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Cold ass minnesota
Member Since
ummm.....i am currently employed at the offices of Buffalo and High School
Real Name
ok...this is SO BIG!! ew...that sounded wrong. i was on the computer for about 22 hours at once, and i was on the phone for about 29 hours once with my bf^_^
Anime Fan Since
Ummmm...lemme think about that 1.........EVER!!!!!
Favorite Anime hard 2 choose, Inuyasha no wait...Yuyu Hakusho no...wait...Lupin 3rd, Tenchi Muyo...ummm....Fruits Basket?? no wait um....Case Closed...OMG THIS IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION!!!!
To get off my lazy butt one of these days...o yea...and 2 BE EXACTLY LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS!!! ^_^ lmao...NOT...i hate her >_<
sitting, sleeping, watchin the televan, talkin on the phone with my bf, Travis, hanging out with my friends, playing my guitar, reading, writing my poems and songs, and of course...lets not forget...WATCHING ANIME!!! ^_^
Talents SLEEPING a talent??
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
Yo ho and hello
Hey! My avi FINALLY showed up!!! I'm so happy. Yeah so...WHAT THE HELL WAS WITH NO FMA LAST NIGHT?!?!?!?! I mean...the 1st show that they showed on [adult swim] was kinda good but Metropolis? BLECH!!! I WANT MY ED AND AL BACK!!!! >_< Anyhoo...I'm gonna post later as well, so be sure to come back!! toodles
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Behind the Wheel, more stuff about Travis, and more stuff about the fat whore(Travis's mom)
Hey people. I had my 1st BTW today, and I did good. He said that I g2 work on my turning tho...basically my right turns...anyhoo.
Guess what I found out? I found out that Travis might be going to a foster home permanently. I have mixed feelings about this tho. I want him to move because he deserves so much better then where he is now. He's such a great person and I love him so much that I don't want him to have to put up with that crap anymore, but I don't want him to move because he could be moving out of state. That would make me cry for like....years. T_T But we don't know for sure wtf is gonna happen come Monday so...all we can do is wait it out...and waiting sucks ass.
Guess what else I found out? I found out that on the way to the foster home that Travis is staying at for the weekend, his mom was saying shit about me. Calling me a dumb little bitch and saying that I'm an idiot and shit like that. She was doing this for a half hour. ::cough::stupid bitch::cough:: lol. And she wants to talk to my mom to "get the truth" because she says that she never said any of that shit. She says that she never said that she didn't like me and that whatever Travis is saying to me and my mom is a load of crap. She's like, "Something is going on with Trav. I don't know what but, whatever he's been saying to you and your mom, don't believe it. He's just full of shit. Somethings going on with him and I have no clue what it is." I knwo for a fact, tho that she was talkin shit about me...I HEARD IT!!! When I was on the phone with Trav, I heard her talkin smack about me. It's kind of funny actually....grrr >_< anyhoo....
Yeah. anyhoo, now I'm depressed at the thought that I would never see Travis again....I would literally die. Well, I wouldn't DIE die but. I would die on the inside. I'd just become a shell of a person, walking around without a purpose. I'd talk to people, but I wouldn't care what about, I would start failing school. I'd probably have to drop out because I could never make up the cradits. **sigh** I told my mom this and she's like, "it's just a boy. You'll get over it." But she doesn't understand. I love him so much. I'm willing to die for him. I'd kill someone to save him. I'd do anything for him. **sigh** I just love him so much...I'd better go now. I'm becoming even more depressed than I was before. TTY guys later. Bye, sorry I wrote so much. I don't mean to take up your guys' time by having you read all of this but....sorry. I'm sure you don't even care about my problems so again, I'm sorry. Bye
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Friday, May 13, 2005
HOW DARE SHE SAY SHIT ABOUT MY MOTHER!!!! WHORE ASS MUTHA EFFINHEIMING BIOTCH!!!! ok...breathe, koga...breathe....ok...I'm good. Travis's mom is syaing shit about me and my mom. She is saying that my mom is a bad parent and a bad mother and that I'm a bad gf and stuff like that. Why is she saying that shit you ask? Ok, let's start from the beginning.
