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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a nice day of packing…yes I know Edge is a late packer…but hey I got everything into my one bag, so it’s all good. Six to seven shirts, multiple pairs of jeans, swimming trunks, my sleeping pants (pants I sleep in), plenty of socks and under garments, a notebook to write “The Cursed Knight” chapters in, if I write any…or at least something to write what I did on what days, my Ipod speaker so I can have music, a pen, all my bathroom needed stuff; shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothbrush, cologne, comb, razor, shaving cream, and that’s about it. I do believe I got everything I needed packed…so it’s all good. And as all of you can see this will be Edge’s last post for well over one whole week, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop PMing me, so please keep the PM’s coming, and remember I’ll be taking request for title suggestions until the day after I come back, so next Wednesday is the dead line to get me those titles for the contest. So remember if you want a chance at the prize then you’ll have to submit a title you think has a chance to win. And I’ll be revealing the prize ONLY after I end submissions…yeah I know I’m playing dirty now…but Edge likes playing dirty…Anyways I’m leaving up yesterdays question of the day for today as well, because it has the rule and everything you need to follow. Well by the time any of you read this I’ll either be on my way up to Atlanta, on the plane (my hell), or having a blast on my vacation. So I hope all of you have fun this week without good old Edge to keep you entertained. But I hope you also enjoy the rest of the post, and I’m sorry to say I won’t be able to visit anyone’s sites today…unless you updated by 3:00 AM Eastern…once again sorry, and hope to talk to all of you later.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from GothicNarutoFan and she asks “Jumping in a pool naked?” Yes now that has got to be the sexiest thing a girl could ever do…I mean I would love it if a girl did that while I was in the pool…Edge would die from over bleeding through the nose like they do in animes…0_0…


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “Well have a safe trip hopefully you will have fun at the Mall of America!!!^_^” Yeah I do hope my trip will be safe…god I hate planes…and believe me I will have a blast at the Mall of America…that is for sure. Anyways the second discussion is from GothicNarutoFan, and she says “Eww! Gay guys making out! I don't even want to think about it. It reminds me too much of yaoi...” You must remember Gay guys making out is the real version of yaoi…but yes I agree with you, it isn’t the best thing to look at. And I will say this here and now. Edge has NOTHING against gay’s or in anything they do, so guess what if ANYONE and I mean ANYONE dares yell at me about my views on things then they shall no longer be on my friends list, nor will I even mention the comment, because it will be deleted for sure. Anyways the third discussion is from Yensid, and she says “It is a very free feeling and yes it's fun to do that with a partner. I am sure you will someday.” Damn right Edge will be swimming in the nude with his partner…believe me I will fairly enjoy trying that when I get a pool and get a partner…but hey one day I will be doing that, and that is a promise. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says “Aww cute. Talking to each other for a long time.” Yeah…it is cute…WAIT A second…Edge agreeing to have done something cute?! What is happening to me??? Anyways the fifth discussion is from Kita, and she says “Well now a title for your story I will have to think on that one or am I excluded because I edit your stories...” no one is excluded from submitting a title into this contest. I will accept all title until the day after I come back from vacation. So come up with as many as you want, but just know only five title will make it to the top five, and only one per person, so there will not be any unfairness. And as of now (the time in which I’m typing this post) there are only there different people, so if two more turn in titles and then that’s all I get then all five of them have a chance to get their title picked by all of you. Anyways the sixth discussion is from Dark Shinigami, and she says “See, you’re perverted AND you have a dirty mind. I just have a dirty mind! Which for some reason refuses to reveal itself on TheO” I never said I wasn’t perverted, nor did I ever say I didn’t have a dirty mind…hell Edge actually claims the title Pervy Sage just because of my mind…and just give yourself some time…that or keep coming to my site, sooner or later your dirty mind will come out of hiding…trust me I corrupted Redmoonchick…she now claims being Edge’s pupil of the pervy ways…she still has a LONG way to go…

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question


Today’s Question

1.) So do you have a title you’d like to submit into the contest? (If so then read the summary below, and follow the ONE rule.)

Rule Number ONE: ALL submissions of title will be done by PM ONLY!


Anyways the story is set in an alternate universe and is about a being known as Sonatus. Sonatus is a man that is almost god like, in fact the people of that world call him “The War God” because he searches out battles and fights everyone, not a battle has happened that he was never apart of since his coming to that land. Tales tell the story of how a man fell from the very sky and crashed into the ground creating the very hole that Sonatus climbed out of. Legends also tell of a race of people that live in a grand city that floats about the world, and that maybe this god fell from the heavens. Over the hundreds of years that Sonatus has roamed this world he can’t happen to remember a thing of his past before that day he walked out of the hole the fall created, he can only remember his name, and the one thing that gives him joy. Alright, well as you read Sonatus fell to the land. And the place he fell was actually a huge city of one of the three kingdoms of that land. And as such his falling from the heavens started a massive war that has been going on from the day he fell for well over three hundred years, where our story starts. And with him loving battle so much he actually searches for fights to join in, he has no side, he kills anyone who battles him, and he'll even search for the strongest fighters in ever battle just to test his strength

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