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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now, it would seem Edge has finally learned how not to do his school work until the day before it’s due…or should I say the day it is due…why do I say that you ask? Well to be honest at this time (12:00 AM) I am still currently writing my third essay for English that is due later today at 11:00 AM…so I have time to finish it…I’m half way through, so it shouldn’t take too much longer, but first I have to post before I finish that essay. Anyways on a better note…or better yet, or a slightly good note Edge went to work once again last night…I just need to keep telling myself all this work will pay off in the end. Oh and I’ve decided to change my sites song to Masterplan’s “Crawling from Hell” mainly because I found this song to fit my theme a lot more than the last song I had on here. Anyways I wasn’t able to get much work done on “The Cursed Knight” yesterday due to my essay, and having to work on a group project…which isn’t much of anything…I could have done it by myself…oh well. But yeah “The Cursed Knight” will still be posted on Friday, so no one worry about it, alright? I have plenty of time to get the chapter finished…and then when I finally finish the story it will be time to go into “Over-Drive” with the changes, additions, and other little secrets that will be in the final draft of my story. Anyways looks like I’ve talked enough for today, so I shall talk to you guys later, and please do enjoy the rest of the post.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Twilight Samurai, and she asks “So how many jobs have you applied to?” well…ahh…yeah…ah…to her second question, and she asks “Have you gotten your professor to give you feedback on your story yet?” Actually I haven’t had the time to stop by his office in which to meet with him on that, but I will as soon as I can, trust me I will…or at least before the semester ends…either way he will take a look at my story. The next question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “If there were a Cursed Knight movie I wonder who would play Edge? Who would you want to play Edge?” Well now isn’t that a good question…and to answer your second question, I wouldn’t care who played Edge as long as they played him perfectly…


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Iruka, and she says “Yea he needs it since he is so broke.” Oh gee thanks…like I didn’t already know I’m broke…but hey the bright side to being broke is I won’t waste my money on things I don’t need. The second discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “This is the hardest question you've ever asked. Wait... there is no question... DAMN, you got me again!” Well now…that looks like three for Edge…and…ah…I do believe zero for Lordsesshomaru…come on dude, pick up the pace I don’t want a complete victory over here. The third discussion is from Metal Dragon, and he says “I'd like to see it though, should be action filled.” Should be? Hell if they make “The Cursed Knight” into a movie it better be action packed bliss!!! That’s all I have to say about it. They better follow my original story line if they want a great movie. The fourth discussion is from Kita, and she says “So if you did not change it I know what is going to pretty much happen in the last chap so I am looking forward to it.” Well no I haven’t changed the ending just yet, but I’m not even anywhere near finishing my story just yet…I’m still only on chapter 23…and I plan on ending my story around 30 or 35…not sure yet which one I’d rather end it on yet, but when I end it will be one of those two numbers.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question


Today’s Question

1.) What actor would you like to see play Edge in the (not real) movie “The Cursed Knight”?

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