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myOtaku.com: Kogasgirl4ever

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Guestbook Entries:

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Aya Kitsune (05/18/06)

i like you site and i love you avi! panic at the diso! is the best!
i hope to talk to you soon! i will add you as a friend!

NinjaGirlSango (05/18/06)

Thanks so much for stoppin' by and leavin' a message ^^
Nice site ya got here.
I'll add ya as a friend, too, if ya don't mind.


RainOfBlood (05/17/06)

Yoha! Awsome site! Its really cool! And spelling really isn't my thing either. I might not have many spelling errors, but thats only cause I say really small words. Anyway, thanks for signin my gb, and visiting my site! I hope you don't mind me addin you as a friend! SEE YA! ^_^

Y7 (05/17/06)

vente razor swallows

Wolfwod (05/17/06)

But it lasted like only 1 hr. Cause I say this pic of anime dude that my friend liked, and we made fun of him cause he's so short. But "he's" not short. Well adding you as a friend. Later=^-^=
*Kyo-Kyo out*

GhostlyNinja (05/17/06)

Thanks for siging my gb. I'll add you as a friend.
Ninjas Rule!!!

Wolf Dances (05/13/06)

hey srry it took me so long i was busy and didnt get on...i love ur site its relly cool


Shireishou (05/08/06)

Random site here. Wo... U love Kouga that much.. Oh pls... don't kick me because in Inuyasha. I like Kouga too! ^^ But don;t worry, I will not steal it from U. ^^ because I already have Hokuto from B'T X (U must be don;t know about him). ^^

I'm bayu from Indonesia. NIce to meet U

Btw, I created tutorial "How to tone manga" part 1 (8 may 06). if U have any time, pls give my tutorial coment. I really need input. And U will help me to win Indonesian bloger award 2006. Every comment will count. Pls help me. Thx

CelluloidxDreams (05/01/06)

hey thanks for signin my gb and for visitin my site and lookin at my art and all that..im glad you liked it ^.^ n yeh..kageroumaru is pretty bad too (: well ill add you as a friend and see ya around


ketchup alchemist (04/30/06)


Thanks for signing my guestbook! Cool site! It's a good band.

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