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Red Meadow
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Anime fanatic
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I wouldn’t necessarily call it an achievement, but… I own all of the Cowboy Bebop manga; Shooting Star and the ones based on the anime.
Anime Fan Since
Since as long as I can remember.
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Inu-Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, YuYu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Case Closed, Magic Knights Rayearth… most anything I’ve seen or read really.
To complete my manga collection of; Inu-Yasha, Rurouni Kenshin, YuYu Hakusho and Trigun.
Collecting things. For example; my manga, marbles, The Earth's Children series. I'll collect anything really.
Talking, ranting, writting and editting.
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Camping then camp. ... ...There is, indeed, a differance, don'cha know. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Okay. I feel stupid. -sniff- But...then again...what else is new. -falls- ANYway, I must say, I dilike having Okasan bug me every two seconds about packing. "You have two different things to pack for, and I'm not packing for you." ...I figured as much. ¬¬ ... ...What I don't see is why not just let me pack once and pack twice as much. But, no, she's making me pack two seperate bags...I think. -ponders-
Who cares. Cars...? I wanna desiel! T-T Gimme, Gimme! Otosan's got one...but I doubt he'll ever let me drive it...considering I crash every car I touch in my bro's racing games. -falls- Speaking of games; I broke my bro's PS2... -snort- Ain't I smart!? ... ...didn't think so... -sigh- So now he ain't getting on 'till after X-mas...this be our thrid one. -shakes head sadly- And the first one I broke... That's all.
See ya 'round...
K-chan out.
Worship Bandages!!
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Friday, December 17, 2004
Good friends and stuff that has to do with X-mas
-makes the love-and-peace sign- LOVE AND PEACE! -giggles- I got my second Vash plushie today. ^^ -huggles her two plushies- They rock! I also got a; Kakashi wallscroll, a drawing by one of my best friends of Kakashi and... -scratches head- Um...oh, and a Faye T-shirt! Speaking of whole styles changed. It's strange really. Long sleeves under short sleeves. -shrug- Right now, I'm wearing; Black pants, a long sleeve, black, net-like shirt with a black shirt with the element-thing in pink. ^^ I got it for free cuz my friend's otosan does the silkscreening for all those kinds companies. But that's what I've been wearing. -shrug- I've wore mesh stuff under my T-shirts alot now. Before I wore a white long sleeve shirt under a tye-dye T-shirt. It's just strange... C-chan's gonna come over! -peace sign- YAY! My sisseh/best friend! ... ...that's all I gotsa say...
See ya 'round...
K-chan out.
Bandages is so kawaii, ne?

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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Sum good and sum down right...well...I can't think of the right word for it. I went X-mas shopping today. I got all my friends their stuff and had to return sumthing that I thought Ashlee would really like. -sigh- I bought all the new stuff at Small Wonders. They gave me a free Naruto keychain, that lightened my day a little. -half smile- It's a Kakashi keychain and it is on my collar and willn't ever come off...! It...won't come off my collar I mean. -sweatdrop- Water isn't good for leather. I had to run the mile yesterday... ...TWICE...! -slumps in chair- I'm STILL tired and sore...I couldn't think at all and I stared out the window for hours that day. I fell over many times. Luckily, it was last mod so I got to go home right after it. So...yeah. Anth-kun hasn't been on...I'm kinda worried... -whines- He was sick and he says "the world is just bad now" and he's thinking about leaving. -whines louder- That ruined my whole mood. T-T I was trying to find this one thing on SM that Okasan saw that she really shouldn't have, that I wanted to find so I could explain, and I saw that written and I says that I really needed to talk to him and Okasan says that I had half-an-hour then I need to do homework. He wasn't on then and hasn't been since... -sniff- So...yeah. I've been on for my regular hour a day and all the while I've waited for him...I've left my awaymessage up...
"...waiting... long must one wait...?"
I just--...I really want to talk to him before I leave for X-mas. -sniff- I know he was on yesterday...but at two...and I don't get out 'till two-ten... I just hope everything's alright...
See ya 'round...
K-chan out.
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Monday, December 6, 2004
Vs Stuff
I have names attached to two anime-characters, names of reall people that I know. Kakashi and Vash... I'm not gonna say to whom the names belong to that I have attached. But I will forever be with one and will be a close friend to the other...that is...if he's not afraid of me. -sweatdrop- Yes, I am very scary with my hyper-ness sumtimes, then I go into calm-ness-ness which scares people even more, then I'll be all sad, then all smart. @.@ I CONFUSE MYSELF, even... But still, I think I'ma gonna explain why them character's where choseded; Vash, I've been obsessed with but...not totally aware that I was obsessed. You see? Well, anyway, I wrote a list awhile ago with all the anime-characters I was obsessed with (in no particuliar order):
1. Kurogane {Kuro-tan}
2. Vash {Vash-kun}
3. Benitora {Tora-han}
4. Kakashi
Yup...those are who were on meh list. -nodding- Oh, and I thinks I added one...Oh, yesh! ED-KUN~! ^-^;; He's cooli-cha. So...that's five. ... ... ... ...o.0 Come to think of it...I think they ALL have names attached to them. Oh, that a really oro-ish-ness-er-est. @.@ Kyochi Himura used to state; "Owo?" -laughs- My character's rule! ^-^ I started out with one Himura; Ichi. Then she mated at Hellseed demon named Kyoretsu, or sumthing, we call 'im Kyo and Ichi call him Kyo-chan. So they had twins, Kyochi and Syrinx, one girl one boy in that order. ^-^ Plus, since I couldn't see Ichi with another last name I declared her name famous and she and her children kept Himura. ^-^ Interesting, ne? Well, anyway...-shrug- That's all I have to say...
