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Cold ass minnesota
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ummm.....i am currently employed at the offices of Buffalo and High School
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ok...this is SO BIG!! ew...that sounded wrong. i was on the computer for about 22 hours at once, and i was on the phone for about 29 hours once with my bf^_^
Anime Fan Since
Ummmm...lemme think about that 1.........EVER!!!!!
Favorite Anime hard 2 choose, Inuyasha no wait...Yuyu Hakusho no...wait...Lupin 3rd, Tenchi Muyo...ummm....Fruits Basket?? no wait um....Case Closed...OMG THIS IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION!!!!
To get off my lazy butt one of these days...o yea...and 2 BE EXACTLY LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS!!! ^_^ lmao...NOT...i hate her >_<
sitting, sleeping, watchin the televan, talkin on the phone with my bf, Travis, hanging out with my friends, playing my guitar, reading, writing my poems and songs, and of course...lets not forget...WATCHING ANIME!!! ^_^
Talents SLEEPING a talent??
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Friday, April 22, 2005
6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30
TRAVIS IS COMING OVER TONIGHT!!!!! ^_______^ IM SOOOO HAPPY!!! its been a month since i last saw him, so im really excited...wait...if its been a month since i saw him, and we hung out for every weekend for a month, than that mean that weve been 2gether for about 1.5 months!!! ^_^ yay ^_^ anyhoo. were leavin in 2.5(at 6:30) hours 2 pick him up....^____^ im so happy. ok, on to other news...i have no other news...sad...lmao. O!! im in a knitting class that started on Tuesday and is every Tuesday and Thursday. I'm in the "advanced" knitting portion of the class bcuz ive taken the class b4. so, instead of making a bag and a hat again, the "advanced" knitters are gonna make a scarf (which im working on and of which looks absolutely beautiful) and then make a project of their choosing. im thinking of makin another hat, but a different pattern. but...i wanna make something cooler, but i cant think of any ideas?
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!! TRAVIS IS COMING OVER TOMORROW NIGHT!!!! YAYAYAYAY. but the only bad thing about that is that we have to go see a play on saturday night, and its a musical called "HONK!" and its an ugly duckling story, but with singing frogs and ducks. It's supposed 2 be really funny but...i wont be enjoying it that much bcuz i have to do 2 reports on it. 1 for choir, and 1 for english. and it costs $3 each, and i have to pay for mine and trav's tickets....bcuz if i dont pay for it, he has to pay $5, bcuz hes not a student at my school. anyhoo...its gonna be AWESOME!!! Hes coming over on friday night and hes gonna stay until sunday night. YAY ^_^ lol, anyhoo....ill tty guys later. bye bye ^_^
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
something else i 4got...
hey again ppl...i just remembered something else that happened today at know how its like.... 4-20, right? national pot smoking day? yea...2 kinds got thrown out of school today bcuz they were caught getting high in the bathroom, and when i went to pee at around noon, the bathroom smelled very strongly of pot...>_< anyhoo...OMG now britney spears is on TV...ewww anyhoo...bye bye...READ THE POST BELOW!!! lol
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YAY!! i finished my project, and all i need to do is save it on a floppy disk and bring it in to school tomorrow ^_^ i think it turned out pretty good....but, i really cant be sure wheedling down my mom to let travis come over this weekend...YAY i hope she says yes, anyhoo, if he did come over this weekend, hed have to bring money so he could pay to get into this play thing that i have to go to for extra credit so i dont fail 2 of my that would suck, thats like..2 hours out of "me n him" time...GRR really cold right now...and im watchin VH1 "100 Greatest Teen Idols of All Time" and they just said Hilary Duff, and i personally, dont think that she should be on there....i hate her >_< anyhoo...if u like her, im sry but...i, beter get crackin on going to your guys' sites huh, ^_^ lol, anyhoo, ill tty guys later PEACE!!
