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myOtaku.com: koganomiko

Saturday, April 2, 2005

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Today is probably gonna end up being like every other day this week...boring. Anyways on tuesday we got our choice sheets from school, to determine what classes we want to take next year. I chose...Pre-AP Chemistry, Pre-AP English II, Pre-AP World History, Geometry, Spanish II, and Webmastering. Hopefully I end up getting the classes I want, but that's something I won't find out til the first day of school when I get my schedule. As you may have heard yesterday was my cousin Rinu's B-Day! The party was really funny, and I got to meet 2 of her friends from school that I haven't seen before. Rinu is supposed to come over today for a little bit, because she has to do something on this game i have. Hmmm I'm also thinking of changing my layout since I'm getting kind of tired of using this one, anyone have any ideas for my next theme? I'm also taking requests for drawings too, since I've been bored easily lately. Well that's all for now, hope everyone has a great day!
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