You represent... anger.
Mad at the world, eh? You have a tendency to... freak out easily. Overly emotional about everything, you're most prone to bouts of cruelty and moodiness. Other people may be afraid of the fact that you explode so easily, but at least you're honest... even if you're honest about not liking anything.
I am an ok person I do belive My sanity is about to releive itself from all the pain that worms its way inside of me. Have you ever felt so alone at home lay awak in bed with nightmares waiting for you and all you can do is dread. The scripture says that all is well but i dont beleive in hell.......Because I'm already in hell.
what type of soul do you have? As if you were born into a world of tears, you always tend to look at the darker things in life. Inside you crave attention yet push away society, and you're a hopeless romantic. Drawn to things like the occult and mysteries, you spend your time daydreaming.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
What kind of buety do you have? Your kind of beauty is mysterious. You are not a very open person so you can be hard to figure out. Some people would say ALL girls are this way but your mysteriousness is intriguing and makes people want to find out more about you. Your beauty is like a pair os eyes. So pretty, so deep, and yet they hold so much emotion that you have to look hard to see. You're pretty intoverted so you talk a lot less than some of the people you might know and when you do it's probably very soft and calm. You don't really like the way you look but trust me, you're beauty is special and desirable.(If you can't see tje pics, go to my homepage and look near the bottom and find your result)
what coler eyes do you have? You should have red eyes. You are.. well.. intent on enslaving the human race and dominating the world. You take pleasure in killing people and small animals, especially the cute and cuddly variety. Just.. um.. try to calm down.