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myOtaku.com: koganomiko

Monday, June 13, 2005

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11:00P.M., Sunday

Today was interesting besides
being on the computer today I also went shopping for a new
filter for one of the three fish tanks we have in my house. We
also went to the pet shop to get food for my two dogs, and when
we got there, this one radio station that I listen to sometimes
was there giving out stuff. So I ended up getting a T-shirt, a
couple hats and a beach ball. I didn't get a chance to get a
chance to scan in the request drawing because I wasn't really
home for very long today. But while I was home I watched parts
of the movie School of Rock. I'd never seen that movie before,
it was pretty good. I also went to Blockbuster and rented the
Xbox game Sudeki, it's pretty good so far, except that I'm at
the part where they talk a lot, and I've already died twice in
it. Then lastly today me and my parents had to go to my cousin
Rinu's house and cut her grass since she's still out of town. So
while I was at her house I just messed around on the computer
and such.

not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow, other than go to a doctor's
appointment...which will be really boring. I'm not too fond of doctor's
offices since I hate needles and getting shots. Good thing it's just a
check up. Well that's all for now, I hope everyone has an awesome day!
And thanks for reading. I'll try not to be lazy today and visit your
sites, and scan in the drawing.

of the day!

Very very very undependable, and if you let her,
she'd steal you blind in less than a second.
Shes pretty fast, but extremely weak, quiet
possibly, the weakest link.

What FF7 char are you??
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