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myOtaku.com: Kogasgirl4ever

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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llamalover (12/06/06)

hey this is llamalover. i really love the site it is so cool. i like your rules very simple.this is really random but you know something i think is really annoying is when people type/write LOL when you know that when they typed/wrote it they were not laughing. i think i will put that on my site. when i write it i am really laughing. anyway your bg is soooooooo coooooooool.love it . well gotto go.

MissGoldenAngel (12/06/06)

Wow, such a beautiful site you have here! :D I love it! I hope we can be good friends, because I'll add you if you don't mind! And of course I'll comment on your site! See you soon! :3


White Wolf82 (12/06/06)

wow i got like 8 gb signings today o_O OH JOY!^^ thanks for dropping by! ima addin u, k? pm me sometime ^___^ chow!

Star Shadow (12/06/06)

Thank you for visiting my site. I really like yours too. I will add you as a friend.
Have you ever wished upon a star?

ShadowPir8 (12/06/06)

Thanks, I actually was about to sign your gb first and suddenly you come to me althou I didn't even leave a trace of me here. Oh the irony. Anyway, I'll add you as a new comrade anyway. So til next time we meet, this is the Sarge relievin' ya. DISMISSED!

KARATE CHICK (12/06/06)

hey thaxs for stopping by i love your site and i hope you come back anytime and you can P.M me whenever you want !!

gtg bye


iwillbemeforever (12/06/06)

hey u signed my gb. so i thought i

should return the favor! lol thanks

for liking my site.....i like yours

2!! definately with the raven mine is

Gin tama......so i think ill add u as

my friend cause u seem really cool!

hunnerthemoaner (12/06/06)

cool site i like it

mr.cookie (12/06/06)

hello awesome site u have!
i guess u have ben here 4 a long time because u have 55 pages.
ok bye!!


FREAKon theRUN93 (12/06/06)

thansk for signing my gb. sorry it took so long to get back to u. i love ur site. byez!


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