My mom, Travis and I made a deal, that in order for him to come down this weekend, he would have to pay $10 for gas money and mow our lawn. Not an unreasonable request, right> Well, the money thing, you might find unreasonable, but not when WE have been driving 2 hours total every weekend to pick him up and wasting OUR money to go get him. Andanyway, Travis agreed to this deal bcuz he loves me and he wants to see me. But Jackie( his mom) doesn't like this. She thinks that this is unreasonable BUT...SHE MAKES HIM PAY LIKE $30 TO BRING HIM DOWN HERE WHEN SHE'S DRIVING SO $10 AIN'T A BAD DEAL!!!!! But she's freakin out and saying shit about my mom like she's a bad mother and I'm a bad gf and not a real gf because I'm allowing my mother to FORCE him to do this shit...GOD THAT WOMAN SUX ASS!!(Travis's mom...not my mom) And I really could care less what she says about me because it's not her approval I'm looking for, It's Travis's...but you do not...DO NOT EVER!!!! EVER EVER!!! talk about my mother. She is the strongest person I know and I have put her through so much shit, but she has still stayed strong. She is 1 of the coolest people that I have ever known and she is the 1 of 3 ppl that I care most about in my entire life...and you NEVER speak bad about her. That crosses the line.
Yeah, anyhoo. I told Travis that I will never stay the night at his house again because I wouldn't be able to stand that woman....And I will NEVER set foot in that house again. When we go to pick him up....I'll just wait outside.
Yeah, and he hates it there anyway so....He might be leaving that house and living somewhere else and I hope that he does. Because he doesn't deserve to be where he is. He deserves WAY better than the shit that he's getting.
Anyhoo, thankz for letting me go off on all of you and unload all my frustrations...I better go now. Sorry I wrote so much. Bye
And remember....JACKIE B SUX ASS!!!! lol
P.S.....HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!!! ^_^ May bad luck be with you!! lol, no not really...hope you have good luck! Don't let any pianos fall on your heads!! lol
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Pssbbtt ^o^
Hey guys. I promise that I will visit all of your guys' sites ASAP, but I have just been swamped with HW and other stuff. Well, I'll fill you in on a little tidbit of information...Travis's mom is a big...fat...ugly....WHORE ASS BITCH!!!!! she's being a freakin retard and stuff and it's really pissing me and Travis off....>_< anyhoo, That's basically all that's been!
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
YoYoYo Wassup Wassup? lol
Hey people! Sorry I haven't posted in forvere and haven't been to your guys' sites you can see, my new backgtround is up and I DID get a new avatar but it won't upload because Otaku is being a bitch as usual and it's really starting to piss me off so I might just delete my account all together.....
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Hey, people. Sorry I haven't visited your guys' sites but...I just haven't been on Otaku recently...or online for that matter. Well, the winner of the background is Full Metal Alchemist. The new theme will be up in a few days or so...^_^ anyhoo.
I DROVE YESTERDAY!!!! I ACTUALLY DROVE!!! AND I'M NOT DEAD!!! i almost crashed into a car but....I'M NOT DEAD!!!! YAY!!! lol ^_^ And hopefully, I can convince my mom to let Travis come over this weekend...AND I CAN DRIVE OVER THERE AND BACK AND STUFF!!! I hope...anyhoo....BYE BYE!!!
Visit PimpT (A.K.A. Travis)I MADE HIS SITE!!! AIN'T IT PURTY??? lol
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Monday, May 2, 2005
I'M BACK!!! Travis....sicknesses....backgrounds....the usual....^_~
Hey everybody!! Sorry I didn;t post all last week, but on Friday I went over to Travis's house....I didn't KNOW that I was going over there, w/e. Yeah, but...I went over there and me and him had fun....LOTS of fun ^_~ *wink wink nudge nudge* lol, I'm just playin but...we DID have fun. Anyhoo, today I am home sick because I really don't feel good. My stomach hurts, I feel nauseas, my head feels like it's spinning out of control......anyhoo. Yeah, and my mom is worried because while I was over at TRavis's house, we found out that his mom has Viral Meningitis and that she could die from it spontaneously. It's sad...T_T and the kind of meningitis that she has is I could start having symptoms and eventually get it...possibly. So my mom is worried, and I kinda am too. I don't have all of the sympotoms yet but...I could get them, and I am really hoping that I don't. Anyhoo, I'd better get to bed again....I'm so, anyhoo.
