudged him.” Said this giant of a man. “Good lord…you’re a fucking giant!” I said in wonder to this guy that stood well over seven feet tall and was built like a stone wall. “I don’t care, it’s time for you to die small man.” Said the giant as he grabbed a huge axe that was located on his back. “oh so now I get to fight two Elemental Lords…sounds good to me. Saves me the hassle of searching for the last of you cowards.” I said as I grabbed Acies and swung up towards Solum’s axe.
“Ha, if you think your weak blade can match my mighty axe then you are mistaken.” Spoke Solum as he swung his axe downwards. As our two blades met a shower of sparks rain down upon my face, but I could have cared less because I knew as the sparks were flying my blade was cutting through his axe. And sure enough after twenty minutes of being locked in the pushing match of blades Solum gave me a swift kick to the abdomen sending me flying backwards. He then gave a quick look to his axes blade and saw the deep cut that Acies had left. “My I have underestimated yours and your blades strength.” Bellowed Solum as he dropped his useless axe to the ground and reached behind his back to reveal two smaller axes that were still far larger than a man. “So I take it you’re not ready to give up just yet are you big guy? Well that’s fine by me, but I’m tired of fighting you. So I’m just going to end this fight here and now.” I remarked as I once again placed my two blades in the cross shaped position I started my battle against Aeris with. “Watch out Solum, this position of his has an unusual power behind it, for an odd reason it’s far stronger than you’d think.” Shouted Aeris from behind Solum. “Lady Aeris I can handle this. Now back away or you too may get hurt in my ultimate move.” Spoke Solum as he started to mumble to himself. “Well as you said it’s time to finish this pointless battle of ours.” I mentioned as I ran towards Solum with my two blades still in the cross formation. As soon as I was in front of Solum he shouted his last words “Mucro Humus! Sharpened Ground!” and at that moment spikes of earth came right from the ground impaling me as I did my attack “Cross Slash!” and with that a massive blade in the shape of a cross tore through Solum as if he were nothing but a piece of parchment.
As I pulled myself from the earthen spike that went through me I saw that Solum was still standing in the very spot in which I had attacked him in. “How can that be possible? That move should have killed you?” I asked in wonder as Solum stood there holding a bleeding nub that used to be his right arm. “Well Edge your attack was strong, that is for sure. But you failed to notice your attack was also slowed down by one of my spikes that actually appeared in front of me. But as you can see I still got most of your attack embedded into my flesh.” Said Solum as he revealed a cross shaped cut that went completely across his hulking chest. “So Solum, do I expect you to keep fighting me or will you actually back down?” I questioned the wounded Elemental Lord as I myself held the hole in my stomach that was slowly healing itself. “Well Edge unlike all the other Elemental Lords I was a born warrior, and I know when to back down from a battle, and this is that time. If it were not for the fact that we are enemies I would have asked you if I could join you in your journeys. But I fear my life grows close to the end.” Said Solum as he turned his back and walked over to a high raise rock and took a seat upon it. “So it would look like its back to just you and me Edge.” Spoke a soft female voice from behind me. “It would seem so Aeris, this time no stopping. This will either be the end of me or the end of you.” I said to the Elemental Lord Aeris as I turned around and released my stomach as my wound had healed.
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