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Cold ass minnesota
Member Since
ummm.....i am currently employed at the offices of Buffalo and High School
Real Name
ok...this is SO BIG!! ew...that sounded wrong. i was on the computer for about 22 hours at once, and i was on the phone for about 29 hours once with my bf^_^
Anime Fan Since
Ummmm...lemme think about that 1.........EVER!!!!!
Favorite Anime hard 2 choose, Inuyasha no wait...Yuyu Hakusho no...wait...Lupin 3rd, Tenchi Muyo...ummm....Fruits Basket?? no wait um....Case Closed...OMG THIS IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION!!!!
To get off my lazy butt one of these days...o yea...and 2 BE EXACTLY LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS!!! ^_^ lmao...NOT...i hate her >_<
sitting, sleeping, watchin the televan, talkin on the phone with my bf, Travis, hanging out with my friends, playing my guitar, reading, writing my poems and songs, and of course...lets not forget...WATCHING ANIME!!! ^_^
Talents SLEEPING a talent??
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Hey people. Well, since I only got TW PEOPLE!!! voting before, I just decided to go with both of their choices and use the background that you now see. I have no clue what the "Peom" ackground didnt work but I think I like this whole setup that I got here so yeah. Anyhoo......
Travis came over last night, or should I say early this morning. He arrived here at like 2am and then he set up his PS2(bcuz I still dont have 1) and then he continued to play .:drumroll:. .:dum dum da DUM:. KATAMARI DOMACY! LOL< ive been wanting that game forever and he has it. And im so jealous, but he says that hes gonna give it to me and I can keep it and stuff so its cool. Hes sleeping right now on my bed which is still in the living room bcuz I have yet to finish my room. I need a new roller brush bcuz the old 1 that I had for the black paint got dried out and left bubbles so, I need a new 1. Me and trav are gonna go pick one up today so...YAY! lol, anyhoo....
It's like 7am right now and I cant believe that i woke up at this hour....considering i was up until like 2:30 or 3am.....only about 3 hours of sleep...and i know im just gonna die today. I'm so happy that i dont have to dont even know lol.
Anyhoo, id better go now and try to get some more sleep. But heres a quick and simple question for ya! ^_^
What do you guys think about my new setup?? The theme and pictures and such. And also, what do you think I could improve??
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Friday, July 1, 2005
I got some bad news people....
Ok, people, I have some news about the background situation....ok, although I absolutely LOVE the first background(the winning backlground) you know, the one with the poem?? Yeah, although i absolutely LOVE it, I cant use it. It's supposed to be showin up there right now but its not, so i cant use it. I tried using another background and that one showed up just fine...I dont know why the hell that other one wont show up but...all i know is that it pisses me off bcuz that one was actually my So, instead, you have to vote on the remaining two...sorry you guys!
Background #1.
Background #2.
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Ok, I'm back people!
Hey everybody! Sorry I havent been here in like days but....There are major problems with my computer again and we had to take in our old tower to get it "de-spywared" bcuz spyware sucks dontcha know. And if you have spyware, I suggest that you get it removed from your computer immediately bcuz it will scre up your comp SOOO bad! And somehow spyware got installed on our comp without my knowledge so...yeah. But anyway, we have this tower that im using right now, and we are keeping it unand using it until our old one is fixed and everything. And this weekend, me, my mom and travis arent going to my aunts cabin, bcuz my mom needs to work at the carnival so yeah. So in stead, Travis is coming over here this weekend and stuff so yeah. Anyhoo, I have a question for you guys about my site....can you guys see the background that you guys voted for?? because I cant and its kinda worrying me so yeah...anyhoo, id better go now, i gots a lot of work to do!!
and ps..if this whole scrolling post thing doesnt work..I'll work on it a little more until I get it
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
another voting
Hey people, I had a whole post planned out and everything, but then I remembered about the "redecorating of the site" lol. And I want you guys to focus on this so I can get this over and done with because I hate changing things around because something always ends up not working so yeah. Anyhoo, I have 3 backgrounds to choose from and i cant really decide, so here are the links and plz help me choose
Background #1.
Background #2.
Background #3.
