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myOtaku.com: Koga 16

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

*tsk* Girl, PLEASE.
Those of you that know me ( none ) and those of you that follow my posts ( none also ) probubly know that I almost never post twice a day.
But this warrants it.
I have been looking at fanart, and I swear to god, if I see one more person with "*insert bishie's name here*'sgirl" or "Ms.*insert SAME bishie's name here*" in their username, I'm going to step in front of a bus.
That, and the "word" 'hott' is really beginning to get to me. MISSPELLINGS ARE NOT COOL.
I know this. I can't spell. Does this make me cool? No.
It does not.
Is the world being taken over by twelve-year-old children who have spelling defects?? I hope not.
Or are the people who skip around flipping out over EVERY picture of, say, Sasuke or something ( He gets a lot of the creepy misspelling semi-rapistic fan following. ), posting in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, "OMG I LUFFF HIM HE IS SOOO HOTT" just cloning themselves?
Oh, help us Hojo.
So. When all is said and done, I think I can boil my feelings on bishie-dom into this:
"Just STFU already!!!!!" (O____O)

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