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myOtaku.com: Kogasgirl4ever

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Kogaz my luver (12/21/06)

Hey thanx for signing my gb! SO here i am signing yours! I love your site by the way.

Pipper (12/21/06)

Hi! My name is Megan.

captin obvious (12/21/06)

hi just signing back like you asked i'm glad that i'm apreaciated then

PrincessKairi (12/21/06)

thanks for sining my gb.i love your site its really cute.if you dont mind im going to add you as a friend.pm me any time you want to talk to me.okies =^-^=


Mika-Seguchi (12/21/06)

I like your site.
Its really cool.
Thanks for the guestbook signing too
Well I guess I shall see you
Have a nice day/night


igneouspiritfeonx (12/20/06)

Hello! ^_^
Thanks for signing ;)

UzumakiKitai (12/20/06)

Hi, thanx for signing my gb
Your background looks awesome!
see you around


LostChild (12/20/06)

Hhiiiiiii!! Thank you for visiting me! I truly appreciate it!
I love your site! I's gorgeous! Great holiday theme. ^^
I'll add you if you don't mind. You can do the same if you'd like.
I'll definitely be seeing you around!
Take care!

VampireHunterX (12/20/06)

really kool site i like the background cuz it as winter in it

Marialuck (12/18/06)

Hi! i love your bg

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