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myOtaku.com: Kogasgirl4ever

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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kitabug69 (02/24/07)


I saw you came by and signed my GB so I am here to return the favor. That’s really cool that you are from Missouri too. You would make the 5th person I have found that is from here.

I like your site you have done a really good job on it. Well I am not supposed to be typing I have a broken wrist I just wanted to come by and say HI and Thanks. I added you as a friend I hope you do not mind and I hope we can become good friends.

See you around The O.


Princess Roxxi (02/24/07)

lovely bg and avi ^-^ lol kagome rulez ty 2 sihgn my gb and plz comment my site and pm me sooo we can talk ccya later peace out ister...lol ^-^ *hugz* byes byes! pm me ill be on my site...i get on kindas alot sooo...yesh! well cyaz!

gwinggirl100 (02/24/07)

Hi, Emily. My name is Ashia. I'm 18 years old and currently in my senior year of high school. I LOVE gundam wing. You have some very interesting rules. I can't stand one-liners either. I feel like posts are worth reading and nobody should bypass them. I'll be adding you. Take Care! ^_^v


Hikari animeangel (02/24/07)

Konnichiwa! Thxs for signing my gb!! Your site is really awesome! I love your Kagome icon. It looks like me when I eat too much sugar(lol)!
~Hikari A.A~

healer94 (02/24/07)

Thankies for sighing my gb I like your site it's very nice!*add's you as friend*

SilverSun101 (02/24/07)

cool site! thanx for signing my gb. i'll add you as a friend!! seeya!

Kakashi Lover7573 (02/24/07)

hey cool site
i like your bkg its cool
added you as a friend
come by my site when you have the chance


ThisxBlackxHeart (02/24/07)

Thanks for signing my GB! =]
I love your site!
The BG is very cute.
I'm adding you as a friend if it's ok!
Hope to talk to you!

KatieTheKitty (02/24/07)

Hi ^.^ I like your site...and lol I'm pretty much returning the favor...Thanks for signing my gb!

See you around!!!


StareAtTheClouds (02/24/07)

woot! thanks for signing my gb! heehee! XD not sure why I'm so dang happy at 2 AM. Must be all the Pixie Sticks.. WOOTNESS-NESS! sorries. I'm a teensy bit random. (hmph.. just a smidge) your site is so pretty! I likes Inuyasha. I still haven't seen all the episodes (will I ever?? *dramatic music plays* GASP! O_O)

lets see.. about me: hmmm.. I'm a ninja. Congratulations, you're friends with a ninja. Phantom Thief Ninja to be exact. XD (unfortunately, you don't win anything. what you DO win is friendship with a person that could break into Fort Knox blind-folded.
Pedestrian: Can a ninja REALLY do all that?

Yuppers! You bets I can! Okay, so maybe my shuriken aim is a little off, and so what if I hit an innocent bystander? (he recovered!.. eventually >_>;;;) like I said, random. But, the funnest things in life usually are!

Kawaii desu~ ♥ umm.. Me (once again... wOO-. HOORAY!!!!) dang pixie sticks...

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