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mmmm I play guitar... not much else to say
Anime Fan Since
just about forever
Favorite Anime
Inu Yasha, Cowboy BeBop, Yu Yu Hakusho, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, dot Hack, Trigun, R.O.D., Naruto, Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo, G-Gundam, Gundam Seed, Gundam 0089, FLCL, Pilot Candidate... and so many more new ones featured on [AS]
Got to college in Japan and Colorado, and hopefully live in either one of those places, but mainly just to get the hell out of this town ^-~
Watching anime, reading manga, buying anime and manga, and listening to music...
playing guitar, photography, flanker in rugby, and the best of them all: sleeping for hours on end
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, March 25, 2005
>.< everyone sux, stupid bf rumors about him flirting with other girls and shit piss me off i doubt he's telling me the truth its sad,but its hard to believe him. i've been kinda sick of him always being all over me, when i tell him he gets sad so i feel like shit, but he doesn't understand he's a guy and i think the only reason he hasn't left is cuz im the only girl who will touch him. i know he still loves other ppl and he doesnt love me anymore, he's so proud of who he knows and hangs out with it's sad, he's like oh yeah well i've been friends with him forever i'm speacialer, its sad how he just drools to talk to someone pretty or popular anyone.. also depressing... >.< im sick of shit from everyone
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Monday, March 21, 2005
>.< meh, how the table has changed, bf got pissed and rele angry today, i feel like shit >.< garrrrr! yep its depressing u.u i didn't mean to do anything i just asked something and he got all pissed so i like ran away >.< grr, ppl are soo angrey
^spelled wrong on purpose
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
yay! more quiz thingies
 You are a dark girl. You have a really quiet and really a i dont' care attitude. You like to be alone and that is what you enjoy. You don't like to be around others and you'd rather be away from here. You have a get away from me look and others find you bitchy and self-rigious. You'd rather read than be at a fair but that's ok because that's who you are.
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only brought to you by Quizilla
these things amuse me way too much
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Day 2!
Well. 2 days now, no school, trapped in my room, not a bad thing tho if you've seen my room. i am maroone here but i've got plenty of TV dinners, DVDs, unread manga, and ofcourse, .::.iNtErNeT.::. w00t. I miss all my friends tho, they live all the way up in los alamos, and i'm about i dunno not very far but far enough that my parents refuse to drive me
mom"do you think i have 15 minutes of my life to waste for you to have fun"
me"you had more than 15 to yell at me for a half hour"
mom"your grounded!"
me"*mumbles obscenities under breath*"
but yeah no school!!!! w00t w00t, ~*does more disturning happy-dances*~
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Monday, March 14, 2005
snoe daey!!
yay!! we got a snow day!!!! it's been a while, it's kinda sad tho cuz all my friends moved away so there's rele no one to hang out with, but o well i've got internet! but yes we got a fuckin snow day yess yess yess, ~*does the time warp and various other happy dances*~
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
>.< >.< >.< >.
so stupid, so stupid, so stupid, so stupid..... grrr, why do i keep doing this, im such a fucking asshole, i dont wanna be it just expodes out of me onto everyone that doesnt deserve that shit at all. i fucking hate it, im just an asshole, and you know its not like i can just explain to ppl that im completely insane fucker... and i dont want to be like this anymore, but i dont know how to fix that.... and why does everything ppl do piss me off so much.... >.< goddammit... >.< graagh,,, silly rants... makes me feel just a bit better , but nothing can ever be said or done to explain or make up for what i am, stubborn, ignorant, naive, compulsive, overbearing, controlling, manipulative, so yeah the last ones are all like the same but whatever, o the joys of being a stupid little teenager! >.< *grumble*
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
yeeeeaaahhh... today was kinda boring wandered around after schhol @ my friends house.. and got home and wow, daddy's back.. lol he takes too many damn buisiness trips... whenever he's gone my mom turns into a bitch and vise versa.. o well i have my music. apparently today was andy's b-day and he got a new add to the 20G one he already had, and i thought i was spoiled.. i love my iPod... sooo much, yAY1 ~runs around parading the iPod and doing a happy dance~
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
holy shit
yay, we got a 2 hour delay!!! first one this year and much needed, i planned to just sleep but i cant... god damned hyperness. but yay!! snow delay, i might actaully get breakfast this morning ^_^
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
blah..... life amusing and annoying as it is. i recently got into the whole DDR thing, also quite amusing, actually because I am that unspecial i don't have DDR but i do have FFR, if u like DDR u shuld check it out, it's my new obsession.
ooh yeah.... because i seem to possess a small amount of talent with teh guitar i want to make a band or something, that would be cool..... yeah... bye ppl
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
been gone
yeah, i havent been here for a while, but things r good i guess. they can always be better. skool is better, grades ar passing XP and i have cash again ^_^ and ofcourse im having a party, yay!
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