Vote #1, #2, or #3 please! ^_^
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Monday, June 27, 2005
CAAABLE GUUUUUY!!!! .:laughs:. i love jim carey
Hey everyone! ^_^ Hows yall doing today?? wtf..."hows yall??" omg...smh, ive gone country .:dum dum dum:. lol, anyhoo, we are getting the cable guy out here today hopefully...if the company doesnt gyp us again today. they were supposed to come out 2 different times last week, but they ever did. And i got pissed, so they better come out here today BECAUSE I CANT STAND LIVING WITHOUT MY FLCL, INUYASHA, AND W/E ELSE SHOWS ARE ON ADULT SWIM!!!! And arent there new episodes of inuyasha on now too?? didnt they start like weeks ago?! .:sobs:. ive miised my inu so much, and then when the new episodes start...WE LOSE THE TV!!!! .:cries:. and ill watch one episode and have no freakin clue wtf is going on.....:sniffle:. god this sucks...but at least ill have it right?? anyway, id better go bcuz i have to do the dishes bcuz my mom said that if the dishes werent done, then when te cable guy came, she would just tell him to go away and that she cancelled her appt.....EVIL BIOTCH!!!!! lol
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
UGH!!! so confluzzerated -_-

Hey guys...ok, so it turns out that I DON"T have to work today!! goodness people, make up your minds! lol, well, they weren't that busy at all last night, but tonight they are having a really popular band out there so they might be drawing a crowd so they're not sure if i need to work or not. So, if they need me, my mom will call me, and then proceed to come pick me up. And then I will proceed to work...and GET ME SOme MONEY!!! lol well, Next weekend is the 4th of July weekend, right?? Well, I know the 4th is on a Monday but it's still the 4th weekend, andyhoo, my mother and I are going to go up to my aunt's cabin with my(my aunt) and my cousin, ashley, I think. And I said that the only way I would go is if I could bring Travis....lmao. I didn't think that my aunt would say ok to it but...SHE DID!!!! yayayayayay lol. so now its gonna be me, my mom, travis, my aunt, and my cousin up there, and maybe my aunts bf i think. so yeah, anyhoo.....
I've given the theme thought some consideration, and lookin at some of the comments from yesterday, I'm gonna change up my site a lil bit. So, what do you guys think about a Cowboy Bebop theme??
I was thinking Inuyasha(not that theres anything wrong with Inu...I LOVE INU!!) but everyone has an inuyasha site, so I thought of some of my OTHER favorite animes, and I came up with either COwboy Bebop, Case Closed, or FLCL. So, I made a red, blue, and green card and each card stood for a different anime, and i held them behind my back, and shuffled them, and blue is what I chose...BLUE FOR BEBOP!!! lol, anyhoo, so yeah, I'm gonna be on the prowl for some cool Bebop images and I should be done with the "redecorating" within the next week, I hope.
And, here's a request for you guys, If you have any awesome Cowboy Bebop images, BG's, or pics(images and pics same thing i know) Can you plz imform me? Bcuz then ill have the best of the best and my site will kick major ass. LOL Anyhoo, I'll ttyl!!
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Friday, June 24, 2005
yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyos hit me in the face when i play with them.....lmao

Hey ppl, ummm i completely forgot what i posted about last....but anyhoo, new new news...sounds funny...hehehe. ::ahem:: anyhoo, I found out that i might have to work on Saturday at the carnival, which doesnt scare me right now bcuz its at a different location that needs some help and its cool, so im totally fine with it... I mean, I'd rather not work of course but...I need money so I can buy me a new PS2(bcuz my old 1 broke bcuz my mom's bastard faggot ass ex bf threw mine on the floor while he was in the process of beating up my mom so yeah) And now I need a neq one so i can play Vice City and San Andreas and Katamari Domacy, and so I can keep going with the .Hack series...I only beat the 1st game so far bcuz then the PS2 broke and all hell broke loose, lol. Anyhoo, so I wont be posting or visiting anyone on Saturday or wait...thats tomorrow....ok, I won't be posting or visiting at all TOMORROW!! lol
And I'm thinking of changing my theme...what do you guys think?? I like this theme but...I just want something new...Should I change it? or should I keep this 1?
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
hi every body! hi dr nick!! lmao
Hey guys, I'll visit your guys' sites a little later on in the day gonna post now so yeah^_^
well, i dont have to work...i finally convinced my mom that im not trying to get out of work just so i can sleep....and i wanted to give a HUGE MONSTEROUS thank you to Swtanimechick and Night Shade for answering my questions...oh yeah...and also Demonalchemist for answering another question for me!! thanks guys ^_^
and before I go, you should all go visit my friends site...shes new here and could use some friends...her name is YaoiFanGirl666
and while im at it, another friend of mine...Digital Dudet
they are new and need some ppl...
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, June 22, 2005 might wanna get some popcorn for this post...its kinda long...and i advise you guys to all go to the bathroom b4 reading throw in a

Worried/Stresed out/Depressed
Hey people, sorry I havent been here in awhile but yeah....I just havent been in a chatty mood and a mood for "sharing my feelings" lol. Anyhoo, now im here so ill tell you what has been oging on...I started in my room, i got the red stripes done and the red cieling, and i started on the black walls yesterday, but i cant do mych of that bcuz the smell of the paint is so much stronger than the red that i can only spend about 15 minutes in there every few hours when im painting the black....OHH!! I had TONS and TONS and TONS of food last night..I dont know why but i was really hungry and i wanted very different things...lets see, what did i have..??
