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myOtaku.com: Kogasgirl4ever

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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CrazyWhiteCracker (05/30/06)

hey thanx 4 signing my gb.kick ass site u gots here.lol.well u seem kewli..well cya around

DarkElementKitty (05/30/06)

Hi! thanks for signing my GB. i like your site as well...sorry if when you went to my site it looked a bit strange i'm in the process of changing the theme and stuff so yeah...the stupid navigation bar won't go away -_-*

inda2 (05/30/06)

Your site is cool! Those are the top 4 animes I love. I love your avater! I'll add you as a friend if that's ok! Bye Bye! ^-^

Gameboy (05/29/06)

I have been to this site before.......... adding you, followed by my thingy:

Snow Angel23 (05/29/06)

u no wat??? ur avatar is my favorite part in that music video!!! lol i love ur site


equivalent (05/27/06)

Hey!thanks for signing my guestbook.I like you site.Cool background.I am adding you as a friend.


Inuyasha 939 (05/27/06)

hello!!!!! it's me Inuyasha 939. I came here to sign your guestbook. I only have 1 thing to say. Inuyasha is MINE not yours MINE!!!!! ^-^

Animelover1392 (05/27/06)

hey cool site thx for signing my gb l8ters :)

crazywhitegirl (05/27/06)

o my heck!! ar u kidding me...i just LOVE ur pic of P!ATD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gah, i only wish that i had something that awesome... hmmmm, well i like your site alot too! im so adding u! feel free to do the same

oturan ikamuzu (05/27/06)

who's the group in the background? they look familiar. anyways, i'm adding you as my friend. talk to you later and take care. bye now. >:D

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