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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

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Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well I do think it is time for Edge to come clean as to why he really went to Minnesota…and no it wasn’t just for some stupid mall…ever though it was the Mall of America. Anyways…as some of you may have come to the conclusion of…Edge and his girlfriend really don’t live near each other…which explains all the phone conversations…to be honest my girlfriend lives in Minnesota…as to why I choose up there to take my vacation. And now to reveal my girlfriends identity…her Otaku name might be known with some of you…or it may not be known to some of you…either way she is Iruka Sensei…yes Edge has finally admitted that his girlfriend is Iruka Sensei…and I know that Lordsesshomaru will be saying “I knew it!!!” come on…he wants to bet me on that? Anyways as you can tell my layout has finally changed…YEA!!! Something with more personality to it…and I’ve changed my theme to Trinity Blood…come on I had to go with my favorite character Tres on this one…I mean he is awesome. Oh…and you’ll never guess, but the layout was made by my girlfriend Iruka, so it’s even better than any other layout I’ve had. Anyways please be ready for a long post, because I am going to be telling all of you about my vacation as it happened…in other words it’ll be broken up into days…so if you find a certain day boring you can skip it. Well have fun with the reading…because I sure as hell had fun writing it…(sarcasm)


Well Tuesday started with me getting on that devil vehicle…yes Edge is referring to the plane he took up to Minnesota…those bastards put me on a window seat when I requested NOT to get a window seat! >_< Anyways as I got to my seat a family and one of those ladies that work for the airline asked me and the guy next to me to switch seats with them so that the parents could be near their three kids, so we agreed…and the funny part is we got moved up to First Class, yes you heard me right First Class baby. Sad part is I still got a damn window seat…>_<…Anyways when we landed I started to walk to baggage claim…so I could pick up my bag of course, and that’s where Iruka met me…and man is she cuter in person than in pictures. I mean my jaw almost hit the floor when I saw her…ok so maybe I’m making a big deal out of it…but oh well. Anyways as soon as we got my bag we went to the Mall of America…which by the way is HUGE! Anyways since we got there before any of the stores opened we just choose to walk around and such...and funny thing is while we were walking by one of the stores I saw the very company I work for in a store…it was funny because they should have been done before the mall opened up…lazy bums. Anyways as soon as the mall opened the first thing we did was got to “Build a Bear Workshop”…can’t say it was my idea…but I did go along with it. Anyways she had me pick what kind of animal it would be…so Edge choose a monkey…I mean come on Edge is considered a monkey…I love bananas, I used to love climbing trees, I can pick things up with my toes, and I’m Italian…so I have some hair…anyways after we finished making it I paid for it, you know a gift to remember Edge by. And then we went on all the rides they had there…yes you heard me right RIDES in a mall, and that was fun. We also took an old fashion photo…but she has that because she wanted to take the picture in the first place. And then when we got to near where she lived we went to go see the movie Shrek the Third.


Ah now Wednesday got off to a slow start…kind of took me forever to wake up since I was a awake for thirty something hours on Tuesday…not my fault my body wouldn’t let me sleep. Anyways when I finally woke up…after Iruka called me and woke me up…and after I finished my shower, we went to Minneapolis and went to their Science Museum. And man was that cool…I mean come on we saw a Omni Theater movie on ancient Greece, which by the way was SO cool. We then went and saw the Pompeii Exhibit they were showing that week, now that is luck if you ask me. And man was the ever cool seeing all those artifacts from that city, and the coolest part was when we saw the body cast of the people that were killed by the volcano…now that was awesome. And after we left that we saw something that just made Edge’s day…we saw DINOSAURS!!! Edge has NEVER seen fossilized dinosaurs in his whole life, and as a child I loved dinosaurs…so yeah Edge was like a little kid when he saw those. I also bought a camera that day…so no pictures of the mall of America but plenty of the rest of the week, and I’ll get those up as soon as I get them made.


Now Thursday was a cool day, we went to the Cathedral of St.Paul…located in the city of St.Paul…would you believe it? Anyways…that was awesome…since Edge has never taken a step into a church in his WHOLE life…I mean I wish I had taken some picture of the inside of the building, but I thought I would have been rude to do so…but now that I know better the next time I go up there I’m going to get some pictures. Anyways after that we went to a Twins Game…another first for Edge…his first Major League Baseball game. And it was so cool…I mean we had good seats and for a very good price. We were in section 100, row 22, seats 21 and 22. And all that just for $13 a person. Can’t say we got anything during that game…well until she came back from getting some snacks, she then handed me a Twins shirt…which I wear without caring that the Twins beat the Braves…oh well if someone says something about the shirt then I’ll have some smartass comment for them…though none come to me at this time. :P


Now Friday we went to Valley Fair…which is a theme park which also has some water park rides…who knew? Anyways we did what you do at theme parks…we rode tons of rides…even though Edge is completely against riding roller coasters…he was talked into riding them…which I can’t say I minded because they were alright, none of which caused me to feel sick, which is always a good thing. Now the sad part about the water park part was…the water was SO FUCKING COLD!!! That was not cool at all man…I swear and the wind was blowing at the same time too…I swear I think I got frost bite…nah…I doubt that. Well that’s basically my Friday…


Well Saturday was an alright day, can’t say we did much in the beginning. We went to one of her brothers hockey games, which was pretty cool…even though they didn’t win…oh well maybe next time…anyways after that me and her went to a pizza place she liked, and they have won a lot of awards and stuff, I will admit they have some pretty good pizza…but then again they don’t have to compete against Edge’s pizza so it was expected that they would fall a little short compared to my pizza. Now I know Iruka us going to say something about that remark…anyways after that we went to a Drive-In…once again a first for Edge. Anyways we went to see Transformers and Live Free or Die Hard. Man was Transformers ever an awesome movie…I mean that movie was full of action, and it rocked HARD! And Live Free or Die Hard was another good movie, of course what else could you expect from Bruce Willis? Now that movie was not only really cool, but it also had loads of funny parts, I say if any of you get the time to see any movies to go see those two, because they were just that good…well at least to me and Iruka they were.


