Birthday 1989-10-05 Gender
Female Location Cold ass minnesota Member Since 2005-01-08 Occupation ummm.....i am currently employed at the offices of Buffalo and High School Real Name well, well, well...WOULDNT YOU LIKE TO KNOW YOU CRAZY STALKER PERVERT FREAK?!?!?!?!?! lmao
Achievements ok...this is SO BIG!! ew...that sounded wrong. i was on the computer for about 22 hours at once, and i was on the phone for about 29 hours once with my bf^_^ Anime Fan Since Ummmm...lemme think about that 1.........EVER!!!!! Favorite Anime hard 2 choose, Inuyasha no wait...Yuyu Hakusho no...wait...Lupin 3rd, Tenchi Muyo...ummm....Fruits Basket?? no wait um....Case Closed...OMG THIS IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION!!!! Goals To get off my lazy butt one of these days...o yea...and 2 BE EXACTLY LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS!!! ^_^ lmao...NOT...i hate her >_< Hobbies sitting, sleeping, watchin the televan, talkin on the phone with my bf, Travis, hanging out with my friends, playing my guitar, reading, writing my poems and songs, and of course...lets not forget...WATCHING ANIME!!! ^_^ Talents SLEEPING a talent?? Kogalover05
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
YAY, 500 hits!!! Thhank you guys for helpin out!!! ^_^
Hey people, since I ran out fo Bush stuff, I have decided to put up a survey a day, so you guys can get to know me a little better. ^_^ And when I get my computer up, then I will also put up a pic of me so ya guys have an image to go with these words ^_^. My survey is below.....