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myOtaku.com: Kogalover05

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

You know what sucks? I am very sick right now...I feel like I'm about to faint, and I have felt like this for a very long time. I seriosuly need to go to the doctor...but guess what? MY MOM WON'T TAKE ME!!! She's saying that I'm fine, that I'm just faking being sick. >_< And tonight I was supposed to go to my cousin's house to watch American Idol, and it was my aunt's turn to bring the food. Well, because I don't feel godd, I stayed home. I asked my mom to please bring home my food (because my aunt made us each separate bowls with our own ingredients) and my mom said that she'd have to ask my aunt. I'm like...why would you have to ask her if it's my food??? And she's like "Paige Nicole. Don't argue with me! I'm not going to bring you home your food so stop arguing!" WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!?!?! SHE WOON'T SUPPLY ME WITH MY FOOD!!!!! I told my friend this, and my friend told me to call child protective services on my mom for not giving me the needed medical attention, and not supplying me with needed food. Well, I'm not going to call chicld services...but im fuckin pissed as all hell, dude. God dammit, getting pissed isn't helping my sick situtaion. When I'm pissed, i stress myself out, so i start to feel really shitty...and being that I'm already sick...I just feel crappier and crappier...god damn it...now I'm even more pissed...anyhoo...I'd better go punch something to get "unpissed" I'll talk to you guys later
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