Ah, now Sunday was a nice relaxing day. We really didn’t do much…that was until later in the afternoon when we went back to Minneapolis and went to the Basilica of St.Mary. Now that church was very beautiful…it had a lot more details than the St.Paul Cathedral, it was a lot smaller, but had a lot more details to it, and it was just beautiful. We also went to another church…which I can’t remember the name of…but oh well, I’ll be showing pictures that I took, so all of you can see some of the things that Edge himself saw. Anyways after that me and Iruka went to see another movie, this time we saw 300. Once again I will say it was an awesome movie…but Iruka didn’t really like it because of all the CG blood…she said it looked too fake…oh well it’s just a movie if you ask me. Then after that we went to Oliver Garden for dinner, Edge’s little treat for his girlfriend.


Now Edge hated Monday…except for the fact that I got to know her family a lot better, man I like her family, they are really funny, and I’m going to have to go back up there again for another visit. Oh…and I forgot to mention this earlier, but I didn’t have to get a hotel because her family let me stay with them, since they had a spare room…yes, saved me a couple hundred dollars…which I gladly spent on Iruka and myself. But the main reason I hated Monday was because I had to go home…and well that’s all of my vacation…now I’m back…so get used to seeing my normal post again, because I expect comments today…PLEASE GIVE ME COMMENTS!!! Anyways that’s all for this post of Edge’s…tomorrow the post shall return to its normal length of short…anyways I hope you all enjoy reading the rest of my post, and I shall try my hardest to get to everyone’s site’s later today.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Sesslover18, and she asks “Be safe and don't get in trouble okay?” Well I was safe…but staying out of trouble…umm…is that even possible for Edge to do? I mean come on now…but yes I didn’t get into…much trouble…but that’s another story. Anyways the next question is from Alphose13, and she says “How can you really enjoy life if you've never jumped in a pool naked?” Yes, thank you!!! That’s what I’ve been trying to say…but it would seem no one other than you and me agree on that…oh well. Maybe one day I’ll get to see that happen in real life…Anyways the next question is from Twilight samurai, and she says “Do you have motion sickness?” Not really…I get massive headaches…and I feel horrible, but nothing to the level of me throwing up.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “I bet you are having a blast I bet you are!!!” Well now that I have revealed my secret no reason to hide it anymore. Yes I did have a blast with you, it was a really great vacation…I just might have to take another really soon. :P Anyways the second discussion is from A girl you know, and she says “I just hope you don't forget anything.” Well…I did forget one thing…but I usually forget it though…I forgot to take my mind along with me…some days I hate it when I leave my mind behind…but oh well. Anyways the third discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Take care, my friend and Partner in Perversion.” Yes it was a very fun vacation…but hey at least you with me gone you where the biggest perv on the otaku, right? Because we can’t let anyone else out do either of us…we are the Masters of Perversion. Anyways the fourth discussion is from GothicNarutoFan, and she says “Except for the plane part, that usually is never fun. I hate when my ears pop.” Well oddly enough my ears never once popped while I was on the plane, and no I wasn’t chewing gum, eating anything, or any other tings you’d think would cause them not to pop…all I was doing was listening to my ipod. Anyways the fifth discussion is from Inuyashafan4-ever, and she says “Redmoonchick...a pupil of the pervy sage. 0_0 I will not fall to your perverted ways...I don't even know how to be perverted...” You know the funny thing is that’s what she said…and now look at her, she’s my pupil…Hahahaha…Edge can turn those who doubt my powers into students of the Pervy ways. The sixth discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I like the new story idea, very cool. Edge loves to play dirty!” Yes it should be a very good story, but with due time everyone will get to read it. So sit back, and relax because “The Cursed Knight” still has a ways to go before I’ll start on Sonatus’ story. And hey its not my fault I enjoy playing dirty…Anyways the seventh discussion is from Twilight Samurai, and she says “I am finally convinced you're a Miroku!! I think I'd slap you if I could somehow reach you.” I suppose being a Miroku is alright…even though I myself would have to say I’m a Jiraiya…but a Miroku is fine by me…at least he gets to do a lo of booty rubbing. XD

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question


Today’s Question

1.) So do you have a title you’d like to submit into the contest? (If so then read the summary below, and follow the ONE rule.)

Rule Number ONE: ALL submissions of title will be done by PM ONLY!

Today is the LAST day for title entries


Anyways the story is set in an alternate universe and is about a being known as Sonatus. Sonatus is a man that is almost god like, in fact the people of that world call him “The War God” because he searches out battles and fights everyone, not a battle has happened that he was never apart of since his coming to that land. Tales tell the story of how a man fell from the very sky and crashed into the ground creating the very hole that Sonatus climbed out of. Legends also tell of a race of people that live in a grand city that floats about the world, and that maybe this god fell from the heavens. Over the hundreds of years that Sonatus has roamed this world he can’t happen to remember a thing of his past before that day he walked out of the hole the fall created, he can only remember his name, and the one thing that gives him joy. Alright, well as you read Sonatus fell to the land. And the place he fell was actually a huge city of one of the three kingdoms of that land. And as such his falling from the heavens started a massive war that has been going on from the day he fell for well over three hundred years, where our story starts. And with him loving battle so much he actually searches for fights to join in, he has no side, he kills anyone who battles him, and he'll even search for the strongest fighters in ever battle just to test his strength

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