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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Monday, September 10, 2007

Hey guys...This is Iruka Sensei...yes its me and I am updating for Edge Kun because of the fact that he is having a tough time in his life. I will be back on the otaku myself very soon. But what he is going through is terrible. Though it isn't my place I shall say this much for him, someone very close to him in his family is losing the fight and may not make it. This person has always been there for him throughout his life.

When I spoke to Edge on the phone he started to cry, I say a guy who cries is stronger then one that doesn't, I have never felt so pathetic in my life for not being there for him when he needs me most. I ask all of you please to pray for Edge and for his family. He shall probably be back tommorrow but if not then at least I gave you what you needed to know. Edge could really use your blessing, I know it would cheer him up so please if you could leave a nice PM or comment that would be greatly appreciated. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truely do.

May God Bless you as well...


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