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Cold ass minnesota
Member Since
ummm.....i am currently employed at the offices of Buffalo and High School
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ok...this is SO BIG!! ew...that sounded wrong. i was on the computer for about 22 hours at once, and i was on the phone for about 29 hours once with my bf^_^
Anime Fan Since
Ummmm...lemme think about that 1.........EVER!!!!!
Favorite Anime hard 2 choose, Inuyasha no wait...Yuyu Hakusho no...wait...Lupin 3rd, Tenchi Muyo...ummm....Fruits Basket?? no wait um....Case Closed...OMG THIS IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION!!!!
To get off my lazy butt one of these days...o yea...and 2 BE EXACTLY LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS!!! ^_^ lmao...NOT...i hate her >_<
sitting, sleeping, watchin the televan, talkin on the phone with my bf, Travis, hanging out with my friends, playing my guitar, reading, writing my poems and songs, and of course...lets not forget...WATCHING ANIME!!! ^_^
Talents SLEEPING a talent??
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Ok, I am seriously jinxed. Last night, I heated up a bowl of soup right? And I was walkin with the bowl into the living room and the juice or w/e somehow spilled out of the bowl, and all over my hand. Think of this people....probably like 100 degree or more water...BOILING HOT WATER!!! spilling all over your whole god damn hand....I'm jinxed, I know it for a fact .:sigh:. I'm cursed, I know it....and yesterday was a HORRIBLE day besides that fact. Well, Travis and I got into a huge fight, which was caused bcuz he was pissed for some reason and he decided to take out all of his anger and frustrations out on me for no reason. I didn't do crap, he just started being all pissy towards me bcuz of something gone wrong with one of his friends. Now, I've been abused by my bfs enough in my life so I really don't need more people doing that to me. I thought he was different and everything but I guess not. Well, I called up his house to tell him something but I got his answering machine. I said....
"Listen, Travis, I just called to tell you that if you're gonna take out all of you fuckin anger out on me for doing jack shit...if you're gonna get pissed at me for absolutely no reason, then maybe we shouldnt be together anymore. I've had enough boyfriends treat me like shit and I don't need it from you also. So, if you really love me and want to keep me as a GF, I suggest that you wise up and start treating me with some fuckin respect. Bye"
Yeah...but then he called me back later and we resolved things so I'm so thankful for that. I truly love Travis and I don't want to lose him so yeah...anyhoo....
Here's my survey for the day....This one is over 100 questions I think....
Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) | Created by xSwtLilAngel666x and taken 106781 times on bzoink! | [x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x] | What's your name? :: | Paige | Birthplace :: | Orange county florida | Age :: | 15 | Age you act :: | anywhere between 10 and 25 | Current location :: | Buffalo, Mn | Eye color :: | teal | Hair color :: | black | Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :: | righty | Zodiac sign? :: | libra | Height? :: | 5'6" | [x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x] | Your heritage/nationality :: | part german part french canadian and american | Your hair :: | long | Your fears :: | spider, drowning, suffocating, and being alone or unwanted | Your perfect room :: | black walls, a black light, red cieling and curtains, and a strobe light, and gloqw in the datk shit everywhere, high tech stuff everwhere | What you practically do in a day :: | sleep, eat, watch tv, and tal to my bf | [x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x] | Words you overuse :: | lol, lmao, god, shit, fuck, damn, dammit, like, freakin, fudgin, fugdey | Phrases you overuse :: | YOU SUCK DIXIE!!, fudgin fudgey fudge!!! | Your first thought when you wake up :: | awake | Your greatest accomplishment :: | waking up | Something you want to do :: | go back to sleep | [x] Part 4 -- This or that [x] | Pepsi or Coke :: | both | McDonald's or Burger Kings :: | wendys | Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :: | neither....SPEAR BRITNEY!!! | Chocolate or vanilla :: | both | Adidas or Nike :: | volatile | Black or white :: | black | Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :: | bills | Burgers or hot dogs :: | french fries | Egypt or France :: | both | Rock or rap :: | ROCK BITCH!!!! | [x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x] | Smoke :: | used to, but smoke pot every once in a whil | Cuss :: | HELL YEAH MOTHER FUCKER | Sing well :: | meh | Sing in the shower :: | yep | Talk to yourself --a lot-- :: | hehe...hell yeah | Believe in yourself :: | nope | Like taking these longass surveys? :: | it makes me unbored so yeah, sure | Play an instrument :: | yep | Want to go to college? :: | yep | Want to get married? :: | yep, and im goin to | Want to have children? :: | hell no | Think you're a health freak? :: | hell no | Get along with your parents :: | kind of | Get along with your siblings? :: | only child | Think you're popular :: | nope | [x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x] | Gone out of state :: | yep | Drank alchohal :: | nope | Smoke :: | nope | Get high :: | nope | Done any drugs :: | nope | Eaten an entire box of oreos :: | yep | Been on stage :: | nope | Gone skinny dipping :: | nope, although i wish i would | Been dumped :: | nope | Dyed your hair :: | nope | Stolen anything :: | yep | [x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x] | Craziest :: | michelle | Loudest :: | Johneka | Most shy :: | Alicia | Blondest :: | Amber | Smartest :: | Abby | Kindest :: | Katie | Best personality :: | Jessica | Most talented :: | Abby | Best singer :: | Katie or rachel | Most ghetto :: | Johneka | Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :: | Elizabeth | Pain in the ass :: | Elizabeth | The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):: | Elizabeth and Michelle | Funniest :: | Amanda | Best person for advice :: | Nobody | Dependable :: | Katie | Trustworthy :: | Melissa | Druggie :: | i included? | Most likely to end up in jail :: | none | Person you've known the longest :: | Melissa | [x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x] | Last dream :: | dont know | Last nightmare :: | dont know | Car ride :: | yesterday | Last time you cried :: | yesterday | Last movie seen :: | idk | Last movie rented :: | dont rent movies | Last book read :: | Yaoi stories | Last word said :: | "bye", hour ago | Last curse word said :: | fuck, hour ago | Last time you laugh :: | yesterday | Last phone call :: | this morning | Last CD played :: | Gorillaz, "demon days" | Last song you listened to :: | Feel Good inc | Last annoyance :: | hour ago | Last IM :: | 2 minutes ago with a weird annoying foreign kid who i think is stalkin me | Last weird encounter :: | idk | Last person you hugged :: | travis | Last person you yelled at :: | travis | Last time you wore a skirt :: | 2 months ago forr a choir concert | Last time you've been evil :: | idk | Sarcastic? :: | hell yeah | Last time you fought with your parents :: | few days ago | Last time you wished upon a star :: | never | Played Truth or Dare :: | long time ago | Spent quality time alone :: | right now | [x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x] | Are you talking to someone on AIM :: | yep, the annoying foreign kid i mentioned | Do you feel lonely :: | yep | Ever TP'd someone's house :: | nope | How about egging someone's house :: | nope | Do you not like dislike not like me? :: | too many "likes" in that im confused | Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :: | hell no | Yo Momma :: | YO MOMMA!! | Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :: | yep | What do you think of George Bush? :: | i hate the fag | Any secret fetishes? :: | hehe, yep | Do you like to wear chains? O_o :: | yep | How many languages do you speak? :: | 2 | Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :: | hell yea | Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) :: | yes... .:waits to be stalked:. | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Friday, July 15, 2005
PEOPLE!!! I HAVE RETURNED!!! lol, anyhoo, nothin has happened yet today bcuz I just woke up like 5 minutes ago and im bored so yeah..... ^_^ I might post later on today or periodically bcuz today sounds like its gonna be a boring day. so yeah. My AOL account almost got cancelled bcuz my mom did'nt pay the bill. But then she talked with the AOL people and got it all straightened out...YAY! But of course, if I lost AOL I always have Yahoo and MSN to fall back on. And also Internet explorer so....meh. But anyways, I'm really hungry and I have nothin to eat. And it's kind of depressing, lol. You know what I noticed?? What rockstarfairychik said was tru....I DO say and a lot. I never noticed before, lol. Anyhoo, I'd better get going cuz I have to clean today so yeah....
Here's the survey for the day....It's a truth survey where I had to tell the whole truth and nothin but the truth so help me god, lol.