Koga's Food List:
1-Mac and Cheese from KFC
2-a snacker from KFC
3-Medium fried from mcDonalds
3-a fruit and walnut salad from McDonalds(not very good...and not worth the price, just an FYI)
4-2 tacos from taco johns
5-Potato oles from Taco johns
5-some of my moms potato oles from taco johns ^_^
6-2 bottles of water to go along with the massive food load
That was my dinner last night, lol...and i had to pay for practicaly all of it...i spent about $13 on that food, lol. ^_^
Anyhoo, nothing else really happened...Oh yeah..this subject gets me real mad and stressed out and makes me cry so yeah..maybe i shouldnt talk about it.......
oh hell ith it ill talk. Well, I have to work on Thursday in the Lemon and usually, I would love to work ya know? But I really REALLY REALLY dont want to work on thursday. The spot they are working at is the Wheels, Wings, and Water Festival, and it gets really REALLY busy that there have to be like 8 people in that tiny little lemon working....i know...more help right? it wouldnt be as stressful, right?? WRONG! I dont work that way...the way i work is that the more people there, the more stressful it gets bcuz I feel like i have the world on my shoulders, and if somebody messes up, its my fault, and i feel like i have to take care of everybody and make sure that they are doing their jobs...that stresses me out completely...and the more people there, the more stressful it is bcuz and WW&W festival, there are 8 pople, and each person only does 1 one person shakes the glasses, 1 person sqeezes the lemons, 1 person cuts the lemons, etc. And my thoughts are./...if i screw up or do something will be my fault for scewing up the whole system....If i mess up, the whole line of people will get backed up and everything will slow down, all bcuz of me. I know, messed up thinking but thats how my mind works...
I told my mom this stuff, and shes like, "no, itll be fun, youll have fun, dont be such a drama queen"
me:"MOM! i dont work like you do,, i get stressed out really easily!"
mom:"OH calm down...youll be fine, itll be fun."
me:"mom, you dont understande how im feelin right now so you really cant have any input but im telling you, if i workl there i will do 1 of 4 things...
1-shoot the customers
2-shoot the workers in the lemon
3-shoot myself
4-have a mental breakdown, cry, and quit the job"
mom:"paige nicole, you are going to work whether you like it or not!"
and then i got home, called travis and cried....she never listens to me...I told her a few months ago that i needed like pills for depression or w/e bcuz i was really depressed and started cutting myself a lot, and her response was, "Youre a teenager, you go through this stuff, youll ve fine" and I told her one time that i needed serious therapy bcuz i was severly depressed and my thinking wasnt right...I was contemplating suicide every day and everyminute i was thinking about dying and how wonderufl it would be to be dead...."Paige, youre a teenager, its just hormones" WHAT THE FUCK?!?! that woman never listens to me...she just blames being a teen and hormones...I told her that i think i had an anxiety disorder and a stress disorder bcuz i would get anxious around ppl for no reason...even people icve known for years, and even in the morning, waiting for the bus to come..i would almost have a panic attack bcuz i was so worried and shit....and the stress disorder thing..well, i already told you about that...but again, she blamed being a teen andblamed hormones....I told all of this to travis last night...and i started crying my eyes out...she just doesnt listen to me at all when it comes to that stuff....I tell her serious things and tell her things that i could need for illnesses and sicknesses but....she just brushes it off....that 4 monthsperiod when i was severely depressed and cutting myself non-stop....I wouldve killed myself, im sure of it...if i hadnt found travis...he comforted like nobody ever did...he made my life fun again and he became my safe house frm all of the shit with my ex bf (the stuff that was making me depressed)....God i love that man...if it wasnt for him i wouldve killed myself months ago, m sure of it...I even had everything all planned out about how i was going to do it...but then i met trav...and he saved me from all that shit....*sigh*
Thanks for listening to this extremely long post and my rambling...sorry to always go off on you guys..i know that you probably dont want to hear about this and dont really care but....thanks for listening to me whenever i ramble like this, lol.
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
this post is for fire apparition
i have to ask her this question here bcuz i cant PM her bcuz i dont know why but anyhoo....
hey umm....i have a question for you...could you plz plz plz plz plzzz do me a huge favor??? my friend wants her site to be FMA themed and i was wondering if you could draw her an Ed and Al pic?? I know that its kinda forward of me to just ask you out of the bvlue but that would be so awesome if you could do that for me, well...for my friend....anyhoo, if you cant do this its totally kool, i wont hate you or anything but i just thought that it would be cool....anyhoo

to everyone:i wont be posting today(except for this) bcuz i have to clean out my room and continue moving all ofthe furniture into the living room...ill be too busy to post anymore so...ill ttyg tomorrow! Toodles!
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