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The protective knight
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I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
Anime Fan Since
Seventh Grade
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Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
To live a long life
It's an odd hobby, but my hobby is protecting those I love.
I have a few, but I don't feel like listing them at this time
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well back to the good old fashion posting again…man this just might get boring…nah…Anyways it was pointed out to me by Iruka that I forgot to mention a few things about my vacation…like for example…I gave Iruka her first kiss. I also received an early birthday present from her, she gave me a very nice wallet. Best part is it is waterproof and yet it is still made of leather, which I find cool as hell…even though I doubt some of you care…Anyways and also the very day we were at the drive-in Edge gave Iruka a very special present as well…I hate to admit that I didn’t get any good pictures of it with my camera, but rest assure Edge isn’t completely stupid…while I still had it in my room I scanned it onto my computer, so at the bottom of the post I shall show you what it looks like. Will also post a few pictures that I took…not all of them, because I hate to say some of them didn’t turn out good…so I shall not show them…and then there are a few I just don’t want to show at all. Anyways I can’t say I did much yesterday…going back into my boring days…*sigh*…oh well. I did do a lot of image work for me and Iruka’s fan club, The Soul Society…yes Edge is second in command of the club…and as such I have work to do with images… oh well. Oh…and for once…FINALLY you guys have helped Edge break his current record of comments…it went from 18 to now 22!!! Anyways that seems to be it for today’s post. I do hope all of you enjoy the new shorter post compared to yesterday’s book…as it was called by a certain editor of Edge’s…Anyways I shall try my hardest to visit everyone today…I do think I’m getting better at this…maybe…
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Sesslover18, and she asks “You and Iruka Sensei?!” Yep…the two of us are girlfriend and boyfriend, is it really that hard to imagine? I mean come on…I thought it was pretty clear to everyone that we were dating…oh well. Anyways the next question is from Dark Shinigami, and she asks “Any other firsts we should know about?” Well yeah, but I just revealed that one today…so oh well the kiss has been revealed. Anyways the next question is from Master Hiko, and he says “So do you have something against window seats? Or is it just planes in general?” No I just hate planes in general…and major heights…so planes I do hate…The next question is from Kendrachrissy, and she asks “Did you ride on Steel Venom?” yes I did…and I hated that ride with all my heart…I was cussing so bad I think the people of the ground could hear me…but oh well, I hate roller coasters.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “It has been revealed. *grabs Edge* He’s MINE!!!! GRRRRR!!! *growls*”…Oh…wow…now that is funny…but I hate to say I would have expected nothing less from you…knowing you like I do you would actually do that…but hey it’s all good. Anyways the second discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says “Good to have you back! I was bored of MyO because I had no one to pick on. But now I can!” yes what can I say the Otaku is a boring place without Edge…I am the greatest thing to hit the Otaku since anime. Ok…I know I’m kidding, but come on let me get that big headed feeling before any of you pop my bubble. Anyways the third discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “You can rest assured that I held down the perversion fort while you were gone, surviving attacks from hypocritical fan girls at every turn. I deserve a medal.” Ahh…yes the fan girls are the most dangerous part of being one of the Masters of Perversion. I will put much thought into rewarding you a medal for your heroic deeds…*thinking*…hmm…I shall get back to you on that.
Random Questions
Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.
Yesterday’s Question
1.) So do you have a title you’d like to submit into the contest? Nope and the contest is now OVER, so no more entries will be allowed, and I will be picking the top five titles, and everything tomorrow.
Today’s Question
1.) So what do you think of my gift to Iruka?
Edge’s Gift

Vacation Pictures

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