See ya 'round...
K-chan out.
...It will be left undecided...
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
I is a happy koookami~! Of course, you can forget: STUFF~!
-smiles brightly- Oh, so very happy-ful! He came on today~! -dances- Oh, and church, that helps me alot, too. ^-^ At church I wash eating a bagel and C-chan tried to "steal" me so she grabbed my arm, coincidentally the arm that I was eating the bagel with, so every few seconds she'd bring the bagel up to my mouth, which I had to avoid untill I had fully chewed and swallowed my last bit. Was annoying, but extremely funny, none-the-less. ^-^ Oh, and Mr. Der-rock was there too. He doesn't live too close anymore, plus there's another church closer to him, so it's cool that he desides to come to HBCRS. ^-^ What else was cool, was we where singing "God Bless Us Everyone" or sumthing and I could clearly tell his voice from all the rest. It was neat. Well, anyway, I've seen this kinda thing done on other sites and such, so I thought I give it a try:
Mood: Happy-ful
Activity: Playing guitar
Reading: Naruto information
Waiting for: Okasan to yell at me to get off
Wear: Black jeans, a camo T-shirt that was formerly my brother's, a jean jacket and Wolf-fur-looking jacket over that, a fuzzy bucket hat, and a stuffed-cow named MooMoo.
I got alotta clothes on cuz I'm in the garage and it's frickin' cold! I'm not used to this kinda cold-ness, man! -shivers- Tor, it's cold! Fenris, the sun, MAKE IT WARM! T-T I'm freezin' meh tail off here!
See ya 'round...
K-chan out.
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
Blah...nothing to do no more...I'm at least allowed back online. -half smile- Sadly...the person I come online for hasn't been coming on lately...-sniff-...and another thing; I don't think I'm going crazy...I might be...but, I've been hearing sumone call my name..."Koga...Koga...?" I hear that a lot...It's alittle scary...I don't reconize the voice...but it seems so familiar...and distant...
-zones slightly- life sucks right now...I'm not gonna be able to go online once report cards come in...and I at least want to talk to him before that time...I'll get on once a week to check if you really wish to get a hold of me and can wait a week at the most, feel free to e-mail me.
On to why I'm banned. One word: Grades.
I got sum really bad grades on progress report...and they didn't it's report card time and I'm being kicked out of honors... I'm gonna be so bored...Okasan really mad at me... and I've been lectured by at least ten different people... Okasan can't trust me to the point she locks the office door..."Why not pick it?" Well...she'll take my computer out of my doesn't work since they formatted my harddrives...but it's still my personal computer and I wish to keep it, thanks. -sigh- Well...with all that said...I might as well just shut-up...
See ya'round...
K-chan out.
...fear me...
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
... ... ... ... ...oh, yes...stuff.
They're coming for me~! Hide me! *hides behind her chibi sign which should sumday be put on a billboard* *glances around* *motions for you to follow* *sitting behind the sign hugging kness* I've gone insane and they're coming for me. Yes, they. *glances around* T-T I'm gonna die. *sumone throws a sock* *falls over - still hugging knees* huh? *sits up* *picks up sock* *stare* Um...thanks whoever threw that...I'm sorry for my crazy-ness...I don't do that much. @.@ Okay...buh-bye.
See ya 'round...
K-chan out.
THE MARKED away...
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
... ...
It broke, it broke it broke it broke it broke it broke it broke it broke... ... ... ... ...IT'S BROKED! T-T And I can't fix it. I've tried lots. But it dead. T-T
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Random stuffs...
I'm fully trained. *nodding* Me and my friend where walking and I was acting all super imature so she said "Koga, heel." and I shut up. ^-^; Funny. Then later she told me sit and I sat in my seat and so on. Then later she told me to stay, so I did, she walked away, told me to come, which I did but fell down right after she told me to sit. ^-^;;; I gotta treat~! She gaved me a quater~! I tried to eat it first...aren't I just the smartest little wolf? So, yeah. I'm trained. *nodding* Alright...I'm gone.
See ya 'round...
K-chan out.
*tail wags*
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Diesel engine...stuff is good...
I had a long fight with Miss-who-is-obsessed-with-Fluffy-sama-sama about who is better. My four obsessions...or her one. So we went back and forth me changing mine every now and again 'till I got to one I got backed up on. Kakashi-sensai. ^-^ Kirara backed me up on that one. Then Miss-who-is-obsessed-with-Fluffy-sama-sama got back up by Yasha. So...yeah. That lasted all of recess. Then, at lunch. Kirara and I had detention with Mr. DuVal for; Kirara not filling out last week in her planner and me not having my planner. So...that was oodles of fun. *sigh* I wore shorts today...and one by one all my friend where all;'re wear shorts. ... ...Well, all be. *rolls eyes* Even Shugo noticed. After school tho. *shakes head sadly* I can understand that it's strange for me to wear anything but pants...but to have to touch on that topic every two mintues!! It's just annoying. Alright...I think I shall try to explain my "obsession" with deisel engines. ... ...My minds blank. like the smell, the noise and they're sooo powerful~! ^-^ I want a deisel for my first car-er...truck. Um...I gotta go upstairs on my computer now. I gotsa talk ta Anth-kun. ^-^ YAY~!
See ya 'round...
K-chan out.
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