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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Picture of the Day



Hey guys, how’s it going today? Hey everyone it is good to be posting again…even though I did miss out on posting yesterday, but that is only because as of right now my job is working me to death, and for me the weekends are a thing to dread not something to look forward to…let me just say that on Friday night and Saturday I worked at least 20 hours with only about two hours for rest in between those two stores. But I don’t really feel like getting into talking about my job anymore…if it were not for the fact my mom won’t let me quit until I get another job I would have quit this weekend due to drama and the simple fact that I am getting over worked. But hey even work filled weekends have they’re good sides. For example I had to work two stores on Sunday, but one was in the morning and one was at night, so I was able to hang out with Misty for a good six hours. And well I went to school yesterday…so yeah that pretty much explains my day yesterday…oh and to add salt to the wounds that I have started to inflect upon my Otaku site, I got the crazy idea of throwing a song that many people hate, and yet I felt like listing to it…so right now the opening song on my site is…Ricky Martin’s “Living La Vida Loca” yes you heard me right, but just because I can I also threw another one of his songs called “Cup of Life”…it was the theme song for the 1998 World Cup of Soccer. But hey the good thing is it gets the body moving…and I’m a couch potato…so just think what it’ll do to those of you that are actually active. Oh and just to go with the songs I changed my sites theme…sorta. In fact all I did was use another one of my Knight wallpapers, but this one is brighter and seems to go more with the music on my site. Anyways that’s all I have to say for today’s post. So I hope all of you enjoy the post…and please do not kill me for the music in which I have placed upon my site…

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from well…no one, but hey I’m sure I’ll get some today…


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “It sure is good to hear from my partner in perversion again. Holding down the fort without you wasn't easy... or it wouldn't have been had we even bothered to build a fort in the first place.” That would be so cool if we did build a fort…hmm…I wonder what we would call our fort if we had bothered to build one? But yes I too am glad to see myself back on the Otaku…even if I end up posting sparingly due to school and work…but hey don’t worry, you guys know what I say there will never be an Otaku without a Edge, so no worries. The second discussion is from Gidra, and she says “Your Background is magnificent; I like all those blue colors. And that knight looks really mighty.” Well of course it looks awesome, after all I did make it, and anything Edge takes time to make will always look awesome, and even if I didn’t take my time it would still look good. And that knight is mighty…just like me; after all I am Knight Edge.

Random Questions

Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.

Last Week’s Question

1.) So what is the longest you’ve ever been away from the Otaku? Well the last time I asked this question I hadn’t posted until that day from the 21 of December…so you do the math…because I don’t feel like doing it.

This Week’s Question

1.) So are you going to kill me for my music?

2.) What do you think of the NEW wallpaper?

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