Birthday 1991-04-17 Gender
Female Location york, PA Member Since 2004-12-08 Occupation **Angel** Real Name Shelbi
Achievements none really Anime Fan Since forever Favorite Anime Inuyasha, full metal alchemist, hellsing, sailor moon, witch hunter robin,......(the list goes on) Goals too many Hobbies listening to music ^_^ (fav. bands: the rasmus, afi, godsmack, system of a down, linkin park, simple plan, good charlotte, 3 doors down, disturbed ....... i could go on and on) Talents writing, singing, drawing. (although i don't ever show them) kogalover4E
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hey everyone!!
i am back in the hizzouse. lol :) i'm home..FINALLY i never thought i was gonna get outa my dad's house! he is such an asshole. he tried kicking my 17 yr old brother outa the house and he had no where to go. now tell me, would u do that to ur son when u knew for a fact that he had nowhere to go?? anyway, i'm back at my mom's so now i will b on more often. c y'all later. Comments (0) |
Saturday, December 10, 2005
hey ya'll! how is everyone?? i'll be up in NY next week, so i won't be able to post again for a while. sorry. ttfn.
hi again You're a Summer. You're just a ball of energy that is constantly going on and on!! You're kinda like the energizer bunny. lol. But your probably really athletic and even if you're not, you'd be good in sports because of all your energy. You're enthusiastic about everything you do and find it hard not to be happy. You're usually pretty optimistic but can be realistic when needed. You always hope for the best to turn out and many times they do. Sometimes though, you let your temper get the best of you but you apologize as soon as you can because you hate people being angry with you. You're friends love how active you are and you make them feel like they can do anything crazy if they want to. (If you can't see the pics, go to my homepage and look near the bottom and find your result)
hi everyone! i am having a great school year, which is unusual for me. i like all my teachers...(also unusual) but i still miss u guys back home!! it feels empty here without u. hope to see u guys soon. i'll post again tomorrow.
hi everyone! You are a diamond in the rough, like Inuyasha. You once loved a person, only to be betrayed in a fashion. You were an outcast, but gained loyal friends. Stay strong!
hi everyone!!
(collin says) whazzup? i have nothing more to say. ttyl see ya. Comments (0) |
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
hi everyone! now u guys can draw whatever u want on my site. but i do request that we keep it appropriate. (my mom comes to my site) i really wanna come see u guys in friendship over the summer! maybe my dad will drive me over there so i can visit. well gotta go. ttfn Comments (3) |