The Truth Can Be Fun | Created by coldspell and taken 2470 times on bzoink! | Quick Basics | Name: | Paige | Age: | 15 | Location: | Up your ass | Down to the good stuff! | What are some of your goals in life? | To go back to bed | Do you actually have a list written out like in A Walk To Remember? | nope | How many have you actually accomplished so far? | none | Which is really more important to you- love or money? | Love | If you have something important to share with a friend, then say it here. | Michelle....youre a bitch and I hate you. Go to hell | What is your biggest fear? | Spiders, drowning, suffocating, or being completely and utterly alone | What is your earliest childhood memory? | being in my aunts van when she ran a red light | Whom do you hate more than anyone? | Britney Spears | Would you kill him/her? | hell yeah | Whom do you love more than anyone? | Travis John Bielefeld | Would you die for him/her? | Hell yeah | Share a secret that very few people know. Come on, it's a truth survey! | Bisexual | How many times have you had sex? | maybe...5 or 6 | With how many people? | only 1 | Would you have sex with a person you didn't love? | no | Have you ever seriously considered getting a sex change? | yeah actually, lol | How many people have you honestly loved? | 2, not including my family and friends | If you had to choose, then would you rather... | not be with your true love, or just live with them and never get married? | just live with them and not get married | be hated and remembered forever, or loved and forgotten? | loved and forgotten | live forever and be blind, or live until 65 with all of your senses intact? | live to 65 | erase your bad memories, or keep them as lessons? | keep them so i dont make the same mistake again | never have sex again, or lose a limb? | never have sex again | watch 96 hours straight of "The Wiggles," or eat a jar of mayonnaise? | the wiggles...definately the wiggles | rob a bank with a hilighter, or go diving in a shark-cage made of sausage? | rob a bank with a highlighter | Dishing more dirt... | How many illegal drugs have you done (including alcoholic beverages)? | ummm...2, beer, and pot | Have you ever purposefully overdosed on prescription meds? | no | Have you ever taken prescription meds that weren't yours? | no | Does your family have a history of alcoholism/drug use? | no | Are you planning to experiment in college, or did you? | i already did my experimenting so im done with that | Have you ever had an eating disorder? | no | Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? | yes | How did you get out of it, if you did? | Well, it was long distance so I told him to never speak to me again and stuff.... | Do you see love like a drug? | yes | What song describes you in this moment? | idk... | Who inspires you to better yourself? | Travis and my mom | Are you an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist, deep down? | all 3 put together. I am each of them at separate times | Do you believe in fate? | Yes, somewhat | If so, then where do you think it's going to take you? | I have no clue | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Bored....Sleepy....still bored....
Hey people. It's 12:07am right now and I'm bored so I thought "why the hell not post on Otaku?" lol Well, I'm gonna post later I know for a fact so if you come here now, check in periodically throughout the day bcuz I WILL post again. lol, and thats when I'll put up my survey of the day. See ya guys later ^_^
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Ok, .:deep breaths:. Ok, yesterday, I broke my toe. and it hurts, like a bitch. T_T Yeah, I was walkin and I stepped up and my foot smashed into the corner of the coffee table. Damned coffee table. I mean who puts a coffee table in a living room?? HONESTLY! but yeah, now its all swollen and black and blue and it looks NASTY!!! blech, lol. So yeah, In the process of 2 days, I managed to almost kill myself, get a HUMONGOUS bump on my head, slash open my foot, get attacked by my cat, Get a huge bump on my leg, and break my toe. .:sighs:. one of these days, I'm gonna wake up Anyhoo, here's the survey of the day.
