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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Monday, December 17, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well I really don’t have much to post about over my weekend, due to the fact that all I really did was work, sleep, and wish for something to make my day less boring. Well on Saturday I worked at a beauty supply store…you know the one were you can buy wigs and stuff like that…man that store sucked since I had to count all the little crap. And then y boss and co-worker Richard were making fun of me due to a marking on my neck…I will not say what it was, but I will say that the joke that they first started with. “So did you get into a fight with a vacuum and lose?” man some days I hate to work. And then on Sunday I had to work at a pharmacy…my first and hopefully my last one. I hate counting pills…and the jokes didn’t stop on Sunday either, at least this time they were not verbal jokes…this time Richard walked over to me and raised my collar on my work shirt to cover the marking that was upon my neck and then walked away. Bastards the both of them…Anyways other than that there isn’t much to speak of about my weekend. Now don’t get me wrong I have talked to Misty everyday so far, but talking to a person just isn’t the same as seeing them in person. Oh well…I suppose it is time for me to end this post, so I shall talk to you guys later, and please do enjoy the rest of my post.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Metal Dragon, and he asks “Wouldn't arguing about it prove that the two of you aren't the laziest? Or would the laziest be the one who lost?” You raise a good question my friend…but alas I do not have an answer to give…but I will say that just because me and Lordsesshomaru argue over something does not mean neither of us is lazy, nor does it mean the loser is the laziest. In fact arguing over the stupid things we argue over in fact does not require any energy at all, so being lazy has nothing to do with our arguments…if that makes any sense at all. The next question is from Xaos, and he asks “So Misty went to DC?” Yeah…she’s up there in Washington D.C. visiting her family during her Christmas break, and after Christmas her and her family are going down to Puerto Rico for a family wedding. But hey at least she’ll be coming back to Georgia on the…the 6th of January…man that is another 20 days from today…the joy of waiting fills me with ultimate sarcasm, as all of you should be able to see.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “I like the change in the music though.” Well I am glad to hear that. For I myself really enjoy the change in music. Do not get me wrong I want to get Masterplan out there so people would enjoy them, but as of now I just want nothing better to do but play Nickelback. I’ve always been able to connect my life with their music, I know it sounds a little weird but it is true, that is why they happen to be my favorite musical group. Anyways the second discussion is from Kita, and she says “I am sure you will find plenty to do while Missy is away... Do not get too bored while she is away...” Ah…don’t you mean Misty? But I have been finding some things to do, but man my days are going by far too slow for my own good. But hey at least it’s only 20 days that I’ll have to wait to see her again.

Random Questions

Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.

Last Week’s Question

1.) So where is the weirdest place you’ve kissed someone? (Location wise) Well that was easy to answer at one time, but now that question is going to be hard since I’ve thought of three in which were odd places to kiss a girl. Well the first is…well…while sitting in a tree. The second was while sitting on a brick fence. And lastly the third one was while I was on a roof and the girl was standing on a car to reach me. So there you go three of the weirdest places Edge has a kissed a girl.

This Week’s Question

1.) So what are you plans for Christmas?

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