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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Friday, July 20, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now yesterday was the return of Edge’s normal daily routine before his vacation…wake up at 1:00 PM…go to bathroom, get on computer…and do almost nothing else. But around 4:00 PM I had to go get my glasses fixed…both pairs since Edge still isn’t used to having them and still happens to leave them in bad places…such as where I usually sit down…yep I’ve sat on both pairs…and I now got both fixed. I also completed a button for me and Iruka’s fan club, The Soul Society…it’s an awesome button, but what do you expect from Edge huh? I also made a few more avatars, and some other not able to talk about stuff…but off that subject, I’ve made three new wallpapers yesterday…and I have yet to see how many of them have been accepted into the Otaku…I’ll check on that later today. And once again my comment record has been broken!!! My new record is now 24! Anyways that seems to be it for today’s post, so I hope all of you enjoy the rest of the post, and I shall try my hardest to get to everyone’s sites later today.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Kutekittykyo, and she asks “Where is it located at?” All of those churches are located in Minnesota, but the first two are located in Minneapolis, and the third is in St. Paul. Anyways the next question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “But who am I to talk about long posts, eh?” Ahh…you are Lordsesshomaru…the second biggest perv on the Otaku and the laziest person to crawl this planet since walking probably would take too much effort on you part…The next question is from Grave, and he asks “What all did ya take pictures of?” Well I took pictures of those churches, me and Iruka, and some fossils I saw…I even have an illegal picture that Iruka took of a statue for the Pompeii exhibit…but I’ll tell that story tomorrow. The next question is from Harpie Ladies, and (gender unknown) asks “from what I can tell you probably went all the way too right?” Hell no! Edge may be a pervert but he would never do such a thing upon the first meeting…good lord what do you take me for some simple minded sex crazed idiot? (No one answer that!!!) The next question is from Morbid Twilight, and she asks “Did I just say that?!?” Yes you did just say that two perverts are better than one…but if that one pervert is Edge then all you do need is one.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka Sensei, and she says “I love the necklace one really pretty and I still have it on you know!!! ^^” well I’m glad to hear you still wear the necklace, and have yet to take it off. Shows that you really care about me…or it…either way is fine by me. Anyways the second discussion is from Yensid, and she says “You are a great gift giver to the women in your life, nobody can say differently, you have great taste and will spoil any girl lucky enough to have your heart” What can I say I was blessed with a good set of eyes that knows how to pick the almost perfect gifts…now if only I hadn’t wasted my time or money on Zero’s gift…that was a failure in life I hope not to repeat. Anyways the third discussion is from Kita, and she says “Awww that was so sweet... her first kiss... that is a special thing she will remember for a very long time to come...” Oh great…thanks for telling me that AFTER I gave her the first kiss…if I had known she’d remember it for awhile I would have done better…Anyways the fourth discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Since you're just as lazy as I am, I won't hold my breath over that medal you plan on giving me.” Hey I’m not as lazy as you…I’m actually the third laziest…Grave bets me in the lazy area…and I did give you your medal of Perversion. So HA, in your face buddy!!! The fifth discussion is from Lytjuh, and she says “I'm starting to get jealous of Iruka now.”…oh well…Iruka is one lucky girl…or is she unlucky for getting Edge…is it good to have Edge or bad?...hmm…I wonder…The sixth discussion is from Grifter, and he says “Grand news to hear of your visit with Miss Iruka. Even grander to see you back here safe and mostly sound. I made sure LS didn't slack in the perv category (ask him about the b-day card I sent him.)” So…I wonder now…will Edge happen to be getting one of this birthday cards? Because we all do know that Edge’s Birthday is coming up in a few days…*hint* Come on guys…I’m making this easy this year…last year I didn’t say a thing until the day of…this time I’m giving you six days to prepare. The seventh discussion is from Talim, and she says “That necklace is beautiful!!!!!!! *steals from Iruka*” You better not let Iruka know you stole that…she will get mad because she loves that necklace…

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) So what do you think of my gift to Iruka? I loved that gift I gave her…cost a pretty penny, but it was worth it when I saw that sparkle in her eyes when she opened it.

Edge’s Gift

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Today’s Question

1.) Alright here are the top five titles for the Title contest I was holding. You must pick one, and the one with the most votes will become the title to my newest story.

Which title is the best?
Heaven's Strongest
War of the Ages
Battle of the Fallen
Heaven's Blade
Roving Infuriare (Wondering Storm)
The Abyss of Hostility
pollcode.com free polls

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