THE QUESTIONS THAT NO-ONE ASKS, AND SOME THEY DO... | Created by natalieclaire and taken 1407 times on bzoink! | Do you ever lick glass? | | Is your phone on the charger? | yes, all 5 of them | Is your phones battery running low? | probably | What is your name? | Paige | Age? | 15 | Sex? | Female | Do you like to party? | depends on my mood | Is it cold over there? | nope | Where do you live? | Minnesota | Do you smell bad or good? | i think I'm in between rigt now | Have you taken out the garbage? | nope | What is your favourite question? | haha..this one guy said this to me the other day and i loved it...he said... "Do you want to know how to sex with me?" | Would you ever prostitute yourself? | hell no | Have you ever been abused by a loved one? | yep | This includes emotional abuse... | yep | Do you love yyour family? | I love some, but hate some others | Why? | because some are jerks and others arent | Do you have broadband? | Does cable count? if so then yes | Capitals or lower case? | both | Whats the difference between a drug dealer and a prostitute | drug dealer sells drugs, prostitute sells sex | Have you ever fucked a prostitute? | nope and never will...blech | Do you smoke like its going out of fashion? | I used to | Alcohol and drugs? | No alcohol, but some drugs occasionally | Are you thirsty? | yeah actually....lmao | Whats your grandfathers name? | Donald | Whats your best friends name? | Travis | Do you have a penis? | no | would you like one? | when its "that time of the month" lol | Are you a loser? | lmao.....yeah | Why do you take these silly surveys anyway? | because I'm bored as hell | YAY! QUESTION 31! | YAY! .:hops up and down:. .:dances:. .:twirls:. .:twirls into a lamp:. .:falls and breaks her leg:. OUCH KIBIBBLES!!! | Do you use the tab button? | yep like right now as im taking this survery | Do you type fast? | yep | Do you say whatever comes into your head? | most of the time | Do you like the smell of lawn clippings? | yeah | What is you fucking problem? | which one?? I have many | Are you a whingy little teenage fuck? | sometimes | What would you buy with 3 dollars and 50 cents? | I'd give it to the Loch Ness Monster lmao.... .:South Park reference for those of you who LOVE south park like me! :. | Is it legal for you to drink? | nope | Do you ever hold it when you need to urinate? | yep | Whats your stool like? | ewwwwwwww | How are you? | im ok I guess | Why are you hitting me? | because I hate you | Why do I ask stupid questions? | Because youre a retard | Bounty, Mars or Smarties? | wtf is bounties? and smarties all the way biotch! | Have you ever screamed out the wrong name while being fucked? | nope | Whats your eye color? | teal | yes.... | no | describe your feet in three words....... | ugly....icky...sometimes smelly | Are we there yet? | NO NOW SHUT UP!!! DONT MAKE ME TURN THIS CAR AROUND!!! | How many of these surveys have you done anyway? | like....5 | Favourite position( EXCLUDING DOGGIE, so predictable...) | Spread Eagle or missionary | Do you do this "......" all the time? | ................. yep | Are you a bit silly? | a LOT silly | Will you please pour me a drink? | hell no, get ityourself you crazy dutch bastard!!! | Gotta light? | yep hold on a second .:pulls out a lighter and sets the guy on fire:. SO NOW....HOWS THAT LIGHT??? lmao | Where can we get on?......... | hmmm....nowhere cuz you suck monkey! | I dont want to drive too far....... | well....all you have to do is drive yourself home and were good | Tell me about the last time you stayed in a motel... | last summer when I had to work at a place like 4 hours drive away from me | When did you last have sex? | yesterday | Do you like the word "penetration"? | hehehehehehe....funny word....lmao | Nearly done, Whats your ideal poo? | hmm....idk | Whats your msn so I can add you? (just kidding!) | do you seriously want it?? bcuz i dont care either way, im never on | How often do you use the refresh button? | not very often | Will you please go out with me? I am such a desperate loser..... | lmao...yes you are....and hell no! youre a desperate loser! lmao | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
ouch kabibbles!!!!!
Hey people. I just got back from my behind the wheel, and I had to walk like 10 minutes to meet the guy because I have no ride anymore. T_T but meh, w/e. Anyhoo....
I ALMOST DIED YESTERDAY!!!!!!! OMG IM NOT EVEN KIDDING!!!! I was on top of this end table so I could paint this little cieling part in my room right? And I go to step off of the thing, and the table tips over. I fall down and smash my head into the wall and I blacked out for like 3 minutes. My leg got slashed by the corner of the table, so now I have a HUGE bruise on my leg and a HUGE HUGE HUGE GIGANTIC bump on my head and a non-stop horrible migraine. And when I fell I hung up the phone by accident and when travis called me back I think he was crying bcuz he thought I died or something. And then after that, I proceeded to look for my CD that I need and I smashed my foot against this nail and my foor stated bleeding like hell and now that hurts too. Yesterday was NOT a good day... >_<
Anyhoo....Did I tell you guys that my snake is missing?? she got out of her cage like a week and a half ago and shes loose in the house, I hope. I think shes dead so I have been crying about it like everyday bcuz I love ger and stuff and I really hope that we find her bcuz yeah.... T_T's the survey of the day....
