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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Friday, September 21, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well I do hate to say that I’m in a little rush with this post, because I’m currently writing an essay that is due later today…yes Edge does need to stop working at the last minute, but some of my best essays happen that way…hell a good portion of “The Cursed Knight” is always written at the last minute…and yes I did not forget about “The Cursed Knight”…I just haven’t had the time to completely the needed chapters. I’ve also went to my uncles house last night in which we sorted my grandma’s stuff between the family members. I can’t say I didn’t get anything, because I honestly got something truly great that once belonged to my grandpa. I got his pins given to him from his old job, you know where they honor you for being there for a certain amount of years, well the ones he got have diamonds and sapphires in them, and this is no joke. I currently own one of them, and my uncle has the other, but when he dies he said he’d leave it to me, so in the end I’ll own both until the day I die. Anyways that’s all I have to say for today, sorry if I haven’t made it to your site, but I shall try later today to do so. Anyways I hope you enjoy the post.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Twilight Samurai, and she asks “What is "normal" for you?” Well Edge’s normal is considered by most to be perverted. But Edge’s perversion isn’t a bad thing, in fact it’s quite fun, and to some people really funny, so far I haven’t found a person that comes to my site that doesn’t enjoy my perversion in some sense.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Sesslover18, and she says “Oh great...the perverted will be back...nice...actually I do want the old perverted Edge because like you said: You are Edge and that's your talent. So I'm guessing that means you're normal.” See Edge must have truly been off if Sesslover18 is actually asked for the old Edge back. I suppose this recent lost in my family has caused Edge to lose his perversion…well time to change that one. The second discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “Good luck getting them done. I'm sure that you can whip something up that'll earn a good grade.” Yes I must say most essays I usually write actually do get me goods grades, but that’s only because I know how to word most things that I write…for an odd reason…can’t figure out why that seems to be…hmm…I do wonder.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) Could we not talk about my grandma’s passing anymore? Please? Yes I do prefer it that way.

Today’s Question


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