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myOtaku.com: Koga-chan

Sunday, December 5, 2004

   I is a happy koookami~! Of course, you can forget: STUFF~!
-smiles brightly- Oh, so very happy-ful! He came on today~! -dances- Oh, and church, that helps me alot, too. ^-^ At church I wash eating a bagel and C-chan tried to "steal" me so she grabbed my arm, coincidentally the arm that I was eating the bagel with, so every few seconds she'd bring the bagel up to my mouth, which I had to avoid untill I had fully chewed and swallowed my last bit. Was annoying, but extremely funny, none-the-less. ^-^ Oh, and Mr. Der-rock was there too. He doesn't live too close anymore, plus there's another church closer to him, so it's cool that he desides to come to HBCRS. ^-^ What else was cool, was we where singing "God Bless Us Everyone" or sumthing and I could clearly tell his voice from all the rest. It was neat. Well, anyway, I've seen this kinda thing done on other sites and such, so I thought I give it a try:

Mood: Happy-ful
Activity: Playing guitar
Reading: Naruto information
Waiting for: Okasan to yell at me to get off
Wear: Black jeans, a camo T-shirt that was formerly my brother's, a jean jacket and Wolf-fur-looking jacket over that, a fuzzy bucket hat, and a stuffed-cow named MooMoo.

I got alotta clothes on cuz I'm in the garage and it's frickin' cold! I'm not used to this kinda cold-ness, man! -shivers- Tor, it's cold! Fenris, the sun, MAKE IT WARM! T-T I'm freezin' meh tail off here!
See ya 'round...
K-chan out.

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