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Monday, May 28, 2007
Hey evrybody!!! sorry it's been so long since I last posted. CLH/Hajiluvr has been on my back bout postin mor often(I'm @ her house rite now otherwise it probably woulda been another month). I'm goN on a trip 4 da next 3 days so don't get ur hopes up 4 another post 2morrow. I'm SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO glad school's out. HAVE A GREAT SUMMER EVRY1!!!
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
Hey every1! Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I finally got to get on again though! :) How do u like the changes I made? I <3 Kisa and Hiro!!!
Blond Moment:
Today I managed 2 hit myself in the head with a hula-hoop and I walked n2 a board that was eye level! But u no wat? A girl @ my school ran n2 a glass door and hurt her knee. I can proudly say I have never walked n2 a door. O I no a girl that walks n2 poles a lot 2.
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
I <3 u guys!!! I now have officially 100 visits!!!
100 VISITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Good things come to those who wait."
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Knz reporting from behind enemy lines(and in chains). I'm gettin ready 2 celebrate the new year w/ lu13 & CLH!!!!!!!!!! Hope evry1 has a great new year!!!!!! HAPPY 2007!!!
New Year's Resolutions:
1. Convince evry1 I DONT eat brains!!!(especially w/ bendy straws!)
2. Teach lu how 2 spell
3. Learn how 2 type faster
4. Get friends that appreciate me!
5. Get supportive friends
6. Get friends besides lu & CLH
7. Lose weight(a classic)
8. Find sumore NYRs
"We make our choices, then our choices make us."
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Monday, December 4, 2006
Once again I would like 2 point out that my life is boring and I'm being 4rced 2 type this(BTW CLH is behind it again.). lu13 suggedted that I should put a blond moment on all of my posts if u support this idea please let me know. I just thought of somethin that might give u a laugh! (go me!) I was in the lunch line da other day and there was this guy in fronta me who was doin da poke-u-on-the-other-shoulder-when-ur-not-lookin thing to sum dudes in front of him. 1 of my bffs walked up behind me and so we started talkin. While I was talkin he tapped me on da othr shoulder which I thought was really stupid and i must have him a funny look b/c 1a my teachers that was beside us just burst out laughin. When I turned to c wat she was laughin bout she said,"That was a look that said 'u moron'" and just kept on laughin.
Blond Moment:This is a new corner of my posts 4 my many blonde moments(recomended by lu13). I'm sorry to say that right now, I can't think of any. Perhaps the true blonde moment in this case is not being able to think of any blonde moments......-_-
"a watched pot never boils"
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Monday, November 27, 2006
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, most of u probably don't care, but I have a friend(not pointing any fingers but it was CLH!)who said if I didn't post soon she would personally drag me to the nearest computer and hold my hands on the keyboard to make me type somethin. The only reason I don't post a lot is because my life's boring, I have nothin 2 type 'bout. In fact this is probably my longest post eva! That aside, I do have 1 thing 2 tell u. My blond moment of the day: I was walkin back 2 the band buildin after practice and stepped in an ant bed I had keenly evaded while marching. Shortly after(bout 2 secs actually) I placed my foot in2 another ant bed. After that I smartly stepped over a 3rd ant bed. I was so proud of myself!*sniffles* No ants ended up on my foot though so it was OK.
"In the game of life it's easier 2 c the goalpost when u keep ur chin up." Though if u want to look down to avoid ant beds and look at the goalposts later, thats OK 2, just make sure u don;t walk in2 any1.
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Monday, October 2, 2006

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Don't you love my new pet wolves, Koga and Ayame? They're so CUTE!
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