#2-Cowboy Bebop
#3-Full Metal Alchemist
#4-Final Fantasy
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Background information ^_^
Hey people. I'm still sick and it still sucks...Anyhoo. It turns out that I might possibly be going over to Travis's place this weekend and going to his friend's birthday party...MAYBE! This is only true if he can get $20 for gas money so his mom can come pick me up and stuff...yea, so I'm really hoping that he can get some money ^_^ HOPE WITH ME PLEASE!!! Anyhoo, I have narrowed my choices for backgrounds down to
#2-Final Fantasy
#3-Cowboy Bebop
#4-Another awesome Wolf's Rain background
#5-Full Metal Alchemist
#6-Love Hina
#8-Yuyu Hakusho
What do you guys think?? VOTE PLZ!!! Because I seriosuly can't decide...>_<
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
You know what sucks? I am very sick right now...I feel like I'm about to faint, and I have felt like this for a very long time. I seriosuly need to go to the doctor...but guess what? MY MOM WON'T TAKE ME!!! She's saying that I'm fine, that I'm just faking being sick. >_< And tonight I was supposed to go to my cousin's house to watch American Idol, and it was my aunt's turn to bring the food. Well, because I don't feel godd, I stayed home. I asked my mom to please bring home my food (because my aunt made us each separate bowls with our own ingredients) and my mom said that she'd have to ask my aunt. I'm like...why would you have to ask her if it's my food??? And she's like "Paige Nicole. Don't argue with me! I'm not going to bring you home your food so stop arguing!" WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!?!?! SHE WOON'T SUPPLY ME WITH MY FOOD!!!!! I told my friend this, and my friend told me to call child protective services on my mom for not giving me the needed medical attention, and not supplying me with needed food. Well, I'm not going to call chicld services...but im fuckin pissed as all hell, dude. God dammit, getting pissed isn't helping my sick situtaion. When I'm pissed, i stress myself out, so i start to feel really shitty...and being that I'm already sick...I just feel crappier and crappier...god damn I'm even more pissed...anyhoo...I'd better go punch something to get "unpissed" I'll talk to you guys later
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Lots to talk about...hey, have you noticed that my online lingo has gotten far better from where it once was? lol, I actually use capitalizations now...aren't you proud of me?!?!?! ^_^
hey ppl, sry I haven't posted since like...Friday, but I've been kinda..."busy", anyhoo...yea, Travis went home last night...or yesterday afternoon, you should call it, because my mom was being a crack whore and wouldn't let him stay longer....>_< EVIL!!! lol, anyhoo...O YEAH!! I almopst forgot, I got my Buffalo Bison bracelet today. It was only $2 and it goes to help the band kids go on their trip to God knows where...I have no clue...and I had a choice of purple and black...I chose purple because the black looked kinda nasty, but I'm gonna get me a black 1 tomorrow, because I want both and I wanna help out my band buddies, lol ^_^ anyhoo...I have algebra homework to do, but I have no clue what the hell is going on with the's onl 22 questions, which is very good considering that we always get like, 50 problems. Anyhoo, it's usually not hard for me to do at all, but this assignment is because i was kinda not paying attention when he was explaining stuff. I zoned out, and when I looked up at the board, I saw a bunch of numbers and problems, and examples....and I had no clue what they meant...>_< I screwed myself royaly...anyhoo, I'm thinking of changing my background again, because im getting tired of this 1 that I's getting kind of boring. I have some ideas of pix to choose from, but if you guys have any ideas or any certain pix that you would like to see put here as a theme...let me know, and I'll see what I can do for ya ^_^
anyhoo, PEACE
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