o, hey, btw, if u can download this song by weird al, its hilarious it
Cats in the kettle: Weird Al
o and btw again...if you know of any good animes or mangas...plz let me know bcuz im on the hunt for new 1s...anyhoo...TOODLES
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
GAAAAAAAA i have a project for American Experience(a government class) and its due on Thursday!!! i havent even started yet!!! well, i kinda almost done ^_^ but anyhoo, were supposed 2 do a project on what weve been learning the past like....few weeks and about the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments and segregation cases that have been brought 2 court n such...and its really boring...ive chosen to do a PowerPoint Presentation...its actually lookin quite kool, but I CANT IMPUT ANY PICTURES!!! THAT WAS SUPPOSED 2 BE MY LIKE....WHOLE THING!!! damn computer...I HATE THIS THING...its been fudgin up even since that guy came 2 "fix" it...GRRR >_< anyhoo...i have like...3 slides left 2 do and i have no freakin clue what im supposed 2 wirte about...i mean, the topics are "How does this relate to today" and "conclusions" but...i have no clue about what 2 write about better stop typing and get back 2 work on it and figure out wtf im supposed 2 do....anyhoo, tty guys later!! ^_^
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Monday, April 18, 2005
IM BACK FROM OUTER SPACE, i just walked in 2 find u here with that sad look upon your face, i shouldve changed that stupid lock, i shouldve made u leave the key if id have known for just 1 second ud b back 2 bother me go on now go...walk out the door, jus
hey ppl. im kinda back online n comp is still runnin pretty damn slow, but at least i can get onto otaku and all your guys' sites without having 2 wait 5 minutes for the screen 2 load. ^_^ home sick today from school. i can barely talk and it hurts 2 breathe and move at typing this up is really killin me, but i have 2 post so i dont lose all of u guys comin 2 my site ^_^ anyhoo...good god im bored....sitting at home on a school day when i cant talk 2 any1 is really listening 2 led zepplin right now...stairway to heaven...awesome song. next im gonna listen 2 freebird by lynyrd skynyrd. 2 very awesome songs, may i say ^_^ better stop typing b4 i have a heart attack from this heavy, anyhoo, ill ttyl pplz!! bye bye
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Friday, April 15, 2005
hey ppl, sry i havent been posting or going to your sites or commenting.....but my comp has been running really slow lately and it has been fudgin up so....when the comp is up n runnin better i will visit your sites right away, but for now, ill c ya guys later ^_^
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
GRRRRRRR....yet LMAO!!!! ANTM was funny shiite.....
hey ppl...I COULDNT FREAKIN POST ALL FREAKIN DAY!!! comp was bein a biotch and was bein all slow....maybe it was from dl 10 songs at once? lol so bored...and so...GRRRRR cuz i wanna c travis this weekend but i cant >_< evil bastards...>_< anyhoo....i betta go now...hey wait...DO YOU GUYS WATCH AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL?? DID YOU WATCH IT TONIGHT?!?!?! OMG!!! TYRA WAS PISSED!!!! i laughed ^_^ ill go...o and hey, searchin for some more animes so if you know of any good 1s that rnt very popular...plz imform me and ill check them out ^_^ bye bye!
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Monday, April 11, 2005
hey ppl! how y'all been? lol, ive been good i guess. my freakin BTW teacher wont answer his phone so i cant schedule my 1st BTW...GRRRR >_< bored. i have a recipe 4 u guys 2 try...all u need is:
1 large glass
1 full can of mt dew
handful of skittles
1 blow pop(any flavor)
1 large(jumbo) pixie stick
Mix all of these ingredients in a large glass and then drink it. You will be on a sugar high for hours!! ^_^ have fun!!!
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
this be where i work ^_^

this is where i work. kool, no? loland btw, im totally serious. im gonna make n sell lemonade ^_^, hand squuezed lemons put into the best lemonade in the state of MN ^_^ its the easiest job in like...the entire world, but its awesome cuz i get paid almost $10 per hour ^_^, the sucky part? im only gonna b home about 2-3 days each week during the summer -_- but its also kool bcuz i hooked up travis with a job there when we came 2 his town 4 the 4th of july, so hes gonna work with me then ^_^ and my mom is gonna b there with me all summer and thats awesome cuz me n my mom r like...real tight ya know? anyway....bye bye^_^
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