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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now sorry that yesterday’s post sounded more like a taped TV show (as LS put it) but hey when you know you won’t be home until three in the morning it’s always good to type the post when you can. But anyways I’m glad to hear that you guys enjoyed chapter 21. It took me awhile to think of what to do, but when it came to me boy did it ever come to me. And yes few of you actually couldn’t believe that the once childish Rire would become the monstrous Raikou, but hey what can you expect from the twisted mind that is known as Edge’s? But hey I’m glad all of you enjoyed the latest chapter of “The Cursed Knight”. I’m always happy to know that my writing is actually enjoyed, and hell as most of you know if I didn’t have you guys reading this I wouldn’t ever write it…what can I say I’m usually too lazy to want to write, but I will write if my friends want something to read…and it seems all of you do. Anyways not sure what I’ll be doing today, but hey you never know these days. Anyways I shall try to talk to you guys later today, and I do hope you guys enjoy the rest of the post.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Kutekittykyo, and she asks “Have you thought of being a real writer?” Well no not really, I wouldn’t mind writing real stories and then have them published…but I don’t want to do it as a job…it’s just not in me to write all the time. Besides I’d rather be a teacher and do pretty much to nothing…ah yes Edge shall be the best teacher ever.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Badass. I remember what you told me about Rire... but you didn't mention what you have here... very good.” Well I’m glad you like the change to your character, he may not be Rire completely, but he is still the same in a sense…trust me you’ll find out in later chapters what I’m talking about. The second discussion is from Gidra, and she says “I can't believe I fell for your trickery. I knew that Elemental Lord was Rire but I chose to believe you. You are just.....mean.” Edge is not mean, he is just a great writer and is able to get my readers to believe what I want them to believe. I mean I could probably convince all of anything.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) So was chapter 21 of “The Cursed Knight” good? I would have to say it was, because it was well received by all of you guys.

Today’s Question

1.) Sorry no question.

The Original Cursed Knight

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Chapter Twenty-One

“ The Truth Revealed”

“I’ve never heard of any Elemental Arch Lords before.” Question Aeris as she looked at this figure standing in there in the smoking hole. “The reason you’ve never heard of me is clear. You are far too weak to have known Master Aroth’s true reasons for dispatching you fools to fight a warrior out of your league.” Spoke this mysterious sliver haired warrior. “I’ll show you who is weak you god damn arrogant bastard.” Screamed Aeris as she launched herself at the Arch Lord of Lighting. “No Aeris!” Screamed Solum as he threw himself in front of Aeris and grabbed her in his massive arms. “Why did you stop me Solum?!” Asked Aeris in an angry tone of voice. “Because Lady Aeris…he would have killed you.” Spoke Solum before he spilt up some blood that started to run down his chin. “Solum? What’s wrong Solum?” Questioned Aeris in a saddened voice. “As I sad Lady Aeris…he would have killed you…but now instead of you dying by his hands it was me, but promise me one thing Lady Aeris.” Spoke Solum as he let Aeris out of his grasp. “Anything Solum, I’ll do anything.” Spoke Aeris as tears started to pour down her cheeks. “Live on, become stronger…help Edge defeat Master Aroth…stop him before he destroys this world that we are apart of.” Said Solum as he coughed up more blood. “I’m getting tired of this emotional shit. Time for you weaklings to die.” Said the Arch Lord of Lighting as he lifted a staff from his back.

“Sir Edge take care of Lady Aeris. She will be a major help to you along your journeys, I would have loved to join along side you two, but alas it would seem I’ll be dying here. So please leave now!” Shouted Solum as he turned around to face the Arch Lord of Lighting. “Please not only are you bleeding uncontrollably, but you are also so far below my level of strength that a simple punch left a gapping hole in your back.” Mocked the Arch Lord. “Sir Edge leave now! Before he kills me and goes after Lady Aeris!” Shouted Solum one last time before he was sliced in half by a simple swing of the Arch Lord’s staff. “Just as I said, you were far too weak for me to have even taken you seriously. Oh well time to finish off the last of the weak Elemental Lords.” Spoke the frightening Arch Lord as he started to walk towards Aeris. “Hey Edge! Get out of that daze you’re in. You heard Solum, it was his dying wish for you and me to work together and get the hell out of here alive.” Shouted Aeris as she continued to step back with each of Raikou’s steps forward. “My dear Lady Aeris, Edge won’t stand in my way, nor will he save you. And I’ll even tell you why he won’t. For one you have been his enemy for far too long for him to even care what happens to you and two the Edge that I know would never kill an old friend.” Spoke Raikou with confidence in his voice.

“But Edge is a man of honor, not only would he not let a lady get killed like this, but to have been begged by a man on his death bed…I’m sure Edge wouldn’t let you kill me.” Spoke Aeris as she came to a stop upon a giant stone that blocked her escape. “Well I do doubt he’ll do anything…and unlike what I did to your friend over there. I think I’ll try my powers out on you.” Spoke Raikou as he lifted his right hand up and placed it in front of himself. “Mico Ictus, Flash Bolt…now please do die Lady Aeris.” Said the Arch Lord of Lighting as a bolt of lighting shoot out from his palm towards Aeris. “RIRE!!!” I screamed as I jumped in front of Aeris and swung Acies at the bolt of lighting flying towards her slicing it in half. “Ah Edge, it does seem like you remember the very friend you let die.” Said Raikou in a sinister voice. “I did not let you die, you were taken away when my blade was not at my disposal…and I was also pinned to a column. I couldn’t save you…but I tired my friend, I truly did try to save you.” I said to Rire as I stood there watching the blood run down my arm. “Well I hate to say this Edge, but Rire is dead, and now Raikou is reborn in his place. I now have the power to defeat you, and not only that but just like you I shall remain on this planet until the day the ground splits open and the skies themselves rain fire.” Spoke Rire has he looked upon the sky with both hands held about his head. “What is wrong with you? You’ve become some religious fool, following in the footsteps of a false god, tell you that you shall remain forever. Nothing in this world is forever, take a look at the Elemental Lords, they were said to be gods, and yet I’ve killed them all with just my sword.” I said as I held Acies up in front of me pointing it at Raikou.

“Do you think I fear that sword Edge? I am above an Elemental Lord; for god’s sake I’m an Elemental Arch Lord. There is nothing upon this world that can even damage me.” Spoke Rire in the most arrogate tone. “Did you forget that this blade of mine will kill your lord and master Aroth, if it can kill him, don’t you think it’ll be more than easily cut through you?” I questioned Rire. “But Edge my old friend, you must have forgotten, you will never be able to kill me. After already thinking I was killed and then to have seen me again, I highly doubt you have it in you to ever kill me.” Mocked Rire as he started to laugh. “Damn you Rire.” I said under my breath. “Ah…Lady Aeris, it seems that I won’t be able to kill you this day. For my master as called me back. So upon our next meeting I shall rip that heart out that has kept you from killing our master true enemy. Until our next meeting.” Spoke Raikou has he vanished in the flash of a bolt of lighting. As I stood there still in complete shock that the one friend I had made was converted into a monster that was under Aroth’s control when Aeris all of a sudden swung and connected with my head. “What the hell was that for you damn woman?!” I shouted as I grabbed the back of my head. “That’s what you get for almost getting here too late and almost getting me killed!” She yelled back at me crossing her arms in front of her. “Well I’m so sorry, I was in shock knowing my best friend has been turned into a villain.” I said sarcastically to Aeris. “Well get over it Edge, we are now both being hunted by Aroth, so I say we should join up and try to destroy him and your old friend.” Aeris said with a serious look upon her face.

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