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

YAY, 500 hits!!! Thhank you guys for helpin out!!! ^_^
Hey people, since I ran out fo Bush stuff, I have decided to put up a survey a day, so you guys can get to know me a little better. ^_^ And when I get my computer up, then I will also put up a pic of me so ya guys have an image to go with these words ^_^. My survey is below.....
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Monday, July 11, 2005
Hey people.
Hey guys, sorry I didnt post like I said I would. My mom woke me up and I was just too tired to do anything except pee, get my clothes together(done very slowly mind you) and get in the car. lol. Well, what I thought would happen didn't so I have to wait another day, hopefully tomorrow. But anyways. Travis si over right now and he has to leave in a few hours because thats when his whore of a mother is coming to pick him up. God I hate his does he tho so its all cool. lol. I am so tired right now....It's almost 8am and I never wake up this early but Travis made me set my alarm so we could get up early and have some "quality time" lol. Anyhoo.....Well, I'm gonna go now and try to go back to sleep but I'm sure that Travis won't let me, lol. Anyhoo, TTY guys later!
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Friday, July 8, 2005
yo yo yo
Hey everybody! Well, I DID in fact miss my BTW yesterday, and at like 11 my ride called me and shes like "You missed behind the wheel...what happened?" and im like...YOU DIDNT PICK ME UP!! and she was like...oh, i was supposed to? and im like....ugh...but yeah, now i might have to pay $40 for missing it and that sucks ass bcuz i dont have that money, and now i dont have a partner with me during BTW so i have to do it alone...sad but its cool i guess bcuz my instructor is really cool so meh. anyhoo....
My room is almost done and i really cant wait to finish it bcuz then, since we got a new tower and keyboard and monitor and everything, im gonna get the old stuff put in my room and im gonna have a comp in my room and itll be cool bcuz my mom hogs up the internet so YAY! lol. But what sucks is that, since i still dont have my PS2, Im going to download a PS2 emulator, but what sucks is that the tower has to be able to read DVD's in order for you to play games on it but neither of our towers read DVD's so I cant download it so it looks like im never gonna get to play my games. And i bought 6 new games for teh PS2 also, but idc if i dont have a PS2 to play them on, im just happy that i found them bcuz you cant find these games anywhere...what I got are....
.Hack Part 2//Mutation
.Hack Part 3//Outbreak
Jak II
Katamari Domacy
Baldur's Gate 2
so at least i found them eh? lol.
I'm going to go up to my grandparent's place this weekend but i dont really want to go bcuz my cousin Leanna is going to be there and shes SOOOOO annoying and shit. So i asked my mom if travis could come along and shes like NO
me: but mom, why? what do you think hes gonna do...bounce off the walls the whole time and bug them??
mom:yes, thats what he does, hes hyper and eccentric and they are too old to deal with him
me: MOM! he wont do that. he knows the whole situation with them so he wont be annoying towards them. and well probably be down by the lake the whole time fishing, or downstairs playing video games. ill tell him to bring his PS2 so i can play all my new games!
mom: ....::silence::.......
so i think its a no, but im trying to wear her down.... hopefully she gives in bcuz i dont wanna be stuck with leanna the whole weekend as my company...shes anyhoo....I'll post tomorrow morning bcuz i have a very strong feeling that something big for me is gonna happen today about Otaku so ill post about it tomorrow. ^_^
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
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Hey guys, sorry I didnt post at all over the course of like...5 days but Monday I was working, and i stayed at travis's house until last night so yeah.....and today in like 10 minutes I have to leave to go to my behind the wheel, and my friend isnt here to pick me up yet and im worried bcuz i didnt tell her that i needed a ride but she shouda known bcuz its on a thursday and my mom works so i cant get a ride......GOD IM GOING CRAZY !!! i really hope she comes bcuz if you miss a BTW, you have to pay a $50 fine. AND I DONT HAVE $50!!!!! .:worries:. well, id better go and wait for her, AND SHE BETTER COME OR ELSE IM GONNA FREAK!!!!!! Ill post more later after my BTW, if i even go to it......
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