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myOtaku.com: Kogasgirl4ever

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Ordinary Girl (10/20/06)

ooo...ur bg is so freaky...have u seen grudge 2? it's hella freaky...yeah thanks for signing my gb and yeah i still wanna kill myself just out of misery but i have no one to make a promise to that i won't kill myself..so we'll see..haha just kidding... anyhow back to ur bg..it really matches halloween since it's coming up just around the corner...okay later then..^^

kingcorrupted (10/20/06)

Hey, thns for signing my gb. I like your site too it is so cool on so many levels. I will add you as a friend okay?

sora kairi 4ever (10/20/06)

thanks 4 signin' my GB

awesome site
u remind me of one of my old friends... even though she was 2 happy to be emo...

~sora kairi 4ever~

Angel Kenshin (10/20/06)

Hey there! You signed one of my friends guestbooks so I decided to stop by and sign yours! Hope you can stop by my site and return the favor! ^_^ See you around!

~Angel Kenshin

dslegends (10/19/06)

Hey thanks for stopping by. The Grudge was a great movie. Just need to see the 2nd one now. ttyl

linkinuzelos (10/19/06)

oh gosh...your bg scares me! that is that freaky kid from the grudge right *shivers* i hate scary movies...lol that one i closed my eyes through most of it
ttfn (ta ta for now)

Ale Behed (10/19/06)

Hiya person, thanks for signing my guestbook, and thinking my background was cool.You're is too, the Grudge thing scared me though...

Você tem atravessou apenas um do GB da perseguição assinado, pouco de que foi feito.

miniwolf tribe (10/19/06)

hey, nic site! thanx for signing my guestbook! addingf you as a friend, see ya!

love, ~miniwolf tribe~

kunoichi21 (10/18/06)

Thanks for signing my gb! People always tell me they like the colors. I didn't really think much about them, they're just my fave colors. I like your site, even though your bg kinda scares the crap out of me...
Please keep stopping by my site and i'll comment on your posts when i can!

Shanfan (10/18/06)

thanks for signing my GB. ^^ I loooooooooooooove your background...so awesome...talk to me sometime...well


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